Updated on 2024-08-20 GMT+08:00


To manage resources in multiple regions or projects or use multiple accounts, add profiles to store fixed information in different scenarios. If you have configured multiple profiles, use --cli-profile to specify the name of the profile to be configured or used.

The following table lists the KooCLI profile parameters that can be modified.

Table 1 Profile parameters




Name of a profile. When you modify a profile without specifying this parameter, the default profile will be modified. To view the content of the default profile, run the hcloud configure show command.


Authentication mode. Options:

  • AKSK: permanent AK/SK (access key) or temporary AK/SK and SecurityToken (security credentials).
  • ecsAgency: Temporary authentication information is automatically obtained when you use KooCLI to call cloud service APIs on an Elastic Cloud Server (ECS).
  • SSO: After you enable IAM Identity Center and complete configurations, your users can log in to the unified portal with their username and password and access allocated resources under multiple accounts. They do not need to log in again before the authentication information expires.




Access key ID (AK). It must be modified together with SK.


Secret access key (SK). It must be modified together with AK.


Temporary security credential. It is required when a temporary AK/SK is used for identity authentication. It must be reconfigured when it expires. Otherwise, the authentication cannot be completed when you call cloud service APIs.


Language of KooCLI. Options:

  • cn: Chinese
  • en: English


Specifies whether to use KooCLI offline mode. Options:

  • true (default value; use offline mode)
  • false (use online mode)


Project ID.


ID of the account to which an IAM user belongs. This parameter is required when you call APIs of global services in AK/SK mode.


Specifies whether to configure custom parameters. Options:

  • true: Configure the custom parameters in the profile.
  • false: Default value, which means to configure the system parameters in the profile.


I/O timeout, in seconds. The default value is 10, and the minimum value is 1.


Request connection timeout, in seconds. The default value is 5, and the minimum value is 1.


Number of connection attempts. The value ranges from 0 to 5, and the default value is 0.


Specifies whether to skip HTTPS certificate verification (not recommended). Options:

  • true: HTTPS certificate verification is skipped. This is not recommended for security purposes.
  • false: Default value, which means that HTTPS certificate verification is required.


Whether to agree to the privacy statement. When using KooCLI for the first time, you will be prompted to read and agree to the privacy statement. In some special scenarios such as command execution with automation scripts, use this parameter to agree to the privacy statement. Options:

  • true: Agree with the privacy statement.
  • false (default): Disagree with the privacy statement.


Whether to display warnings during command execution. Disabling warnings can avoid interfering with result resolution during command execution with automation scripts. Options:

  • true (default): Display warnings during command execution.
  • false: Display no warnings during command execution.


Whether to encrypt authentication information in the configuration file before storage. Options:

  • true (default): The authentication information is encrypted before storage.
  • false: The authentication information is not encrypted before storage.


User portal URL, which is generated after you enable IAM Identity Center.


Region where your IAM Identity Center instance is enabled.


Account name.


Permission set name.

  • The value of --cli-custom indicates the type of the parameter to be set in the profile. If --cli-custom is set to false, the system parameters will be set. If --cli-custom is set to true, the custom parameters will be set.
  • When you set a system parameter for a profile that does not exist, the profile is created; if you do so for an existing profile, the profile is modified.
  • You cannot set custom parameters for a profile that does not exist. You cannot set both system parameters and custom parameters in the same command.
  • After you set system parameters or custom parameters for a profile, the profile then becomes the default.

Command for adding or modifying a profile:

hcloud configure set --param1=paramValue1 --param2=paramValue2 ...