Help Center/ Meeting/ Client SDK Reference/ Electron SDK/ APIs/ Meeting Control Objects/ Subscribing to the Callback of Instant Meeting Records
Updated on 2024-09-13 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to the Callback of Instant Meeting Records


This API is used to subscribe to the callback of instant meeting records.

Function Prototype

setOnP2PConfRecordNotifyCB(onP2PConfRecordNotify: (recordInfo: P2PConfRecordInfo) => void): voidsetOnP2PConfRecordNotifyCB(onP2PConfRecordNotify: (recordInfo: P2PConfRecordInfo) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
onP2PConfRecordNotify Yes (recordInfo: P2PConfRecordInfo) => void Callback of instant meeting records.

Return Values


Notification Method Parameters

(recordInfo: P2PConfRecordInfo) => void

Table 2 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
recordInfo P2PConfRecordInfo Meeting record information.
Table 3 P2PConfRecordInfo
Parameter Type Description
callerInfo CallMemberInfo Caller information.
calleeInfo CallMemberInfo Called participant information.
startTime number Call start time, accurate to seconds (GMT).
endTime number Call end time, accurate to seconds (GMT).
isCallOut boolean Whether the call is an outgoing call.
mediaType MediaType Media type.
resultCode For details about SDKERR, see Error Code Reference. Error code.
resultMsg string Error description.
isCallEstablished boolean Whether the call is connected.
Table 4 CallMemberInfo
Parameter Type Description
number string Number.
nickName string Member name.
thirdUserId string Third-party account.
Table 5 Enumerated values of MediaType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description