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JDBC Interfaces
JDBC interface is a set of API methods for users. This section describes some common interfaces. For other interfaces, see information in JDK1.6 (software package) and JDBC 4.0.
This section describes java.sql.Connection, the interface for connecting to a database.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
close() |
void |
Yes |
commit() |
void |
Yes |
createStatement() |
Statement |
Yes |
getAutoCommit() |
boolean |
Yes |
getClientInfo() |
Properties |
Yes |
getClientInfo(String name) |
String |
Yes |
getTransactionIsolation() |
int |
Yes |
isClosed() |
boolean |
Yes |
isReadOnly() |
boolean |
Yes |
prepareStatement(String sql) |
PreparedStatement |
Yes |
rollback() |
void |
Yes |
setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) |
void |
Yes |
setClientInfo(Properties properties) |
void |
Yes |
setClientInfo(String name,String value) |
void |
Yes |
The interface uses the AutoCommit mode by default, but you can disable it by setting setAutoCommit to false. This will package all subsequent statements in explicit transactions. Note that you will not be able to execute statements that cannot be executed within transactions.
This section describes java.sql.CallableStatement, the stored procedure execution interface.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int type) |
void |
Yes |
wasNull() |
boolean |
Yes |
getString(int parameterIndex) |
String |
Yes |
getBoolean(int parameterIndex) |
boolean |
Yes |
getByte(int parameterIndex) |
byte |
Yes |
getShort(int parameterIndex) |
short |
Yes |
getInt(int parameterIndex) |
int |
Yes |
getLong(int parameterIndex) |
long |
Yes |
getFloat(int parameterIndex) |
float |
Yes |
getDouble(int parameterIndex) |
double |
Yes |
getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex) |
BigDecimal |
Yes |
getBytes(int parameterIndex) |
byte[] |
Yes |
getDate(int parameterIndex) |
Date |
Yes |
getTime(int parameterIndex) |
Time |
Yes |
getTimestamp(int parameterIndex) |
Timestamp |
Yes |
getObject(int parameterIndex) |
Object |
Yes |
- Do not perform batch operations on statements containing OUT parameters.
- The following methods are inherited from java.sql.Statement: close, execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate, getConnection, getResultSet, getUpdateCount, isClosed, setMaxRows, and setFetchSize.
- The following methods are inherited from java.sql.PreparedStatement: addBatch, clearParameters, execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate, getMetaData, setBigDecimal, setBoolean, setByte, setBytes, setDate, setDouble, setFloat, setInt, setLong, setNull, setObject, setString, setTime, and setTimestamp.
This section describes java.sql.DatabaseMetaData, the interface for defining database objects.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types) |
ResultSet |
Yes |
getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) |
ResultSet |
Yes |
getTableTypes() |
ResultSet |
Yes |
getUserName() |
String |
Yes |
isReadOnly() |
boolean |
Yes |
nullsAreSortedHigh() |
boolean |
Yes |
nullsAreSortedLow() |
boolean |
Yes |
nullsAreSortedAtStart() |
boolean |
Yes |
nullsAreSortedAtEnd() |
boolean |
Yes |
getDatabaseProductName() |
String |
Yes |
getDatabaseProductVersion() |
String |
Yes |
getDriverName() |
String |
Yes |
getDriverVersion() |
String |
Yes |
getDriverMajorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
getDriverMinorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
usesLocalFiles() |
boolean |
Yes |
usesLocalFilePerTable() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() |
boolean |
Yes |
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() |
boolean |
Yes |
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() |
boolean |
Yes |
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() |
boolean |
Yes |
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() |
boolean |
Yes |
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsColumnAliasing() |
boolean |
Yes |
nullPlusNonNullIsNull() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsConvert() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsTableCorrelationNames() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsOrderByUnrelated() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsGroupBy() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsGroupByUnrelated() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsLikeEscapeClause() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsMultipleResultSets() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsMultipleTransactions() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsNonNullableColumns() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsCoreSQLGrammar() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsANSI92FullSQL() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsOuterJoins() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsFullOuterJoins() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsLimitedOuterJoins() |
boolean |
Yes |
isCatalogAtStart() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsSavepoints() |
boolean |
Yes |
supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability) |
boolean |
Yes |
getResultSetHoldability() |
int |
Yes |
getDatabaseMajorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
getDatabaseMinorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
getJDBCMajorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
getJDBCMinorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
This section describes java.sql.Driver, the database driver interface.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
acceptsURL(String url) |
boolean |
Yes |
connect(String url, Properties info) |
Connection |
Yes |
jdbcCompliant() |
boolean |
Yes |
getMajorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
getMinorVersion() |
int |
Yes |
This section describes java.sql.PreparedStatement, the interface for preparing statements.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
clearParameters() |
void |
Yes |
execute() |
boolean |
Yes |
executeQuery() |
ResultSet |
Yes |
executeUpdate() |
int |
Yes |
getMetaData() |
ResultSetMetaData |
Yes |
setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x) |
void |
Yes |
setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal x) |
void |
Yes |
setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) |
void |
Yes |
setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte[] x) |
void |
Yes |
setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x) |
void |
Yes |
setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x) |
void |
Yes |
setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x) |
void |
Yes |
setInt(int parameterIndex, int x) |
void |
Yes |
setLong(int parameterIndex, long x) |
void |
Yes |
setNString(int parameterIndex, String value) |
void |
Yes |
setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) |
void |
Yes |
setString(int parameterIndex, String x) |
void |
Yes |
addBatch() |
void |
Yes |
executeBatch() |
int[] |
Yes |
clearBatch() |
void |
Yes |
- addBatch() and execute() can be executed only after clearBatch().
- Calling the executeBatch() method does not clear the batch. Clear batch by explicitly calling clearBatch().
- You do not need to use set*() to reuse the values of bounded variables in a batch after they have been added.
- The following methods are inherited from java.sql.Statement: close, execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate, getConnection, getResultSet, getUpdateCount, isClosed, setMaxRows, and setFetchSize.
This section describes java.sql.ResultSet, the interface for execution result sets.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
findColumn(String columnLabel) |
int |
Yes |
getBigDecimal(int columnIndex) |
BigDecimal |
Yes |
getBigDecimal(String columnLabel) |
BigDecimal |
Yes |
getBoolean(int columnIndex) |
boolean |
Yes |
getBoolean(String columnLabel) |
boolean |
Yes |
getByte(int columnIndex) |
byte |
Yes |
getBytes(int columnIndex) |
byte[] |
Yes |
getByte(String columnLabel) |
byte |
Yes |
getBytes(String columnLabel) |
byte[] |
Yes |
getDate(int columnIndex) |
Date |
Yes |
getDate(String columnLabel) |
Date |
Yes |
getDouble(int columnIndex) |
double |
Yes |
getDouble(String columnLabel) |
double |
Yes |
getFloat(int columnIndex) |
float |
Yes |
getFloat(String columnLabel) |
float |
Yes |
getInt(int columnIndex) |
int |
Yes |
getInt(String columnLabel) |
int |
Yes |
getLong(int columnIndex) |
long |
Yes |
getLong(String columnLabel) |
long |
Yes |
getShort(int columnIndex) |
short |
Yes |
getShort(String columnLabel) |
short |
Yes |
getString(int columnIndex) |
String |
Yes |
getString(String columnLabel) |
String |
Yes |
getTime(int columnIndex) |
Time |
Yes |
getTime(String columnLabel) |
Time |
Yes |
getTimestamp(int columnIndex) |
Timestamp |
Yes |
getTimestamp(String columnLabel) |
Timestamp |
Yes |
isAfterLast() |
boolean |
Yes |
isBeforeFirst() |
boolean |
Yes |
isFirst() |
boolean |
Yes |
next() |
boolean |
Yes |
- A statement cannot have multiple open result sets.
- The cursor used to traverse the result set cannot remain in the open state after being committed.
This section describes java.sql.ResultSetMetaData, which provides details about ResultSet object information.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
getColumnCount() |
int |
Yes |
getColumnName(int column) |
String |
Yes |
getColumnType(int column) |
int |
Yes |
getColumnTypeName(int column) |
String |
Yes |
This section describes java.sql.Statement, the interface for executing SQL statements.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
close() |
void |
Yes |
execute(String sql) |
boolean |
Yes |
executeQuery(String sql) |
ResultSet |
Yes |
executeUpdate(String sql) |
int |
Yes |
getConnection() |
Connection |
Yes |
getResultSet() |
ResultSet |
Yes |
getQueryTimeout() |
int |
Yes |
getUpdateCount() |
int |
Yes |
isClosed() |
boolean |
Yes |
setQueryTimeout(int seconds) |
void |
Yes |
setFetchSize(int rows) |
void |
Yes |
cancel() |
void |
Yes |
setFetchSize can reduce the memory occupied by the result set on the client. Result sets are packaged into cursors and segmented for processing, which will increase the communication traffic between the database and the client, affecting performance.
Database cursors are valid only within their transactions. Therefore, when setting setFetchSize, set setAutoCommit to false and commit transactions on the connection to flush service data to a database.
This section describes javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, the interface for data source connection pools.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
getLoginTimeout() |
int |
Yes |
getLogWriter() |
PrintWriter |
Yes |
getPooledConnection() |
PooledConnection |
Yes |
getPooledConnection(String user,String password) |
PooledConnection |
Yes |
setLoginTimeout(int seconds) |
void |
Yes |
setLogWriter(PrintWriter out) |
void |
Yes |
This section describes javax.sql.DataSource, the interface for data sources.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
getConnection() |
Connection |
Yes |
getConnection(String username,String password) |
Connection |
Yes |
getLoginTimeout() |
int |
Yes |
getLogWriter() |
PrintWriter |
Yes |
setLoginTimeout(int seconds) |
void |
Yes |
setLogWriter(PrintWriter out) |
void |
Yes |
This section describes javax.sql.PooledConnection, the connection interface created by a connection pool.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
addConnectionEventListener (ConnectionEventListener listener) |
void |
Yes |
close() |
void |
Yes |
getConnection() |
Connection |
Yes |
removeConnectionEventListener (ConnectionEventListener listener) |
void |
Yes |
addStatementEventListener (StatementEventListener listener) |
void |
Yes |
removeStatementEventListener (StatementEventListener listener) |
void |
Yes |
This section describes javax.naming.Context, the context interface for connection configuration.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
bind(Name name, Object obj) |
void |
Yes |
bind(String name, Object obj) |
void |
Yes |
lookup(Name name) |
Object |
Yes |
lookup(String name) |
Object |
Yes |
rebind(Name name, Object obj) |
void |
Yes |
rebind(String name, Object obj) |
void |
Yes |
rename(Name oldName, Name newName) |
void |
Yes |
rename(String oldName, String newName) |
void |
Yes |
unbind(Name name) |
void |
Yes |
unbind(String name) |
void |
Yes |
This section describes javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory, the initial context factory interface.
Method |
Return Type |
Support JDBC 4 or Not |
getInitialContext(Hashtable<?,?> environment) |
Context |
Yes |
CopyManager is an API interface class provided by the JDBC driver in GaussDB(DWS). It is used to import data to GaussDB(DWS) in batches.
Inheritance relationship of CopyManager
The CopyManager class is in the org.postgresql.copy package class and inherits the java.lang.Object class. The declaration of the class is as follows:
public class CopyManager extends Object
Construction method
public CopyManager(BaseConnection connection) throws SQLException
Common methods
Returned Value |
Method |
Description |
throws |
CopyIn |
copyIn(String sql) |
- |
SQLException |
long |
copyIn(String sql, InputStream from) |
Uses COPY FROM STDIN to quickly load data to tables in the database from InputStream. |
SQLException,IOException |
long |
copyIn(String sql, InputStream from, int bufferSize) |
Uses COPY FROM STDIN to quickly load data to tables in the database from InputStream. |
SQLException,IOException |
long |
copyIn(String sql, Reader from) |
Uses COPY FROM STDIN to quickly load data to tables in the database from Reader. |
SQLException,IOException |
long |
copyIn(String sql, Reader from, int bufferSize) |
Uses COPY FROM STDIN to quickly load data to tables in the database from Reader. |
SQLException,IOException |
CopyOut |
copyOut(String sql) |
- |
SQLException |
long |
copyOut(String sql, OutputStream to) |
Sends the result set of COPY TO STDOUT from the database to the OutputStream class. |
SQLException,IOException |
long |
copyOut(String sql, Writer to) |
Sends the result set of COPY TO STDOUT from the database to the Writer class. |
SQLException,IOException |
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