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- 状态码
- 错误码
- EdgeSec.00000005 参数无效异常
- EdgeSec.00000013 并发修改异常
- EdgeSec.00000014 只支持默认企业项目
- EdgeSec.00000015 全部企业项目下不能支持写操作
- EdgeSec.00000018 不支持资源迁移到非默认企业项目
- EdgeSec.00000019 冻结状态下迁入迁出企业项目异常
- EdgeSec.00000023 当前规格不支持租户相关操作
- EdgeSec.00000025 阻断时间无效异常
- EdgeSec.00000026 白名单规则类型无效异常
- EdgeSec.00000027 CC规则条件长度无效异常
- EdgeSec.00010001 IAM服务项目无效异常
- EdgeSec.00010005 WAF策略规则配额不够
- EdgeSec.00010006 已有的边缘WAF黑白名单规则数量超过当前配额
- EdgeSec.00010007 边缘WAF的IP地址组配额不够
- EdgeSec.00010008 边缘WAF证书配额不够
- EdgeSec.00030001 DDoS概览参数无效异常
- EdgeSec.00030003 DDoS概览查询类型异常
- EdgeSec.00030002 DDoS概览查询异常
- EdgeSec.00040007 无操作权限
- EdgeSec.00040013 一级域名配额不够
- EdgeSec.00040014 扩展资源配额已使用
- WAF.00022002 资源已经存在
- WAF.00014002 资源已经存在
- common.01010003 无购买权限
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Basic Web Protection
You have added domain names to the Domains module in the Content Delivery Network (CDN) service. For details, see Domain Name Management.
Application Scenarios
Use EdgeSec to enable web protection for domain names.
Adding a Website to EdgeSec
- Log in to the management console.
- Click
in the upper left corner of the page and choose Content Delivery & Edge Computing > CDN and Security.
- In the navigation pane on the left, choose Edge Security > Website Settings. The Website Settings page is displayed.
- In the upper left corner of the list, click Add Domain Names. For details about the parameters, see Table 1.
Figure 1 Adding a website
Table 1 Parameters for adding a protected website Parameter
Website Name
Name of the website you want to protect. It must meet the following requirements:
- The name must be unique.
- The name must start with a letter.
- The length cannot exceed 128 characters.
- The value can contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (-_:).
Domain Name
Select a domain name to be protected. You can select a domain name whose Service Type is Website, File download, On-demand services, or Whole site on the Add Domain Name page.
The System-generated policy is selected by default. You can select a policy you configured before.
- Click OK.
Configuring a Protection Policy
- In the navigation pane on the left, choose Edge Security > Website Settings. The Website Settings page is displayed.
- In the Policy column of the row containing the domain name, click the number to go to the Policies page.
Figure 2 Website list
- In the Basic Web Protection configuration area, change Status and Mode as needed by referring to Table 2.
Figure 3 Basic Web Protection configuration area
- In the Basic Web Protection configuration area, click Advanced Settings.
- On the Protection Status tab page, enable protection types you need by referring to Table 3.
Figure 4 Basic web protection
If you select Mode for Block on the Protection Status tab, you can select a known attack source rule to let EdgeSec block requests accordingly. For details, see Configuring a Known Attack Source Rule.
- Set the protection type.
By default, General Check is enabled. You can enable other protection types by referring to Table 3.
Table 3 Protection types Type
General Check
Defends against attacks such as SQL injections, XSS, remote overflow vulnerabilities, file inclusions, Bash vulnerabilities, remote command execution, directory traversal, sensitive file access, and command/code injections. SQL injection attacks are mainly detected based on semantics.
If you enable General Check, EdgeSec checks your websites based on the built-in rules.
Webshell Detection
Protects against web shells from upload interface.
If you enable Webshell Detection, EdgeSec detects web page Trojan horses inserted through the upload interface.
- Set the protection type.
- If you are not familiar with your website's traffic pattern, select the Log only mode for one to two weeks and analyze the logs for those days.
- If no record of blocking legitimate requests is found, switch to the Block mode.
- If legitimate requests are blocked, adjust the protection level or configure global protection whitelist (formerly false alarm masking) rules to prevent legitimate requests from being blocked.
- Note the following points in your operations:
- Do not transfer the original SQL statement or JAVA SCRIPT code in a legitimate HTTP request.
- Do not use special keywords (such as UPDATE and SET) in a legitimate URL. For example, https://www.example.com/abc/update/mod.php?set=1.
- Use Object Storage Service (OBS) or other secure methods to upload files that exceed 50 MB rather than via a web browser.
Protection Effect
To check whether basic web protection takes effect, enter a test domain name in the address bar of your browser and simulate an SQL injection attack. If Edge WAF blocks the attack, the configuration works. You can view attack event logs on the Dashboard page.

You can also view protection logs generated in yesterday, today, past 3 days, past 7 days, 30 days, or user-defined time range on the Events page. Click Details to view detailed attack information.