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ODBC Interfaces
The ODBC interface is a set of API functions provided to users. This chapter describes its common interfaces. For details on other interfaces, see "ODBC Programmer's Reference" at MSDN (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms714177(v=vs.85).aspx).
In ODBC 3.x, SQLAllocEnv (a function in ODBC 2.x) was deprecated and replaced by SQLAllocHandle. For details, see SQLAllocHandle.
In ODBC 3.x, SQLAllocConnect (a function in ODBC 2.x) was deprecated and replaced by SQLAllocHandle. For details, see SQLAllocHandle.
SQLAllocHandle allocates environment, connection, or statement handles. It replaces the ODBC 2.x functions SQLAllocEnv, SQLAllocConnect, and SQLAllocStmt.
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SQLRETURN SQLAllocHandle(SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE InputHandle, SQLHANDLE *OutputHandlePtr); |
Parameter |
Description |
HandleType |
Handle type allocated by SQLAllocHandle. The value must be one of the following:
The handle application sequence is: SQL_HANDLE_ENV > SQL_HANDLE_DBC > SQL_HANDLE_STMT. The handle applied later depends on the handle applied prior to it. |
InputHandle |
Type of the new handle to be allocated.
OutputHandlePtr |
Output parameter: Pointer to a buffer in which the handle returned for the newly allocated data structure is stored. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLAllocHandle returns SQL_ERROR when it is used to allocate a non-environment handle, it sets OutputHandlePtr to SQL_NULL_HDBC, SQL_NULL_HSTMT, or SQL_NULL_HDESC. The application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to IntputHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
In ODBC 3.x, SQLAllocStmt (a function in ODBC 2.x) was deprecated and replaced by SQLAllocHandle. For details, see SQLAllocHandle.
SQLBindCol is used to associate (bind) columns in a result set to an application data buffer.
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SQLRETURN SQLBindCol(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber, SQLSMALLINT TargetType, SQLPOINTER TargetValuePtr, SQLLEN BufferLength, SQLLEN *StrLen_or_IndPtr); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle. |
ColumnNumber |
Number of the column to be bound. Column numbering begins at 0 and increases in ascending order. Column 0 functions as the bookmark. If no bookmark column is set, column numbering begins at 1 instead. |
TargetType |
The C data type in the buffer. |
TargetValuePtr |
Output parameter: pointer to the buffer bound with the column. The SQLFetch function returns data in the buffer. If TargetValuePtr is null, StrLen_or_IndPtr is a valid value. |
BufferLength |
Length of the buffer to which TargetValuePtr points, in bytes. |
StrLen_or_IndPtr |
Output parameter: pointer to the length or indicator of the buffer. If StrLen_or_IndPtr is null, no length or indicator is used. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLBindCol returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLBindParameter binds a parameter flag in an SQL statement to a buffer.
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SQLRETURN SQLBindParameter(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT ParameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT InputOutputType, SQLSMALLINT ValuetType, SQLSMALLINT ParameterType, SQLULEN ColumnSize, SQLSMALLINT DecimalDigits, SQLPOINTER ParameterValuePtr, SQLLEN BufferLength, SQLLEN *StrLen_or_IndPtr); |
Keyword |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle. |
ParameterNumber |
Parameter marker number, starting at 1 and increasing in an ascending order. |
InputOutputType |
Input and output parameter types. |
ValueType |
C data type of the parameter. |
ParameterType |
SQL data type of the parameter. |
ColumnSize |
Column size or the expression of the corresponding parameter marker. |
DecimalDigits |
Decimal number of the column or the expression of the corresponding parameter marker. |
ParameterValuePtr |
Pointer to the buffer for storing parameter data. |
BufferLength |
Length of the buffer to which the ParameterValuePtr points, in bytes. |
StrLen_or_IndPtr |
Pointer to the length or indicator of the buffer. If StrLen_or_IndPtr is null, no length or indicator is used. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLBindCol returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLColAttribute returns the descriptor information about a column in the result set.
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SQLRETURN SQLColAttribute(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT FieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER CharacterAtrriburePtr, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength, SQLSMALLINT *StringLengthPtr, SQLPOINTER NumericAttributePtr); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle. |
ColumnNumber |
Column number of the field to be queried, starting at 1 and increasing in an ascending order. |
FieldIdentifier |
Field identifier of ColumnNumber in IRD. |
CharacterAttributePtr |
Output parameter: pointer to the buffer that returns FieldIdentifier field value. |
BufferLength |
StringLengthPtr |
Output parameter: pointer to a buffer in which the total number of valid bytes (for string data) is stored in *CharacterAttributePtr. Ignore the value of BufferLength if the data is not a string. |
NumericAttributePtr |
Output parameter: pointer to an integer buffer in which the value of the FieldIdentifier field in the ColumnNumber row of the IRD is returned. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLColAttribute returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLConnect establishes a connection between a driver and a data source. Using the connection handle, you can obtain crucial information like the program's status, transaction processing status, and error messages after establishing a connection to the data source.
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SQLRETURN SQLConnect(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, SQLCHAR *ServerName, SQLSMALLINT NameLength1, SQLCHAR *UserName, SQLSMALLINT NameLength2, SQLCHAR *Authentication, SQLSMALLINT NameLength3); |
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionHandle |
Connection handle, obtained from SQLAllocHandle. |
ServerName |
Name of the data source to connect to. |
NameLength1 |
Length of ServerName. |
UserName |
Database username in the data source. |
NameLength2 |
Length of UserName. |
Authentication |
Password of the database user in the data source. |
NameLength3 |
Length of Authentication. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
- SQL_STILL_EXECUTING indicates that the statement is being executed.
If SQLConnect returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_DBC and ConnectionHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLDisconnect closes the connection associated with the database connection handle.
1 |
SQLRETURN SQLDisconnect(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle); |
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionHandle |
Connection handle, obtained from SQLAllocHandle. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLDisconnect returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_DBC and ConnectionHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLExecDirect executes a prepared SQL statement specified in this parameter. This is the fastest execution method for executing only one SQL statement at a time.
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SQLRETURN SQLExecDirect(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLCHAR *StatementText, SQLINTEGER TextLength); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle, obtained from SQLAllocHandle. |
StatementText |
SQL statement to be executed. One SQL statement can be executed at a time. |
TextLength |
Length of StatementText. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_NEED_DATA indicates that there are not enough parameters provided to execute the SQL statement.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
- SQL_STILL_EXECUTING indicates that the statement is being executed.
- SQL_NO_DATA indicates that no result set is returned for the SQL statement.
If SQLExecDirect returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
When a statement includes a parameter marker, the SQLExecute function executes a prepared SQL statement using the current value of the marker.
1 |
SQLRETURN SQLExecute(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle to be executed. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_NEED_DATA indicates that there are not enough parameters provided to execute the SQL statement.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_NO_DATA indicates that no result set is returned for the SQL statement.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
- SQL_STILL_EXECUTING indicates that the statement is being executed.
If SQLExecute returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLFetch advances the cursor to the next row of the result set and retrieves any bound columns.
1 |
SQLRETURN SQLFetch(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle, obtained from SQLAllocHandle. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_NO_DATA indicates that no result set is returned for the SQL statement.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
- SQL_STILL_EXECUTING indicates that the statement is being executed.
If SQLFetch returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
In ODBC 3.x, SQLFreeStmt (a function in ODBC 2.x) was deprecated and replaced with SQLFreeHandle. For details, see SQLFreeHandle.
In ODBC 3.x, SQLFreeConnect (a function in ODBC 2.x) was deprecated and replaced with SQLFreeHandle. For details, see SQLFreeHandle.
SQLFreeHandle releases resources associated with a specific environment, connection, or statement handle. It replaces the ODBC 2.x functions: SQLFreeEnv, SQLFreeConnect, and SQLFreeStmt.
1 2 |
Parameter |
Description |
HandleType |
Type of handle to be freed by SQLFreeHandle. The value must be one of the following:
If HandleType is not one of these values, SQLFreeHandle returns SQL_INVALID_HANDLE. |
Handle |
Handle to be released. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLFreeHandle returns SQL_ERROR, the handle is still valid.
In ODBC 3.x, SQLFreeEnv (a function in ODBC 2.x) was deprecated and replaced with SQLFreeHandle. For details, see SQLFreeHandle.
SQLPrepare prepares an SQL statement to be executed.
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SQLRETURN SQLPrepare(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLCHAR *StatementText, SQLINTEGER TextLength); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle. |
StatementText |
SQL text string. |
TextLength |
Length of StatementText. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
- SQL_STILL_EXECUTING indicates that the statement is being executed.
If SQLPrepare returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLGetData retrieves data for a single column in the current row of the result set. It can be called multiple times to retrieve data of variable lengths.
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SQLRETURN SQLGetData(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT Col_or_Param_Num, SQLSMALLINT TargetType, SQLPOINTER TargetValuePtr, SQLLEN BufferLength, SQLLEN *StrLen_or_IndPtr); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementHandle |
Statement handle, obtained from SQLAllocHandle. |
Col_or_Param_Num |
Column number of the data to be returned. The columns in the result set are numbered from 1 in ascending order. The number of the bookmark column is 0. |
TargetType |
Type identifier of the C data type in the TargetValuePtr buffer. If TargetType is SQL_ARD_TYPE, the driver uses the data type of the SQL_DESC_CONCISE_TYPE field in ARD. If TargetType is SQL_C_DEFAULT, the driver selects a default data type according to the source SQL data type. |
TargetValuePtr |
Output parameter: pointer to the pointer that points to the buffer where the data is located. |
BufferLength |
Size of the buffer pointed to by TargetValuePtr. |
StrLen_or_IndPtr |
Output parameter: pointer to the buffer where the length or identifier value is returned. |
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_NO_DATA indicates that no result set is returned for the SQL statement.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
- SQL_STILL_EXECUTING indicates that the statement is being executed.
If SQLFetch returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLGetDiagRec returns the current values of multiple fields of a diagnostic record that contains error, warning, and status information.
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Parameter |
Description |
HandleType |
Handle type identifier that describes the handle type required for diagnosis. The value must be one of the following:
Handle |
Handle of the diagnosis data structure. Its type is indicated by HandleType. If HandleType is SQL_HANDLE_ENV, Handle may be shared or non-shared environment handle. |
RecNumber |
Status record from which the application seeks information. Status records are numbered from 1. |
SQLState |
Output parameter: pointer to a buffer that saves the 5-character SQLSTATE code pertaining to RecNumber. |
NativeErrorPtr |
Output parameter: pointer to a buffer that saves the native error code. |
MessageText |
Pointer to a buffer that saves text strings of diagnostic information. |
BufferLength |
Length of MessageText. |
TextLengthPtr |
Output parameter: pointer to the buffer, the total number of bytes in the returned MessageText. If the number of bytes available to return is greater than BufferLength, then the diagnostics information text in MessageText is truncated to BufferLength minus the length of the null termination character. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
SQLGetDiagRec does not release diagnostic records for itself. It uses the following returned values to report execution results:
- SQL_SUCCESS: The function successfully returns diagnostic information.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: The *MessageText buffer is too small to hold the requested diagnostic message and no diagnostic records are generated.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle specified by HandType and Handle is invalid.
- SQL_ERROR: RecNumber is smaller than or equal to zero, or BufferLength is smaller than zero.
If an ODBC function returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec and obtain the SQLSTATE value. The possible SQLSTATE values are listed as follows:
Error |
Description |
HY000 |
General error |
An error occurred for which there is no specific SQLSTATE. |
HY001 |
Memory allocation error |
The driver is unable to allocate memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
HY008 |
Operation canceled |
SQLCancel is called to terminate the statement execution, but the StatementHandle function is still called. |
HY010 |
Function sequence error |
The function is called prior to sending data to data parameters or columns being executed. |
HY013 |
Memory management error |
The function fails to be called. The error may be caused by low memory conditions. |
HYT01 |
Connection timeout |
The connection times out before the data source responds to the request. |
IM001 |
Function not supported by the driver |
A function that is not supported by the StatementHandle driver is called. |
SQLSetConnectAttr sets connection attributes.
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SQLRETURN SQLSetConnectAttr(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementtHandle |
Connection handle. |
Attribute |
Attribute to set. |
ValuePtr |
Pointer to the value of Attribute. ValuePtr depends on the value of Attribute and can be a 32-bit unsigned integer value or a null-terminated string. If ValuePtr parameter is driver-specific value, it may be signed integer. |
StringLength |
If ValuePtr points to a string or a binary buffer, this parameter should be the length of *ValuePtr. If ValuePtr points to an integer, StringLength is ignored. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLSetConnectAttr returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_DBC and ConnectionHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLSetEnvAttr sets environment attributes.
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SQLRETURN SQLSetEnvAttr(SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength); |
Parameter |
Description |
EnvironmentHandle |
Environment handle. |
Attribute |
Environment attribute to be set. Its value must be one of the following:
ValuePtr |
Pointer to the value of Attribute. ValuePtr depends on the value of Attribute and can be a 32-bit integer value or a null-terminated string. |
StringLength |
If ValuePtr points to a string or a binary buffer, this parameter should be the length of *ValuePtr. If ValuePtr points to an integer, StringLength is ignored. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLSetEnvAttr returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_ENV and EnvironmentHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
SQLSetStmtAttr sets attributes related to a statement.
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SQLRETURN SQLSetStmtAttr(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength); |
Parameter |
Description |
StatementtHandle |
Statement handle. |
Attribute |
Attribute to set. |
ValuePtr |
Pointer to the value of Attribute. ValuePtr depends on the value of Attribute and can be a 32-bit unsigned integer value or a pointer to a null-terminated string, a binary buffer, and a driver-specified value. If ValuePtr parameter is driver-specific value, it may be signed integer. |
StringLength |
If ValuePtr points to a string or a binary buffer, this parameter should be the length of *ValuePtr. If ValuePtr points to an integer, StringLength is ignored. |
Return values
- SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call is successful.
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates warning information.
- SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection setup failures.
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the values returned by the API you have used.
If SQLSetStmtAttr returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, set HandleType and Handle to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, and obtain the SQLSTATE value. This value can be used to get more information about the function call.
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