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PG_THREAD_WAIT_STATUS allows you to test the block waiting status about the backend thread and auxiliary thread of the current instance.
Name |
Type |
Description |
node_name |
text |
Current node name |
db_name |
text |
Database name |
thread_name |
text |
Thread name |
query_id |
bigint |
Query ID. It is equivalent to debug_query_id. |
tid |
bigint |
Thread ID of the current thread |
lwtid |
integer |
Lightweight thread ID of the current thread |
ptid |
integer |
Parent thread of the streaming thread |
tlevel |
integer |
Level of the streaming thread |
smpid |
integer |
Concurrent thread ID |
wait_status |
text |
Waiting status of the current thread. For details about the waiting status, see Table 2. |
wait_event |
text |
If wait_status is acquire lock, acquire lwlock, or wait io, this column describes the lock, lightweight lock, and I/O information, respectively. If wait_status is not any of the three values, this column is empty. |
The waiting statuses in the wait_status column are as follows:
Value |
Description |
none |
Waiting for no event |
acquire lock |
Waiting for locking until the locking succeeds or times out |
acquire lwlock |
Waiting for a lightweight lock |
wait io |
Waiting for I/O completion |
wait cmd |
Waiting for network communication packet read to complete |
wait pooler get conn |
Waiting for pooler to obtain the connection |
wait pooler abort conn |
Waiting for pooler to terminate the connection |
wait pooler clean conn |
Waiting for pooler to clear connections |
pooler create conn: [nodename], total N |
Waiting for the pooler to set up a connection. The connection is being established with the node specified by nodename, and there are N connections waiting to be set up. |
get conn |
Obtaining the connection to other nodes |
set cmd: [nodename] |
Waiting for running the SET, RESET, TRANSACTION BLOCK LEVEL PARA SET, or SESSION LEVEL PARA SET statement on the connection. The statement is being executed on the node specified by nodename. |
cancel query |
Canceling the SQL statement that is being executed through the connection |
stop query |
Stopping the query that is being executed through the connection |
wait node: [nodename](plevel), total N, [phase] |
Waiting for receiving the data from a connected node. The thread is waiting for the data from the plevel thread of the node specified by nodename. The data of N connections is waiting to be returned. If phase is included, the possible phases are as follows:
wait transaction sync: xid |
Waiting for synchronizing the transaction specified by xid |
wait wal sync |
Waiting for the completion of wal log of synchronization from the specified LSN to the standby instance |
wait data sync |
Waiting for the completion of data page synchronization to the standby instance |
wait data sync queue |
Waiting for putting the data pages that are in the row storage or the CU in the column storage into the synchronization queue |
flush data: [nodename](plevel), [phase] |
Waiting for sending data to the plevel thread of the node specified by nodename. If phase is included, the possible phase is wait quota, indicating that the current communication flow is waiting for the quota value. |
stream get conn: [nodename], total N |
Waiting for connecting to the consumer object of the node specified by nodename when the stream flow is initialized. There are N consumers waiting to be connected. |
wait producer ready: [nodename](plevel), total N |
Waiting for each producer to be ready when the stream flow is initialized. The thread is waiting for the procedure of the plevel thread on the nodename node to be ready. There are N producers waiting to be ready. |
synchronize quit |
Waiting for the threads in the stream thread group to quit when the steam plan ends |
nodegroup destroy |
Waiting for destroying the stream node group when the steam plan ends |
wait active statement |
Waiting for job execution under resource and load control. |
wait global queue |
Waiting for job execution. The job is queuing in the global queue. |
wait respool queue |
Waiting for job execution. The job is queuing in the resource pool. |
wait ccn queue |
Waiting for job execution. The job is queuing on the central coordinator node (CCN). |
gtm connect |
Waiting for connecting to GTM. |
gtm get gxid |
Wait for obtaining xids from GTM. |
gtm get snapshot |
Wait for obtaining transaction snapshots from GTM. |
gtm begin trans |
Waiting for GTM to start a transaction. |
gtm commit trans |
Waiting for GTM to commit a transaction. |
gtm rollback trans |
Waiting for GTM to roll back a transaction. |
gtm create sequence |
Waiting for GTM to create a sequence. |
gtm alter sequence |
Waiting for GTM to modify a sequence. |
gtm get sequence val |
Waiting for obtaining the next value of a sequence from GTM. |
gtm set sequence val |
Waiting for GTM to set a sequence value. |
gtm drop sequence |
Waiting for GTM to delete a sequence. |
gtm rename sequece |
Waiting for GTM to rename a sequence. |
analyze: [relname], [phase] |
The thread is doing ANALYZE to the relname table. If phase is included, the possible phase is autovacuum, indicating that the database automatically enables the AutoVacuum thread to execute ANALYZE. |
vacuum: [relname], [phase] |
The thread is doing VACUUM to the relname table. If phase is included, the possible phase is autovacuum, indicating that the database automatically enables the AutoVacuum thread to execute VACUUM. |
vacuum full: [relname] |
The thread is doing VACUUM FULL to the relname table. |
create index |
An index is being created. |
HashJoin - [ build hash | write file ] |
The HashJoin operator is being executed. In this phase, you need to pay attention to the execution time-consuming.
HashAgg - [ build hash | write file ] |
The HashAgg operator is being executed. In this phase, you need to pay attention to the execution time-consuming.
HashSetop - [build hash | write file ] |
The HashSetop operator is being executed. In this phase, you need to pay attention to the execution time-consuming.
Sort | Sort - write file |
The Sort operator is being executed. write file indicates that the Sort operator is writing data to disks. |
Material | Material - write file |
The Material operator is being executed. write file indicates that the Material operator is writing data to disks. |
wait sync consumer next step |
The consumer (receive end) synchronously waits for the next iteration. |
wait sync producer next step |
The producer (transmit end) synchronously waits for the next iteration. |
wait agent release |
The current agent is being released (supported by 8.1.2 and later versions). |
wait stream task |
The stream thread is waiting for being reused (supported by 8.1.2 and later versions). |
If wait_status is acquire lwlock, acquire lock, or wait io, there is an event performing I/O operations or waiting for obtaining the corresponding lightweight lock or transaction lock.
The following table describes the corresponding wait events when wait_status is acquire lwlock. (If wait_event is extension, the lightweight lock is dynamically allocated and is not monitored.)
wait_event |
Description |
ShmemIndexLock |
Used to protect the primary index table, a hash table, in shared memory |
OidGenLock |
Used to prevent different threads from generating the same OID |
XidGenLock |
Used to prevent two transactions from obtaining the same XID |
ProcArrayLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on the ProcArray shared array |
SInvalReadLock |
Used to prevent concurrent execution with invalid message deletion |
SInvalWriteLock |
Used to prevent concurrent execution with invalid message write and deletion |
WALInsertLock |
Used to prevent concurrent execution with WAL insertion |
WALWriteLock |
Used to prevent concurrent write from a WAL buffer to a disk |
ControlFileLock |
Used to prevent concurrent read/write or concurrent write/write on the pg_control file |
CheckpointLock |
Used to prevent multi-checkpoint concurrent execution |
CLogControlLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on the Clog control data structure |
MultiXactGenLock |
Used to allocate a unique MultiXact ID in serial mode |
MultiXactOffsetControlLock |
Used to prevent concurrent read/write or concurrent write/write on pg_multixact/offset |
MultiXactMemberControlLock |
Used to prevent concurrent read/write or concurrent write/write on pg_multixact/members |
RelCacheInitLock |
Used to add a lock before any operations are performed on the init file when messages are invalid |
CheckpointerCommLock |
Used to send file flush requests to a checkpointer. The request structure needs to be inserted to a request queue in serial mode. |
TwoPhaseStateLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or modification on two-phase information sharing arrays |
TablespaceCreateLock |
Used to check whether a tablespace already exists |
BtreeVacuumLock |
Used to prevent VACUUM from clearing pages that are being used by B-tree indexes |
AutovacuumLock |
Used to access the autovacuum worker array in serial mode |
AutovacuumScheduleLock |
Used to distribute tables requiring VACUUM in serial mode |
SyncScanLock |
Used to determine the start position of a relfilenode during heap scanning |
NodeTableLock |
Used to protect a shared structure that stores CN and DN information |
PoolerLock |
Used to prevent two threads from simultaneously obtaining the same connection from a connection pool |
RelationMappingLock |
Used to wait for the mapping file between system catalogs and storage locations to be updated |
AsyncCtlLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on the sharing notification status |
AsyncQueueLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on the sharing notification queue |
SerializableXactHashLock |
Used to prevent concurrent read/write or concurrent write/write on a sharing structure for serializable transactions |
SerializableFinishedListLock |
Used to prevent concurrent read/write or concurrent write/write on a shared linked list for completed serial transactions |
SerializablePredicateLockListLock |
Used to protect a linked list of serializable transactions that have locks |
OldSerXidLock |
Used to protect a structure that records serializable transactions that have conflicts |
FileStatLock |
Used to protect a data structure that stores statistics file information |
SyncRepLock |
Used to protect Xlog synchronization information during primary-standby replication |
DataSyncRepLock |
Used to protect data page synchronization information during primary-standby replication |
CStoreColspaceCacheLock |
Used to add a lock when CU space is allocated for a column-store table |
CStoreCUCacheSweepLock |
Used to add a lock when CU caches used by a column-store table are cyclically washed out |
MetaCacheSweepLock |
Used to add a lock when metadata is cyclically washed out |
DfsConnectorCacheLock |
Used to protect a global hash table where HDFS connection handles are cached |
dummyServerInfoCacheLock |
Used to protect a global hash table where the information about computing Node Group connections is cached |
ExtensionConnectorLibLock |
Used to add a lock when a specific dynamic library is loaded or uninstalled in ODBC connection initialization scenarios |
SearchServerLibLock |
Used to add a lock on the file read operation when a specific dynamic library is initially loaded in GPU-accelerated scenarios |
DfsUserLoginLock |
Used to protect a global linked table where HDFS user information is stored |
DfsSpaceCacheLock |
Used to ensure that the IDs of files to be imported to an HDFS table increase monotonically |
LsnXlogChkFileLock |
Used to serially update the Xlog flush points for primary and standby servers recorded in a specific structure |
GTMHostInfoLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on GTM host information |
ReplicationSlotAllocationLock |
Used to add a lock when a primary server allocates stream replication slots during primary-standby replication |
ReplicationSlotControlLock |
Used to prevent concurrent update of replication slot status during primary-standby replication |
ResourcePoolHashLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a resource pool table, a hash table |
WorkloadStatHashLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a hash table that contains SQL requests from the CN side |
WorkloadIoStatHashLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a hash table that contains the I/O information of the current DN |
WorkloadCGroupHashLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a hash table that contains Cgroup information |
OBSGetPathLock |
Used to prevent concurrent read/write or concurrent write/write on an OBS path |
WorkloadUserInfoLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a hash table that contains user information about load management |
WorkloadRecordLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a hash table that contains requests received by CNs during adaptive memory management |
WorkloadIOUtilLock |
Used to protect a structure that records iostat and CPU load information |
WorkloadNodeGroupLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a hash table that contains Node Group information in memory |
JobShmemLock |
Used to protect global variables in the shared memory that is periodically read during a scheduled task where MPP is compatible with Oracle |
OBSRuntimeLock |
Used to obtain environment variables, for example, GAUSSHOME. |
LLVMDumpIRLock |
Used to export the assembly language for dynamically generating functions |
LLVMParseIRLock |
Used to compile and parse a finished IR function from the IR file at the start position of a query |
RPNumberLock |
Used by a DN on a computing Node Group to count the number of threads for a task where plans are being executed |
ClusterRPLock |
Used to control concurrent access on cluster load data maintained in a CCN of the cluster |
CriticalCacheBuildLock |
Used to load caches from a shared or local cache initialization file |
WaitCountHashLock |
Used to protect a shared structure in user statement counting scenarios |
BufMappingLock |
Used to protect operations on a table mapped to shared buffer |
LockMgrLock |
It is used to protect a common lock structure. |
PredicateLockMgrLock |
Used to protect a lock structure that has serializable transactions |
OperatorRealTLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a global structure that contains real-time data at the operator level |
OperatorHistLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a global structure that contains historical data at the operator level |
SessionRealTLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a global structure that contains real-time data at the query level |
SessionHistLock |
Used to prevent concurrent access to or concurrent modification on a global structure that contains historical data at the query level |
CacheSlotMappingLock |
Used to protect global CU cache information |
BarrierLock |
Used to ensure that only one thread is creating a barrier at a time |
The following table describes the corresponding wait events when wait_status is wait io.
wait_event |
Description |
BufFileRead |
Reads data from a temporary file to a specified buffer. |
BufFileWrite |
Writes the content of a specified buffer to a temporary file. |
ControlFileRead |
Reads the pg_control file, mainly during database startup, checkpoint execution, and primary/standby verification. |
ControlFileSync |
Flushes the pg_control file to a disk, mainly during database initialization. |
ControlFileSyncUpdate |
Flushes the pg_control file to a disk, mainly during database startup, checkpoint execution, and primary/standby verification. |
ControlFileWrite |
Writes to the pg_control file, mainly during database initialization. |
ControlFileWriteUpdate |
Updates the pg_control file, mainly during database startup, checkpoint execution, and primary/standby verification. |
CopyFileRead |
Reads a file during file copying. |
CopyFileWrite |
Writes a file during file copying. |
DataFileExtend |
Writes a file during file extension. |
DataFileFlush |
Flushes a table data file to a disk. |
DataFileImmediateSync |
Flushes a table data file to a disk immediately. |
DataFilePrefetch |
Reads a table data file asynchronously. |
DataFileRead |
Reads a table data file synchronously. |
DataFileSync |
Flushes table data file modifications to a disk. |
DataFileTruncate |
Truncates a table data file. |
DataFileWrite |
Writes a table data file. |
LockFileAddToDataDirRead |
Reads the postmaster.pid file. |
LockFileAddToDataDirSync |
Flushes the postmaster.pid file to a disk. |
LockFileAddToDataDirWrite |
Writes the PID information into the postmaster.pid file. |
LockFileCreateRead |
Read the LockFile file %s.lock. |
LockFileCreateSync |
Flushes the LockFile file %s.lock to a disk. |
LockFileCreateWRITE |
Writes the PID information into the LockFile file %s.lock. |
RelationMapRead |
Reads the mapping file between system catalogs and storage locations. |
RelationMapSync |
Flushes the mapping file between system catalogs and storage locations to a disk. |
RelationMapWrite |
Writes the mapping file between system catalogs and storage locations. |
ReplicationSlotRead |
Reads a stream replication slot file during a restart. |
ReplicationSlotRestoreSync |
Flushes a stream replication slot file to a disk during a restart. |
ReplicationSlotSync |
Flushes a temporary stream replication slot file to a disk during checkpoint execution. |
ReplicationSlotWrite |
Writes a temporary stream replication slot file during checkpoint execution. |
SLRUFlushSync |
Flushes the pg_clog, pg_subtrans, and pg_multixact files to a disk, mainly during checkpoint execution and database shutdown. |
SLRURead |
Reads the pg_clog, pg_subtrans, and pg_multixact files. |
SLRUSync |
Writes dirty pages into the pg_clog, pg_subtrans, and pg_multixact files, and flushes the files to a disk, mainly during checkpoint execution and database shutdown. |
SLRUWrite |
Writes the pg_clog, pg_subtrans, and pg_multixact files. |
TimelineHistoryRead |
Reads the timeline history file during database startup. |
TimelineHistorySync |
Flushes the timeline history file to a disk during database startup. |
TimelineHistoryWrite |
Writes to the timeline history file during database startup. |
TwophaseFileRead |
Reads the pg_twophase file, mainly during two-phase transaction submission and restoration. |
TwophaseFileSync |
Flushes the pg_twophase file to a disk, mainly during two-phase transaction submission and restoration. |
TwophaseFileWrite |
Writes the pg_twophase file, mainly during two-phase transaction submission and restoration. |
WALBootstrapSync |
Flushes an initialized WAL file to a disk during database initialization. |
WALBootstrapWrite |
Writes an initialized WAL file during database initialization. |
WALCopyRead |
Read operation generated when an existing WAL file is read for replication after archiving and restoration. |
WALCopySync |
Flushes a replicated WAL file to a disk after archiving and restoration. |
WALCopyWrite |
Write operation generated when an existing WAL file is read for replication after archiving and restoration. |
WALInitSync |
Flushes a newly initialized WAL file to a disk during log reclaiming or writing. |
WALInitWrite |
Initializes a newly created WAL file to 0 during log reclaiming or writing. |
WALRead |
Reads data from Xlogs during redo operations on two-phase files. |
WALSyncMethodAssign |
Flushes all open WAL files to a disk. |
WALWrite |
Writes a WAL file. |
The following table describes the corresponding wait events when wait_status is acquire lock.
wait_event |
Description |
relation |
Adds a lock to a table. |
extend |
Adds a lock to a table being scaled out. |
partition |
Adds a lock to a partitioned table. |
partition_seq |
Adds a lock to a partition of a partitioned table. |
page |
Adds a lock to a table page. |
tuple |
Adds a lock to a tuple on a page. |
transactionid |
Adds a lock to a transaction ID. |
virtualxid |
Adds a lock to a virtual transaction ID. |
object |
Adds a lock to an object. |
cstore_freespace |
Adds a lock to idle column-store space. |
userlock |
Adds a lock to a user. |
advisory |
Adds an advisory lock. |
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