Updated on 2023-10-31 GMT+08:00

Error Trapping Statements

By default, any error occurring in a PL/SQL function aborts execution of the function, and indeed of the surrounding transaction as well. You can trap errors and restore from them by using a BEGIN block with an EXCEPTION clause. The syntax is an extension of the normal syntax for a BEGIN block:

If no error occurs, this form of block simply executes all the statements, and then control passes to the next statement after END. But if an error occurs within the statements, further processing of the statements is abandoned, and control passes to the EXCEPTION list. The list is searched for the first condition matching the error that occurred. If a match is found, the corresponding handler_statements are executed, and then control passes to the next statement after END. If no match is found, the error propagates out as though the EXCEPTION clause were not there at all:

The error can be caught by an enclosing block with EXCEPTION, or if there is none it aborts processing of the function.

The condition name can be any of those shown in SQL standard error codes. The special condition name OTHERS matches every error type except QUERY_CANCELED.

If a new error occurs within the selected handler_statements, it cannot be caught by this EXCEPTION clause, but is propagated out. A surrounding EXCEPTION clause could catch it.

When an error is caught by an EXCEPTION clause, the local variables of the PL/SQL function remain as they were when the error occurred, but all changes to persistent database state within the block are rolled back.


When control reaches the assignment to y, it will fail with a division_by_zero error. This will be caught by the EXCEPTION clause. The value returned in the RETURN statement will be the incremented value of x.

A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is more expensive to enter and exit than a block without one. Therefore, do not use EXCEPTION without need.

In the following scenario, an exception cannot be caught, and the entire transaction rolls back. The threads of the nodes participating the stored procedure exit abnormally due to node failure and network fault, or the source data is inconsistent with that of the table structure of the target table during the COPY FROM operation.

Example: Exceptions with UPDATE/INSERT

This example uses exception handling to perform either UPDATE or INSERT, as appropriate: