Encrypting and Decrypting GaussDB(DWS) Strings
GaussDB(DWS) supports encryption and decryption of strings using the following functions:
- gs_encrypt(encryptstr, keystr, cryptotype, cryptomode, hashmethod)
Description: Encrypts an encryptstr string using the keystr key based on the encryption algorithm specified by cryptotype and cryptomode and the HMAC algorithm specified by hashmethod, and returns the encrypted string. cryptotype can be aes128, aes192, aes256, or sm4. cryptomode is cbc. hashmethod can be sha256, sha384, sha512, or sm3. Currently, the following types of data can be encrypted: numerals supported in the database; character type; RAW in binary type; and DATE, TIMESTAMP, and SMALLDATETIME in date/time type. The keystr length is related to the encryption algorithm and contains 1 to KeyLen bytes. If cryptotype is aes128 or sm4, KeyLen is 16; if cryptotype is aes192, KeyLen is 24; if cryptotype is aes256, KeyLen is 32.
Return type: text
Length of the return value: at least 4 x [(maclen + 56)/3] bytes and no more than 4 x [(Len + maclen + 56)/3] bytes, where Len indicates the string length (in bytes) before the encryption and maclen indicates the length of the HMAC value. If hashmethod is sha256 or sm3, maclen is 32; if hashmethod is sha384, maclen is 48; if hashmethod is sha512, maclen is 64. That is, if hashmethod is sha256 or sm3, the returned string contains 120 to 4 x [(Len + 88)/3] bytes; if hashmethod is sha384, the returned string contains 140 to 4 x [(Len + 104)/3] bytes; if hashmethod is sha512, the returned string contains 160 to 4 x [(Len + 120)/3] bytes.
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SELECT gs_encrypt('GaussDB(DWS)', '1234', 'aes128', 'cbc', 'sha256'); gs_encrypt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AAAAAAAAAACcFjDcCSbop7D87sOa2nxTFrkE9RJQGK34ypgrOPsFJIqggI8tl+eMDcQYT3po98wPCC7VBfhv7mdBy7IVnzdrp0rdMrD6/zTl8w0v9/s2OA== (1 row)
- A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record this function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.
- Do not use the ge_encrypt and gs_encrypt_aes128 functions for the same data table.
- gs_decrypt(decryptstr, keystr, cryptotype, cryptomode, hashmethod)
Description: Decrypts a decryptstr string using the keystr key based on the encryption algorithm specified by cryptotype and cryptomode and the HMAC algorithm specified by hashmethod, and returns the decrypted string. The keystr used for decryption must be consistent with that used for encryption. keystr cannot be empty.
Return type: text
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SELECT gs_decrypt('AAAAAAAAAACcFjDcCSbop7D87sOa2nxTFrkE9RJQGK34ypgrOPsFJIqggI8tl+eMDcQYT3po98wPCC7VBfhv7mdBy7IVnzdrp0rdMrD6/zTl8w0v9/s2OA==', '1234', 'aes128', 'cbc', 'sha256'); gs_decrypt -------------- GaussDB(DWS) (1 row)
- A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record this function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.
- This function works with the gs_encrypt function, and the two functions must use the same encryption algorithm and HMAC algorithm.
- gs_encrypt_aes128(encryptstr,keystr)
Description: Encrypts encryptstr strings using keystr as the key and returns encrypted strings. The length of keystr ranges from 1 to 16 bytes. Currently, the following types of data can be encrypted: numerals supported in the database; character type; RAW in binary type; and DATE, TIMESTAMP, and SMALLDATETIME in date/time type.
Return type: text
Length of the return value: At least 92 bytes and no more than (4*[Len/3]+68) bytes, where Len indicates the length of the data before encryption (unit: byte).
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SELECT gs_encrypt_aes128('DWS','1234'); gs_encrypt_aes128 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZrCp794vO5I9qJ+jHFf/sQqRyMBy0lKIDGP5S8RJXzgmpXoa/e4EgmK82P5y5xe1bOXbJeoNxyHagK9OhPVVeJDbn/M= (1 row)
- A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record this function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.
- Do not use the ge_encrypt and gs_encrypt_aes128 functions for the same data table.
- gs_decrypt_aes128(decryptstr,keystr)
Description: Decrypts a decryptstr string using the keystr key and returns the decrypted string. The keystr used for decryption must be consistent with that used for encryption. keystr cannot be empty.
Return type: text
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SELECT gs_decrypt_aes128('ZrCp794vO5I9qJ+jHFf/sQqRyMBy0lKIDGP5S8RJXzgmpXoa/e4EgmK82P5y5xe1bOXbJeoNxyHagK9OhPVVeJDbn/M=','1234'); gs_decrypt_aes128 ------------------- DWS (1 row)
- A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record this function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.
- This function works with the gs_encrypt_aes128 function.
- gs_hash(hashstr, hashmethod)
Description: Obtains the digest string of a hashstr string based on the algorithm specified by hashmethod. hashmethod can be sha256, sha384, sha512, or sm3.
Return type: text
Length of the return value: 64 bytes if hashmethod is sha256 or sm3; 96 bytes if hashmethod is sha384; 128 bytes if hashmethod is sha512
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SELECT gs_hash('GaussDB(DWS)', 'sha256'); gs_hash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e59069daa6541ae20af7c747662702c731b26b8abd7a788f4d15611aa0db608efdbb5587ba90789a983f85dd51766609 (1 row)
- md5(string)
Description: Encrypts a string in MD5 mode and returns a value in hexadecimal form.
MD5 is insecure and is not recommended.
Return type: text
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SELECT md5('ABC'); md5 ---------------------------------- 902fbdd2b1df0c4f70b4a5d23525e932 (1 row)
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