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Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ User Guide/ Accessing Manager/ Accessing MRS Manager (MRS 2.x or Earlier)

Accessing MRS Manager (MRS 2.x or Earlier)

Updated on 2024-04-11 GMT+08:00


MRS uses Manager to monitor, configure, and manage clusters. You can go to the Manager management page on the MRS console and use the admin account and password configured during cluster creation to log in to Manager.


The Manager cannot be accessed when the cluster is in any of the following states:

Starting, Stopping, Stopped, Deleting, Deleted, and Frozen.

Accessing Manager Using an EIP

  1. Log in to the MRS management console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Clusters > Active Clusters. Click the target cluster name to access the cluster details page.
  3. Click Access Manager next to MRS Manager. In the displayed dialog box, set Access Mode to EIP. For details about Direct Connect, see Access Through Direct Connect.

    1. If no EIP is bound during MRS cluster creation, select an available EIP from the drop-down list on the right of IEP. If you have bound an EIP when creating a cluster, go to 3.b.
      • If no EIPs are available, click Manage EIP to buy one. Then, select the EIP from the drop-down list.
      • To unbind or release an EIP after using it, log in to the EIPs page, locate the row containing the target EIP, and click Unbind or choose More > Release in the Operation column.
      • If an EIP has been created but cannot be found during binding, the EIP may have been bound to another cluster. In this case, unbind the EIP on the EIPs page and then bind it to the current cluster.
    2. In Security Group, select the security group to which the current cluster belongs. The security group is configured during cluster creation or is automatically created by the cluster.
      • When creating a custom cluster, you can configure a security group created in advance or retain the default value Auto create. When you quickly create a cluster, the security group is automatically created by the cluster.
      • You can view the security group name in Security Group on the Dashboard tab page of the cluster.
    3. Add a security group rule. By default, your public IP address used for accessing port 9022 is filled in the rule. To enable multiple IP address segments to access MRS Manager, see 6 to 9. If you want to view, modify, or delete a security group rule, click Manage Security Group Rule.
      • It is normal that the automatically generated public IP address is different from the local IP address and no action is required.
      • If port 9022 is a Knox port, you need to enable the permission of port 9022 to access Knox for accessing MRS Manager.
    4. Select the checkbox stating that I confirm that xx.xx.xx.xx is a trusted public IP address and MRS Manager can be accessed using this IP address.
      Figure 1 Binding an EIP

  4. Click OK. The MRS Manager login page is displayed.
  5. Enter the default username admin and the password set during cluster creation, and click Log In. The MRS Manager page is displayed.
  6. On the MRS management console, choose Clusters > Active Clusters, and click the target cluster name to access the cluster details page.


    To assign MRS Manager access permissions to other users, follow instructions from 6 to 9 to add the users' public IP addresses to the trusted range.

  7. Click Add Security Group Rule next to EIP.

    Figure 2 Cluster details

  8. On the Add Security Group Rule page, add the IP address segment for users to access the public network and select I confirm that the authorized object is a trusted public IP address range. Do not use Otherwise, security risks may arise. See Figure 3.

    Figure 3 Adding a security group rule

    By default, the IP address used for accessing the public network is filled. You can change the IP address segment as required. To enable multiple IP address segments, repeat steps 6 to 9. If you want to view, modify, or delete a security group rule, click Manage Security Group Rule.

  9. Click OK.

Accessing MRS Manager Using an ECS

  1. On the MRS management console, click Clusters.
  2. On the Active Clusters page, click the name of the specified cluster.

    Record the AZ, VPC, and Security Group of the cluster.

  3. On the ECS management console, create an ECS.

    • The AZ, VPC, and Security Group of the ECS must be the same as those of the cluster to be accessed.
    • Select a Windows public image. For example, select the standard image Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64bit(40GB).
    • For details about other configuration parameters, see Creating an ECS.

    If the security group of the ECS is different from Default Security Group of the MRS cluster, you can modify the configuration using either of the following methods:

    • Change the default security group of the ECS to the security group of the MRS cluster. For details, see Changing a Security Group.
    • Add two security group rules to the security groups of the Master and Core nodes to enable the ECS to access the cluster. Set Protocol to TCP and ports of the two security group rules to 28443 and 20009, respectively. For details, see .

  4. On the VPC management console, apply for an EIP and bind it to the ECS.

    For details, see Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS.

  5. Log in to the ECS.

    The Windows system account, password, EIP, and security group rules are required for logging in to the ECS.

  6. On the Windows remote desktop, use your browser to access Manager.

    For example, you can use Internet Explorer 11 in the Windows 2012 OS.

    The Manager access address is in https://OMS floating IP address:28443/web format. Enter the name and password of the MRS cluster user, for example, user admin.

    • To obtain the floating IP address of OMS, log in to the Master2 node remotely, and run the ifconfig command. In the command output, eth0:wsom indicates the floating IP address of OMS. Record the value of inet. If the floating IP address of OMS cannot be queried on the Master2 node, switch to the Master1 node to query and record the floating IP address. If there is only one Master node, query and record the cluster manager IP address of the Master node.
    • If you access MRS Manager with other MRS cluster usernames, change the password upon your first access. The new password must meet the requirements of the current password complexity policies.
    • By default, a user is locked after inputting an incorrect password five consecutive times. The user is automatically unlocked after 5 minutes.

  7. Log out of FusionInsight Manager. To log out of Manager, move the cursor to in the upper right corner and click Log Out.

Changing an EIP for a Cluster

  1. On the MRS management console, choose Clusters > Active Clusters, and click the target cluster name to access the cluster details page.
  2. View EIPs
  3. Log in to the VPC management console.
  4. Choose Elastic IP and Bandwidth > EIPs.
  5. Search for the EIP bound to the MRS cluster and click Unbind in the Operation column to unbind the EIP from the MRS cluster.

  6. Log in to the MRS management console, choose Clusters > Active Clusters, and click the target cluster name to access the cluster details page.

    EIP on the cluster details page is displayed as Unbound.

  7. Click Access Manager next to MRS Manager. In the displayed dialog box, set Access Mode to EIP.
  8. Select a new EIP from the EIP drop-down list and configure other parameters. For details, see Accessing Manager Using an EIP.

Granting the Permission to Access MRS Manager to Other Users

  1. On the MRS management console, choose Clusters > Active Clusters, and click the target cluster name to access the cluster details page.
  2. Click Add Security Group Rule on the right of EIP, as shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4 Cluster details

  3. On the Add Security Group Rule page, add the IP address segment for users to access the public network and select I confirm that the authorized object is a trusted public IP address range. Do not use Otherwise, security risks may arise. See Figure 5.

    Figure 5 Adding a security group rule

    By default, the IP address used for accessing the public network is filled. You can change the IP address segment as required. To enable multiple IP address segments, repeat steps 1 to 4. If you want to view, modify, or delete a security group rule, click Manage Security Group Rule.

  4. Click OK.




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