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CREATE FOREIGN TABLE (for OBS Import and Export)
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE creates a foreign table in the current database for parallel data import and export of OBS data. The server used is gsmpp_server, which is created by the database by default.
The hybrid data warehouse (standalone) does and later versions support OBS foreign table import and export.
- Only the data in text and CSV formats is supported, and the OBS connection should be configured. ORC, CarbonData and PARQUET data in OBS is not applicable. For details, see CREATE FOREIGN TABLE (SQL on OBS or Hadoop).
- The foreign table can be READ ONLY or WRITE ONLY. The default value is READ ONLY. To import data to the cluster, use READ ONLY for the foreign table. To export data, use WRITE ONLY.
- The foreign table is owned by the user who runs the command.
- The distribution mode of an OBS foreign table does not need to be explicitly specified. The default mode is ROUNDROBIN.
- Only constraints in Informational Constraints take effect for the created foreign table.
- Ensure no Chinese characters are contained in paths used for importing data to or exporting data from OBS.
Data Type |
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CREATE FOREIGN TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] table_name ( { column_name type_name [column_constraint ] | LIKE source_table | table_constraint [, ...]} [, ...] ) SERVER server_name OPTIONS ( { option_name ' value ' } [, ...] ) [ { WRITE ONLY | READ ONLY }] [ WITH error_table_name | LOG INTO error_table_name] [PER NODE REJECT LIMIT 'value'] ; |
- column_constraint is as follows:
1 2 3
- table_constraint is as follows:
1 2 3
Parameter Overview
- Mandatory parameters
- Foreign table data source location parameter
- Temporary security credential parameter (supported by cluster versions 8.2.0 and later)
- Data format parameters
- format
- header (Only the CSV format is supported.)
- delimiter
- quote (Only the CSV format is supported.)
- escape (Only the CSV format is supported.)
- null
- noescaping (Only the TEXT format is supported.)
- encoding
- eol
- bom (Only the CSV format is supported.)
- Error-tolerance parameters
- Performance optimization parameter
Parameter Description
Does not throw an error if a table with the same name exists. A notice is issued in this case.
- table_name
Specifies the name of the foreign table to be created.
Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention.
- column_name
Specifies the name of a column in the foreign table.
Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention.
- type_name
Specifies the data type of the column.
- SERVER server_name
Specifies the server name of the foreign table. For OBS foreign tables used for data import and export, you can use gsmpp_server created by the initial database by default or use a customized server.
- If a custom server is used, the foreign data wrapper should be dist_fdw.
- For clusters of 8.2.0 and later versions, you can specify the following OBS access parameters in the customized dist_fdw server: access_key, secret_access_key, and security_token. If the preceding parameters are specified in the server, you do not need to specify them again in the foreign table.
- OPTIONS ( { option_name ' value ' } [, ...] )
Specifies parameters of foreign table data.
- encrypt
Specifies whether HTTPS is enabled for data transfer. on enables HTTPS and off disables it (in this case, HTTP is used). The default value is off.
- access_key
Indicates the access key (AK, obtained from the user information on the console) used for the OBS access protocol. When you create a foreign table, its AK value is not encrypted and saved to the metadata table of the database. The correctness of the parameter is not verified when a foreign table is created.
- secret_access_key
Indicates the secret access key (SK, obtained from the user information on the console) used for the OBS access protocol. When you create a foreign table, its SK value is encrypted and saved to the metadata table of the database. The correctness of the parameter is not verified when a foreign table is created.
- security_token
Corresponds to the SecurityToken value of the temporary security credential in IAM. A temporary AK, a temporary SK, and a temporary security token form a temporary security credential. This parameter is supported by version 8.2.0 or later clusters.
- This parameter is supported by version 8.2.0 or later clusters.
- When this parameter is used, access_key and secret_access_key correspond to the temporary AK and SK, respectively.
- chunksize
Specifies the cache read by each OBS thread on a DN. Its value range is 8 to 512 in the unit of MB. Its default value is 64.
- location
Specifies the data source location of a foreign table. Currently, only URLs are allowed. Multiple URLs are separated using vertical bars (|).
- The URL of a read-only foreign table (the default permission is read-only) can end with the path prefix or the full path of the target object in the format of obs://Bucket/Prefix. Prefix indicates the prefix of an object path, for example, obs://mybucket/tpch/nation/.
- If the region parameter is explicitly specified in obs://Bucket/Prefix, the value of region will be read. If the region parameter is not specified, the value of defaultRegion will be read.
- The URL of a writable foreign table does not need to contain a file name. You can specify only one data source location for a foreign table. The directory corresponding to the location must be created before you specify the location.
- URLs specified for a read-only foreign table must be different.
- Specify location when inserting data to a foreign table.
- Parameter LOCATION supports prefixes gsobs and obs, which are identified as OBS information. LOCATION should be followed by gsobs, OBS URL, and Bucket, or by obs and Bucket.
When importing and exporting data, you are advised to use the location parameter as follows:
- You are advised to specify a file name for location during data import. If you only specify an OBS bucket or directory, all text files in it will be imported. An error message will be reported if the data format is incorrect. If you set fault tolerance, a large amount of data may be imported to the fault-tolerant table.
- Multiple files in an OBS bucket can be imported at the same time. The matched files are imported based on the file name prefix.
- If you specify a file name, for example, 1.csv, then other files (like 1.csv1 or 1.csv22) starting with 1.csv in the bucket or directory where 1.csv resides will be automatically imported. That is, 1.csv1 and 1.csv22 are automatically imported.
- To specify multiple URLs in OBS mode, separate URLs by using vertical bars (|). In gsobs mode, only one URL can be specified.
- During data export, a directory is generated for location by default. If you specify only a file name, the system automatically creates a directory whose name starts with the file name and then generates the file that stores the exported data. The file name is automatically generated by GaussDB(DWS).
- You can specify one path for location only during data export.
- region
(Optional) specifies the value of regionCode, region information on the cloud.
If the region parameter is explicitly specified, the value of region will be read. If the region parameter is not specified, the value of defaultRegion will be read.
Note the following when setting parameters for importing or exporting OBS foreign tables in TEXT or CSV format:
- The location parameter is mandatory. The prefixes gsobs and obs indicate file locations on OBS. The gsobs prefix should be followed by obs url, bucket, and prefix. The obs prefix should be followed by bucket or prefix.
- The data sources of multiple buckets are separated by vertical bars (|), for example, LOCATION 'obs://bucket1/folder/ | obs://bucket2/'. The database scans all objects in the specified folders.
- format
Specifies the format of the source data file in a foreign table.
Valid value: CSV and TEXT. The default value is TEXT. GaussDB(DWS) only supports CSV and TEXT formats.
- CSV (comma-separated format):
- The CSV file can process linefeeds efficiently, but cannot process certain special characters very well.
- A CSV file is composed of records that are separated as columns by delimiters. Each record shares the same column sequence.
- TEXT (text format):
- Records are separated as columns by linefeed. The TEXT file can process special characters efficiently, but cannot process linefeeds well.
- CSV (comma-separated format):
- header
Specifies whether a file contains a header with the names of each column in the file.
When OBS exports data, this parameter cannot be set to true. Use the default value false, indicating that the first row of the exported data file is not the header.
When data is imported, if header is on, the first row of the data file will be identified as title row and ignored. If header is off, the first row will be identified as a data row.
Valid value: true, on, false, and off. The default value is false or off.
- delimiter
Specifies the column delimiter of data. Use the default delimiter if it is not set. The default delimiter of TEXT is a tab and that of CSV is a comma (,).
- The delimiter of TEXT cannot be \r or \n.
- A delimiter cannot be the same as the null value. The delimiter for the CSV format cannot be same as the quote value.
- The separator of TEXT data cannot contain letters, digits, backslashes (\), and periods (.).
- The data length of a single row should be less than 1 GB. A row that has many columns using long delimiters cannot contain much valid data.
- You are advised to use a multi-character string, such as the combination of the dollar sign ($), caret (^), and ampersand (&), or invisible characters, such as 0x07, 0x08, and 0x1b as the delimiter.
Value range:
The value of delimiter can be a multi-character delimiter whose length is less than or equal to 10 bytes.
- quote
Specifies the quotation mark for the CSV format. The default value is a double quotation mark (").
- The quote value cannot be the same as the delimiter or null value.
- The quote value must be a single-byte character.
- Invisible characters are recommended as quote values, such as 0x07, 0x08, and 0x1b.
- escape
Specifies an escape character for a CSV file. The value must be a single-byte character.
The default value is a double quotation mark ("). If the value is the same as the quote value, it will be replaced with \0.
- null
Specifies how to represent a null value.
- The null value cannot be \r or \n. The maximum length is 100 characters.
- The null value cannot be the same as the delimiter or quote value.
Value range:
- The default value is \N for the TEXT format.
- The default value for the CSV format is an empty string without quotation marks.
- noescaping
Specifies whether to escape the backslash (\) and its following characters in the TEXT format.
noescaping is available only for the TEXT format.
Valid value: true, on, false, and off. The default value is false or off.
- encoding
Specifies the encoding of a data file, that is, the encoding used to parse, check, and generate a data file. Its default value is the default client_encoding value of the current database.
Before you import foreign tables, it is recommended that you set client_encoding to the file encoding format, or a format matching the character set of the file. Otherwise, unnecessary parsing and check errors may occur, leading to import errors, rollback, or even invalid data import. Before exporting foreign tables, you are also advised to specify this parameter, because the export result using the default character set may not be what you expect.
If this parameter is not specified when you create a foreign table, a warning message will be displayed on the client.
- Currently, OBS cannot parse a file using multiple character sets during foreign table import.
- Currently, OBS cannot write a file using multiple character sets during foreign table export.
- fill_missing_fields
Specifies how to handle the problem that the last column of a row in the source file is lost during data import.
Valid value: true, on, false, and off. The default value is false or off.
- If this parameter is set to true or on and the last column of a data row in a source data file is lost, the column will be replaced with NULL and no error message will be generated.
- If this parameter is set to false or off and the last column of a data row in a source data file is lost, the following error information will be displayed:
missing data for column "tt"
- ignore_extra_data
Specifies whether to ignore excessive columns when the number of columns in a source data file exceeds that defined in the foreign table. This parameter is available only for data import.
Valid value: true, on, false, and off. The default value is false or off.
- If this parameter is set to true or on and the number of source data files exceeds the number of foreign table columns, excessive columns will be ignored.
- If this parameter is set to false or off and the number of source data files exceeds the number of foreign table columns, the following error information will be displayed:
extra data after last expected column
If the linefeed at the end of a row is lost and this parameter is set to true, data in the next row will be ignored.
- reject_limit
Specifies the maximum number of data format errors allowed during a data import task. If the number of errors does not reach the maximum number, the data import task can still be executed.
You are advised to replace this syntax with PER NODE REJECT LIMIT 'value'.
Examples of data format errors include the following: a column is lost, an extra column exists, a data type is incorrect, and encoding is incorrect. Once a non-data format error occurs, the whole data import process is stopped.
Value range: an integer and unlimited.
If this parameter is not specified, an error message is returned immediately.
- force_save_err
Indicates whether to save the error information to the error table after the import exits due to an error.
Valid value: true, on, false, and off. The default value is false or off.
This parameter is used together with reject_limit. Once this parameter is enabled:
- If reject_limit is not specified, an error record will be retained in the error table.
- If reject_limit is set to N, N+1 error records will be retained in the error table.
- obs_null_file
Imports and exports empty files between GaussDB(DWS) and OBS.
Valid value: true, on, false, and off. The default value is false or off.
If obs_null_file is set to true or on:
- When an empty table is exported from GaussDB(DWS), an empty file named _SUCCESS is generated, indicating that the export is successful. When a non-empty table is exported, the original table and an empty file named _SUCCESS is generated.
- When a file is imported to GaussDB(DWS), if the file does not exist or the path is incorrect, the following error information is displayed:
No such file or directory: 'XXX'
- This parameter is supported only in 8.2.1 or later.
- If obs_null_file is set to true or on and the export directory contains only the _SUCCESS empty file, the empty table can be exported repeatedly, while if obs_null_file is set to false or off, the empty table cannot be exported repeatedly.
- If obs_null_file is set to true or on and files are imported from multiple buckets, an error is reported for the first path that the file does not exist.
- eol
Specifies the newline character style of the imported or exported data file.
Value range: multi-character newline characters within 10 bytes. Common newline characters include \r (0x0D), \n (0x0A), and \r\n (0x0D0A). Special newline characters include $ and #.
- The eol parameter supports only the TEXT format for data import and export.
- The value of the eol parameter cannot be the same as that of DELIMITER or NULL.
- The value of the eol parameter cannot contain digits, letters, or periods (.).
- date_format
Specifies the DATE format for data import. This syntax is available only for READ ONLY foreign tables.
Value range: a valid DATE value. For details, see Date and Time Processing Functions and Operators.
If ORACLE is specified as the compatible database, the DATE format is TIMESTAMP. For details, see timestamp_format below.
- time_format
Specifies the TIME format for data import. This syntax is available only for READ ONLY foreign tables.
Value range: a valid TIME value. Time zones cannot be used.
- timestamp_format
Specifies the TIMESTAMP format for data import. This syntax is available only for READ ONLY foreign tables.
Value range: any valid TIMESTAMP value. Time zones cannot be used.
- smalldatetime_format
Specifies the SMALLDATETIME format for data import. This syntax is available only for READ ONLY foreign tables.
Value range: a valid SMALLDATETIME value.
- compatible_illegal_chars
Specifies whether to enable fault tolerance on invalid characters during data import. This syntax is available only for READ ONLY foreign tables.
Valid value: true, on, false, and off. The default value is false or off.
- If this parameter is set to true or on, invalid characters are tolerated and imported to the database after conversion.
- If this parameter is set to false or off and an error occurs when there are invalid characters, the import will be interrupted.
On a Windows platform, if OBS reads data files using the TEXT format, 0x1A will be treated as an EOF symbol and a parsing error will occur. It is the implementation constraint of the Windows platform. Since OBS on a Windows platform does not support BINARY read, the data can be read by OBS on a Linux platform.
The rule of error tolerance for invalid characters imported is as follows:
(1) \0 is converted to a space.
(2) Other invalid characters are converted to question marks.
(3) If compatible_illegal_chars is set to true or on, invalid characters are tolerated. If NULL, DELIMITER, QUOTE, and ESCAPE are set to a spaces or question marks, errors like "illegal chars conversion may confuse COPY escape 0x20" will be displayed to prompt users to change parameter values that cause confusion, preventing import errors.
- bom
Indicates whether a CSV file contains the utf8 BOM.
Value range: true, on, false, and off
Default value: false
This parameter is valid only when the foreign table is read-only and uses UTF8 code.
- file_split_threshold
This parameter is used to optimize the performance of importing data in TEXT format. It specifies the lower limit of the logical block size of a file. If this parameter is specified, large files are split based on the actual file and DN status to improve the import concurrency. The purpose is to evenly distribute tasks on each DN. Therefore, this parameter can be used in scenarios where the number of files is less than the number of DNs or the file size is unbalanced.
The value ranges from 0 to 2147483647, in MB. The default value is 0, which indicates that this parameter does not take effect.
- This parameter is supported only in 8.2.0 or later.
- This parameter supports only READ ONLY foreign tables in TEXT format.
- This parameter specifies the lower limit of the logical block size of a file. It does not specify a block size.
For example, if the current file size is 1,024 MB and the number of DNs is 4, If the value of file_split_threshold is less than 256, the file is evenly divided into four blocks, and a 256 MB file import task is allocated to each DN. When file_split_threshold is set to 500, the file is split into 500 MB and 524 MB and allocated to two DNs because the block size cannot be less than 500 MB. This parameter is also applicable to multiple files.
- Unless there are clear requirements for block sizes, you are advised to set this parameter to a small value, for example, 10. Otherwise, the concurrency may be affected.
- encrypt
Specifies whether a foreign table is read-only. This parameter is available only for data import.
Specifies whether a foreign table is write-only. This parameter is available only for data export.
- WITH error_table_name
Specifies the table where data format errors generated during parallel data import are recorded. You can query the error information table after data is imported to obtain error details. This parameter is available only after reject_limit is set.
To be compatible with PostgreSQL open source interfaces, you are advised to replace this syntax with LOG INTO. When this parameter is specified, an error table is automatically created.
Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention.
- LOG INTO error_table_name
Specifies the table where data format errors generated during parallel data import are recorded. You can query the error information table after data is imported to obtain error details.
- This parameter is available only after PER NODE REJECT LIMIT is set.
- When this parameter is specified, an error table is automatically created.
Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention.
Specifies the maximum number of data format errors on each DN during data import. If the number of errors exceeds the specified value on any DN, data import fails, an error is reported, and the system exits data import.
This syntax specifies the error tolerance of a single node.
Examples of data format errors include the following: a column is lost, an extra column exists, a data type is incorrect, and encoding is incorrect. When a non-data format error occurs, the whole data import process stops.
Value range: an unlimited integer. If this parameter is not specified, an error message is returned immediately.
Specifies the constraint to be an informational constraint. This constraint is guaranteed by the user instead of the database.
The default value is ENFORCED. ENFORCED is a reserved parameter and is currently not supported.
- PRIMARY KEY (column_name)
Specifies the informational constraint on column_name.
Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention, and the value of column_name must exist.
Optimizes the query plan using an informational constraint.
Disables the optimization of the query plan using an informational constraint.
// Hard-coded or plaintext AK and SK are risky. For security purposes, encrypt your AK and SK and store them in the configuration file or environment variables.
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DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS OBS_ft; NOTICE: foreign table "obs_ft" does not exist, skipping DROP FOREIGN TABLE CREATE FOREIGN TABLE OBS_ft( a int, b int)SERVER gsmpp_server OPTIONS (location 'obs://gaussdbcheck/obs_ddl/test_case_data/txt_obs_informatonal_test001',format 'text',encoding 'utf8',chunksize '32', encrypt 'on',ACCESS_KEY 'access_key_value_to_be_replaced',SECRET_ACCESS_KEY 'secret_access_key_value_to_be_replaced',delimiter E'\x08') read only; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE DROP TABLE row_tbl; DROP TABLE CREATE TABLE row_tbl( a int, b int); NOTICE: The 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause is not specified. Using 'a' as the distribution column by default. HINT: Please use 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause to specify suitable data distribution column. CREATE TABLE INSERT INTO row_tbl select * from OBS_ft; INSERT 0 3 |
Helpful Links
- delimiter
- A delimiter cannot be \r or \n, or the same as the null value. The delimiter of CSV cannot be same as the quote value.
- The data length of a single row should be less than 1 GB. A row that has many columns using long delimiters cannot contain much valid data.
- You are advised to use a multi-character string, such as the combination of the dollar sign ($), caret (^), and ampersand (&), or invisible characters, such as 0x07, 0x08, and 0x1b as the delimiter.
- quote
- The value must be a single-byte character. The quote value cannot be the same as the delimiter or null value.
- Invisible characters are recommended as quote values, such as 0x07, 0x08, and 0x1b.
- mode Normal
- Supports all file types (including CSV, TEXT, and FIXED). To import data, you need to enable GDS on the data server.
- mode Shared
- Supports the TEXT format. It does not require GDS, but all the user data has to be mounted to the same path of all the nodes through NFS.
- mode Private
- Used in scenarios where user data has been stored under the same path as the local directory of DNs.
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