Updated on 2024-09-27 GMT+08:00

Editing a Batch Upgrade Release Task

Edit a batch upgrade release task that has not been released based on service changes.


You have created a batch upgrade release task but not released it. For details, see Creating a Batch Upgrade Release Task.

Editing a Batch Upgrade Release Task

  1. Log in to ServiceStage.
  2. Choose Release Management. The Release Management page is displayed.
  3. Select the target release task in the To release state.

    • Edit directly: Click More > Edit in the Operation column.
    • Edit after confirming the release task details: Click the target release task to go to its Release Management page, confirm the configurations of each component, and click Edit.

  1. Modify the release task by referring to the following table. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.



    *Release Task

    Name of a release task.

    Enter 2 to 64 characters. Start with a letter and end with a letter or digit. Only use letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).


    Description of a release task. Enter up to 128 characters.

  2. Set Best Effort Policy.

    • Click to enable Best Effort Policy. If a component fails to be released, continue to release other components.
    • Click to disable Best Effort Policy. If a component fails to be released, the release task fails.

  3. To delete a component from the release task, click Delete in the Operation column of the target component.
  4. To add components, click Add Component, select the components to be added to the release task, and click OK.

    • A maximum of 64 components can be added to a batch upgrade release task.
    • Only container-deployed components whose status is Running, Not ready, Stopped, Unknown, or Abnormal can be selected.

  5. Reset the version configurations of each component by referring to the following table.



    Component Version

    Version number of a component.

    • By default, the version number of original components in the release task is the time when you start 3, and the version number of new components in the release task is the time when you finish 7. The format is yyyy.mmdd.hhmms, where s is the ones place of the second in the timestamp. For example, if the timestamp is 2022.0803.104321, the version number is 2022.0803.10431.
    • You can also customize the version number in the format of A.B.C, or A.B.C.D. A. B, C, and D are natural numbers, for example, 1.0.0 or

      The customized version number must be unique and cannot be the same as any historical version number of the component. Otherwise, the current deployment record will overwrite the historical deployment record of the same version.

    Software Package/Image Package/Source Code Repository

    Click and select the software package, source code repository, or image package again. For details, see Component Source.

    Deployment Batch

    Number of batches in which component instances are upgraded. The value range is [1, Total number of instances]. Total number of instances refers to the number of running instances of the component.

    For example, if there are 4 component instances and Deployment Batch is set to 2, these component instances are upgraded in two batches, and each batch involves two component instances.

    Deployment Sequence

    Set the deployment sequence of all components to be added to the release task.

    • If the selected components depend on each other, for example, the startup of a component depends on other components, set Deployment Sequence so that the depended components are deployed first.

      For example, for components A, B, and C to be added to the release task, the startup of component A depends on components B and C. Therefore, set Deployment Sequence of components B and C to 1, and set Deployment Sequence of component A to 2.

    • If the components do not depend on each other, retain the default value of Deployment Sequence. All components will be deployed in the same batch.

  6. Click Advanced Settings in the Operation column of the target component, set the following parameters, and click OK.

  7. Perform subsequent operations based on whether to release the release task by referring to the following table.

    Release or Not



    1. Click Complete and Execute. The system automatically checks whether the advanced settings of each component are correct.
    2. If an error is reported, perform the following operations and then continue:
      1. In the displayed dialog box, confirm the information and click OK.
      2. Click Advanced Settings in the Operation column of the component for which the error is reported.
      3. Reset the advanced settings of the component based on the error information by referring to Managing Cloud Service Settings of a Container-Deployed Component to Managing Advanced Settings of a Container-Deployed Component.
    3. If the advanced settings pass the pre-check, the components in the release task will be deployed in batches as configured.

      You can view the release records and release task information, and Rolling Back a Released Batch Upgrade Release Task, Cloning a Batch Upgrade Release Task, and Deleting a Release Task.


    1. Click Finish. The system automatically checks whether the advanced settings of each component are correct.
    2. If an error is reported, perform the following operations and then continue:
      1. In the displayed dialog box, confirm the information and click OK.
      2. Click Advanced Settings in the Operation column of the component for which the error is reported.
      3. Reset the advanced settings of the component based on the error information by referring to Managing Cloud Service Settings of a Container-Deployed Component to Managing Advanced Settings of a Container-Deployed Component.
    3. If the advanced settings pass the pre-check, a release task in the To release state will be generated.

      On the Release Management page, you can view release task information, and Releasing a Release Task, Cloning a Batch Upgrade Release Task, Editing a Batch Upgrade Release Task, and Deleting a Release Task.