- =
返回值:true or false,bool类型
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2); gaussdb-# b nest := nest(1,2); gaussdb-# flag bool; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# flag := a = b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', flag; gaussdbs$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: t ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- <>
返回值:true or false,bool类型
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2); gaussdb-# b nest := nest(1,2); gaussdb-# flag bool; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# flag := a <> b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', flag; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: f ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2); gaussdb-# b nest := nest(2,3); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# a := a MULTISET UNION ALL b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1,2,2,3} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2); gaussdb-# b nest := nest(2,3); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# a := a MULTISET UNION DISTINCT b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1,2,3} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
功能描述:两个集合变量的差集。如A MULTISET EXCEPT B:ALL表示去除A中与B重复的元素;DISTINCT表示先对A进行去重操作,然后去除与B中有重复的元素。
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2,2); gaussdbs-# b nest := nest(2,3); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# a := a MULTISET EXCEPT ALL b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1,2} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2,2); gaussdb-# b nest := nest(2,3); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# a := a MULTISET EXCEPT DISTINCT b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
功能描述:两个集合变量的交集。如 A MULTISET INTERSECT B:ALL表是取A与B所有重复的元素;DISTINCT表示取A与B中重复元素,且去除重复元素。
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2,2); gaussdbs-# b nest := nest(2,2,3); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# a := a MULTISET INTERSECT ALL b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {2,2} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2,2); gaussdb-# b nest := nest(2,2,3); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# a := a MULTISET INTERSECT DISTINCT b; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {2} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- exists(idx)
返回值:true or false,bool类型
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of varchar2; gaussdb-# a nest := nest('happy','?'); gaussdb-# flag bool; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# flag := a.exists(1); gaussdb$# raise info '%', flag; gaussdb$# flag := a.exists(10); gaussdb$# raise info '%', flag; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: t INFO: f ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of varchar2 index by varchar2; gaussdb-# a nest; gaussdb-# flag bool; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# a('1') := 'Be'; gaussdb$# a('2') := 'happy'; gaussdb$# a('3') := '.'; gaussdb$# flag := a.exists('1'); gaussdb$# raise info '%', flag; gaussdb$# flag := a.exists('ddd'); gaussdb$# raise info '%', flag; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: t INFO: f ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- extend[(count[, idx])]
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# a.extend; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1} INFO: {1,NULL} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# a.extend(2); gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1} INFO: {1,NULL,NULL} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# a.extend(2,1); gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1} INFO: {1,1,1} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- delete[(idx1[, idx2])]
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2,3,4,5); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# a.delete; gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1,2,3,4,5} INFO: {} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2,3,4,5); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# a.delete(3); gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1,2,3,4,5} INFO: {1,2,4,5} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# a nest := nest(1,2,3,4,5); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# a.delete(2,4); gaussdb$# raise info '%', a; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: {1,2,3,4,5} INFO: {1,5} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- trim[(n)]
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# aa nest:=nest(11,22,33,44,55); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info 'aa:%' ,aa; gaussdb$# aa.trim; gaussdb$# raise info 'aa:%' ,aa; gaussdb$# aa.trim(2); gaussdb$# raise info 'aa:%' ,aa; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: aa:{11,22,33,44,55} INFO: aa:{11,22,33,44} INFO: aa:{11,22} ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- count
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# aa nest:=nest(11,22,33,44,55); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info 'count:%' ,aa.count; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: count:5 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int index by varchar; gaussdb-# aa nest; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# aa('aaa') := 111; gaussdb$# aa('bbb') := 222; gaussdb$# aa('ccc') := 333; gaussdb$# raise info 'count:%' ,aa.count; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: count:3 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- first
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# aa nest:=nest(11,22,33,44,55); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info 'first:%' ,aa.first; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: first:1 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int index by varchar; gaussdb-# aa nest; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# aa('aaa') := 111; gaussdb$# aa('bbb') := 222; gaussdb$# aa('ccc') := 333; gaussdb$# raise info 'first:%' ,aa.first; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: first:aaa ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- last
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# aa nest:=nest(11,22,33,44,55); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info 'last:%' ,aa.last; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: last:5 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int index by varchar; gaussdb-# aa nest; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# aa('aaa') := 111; gaussdb$# aa('bbb') := 222; gaussdb$# aa('ccc') := 333; gaussdb$# raise info 'last:%' ,aa.last; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: last:ccc ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- prior(idx)
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# aa nest:=nest(11,22,33,44,55); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info 'prior:%' ,aa.prior(3); gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: prior:2 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int index by varchar; gaussdb-# aa nest; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# aa('aaa') := 111; gaussdb$# aa('bbb') := 222; gaussdb$# aa('ccc') := 333; gaussdb$# raise info 'prior:%' ,aa.prior('bbb'); gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: prior:aaa ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- next(idx)
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# aa nest:=nest(11,22,33,44,55); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info 'next:%' ,aa.next(3); gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: next:4 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int index by varchar; gaussdb-# aa nest; gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# aa('aaa') := 111; gaussdb$# aa('bbb') := 222; gaussdb$# aa('ccc') := 333; gaussdb$# raise info 'next:%' ,aa.next('bbb'); gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: next:ccc ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- limit
gaussdb=# declare gaussdb-# type nest is table of int; gaussdb-# aa nest:=nest(11,22,33,44,55); gaussdb-# begin gaussdb$# raise info 'limit:%' ,aa.limit; gaussdb$# end; gaussdb$# / INFO: limit:<NULL> ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE
- unnest_table(anynesttable)或unnest(anynesttable)
返回类型:setof anyelement
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create or replace procedure f1() as type t1 is table of int; v2 t1 := t1(null, 2, 3, 4, null); tmp int; cursor c1 is select * from unnest_table(v2); begin open c1; for i in 1 .. v2.count loop fetch c1 into tmp; if tmp is null then dbe_output.print_line(i || ': is null'); else dbe_output.print_line(i || ': ' || tmp); end if; end loop; close c1; end; / gaussdb=# call f1(); 1: is null 2: 2 3: 3 4: 4 5: is null f1 ---- (1 row) -- nesttable嵌套record类型示例 create or replace procedure p1() is type rec is record(c1 int, c2 int); type t1 is table of rec; v t1 := t1(rec(1, 1), rec(2, null), rec(null, null), null); v2 t1 := t1(); cursor cur is select * from unnest(v); begin v2.extend(v.count); open cur; for i in 1 .. v.count loop fetch cur into v2(i); raise info '%', v2(i); end loop; close cur; end; / gaussdb=# call p1(); INFO: (1,1) INFO: (2,) INFO: (,) INFO: (,) p1 ---- (1 row)
- unnest_table(anyindexbytable)或unnest(anyindexbytable)
描述:返回table of index by类型根据index排序后的元素集合。
返回类型:setof anyelement
约束:只支持index by int类型,不支持index by varchar类型。
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create or replace procedure f1() as type t1 is table of int index by int; v2 t1 := t1(1=>1, -10=>(-10), 6=>6, 4=>null); tmp int; cursor c1 is select * from unnest_table(v2); begin open c1; for i in 1 .. v2.count loop fetch c1 into tmp; if tmp is null then dbe_output.print_line(i || ': is null'); else dbe_output.print_line(i || ': ' || tmp); end if; end loop; close c1; end; / gaussdb=# call f1(); 1: -10 2: 1 3: is null 4: 6 f1 ---- (1 row) -- index by table嵌套record类型示例 create or replace procedure p1() is type rec is record(c1 int, c2 int); type t1 is table of rec index by int; v t1 := t1(1 => rec(1, 1), 2 => rec(2, null), 3 => rec(null, null), 4 => null); v2 t1 := t1(); cursor cur is select * from unnest(v); begin open cur; for i in 1 .. v.count loop fetch cur into v2(i); raise info '%', v2(i); end loop; close cur; end; / gaussdb=# call p1(); INFO: (1,1) INFO: (2,) INFO: (,) INFO: (,) p1 ---- (1 row)