Updated on 2025-02-12 GMT+08:00

Adding Members via Link


If you want to add a user to your project but you do not have the member settings permission, you can share your project QR code or link with the user.

The user can scan the QR code or visit the link to apply to join your project. After another member who has the member settings permission approves the application, the user becomes a member of this project.


  • The invited user can log in to Huawei Cloud.
  • If the invited user belongs to another account, the account must have accepted your authorization. For details, see Adding Members from Another Account.

Sharing an Invitation QR Code or Link

  1. Go to the CodeArts homepage.

    1. Log in to the CodeArts console, click , and select a region.
    2. Click Access Service.

  2. Click the target project name to access the project.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Settings > Members.
  4. Click the Member View tab, and then click Invite via Link.
  5. Share the QR code or link in the dialog box with the invited user.

    Figure 1 Inviting members

Applying to Join a Project

  1. Visit the shared link or scan the QR code.
  2. On the displayed web page, enter your login information to log in to CodeArts.
  3. Enter your reason (no more than 128 characters) for joining the project and submit the application.

    Figure 2 Joining a project

  4. Wait for the application to be approved.

    • If the application needs to be reviewed, a message is displayed indicating that it will be reviewed by the administrator.
      • If the application is approved, you become a member of the project, and the project page is automatically displayed.
      • If the application is rejected, refresh the page, and you can join the project again.
    • If the project does not need to be reviewed, you automatically become a member of the project, and the project page is automatically displayed.

Reviewing an Application for Joining a Project

Members with the member settings permission can review applications for joining a project through a link.

  1. Go to the CodeArts homepage.

    1. Log in to the CodeArts console, click , and select a region.
    2. Click Access Service.

  2. Click the project name of interest.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Settings > Members.
  4. Click the Pending Review tab. The application list is displayed.
  5. Click Agree or Reject. Approved users are displayed on the Member View tab.