Updated on 2025-01-21 GMT+08:00

Chinese Mainland SMS Statistics


Message & SMS allows you to view and export Chinese mainland SMS statistics.


Currently, statistics on promotional SMSs cannot be viewed.

Viewing Statistics

  1. Log in to the Message & SMS console. In the navigation pane, choose Statistics > Chinese Mainland SMS.
  2. Add filters.

    Filter Criteria


    SMS Type

    You can specify SMS Type and Sent to get statistics about SMSs of a certain type (verification code or notification SMS) sent in the specified time range.

    Signature Name

    You can specify Signature Name and Sent to get statistics about SMSs using the specified signature or Unknown signature sent in the specified time range.

    Template Name

    You can specify Template Name and Sent to get statistics about SMSs using the specified template and sent in the specified time range.


    You can quickly view statistics of yesterday, this month, and the last month as well as query data of 31 consecutive days.


    If you query data of one day, statistical data is displayed by hour. If you query data of more than one day, statistical data is displayed by day.

  3. View statistics details.
    • Graph: Statistics are displayed by hour or day based on the filter criteria.

    • View the total statistics items and export the data.



      Total submit

      Total number of submitted SMSs that meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      Total sent successfully

      Total number of successfully sent SMSs that meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      Total sending failures

      Total number of SMSs that failed to be sent and meet the filter criteria you set in 2, excluding those failed due to terminal errors.

      Terminal Errors

      Number of SMSs that failed to be sent due to terminal errors and meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      Total Sending

      Total number of SMSs that are being sent and meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      Valid Success Rate

      Valid success rate = Total sent successfully/(Total sent – Total Sending – Terminal Errors)

      Sending success rate

      Sending success rate = Total sent successfully/Total sent


      You can click Export to export statistics in the table.

    • The platform provides refined statistical result query.

      Statistics are displayed by hour or day. After setting filter criteria in 2, you can view the SMS sending details within an hour or within a day.

      View failure details. If an SMS fails to be sent, click View to view the details.

      Perform troubleshooting. Rectify the fault by referring to SMS Status Error Codes based on the sending result and status code.