Error Codes
Error Code Reference
Variable | Value | Description |
SDKERR_UNKOWN | -1 | Unknown error. |
SDKERR_SUCCESS | 0 | Successful. |
CMS_CONF_SERVER_FLOW_CONTROL | 100000429 | Server flow control error. |
CMS_CONF_BAD_REQUEST | 111070001 | Request error. |
CMS_CONF_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS | 111070002 | Insufficient permissions. |
CMS_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111070003 | System processing failed. |
CMS_CONF_AUTH_FAIL | 111070004 | Verification failed. |
CMS_CONF_DATA_NOT_FOUND | 111070005 | The meeting does not exist. |
CMS_VMR_DATA_NOT_FOUND | 111070006 | The personal cloud meeting room does not exist. |
CMS_ACCESS_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND | 111070007 | The meeting access number does not exist. |
CMS_CONF_NOTICE_MODEL_CONFIG_ERROR | 111070008 | The meeting notification template is incorrect. |
CMS_CONF_AUTHEN_NEED_PASSWORD | 111070009 | The meeting password cannot be empty. |
CMS_CONF_ROLE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 111070010 | You do not have the permissions to view the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_GET_STARTED_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111070100 | An exception occurred when obtaining the meeting to be held. |
CMS_CONF_START_EXCEPTION | 111070101 | An exception occurred when starting the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_APPLY_IVR_RESOURCE_EXCEPTION | 111070102 | An exception occurred when requesting IVR resources. |
CMS_START_IVRCONF_EXCEPTION | 111070103 | An exception occurred when starting the IVR meeting. |
CMS_CONF_APPLY_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_EXCEPTION | 111070104 | An exception occurred when requesting participant resources. |
CMS_START_SUBCONF_EXCEPTION | 111070105 | An exception occurred when starting the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_ADD_CHANNEL_EXCEPTION | 111070106 | An exception occurred when creating the cascading channel. |
CMS_CONF_MOVE_AND_APPLY_RESOURCE_EXCEPTION | 111070107 | An exception occurred when requesting resources to move the participant. |
CMS_START_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111070108 | An exception occurred when starting the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_GET_STARTED_VMRCONF_EXCEPTION | 111070109 | An exception occurred when obtaining details of a meeting held using the cloud meeting room. |
CMS_CONF_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_EXCEPTION | 111070110 | An exception occurred when inviting the participant. |
CMS_REQUEST_TOKEN_IS_NULL | 111070111 | The request token is empty. |
CMS_CONF_RENAME_PARTICIPANT_EXCEPTION | 111070112 | An exception occurred when renaming the participant. |
CMS_CONF_HANGUP_EXCEPTION | 111070113 | An exception occurred when disconnecting the participant. |
CMS_CONF_BULK_HANGUP_EXCEPTION | 111070114 | An exception occurred when disconnecting the participants. |
CMS_CONF_DELETE_ATTENDEE_EXCEPTION | 111070115 | An exception occurred when removing the participant. |
CMS_CONF_BULK_DELETE_ATTENDEE_EXCEPTION | 111070116 | An exception occurred when removing the participants. |
CMS_SCHEDULE_CYCLE_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111070117 | An exception occurred when scheduling a recurring meeting. |
CMS_MODIFY_CYCLE_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111070118 | An exception occurred when modifying the recurring meeting. |
CMS_CREATE_CYCLE_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111070119 | An exception occurred when creating a recurring meeting. |
CMS_REGION_DATA_NOT_FOUND | 111070120 | Failed to obtain the region information. |
CMS_FORBIDDEN_SUBSCRIBE | 111070121 | Subscription is not allowed. |
CMS_CANCEL_SUBSCRIBE_FAIL | 111070122 | Failed to cancel subscription. |
CMS_CONF_SYSPORTAL_SERVICE_EXCEPTION | 111071001 | Sysportal service exception. |
CMS_CONF_EXECUTOR_RUN_EXCEPTION | 111071002 | Conf service exception. |
CMS_CONF_ID_NOT_EXIST | 111071003 | Failed to create the meeting. Try again later. |
CMS_VMR_ONLY_ALLOW_CHAIR_START_CONF | 111071004 | Guests are not allowed to join the cloud meeting room ahead of the host. |
CMS_VMR_CONF_CONFLICT | 111071005 | This cloud meeting room has been scheduled for another meeting during this period. |
CMS_VMR_IMMEDIATELY_CONF_DURATION_NOT_ENOUGH | 111071006 | Insufficient cloud meeting duration. |
CMS_VMR_SCHEDULE_RELATION_NOT_EXIST | 111071007 | The meeting does not exist. |
CMS_CONF_QUERY_LIST_FAIL | 111071008 | Failed to query the meeting list. |
CMS_CONF_MODIFY_IMMEDIATELY_VMR_FAIL | 111071009 | Meetings held using cloud meeting rooms cannot be changed to instant meetings. |
CMS_CONF_MODIFY_VMR_FLAG_FAIL | 111071010 | The cloud meeting room ID cannot be modified. |
CMS_VMR_CONF_NOT_REACH_PREPARE_TIME | 111071011 | The meeting has not started. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_VMR | 111071012 | The meeting is not held in a cloud meeting room. |
CMS_CONF_START_TIME_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_TIME | 111071013 | The meeting start time cannot be earlier than the current system time. |
CMS_CONF_START_TIME_OVER_MAX_SCHEDULE_TIME | 111071014 | The start time exceeds the allowed range. |
CMS_CONF_DURATION_OVER_RANGE | 111071015 | Duration too long. |
CMS_CONF_PARAMS_NULL_EXCEPTION | 111071016 | The list of IDs of recurring meetings to be canceled cannot be empty. |
CMS_CONF_SIZE_OVER_RANGE | 111071017 | More participants than allowed. |
CMS_CONF_MEDIA_TYPES_ILLEGAL | 111071018 | Invalid media type. |
CMS_CONF_CONFERENCE_TYPE_ILLEGAL | 111071019 | Invalid meeting type. |
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_NULL_EXCEPTION | 111071020 | Recurring meeting parameters must be carried for a recurring meeting. |
CMS_CONF_LENGTH_OVER_RANGE | 111071021 | Meeting duration too long. |
CMS_CONF_SUBJECT_LENGTH_TOO_LONG | 111071022 | Meeting topic too long. |
CMS_CONF_GROUPURI_LENGTH_TOO_LONG | 111071023 | groupuri too long. |
CMS_CONF_EMAIL_ILLEGAL | 111071024 | Invalid email address. |
CMS_CONF_SMS_ILLEGAL | 111071025 | Invalid mobile number. |
CMS_CONF_DEPTNAME_TOO_LONG | 111071026 | Department name too long. |
CMS_CONF_WELCOME_VOICE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071027 | The status of the joining message switch is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_ENTER_PROMPT_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071028 | The status of the joining voice prompt switch is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_LEAVE_PROMPT_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071029 | The status of the leaving message switch is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_REMINDERS_ILLEGAL | 111071030 | The meeting reminder status is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_ALLOW_RECORD_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071031 | The status of network recording is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_AUTO_RECORD_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071032 | The status of automatic recording is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_USER_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071033 | The user type of the meeting scheduler is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_ENCRYPT_MODE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071034 | Invalid encryption type. |
CMS_CONF_LANGUAGE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071035 | Invalid language. |
CMS_CONF_AUTO_PROLONG_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071036 | The status of whether to automatically extend the meeting is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_VMRID_TOO_LONG | 111071037 | vmrid too long. |
CMS_CONF_RECORD_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071038 | Invalid recording type. |
CMS_CONF_LIVE_ADDRESS_TOO_LONG | 111071039 | Video live broadcast URL too long. |
CMS_CONF_AUX_ADDRESS_TOO_LONG | 111071040 | Presentation live broadcast URL too long. |
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_STARTDATE_NULL | 111071041 | The start date of the recurring meeting is empty. |
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_ENDDATE_NULL | 111071042 | The end date of the recurring meeting is empty. |
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_CYCLE_ILLEGAL | 111071043 | Invalid period type for a recurring meeting. |
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_INTERVAL_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071044 | Invalid interval for a recurring meeting. |
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_POINT_NULL_EXCEPTION | 111071045 | The point parameter for a recurring meeting is empty. |
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_POINT_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071046 | Invalid point for a recurring meeting. |
CMS_CONF_VMR_FLAG_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071047 | Invalid vmrFlag. |
CMS_CONF_RECORD_AUX_STREAM_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071048 | Invalid recordAuxStream. |
CMS_CONF_MULTI_STREAM_FLAG_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071049 | Invalid multiStreamFlag. |
CMS_CONF_AUDIENCE_FLAG_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111071050 | Invalid audienceFlag. |
CMS_CONF_LIVE_CHANNEL_ID_NOT_EXISTED | 111071051 | liveChannelID does not exist. |
CMS_CONF_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN_LOCKED | 111071052 | Anonymous login is locked. Try again later. |
CMS_CONF_LINK_LOGIN_LOCKED | 111071053 | Login using the link is locked. Try again later. |
CMS_CONF_IDENTIFIER_NOT_ENOUGH | 111071054 | Insufficient meeting ID resources. |
CMS_CONF_IDENTIFIER_APPLY_FAILED | 111071055 | Failed to request the meeting ID. |
CMS_CONF_IDENTIFIER_RELEASE_FAILED | 111071056 | Failed to release the meeting ID. |
CMS_CONF_LIVE_ROOM_ISUSED | 111071057 | The live broadcast room has been occupied. |
CMS_NOT_ALLOWED_GUEST_FIRST_JOIN | 111071058 | The meeting has not started. |
CMS_CONF_SIZE_OVER_COMMUNAL_VMR_MAXNUM | 111071059 | More participants than allowed. |
CMS_ORG_CONCURRENT_PARTICIPANTS_NUMBER_IS_ZERO | 111071060 | The enterprise has no concurrent participant resources configured and cannot use the personal meeting ID or random meeting ID to initiate a meeting. |
CMS_PARAMETER_VERIFIED_FAIL | 111071061 | Parameter verification failed. |
CMS_JSON_CONVERSION_FAILED | 111071062 | JSON conversion failed. |
CMS_CONF_USER_NOT_VMR_OWNER | 111071063 | The user is not the owner of the cloud meeting room. |
CMS_VMR_CONF_CONFLICT_AS_VMR_ALREADY_STARTED | 111071064 | A meeting is in progress in this cloud meeting room. |
CMS_CONF_MODIFY_FAIL_AS_CONF_ALREADY_STARTED | 111071065 | The meeting is in progress. Its information cannot be modified. |
CMS_CONF_ATTENDEES_NUMBER_EXCEED_LIMIT | 111071066 | More participants than allowed. |
CMS_CONF_CANCEL_FAIL_AS_CONF_STARTED | 111071067 | The meeting is in progress and cannot be canceled. |
CMS_CONF_PWD_ENCRYPT_FAILED | 111071068 | Failed to encrypt the meeting password. |
CMS_CONF_NOCONF_IN_SELECTED_TIME | 111071069 | No meeting in your selected time. |
CMS_SUB_CYCCONF_CANNOT_MODIFY_LIVE_ROOM | 111071070 | The live broadcast room cannot be changed for a recurring meeting. |
CMS_STOP_ONLINE_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111071071 | Failed to end the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_CLOSED_RECENTLY | 111071072 | The meeting has ended. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS | 111071073 | Anonymous users are not allowed to join the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_ONLY_ALLOW_USER_IN_ORG | 111071074 | Only corporate users are allowed to join the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_ONLY_ALLOW_USER_INVITED | 111071075 | Only invited users are allowed to join the meeting. |
CMS_BATCH_EXPORT_HIS_CONF_LIST_CONFLICT | 111071076 | A batch export task is being executed. |
CMS_CONF_ONLY_ALLOW_USER_INVITED_AND_USER_IN_ORG | 111071077 | Only invited users or corporate users can join the meeting. |
CMS_WELINK_C_CONCURRENT_PARTICIPANTS_NUMBER_IS_NOT_ENOUGH | 111071078 | The number of concurrent participants in the meeting has reached the maximum allowed limit. |
CMS_CONF_CTD_PARAM_ILLEGAL | 111071079 | Invalid CTD meeting parameter. |
CMS_GUEST_PWD_ILLEGAL | 111071080 | Invalid guest password. |
CMS_GUEST_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CONF_ID | 111071081 | The guest password conflicts with the meeting ID. |
CMS_CONF_NUM_UP_TO_LIMIT | 111071082 | More meetings than allowed. |
CMS_CONF_RANDOM_INVALID | 111071083 | Invalid meeting random number. |
CMS_EXPORT_HIS_CONF_UP_TO_LIMIT | 111071084 | More historical meeting exports than allowed. |
CMS_MULTI_PIC_TOO_MANY_LAYOUTS | 111071085 | More continuous presence layouts than allowed. |
CMS_MULTI_PIC_MANUAL_TYPE_INVALID | 111071086 | The continuous presence mode is invalid. |
CMS_MULTI_PIC_TOO_MANY_SUBPICS | 111071087 | More continuous presence screens than allowed. |
CMS_MULTI_PIC_TOO_MANY_SUBNUMBERS | 111071088 | More participants in a screen of continuous presence than allowed. |
CMS_WEBINAR_COMMON_NON_CONVERT | 111071089 | A webinar cannot be changed to a common meeting, and a common meeting cannot be changed to a webinar. |
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_AUDIENCE | 111071090 | Adding attendees is not allowed. |
CMS_CONF_PWD_AUTH_FAILED | 111071091 | Incorrect password. |
CMS_FILE_EXPORT_TASK_FAILED | 111071092 | Failed to export the file. |
CMS_FILE_EXPORT_TASK_DOWNLOADING | 111071093 | The file is being exported. |
CMS_CONF_FORBID_AUDIENCE_JOIN | 111071094 | Attendees cannot join the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_NEED_GET_WEBINAR_CONF_DTO | 111071095 | The WEBINAR_CONF_DTO object is required. |
CMS_CUSTOM_LANGUAGE_NUM_OVER_RANGE | 111071096 | More custom languages than allowed. |
CMS_ORG_NOT_SUPPORT_SIMULTANEOUS_INTERPRETATION | 111071097 | This enterprise does not support simultaneous interpretation. |
CMS_NEED_SET_INTERPRETER_GROUPS | 111071098 | Interpreter group information needs to be set. |
CMS_INTERPRETER_LANGUAGE_ILLEGAL | 111071099 | The language of the interpreter group is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_LANGUAGE_NUM_UP_TO_MAX | 111071100 | A meeting supports up to 16 languages. |
CMS_INTERPRETER_GROUP_ID_REPEATED | 111071101 | Duplicate interpreter group IDs. |
CMS_INTERPRETER_NUM_IN_ONE_GROUP_UP_TO_MAX | 111071102 | The maximum number of interpreters in the group has been reached. |
CMS_INTERPRETER_REPEATED | 111071103 | The interpreter has already been added to a group. |
CMS_INVALID_INTERPRETER | 111071104 | The interpreter account does not exist. |
CMS_GUEST_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CHAIR_PWD | 111071105 | The guest password conflicts with the host password. |
CMS_ONLINE_CONF_IN_COMMUNAL | 111071106 | A meeting is being held in the cloud meeting room. |
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_ILLEGAL | 111071107 | Invalid attendee password. |
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CONF_ID | 111071108 | The attendee password conflicts with the meeting ID. |
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CHAIR_PWD | 111071109 | The attendee password conflicts with the host password. |
CMS_ONLY_RTC_CONF_SUPPORT_E2E_ENCRYPT | 111071110 | Non-RTC meetings do not support end-to-end encryption. |
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_GUEST_PWD | 111071111 | The attendee password conflicts with the guest password. |
CMS_VMRIDTYPE_CANNOT_MODIFY | 111071112 | The meeting ID type cannot be changed. |
CMS_VMRID_CANNOT_MODIFY | 111071113 | The cloud meeting room type cannot be changed. |
CMS_VMR_FLAG_CANNOT_MODIFY | 111071114 | The cloud meeting room ID cannot be changed. |
CMS_CONF_NUM_OVER_MAX_ALLOWED | 111071116 | The maximum number of ongoing meetings has been reached. |
CMS_SUB_CYCCONF_MODIFY_TIME_OVER_RANGE | 111071119 | The new time of the recurring meeting series is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_SERVER_REGION_CHANGING | 111071147 | Server site changed. |
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_SHARE_VMR_NOT_ENOUGH | 111071151 | No shared cloud meeting rooms are available. |
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_NOT_ALLOW_JOIN_EXTERNAL_CROP_CONF | 111071152 | The enterprise to which the called participant belongs restricts members from joining external meetings. |
CMS_CONF_APPLY_RESOURCE_FAILED | 111072001 | Failed to request resources. |
CMS_CONF_RELEASE_RESOURCE_FAILED | 111072002 | Failed to release resources. |
CMS_CONF_IS_CLOSING | 111072003 | The meeting is being ended. |
CMS_CONF_IS_STARTING | 111072004 | The meeting is being started. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_STARTED | 111072005 | The meeting has not started. |
CMS_CONF_IS_CLOSED | 111072006 | The meeting has ended. |
CMS_CONF_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_FAILED | 111072007 | Failed to invite the participant. |
CMS_CONF_PARTICIPANT_NOT_EXIST | 111072008 | The participant does not exist. |
CMS_CONF_PARTICIPANT_HANG_UP_FAILED | 111072009 | Failed to disconnect the participant. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT | 111072010 | This function is coming soon... |
CMS_CONF_STATUS_ILLEGAL | 111072011 | Invalid meeting status. |
CMS_CONF_GENERIC_CTL_PARTICIPANT_FAILED | 111072012 | Meeting control on the participant failed. |
CMS_VMR_CURRENT_CONF_NOT_GOAL_CONF | 111072013 | The cloud meeting room is used by another meeting. |
CMS_VMR_CONF_IS_EXPIRED | 111072014 | The meeting has expired. |
CMS_VMR_CONF_IS_NOT_ARRIVE_START_TIME | 111072015 | The meeting has not started. |
CMS_VMR_CONF_WITH_SCHEDULE_NOT_EXIST | 111072016 | The reservation record does not exist. |
CMS_CONF_HAS_NO_ATTENDEE | 111072017 | The participant does not exist. |
CMS_CONF_CHAIRMAN_PWD_EXCEPTION | 111072018 | Incorrect host password. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_FIND_CANMOVESITE_EXCEPTION | 111072019 | No participant can be moved. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_RECORD | 111072020 | The meeting does not support recording. |
CMS_RECORD_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111072021 | Recording scheduling failed. |
CMS_RECORD_SHEDULE_FAIL | 111072022 | Insufficient recording resources. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_HAVE_PART | 111072023 | No participant exists in the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_NO_PARTICIPANT_JOINED | 111072024 | Ensure that at least one participant has joined the meeting. |
CMS_AUDIO_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT | 111072025 | Voice meetings do not support this function. |
CMS_AUDIO_SITE_NOT_SUPPORT | 111072026 | Voice-only participants do not support this operation. |
CMS_AUDIO_SITE_IN_MULTI_PIC | 111072027 | Voice-only participants cannot be displayed in the manually set continuous presence. |
CMS_NO_SITE_IN_MULTI_PIC | 111072028 | At least one participant must be set in the manually set continuous presence. |
CMS_ASSISTANT_PIC_NUM_MORE_THEN_ONE | 111072029 | At most one presentation screen is allowed in the manually set continuous presence. |
CMS_VAS_SUB_PIC_CONTAINS_USER_MORE_THEN_ONE | 111072030 | In voice activated continuous presence mode, each screen displays only one participant. |
CMS_SITE_CALL_NUMBER_IS_EMPTY | 111072031 | The participant number cannot be empty. |
CMS_SITE_CALL_NUMBER_LENGTH_TOO_LONG | 111072032 | The participant number is too long. |
CMS_SITE_CALL_NUMBER_ILLEGAL_URI | 111072033 | The format of the number used for the participant to join the meeting is invalid. (SIP and tel number formats are supported.) |
CMS_SITE_NAME_LENGTH_TOO_LONG | 111072034 | The participant name is too long. |
CMS_SITE_ROLE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072035 | The participant role type is invalid. |
CMS_SITE_EMAIL_LENGTH_TOO_LONG | 111072036 | The participant's email address is too long. |
CMS_SITE_SMS_LENGTH_TOO_LONG | 111072037 | The participant's mobile number is too long. |
CMS_SITE_MUTE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072038 | The value of whether to mute a participant after the participant joins the meeting is invalid. |
CMS_SITE_AUTO_INVITE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072039 | The value of whether to automatically invite participants is invalid. |
CMS_VIEW_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072040 | The host focus type is invalid. |
CMS_SET_MULTI_PIC_MANUAL_SET_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072041 | The continuous presence mode is invalid. |
CMS_SWITCH_TIME_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072042 | The time for displaying participants is invalid. |
CMS_SET_MULTI_PIC_IMAGE_TYPE_IS_EMPTY | 111072043 | The screen type cannot be empty. |
CMS_SET_MULTI_PIC_IMAGE_TYPE_IS_NOT_MATCH | 111072044 | Invalid screen type. |
CMS_ON_OFF_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072045 | The value of the switch item is invalid. |
CMS_SITE_NAME_IS_EMPTY | 111072046 | The participant name cannot be empty. |
CMS_SITE_NEW_NAME_LENGTH_TOO_LONG | 111072047 | The participant name is too long. |
CMS_MCU_NOT_SUPPORT_SET_MULTI_PIC | 111072048 | Continuous presence is not supported. Contact the administrator to enable the related function on the MCU. |
CMS_RESPONSE_TIME_OUT | 111072049 | Response timed out. |
CMS_CONF_LOCKED | 111072050 | The meeting is locked. |
CMS_CONF_MODE_IS_EMPTY | 111072051 | The meeting display mode is empty. |
CMS_CONF_MODE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072052 | The meeting display mode is invalid. |
CMS_CONF_IMAGE_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE | 111072053 | The meeting screen type is invalid. |
CMS_TEXT_TYPE_IS_EMPTY | 111072054 | The banner or caption type is empty. |
CMS_TEXT_IS_EMPTY | 111072055 | The banner or caption content is empty. |
CMS_TEXT_IS_TOO_LONG | 111072056 | The banner or caption content contains more than 2000 bytes. |
CMS_REQUEST_BODY_IS_NULL | 111072057 | Empty request body. |
CMS_SUB_PIC_INDEX_MORE_THAN_PIC_NUM | 111072058 | The screen index is greater than the total number of screens. |
CMS_CONF_NO_CHAIR_SITE | 111072059 | There is no host in the meeting. |
CMS_NORMAL_SITE_NOT_SUPPORT_VIEW | 111072060 | Common participants cannot perform this operation. |
CMS_CHAIR_POLLING_FORBIDDEN_VIEW | 111072061 | The host is viewing participants in turn and cannot be set to view a specific participant or continuous presence. |
CMS_SVC_SITE_NOT_SUPPORT_VIEW | 111072062 | The host cannot perform this operation. |
CMS_RSE_RESREAPPLY | 111072063 | The recording resource has been requested. Wait for the recording resource to access the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_CTR_LOGIN_LOCKED | 111072064 | Too many failed meeting control login attempts. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_FOUND_OR_AUTH_FAILED | 111072065 | The meeting does not exist or the password is incorrect. |
CMS_ORG_NOT_BUY_RECSPACE | 111072066 | The enterprise has not purchased the recording storage space. |
CMS_ORG_RECSPACE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111072067 | Insufficient recording storage space in the enterprise. |
CMS_CONF_SETLIVE_FAILED | 111072068 | Failed to start live broadcast. |
CMS_CONF_CHAIR_FORBIDDEN_HAND | 111072069 | The host is not allowed to raise hands to speak. |
CMS_GUEST_NO_PERMISSION_OPERATION | 111072070 | Guests are not allowed to perform this operation. |
CMS_NO_PERMISSION_OPERATE_OTHERS | 111072071 | You can only perform this operation on yourself. |
CMS_NO_CONF_CTL_CAP_NO_CHAIR | 111072072 | A participant without the meeting control capability cannot be the host. |
CMS_NOTIFY_MSG_IS_EXPIRED | 111072073 | The message has expired. |
CMS_TRUNK_APPLY_CHAIR_FORBID | 111072074 | An on-premises meeting participant cannot be the host. |
CMS_CONF_CLOSE_HUNG_UP | 111072075 | The meeting ends. The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_CHAIR_HUNG_UP | 111072076 | The participant is disconnected by the host. |
CMS_CHAIR_DEL_SITE_HUNG_UP | 111072077 | The host deletes the meeting. The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_RECREATE_CONF_HUNG_UP | 111072078 | The meeting is re-created. The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_MOVE_SITE_FAIL_HUNG_UP | 111072079 | Failed to move the participant. The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_CROSS_REGION_INVITE_SITE_FAIL_HUNG_UP | 111072080 | Failed to invite the participant across regions. The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_INVITE_EXCEPTION_HUNG_UP | 111072081 | Failed to invite the participant. The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_REPEAT_JOIN_HUNG_UP | 111072082 | The participant joins the meeting again. The original session is disconnected. |
CMS_LOCK_SHARE_FAILED | 111072083 | Failed to lock sharing. |
CMS_TRUNK_SET_ONE_MULTIPIC_FORBID | 111072084 | On-premises participants cannot be added to continuous presence of one-screen layout. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_REALTIME_SUBTITLE | 111072085 | The meeting does not support live captions. |
CMS_CONF_REALTIME_SUBTITLE_PID_NULL | 111072086 | The list of speakers specified for live captions is empty. |
CMS_CONF_REALTIME_SUBTITLE_PID_WRONG | 111072087 | The speaker ID specified for live captions is invalid or the speaker has left the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_REALTIME_SUBTITLE_SET_FAIL | 111072088 | Failed to configure live captions. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_CHANGE_AUDIENCE_SPEAK_STATUS | 111072089 | Attendees cannot unmute. |
CMS_CONF_SPEAKABLE_ONLY_FOR_AUDIENCE | 111072090 | This operation can be performed only on attendees. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_SIMULTANEOUS_INTERPRETATION | 111072091 | The meeting does not support simultaneous interpretation. |
CMS_CONF_INTERPRETER_GROUP_IS_EMPTY | 111072092 | No interpreter groups available. Configure one first. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_ENABLE_SIMULTANEOUS_INTERPRETATION | 111072093 | Simultaneous interpretation is not enabled for the meeting. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_IS_NOT_INTERPRETER | 111072094 | The participant is not an interpreter. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_CONFIRM_INTERPRETER | 111072095 | The interpreter has not confirmed the identity. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_LANGUAGE_ILLEGAL | 111072096 | The language selected by the participant is invalid. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_IS_CONFIRMED_INTERPRETER | 111072097 | The participant is already an interpreter. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_LISTEN_NOT_EQUAL_SPEAK | 111072098 | Channels to listen and speak of common participants are inconsistent. |
CMS_SET_CONF_LANGUAGE_CHANNEL_LIST_FAILED | 111072099 | Failed to configure language channels for the meeting. |
CMS_SET_PARTICIPANT_LANGUAGE_CHANNEL_FAILED | 111072100 | Failed to configure a language channel for the participant. |
CMS_OVER_MAX_PARTICIPANT_NUMBER | 111072101 | More participants than allowed. |
CMS_OVER_MAX_ALLOW_HAND_NUMBER | 111072102 | Too many attendees allowed to raise hands. |
CMS_OVER_MAX_ALLOW_SPEAK_NUMBER | 111072103 | Too many attendees allowed to speak. |
CMS_SET_VIRTUAL_AUDIO_CSD_SITE_FAILED | 111072104 | Failed to configure the virtual language site in the cascading channel. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_COHOST | 111072105 | The co-host function is not enabled for the meeting. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_SUPPORT_COHOST | 111072106 | The meeting does not support co-hosts. |
CMS_CHAIR_CANNOT_BE_COHOST | 111072107 | The host cannot be set as a co-host. |
CMS_AUDIENCE_CANNOT_BE_COHOST | 111072108 | Attendees cannot be set as co-hosts. |
CMS_NEED_CHECK_COHOST_PERMISSION | 111072109 | Check whether the participant is a co-host in the meeting. |
CMS_COHOST_CANNOT_OPERATE_CHAIR | 111072110 | Co-hosts cannot perform operations on the host. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_SUPPORT_INVITE_SHARE | 111072111 | The participant does not support sharing invitation. |
CMS_REQUEST_INCLUDE_SPECIAL_CHARACTER | 111072126 | The request parameter contains special characters. |
CMS_HEART_BEAT_FAIL_HING_UP | 111072201 | The heartbeat connection of the device is interrupted. The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_AUDIENCE_VMR_LOGIC_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111072202 | The number of participants exceeds the maximum number of concurrent participants in the cloud meeting room package. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_VMR_LOGIC_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111072203 | The number of the host and panelists has reached the quota of the cloud meeting room package. |
CMS_STARTED_FAIL_WEBINAR_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111072204 | Failed to activate the meeting because another meeting is using the webinar package. |
CMS_ONLY_RTC_CONF_SUPPORT_LOCAL_RECORD | 111072205 | Non-RTC meetings do not support local recording. |
CMS_E2E_PARAMETER_ILLEGAL | 111072206 | The end-to-end encryption parameter is invalid. |
CMS_DISABLE_ROLE_SWITCH_OVER | 111072207 | Role switch is not allowed in webinars. |
CMS_TERMINAL_NOT_SUPPORT_LOCAL_RECORD | 111072208 | The client does not support local recording. |
CMS_CONF_IS_UNDER_AR_ASSIST | 111072211 | AR collaboration is already ongoing in the meeting. |
CMS_AUDIENCE_CANNOT_BE_CHAIRMAN | 111072213 | Attendees cannot be set as the host. |
CMS_RENAME_CONTAINS_SENSITIVEWORDS | 111072214 | The new name contains a sensitive word. |
CMS_RECORD_START_EXCEPTION | 111072222 | Failed to start cloud recording. Contact the administrator. |
CMS_RECORD_PAUSED_EXCEPTION | 111072223 | Failed to pause cloud recording. Contact the administrator. |
CMS_RECORD_STOP_EXCEPTION | 111072224 | Failed to stop cloud recording. Contact the administrator. |
CMS_LIVE_START_EXCEPTION | 111072225 | Failed to start live broadcast. Contact the administrator. |
CMS_LIVE_STOP_EXCEPTION | 111072226 | Failed to stop live broadcast. Contact the administrator. |
CMS_LIVE_STOP_SENSITIVE_WORDS | 111072227 | The information contains sensitive words. |
CMS_NOT_SUPPORT_AUX_CONF | 111072403 | Meetings with the new presentation architecture are not supported. |
CMS_MMR_PARTICIPANT_REACH_MAX_NUM | 111072504 | Maximum number of participants in a single meeting has been reached. |
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_USER_LEAVE | 111072507 | The waiting room user has left the meeting. |
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_USER_JOIN | 111072508 | The waiting room user has been admitted. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_SUPPORT_SCREEN_SHOTS | 111072512 | Screenshot capturing cannot be disabled for this participant. |
CMS_APPLY_REFRESH_MMRID_LIMIT | 111072516 | Too many mmrId change requests. |
CMS_FORBIDDEN_MOBILE_INVITE_SHARE | 111072520 | Mobile app users are not allowed to view shared content. Therefore, they cannot be invited to share content. |
CMS_ONLY_ALLOW_INVITATIONS_FROM_BELONG_ORG | 111072521 | The user is not allowed to join external meetings. |
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_JOIN_EXTERNAL_CROP_CONF | 111072531 | Your enterprise restricts members from joining external meetings. Contact the enterprise administrator. |
CMS_ONLY_ALLOW_INVITATIONS_FROM_BELONG_CROP | 111072532 | The enterprise to which the invited user belongs restricts members from joining external meetings. |
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_OFFLINE_OPERATION | 111072599 | Management plane is normal and offline operations are not allowed. |
CMS_USER_DATA_USER_INFO_NOT_EXIST | 111073001 | The user does not exist. |
CMS_USER_DATA_ORG_INFO_NOT_EXIST | 111073002 | The organization does not exist. |
CMS_USER_DATA_USER_INFO_ILLEGAL | 111073003 | Invalid user. |
CMS_USER_DATA_ORG_INFO_ILLEGAL | 111073004 | Invalid organization. |
CMS_USER_DATA_ORG_INFO_QUERY_FAILED | 111073005 | Failed to query the organization. |
CMS_ASSIGN_ANONYMOUS_FAILED | 111073006 | Failed to request an anonymous user. |
CMS_VMR_DATA_STATUS_ILLEGAL | 111073007 | The status of the cloud meeting room package is invalid. |
CMS_RELEASE_ANONYMOUS_FAILED | 111073008 | Failed to release the anonymous user. |
CMS_WELINK_C_NOT_SUPPORT_CYCLE_CONF | 111073009 | WeLinkC does not support scheduling of recurring meetings. |
CMS_WELINK_C_NOT_SUPPORT_VMR_CONF | 111073010 | WeLinkC does not support scheduling of meetings held using cloud meeting rooms. |
CMS_GET_WE_LINK_TOKEN_FAILED | 111073011 | Failed to obtain WeLink Proxy Token. |
CMS_GET_M_TO_M_TOKEN_FAILED | 111073012 | Failed to obtain the token of a machine-machine account. |
CMS_WEBINAR_VMR_DATA_STATUS_ILLEGAL | 111073013 | The status of the webinar cloud meeting room package is invalid. |
CMS_PROLONG_TIMES_OVER_LIMIT | 111073014 | The number of meeting extension times has reached the quota of the cloud meeting room trial package. |
CMS_PROLONG_DURATION_OVER_LIMIT | 111073015 | The meeting extension time has reached the quota of the cloud meeting room trial package. |
CMS_RFEE_VMR_NOT_SUPPORT_AUTO_PROLONG | 111073016 | The cloud meeting room trial package does not support automatic extension. |
CMS_IDO_CONF_CHAIR_EXIST | 111074001 | The IDO host already exists. |
CMS_IDO_NOT_CONF_CHAIR | 111074002 | No IDO host permissions. |
CMS_IDO_OVER_CONF_MAX_DURATION | 111074003 | Failed to extend the meeting. The meeting duration has reached the maximum. |
CMS_IDO_SET_CONF_DURATION_FAIL | 111074004 | Failed to extend the meeting due to a service processing error. |
CMS_START_TIMER_FAIL | 111075001 | Failed to start the timer. |
CMS_MODIFY_TIMER_FAIL | 111075002 | Failed to stop the timer. |
CMS_JSON_PARSE_FAIL | 111075003 | JSON conversion error. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_HANGUP_BY_CHAIR_IDO | 111076001 | The participant is disconnected by the host on the device. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_HANGUP_BY_CHAIR_REST | 111076002 | The participant is disconnected by the host on the Management Platform. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_VMR_LOGIC_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111076003 | More participants in the cloud meeting room than allowed. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111076004 | Concurrent participants in the enterprise are insufficient. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_NO_RESPONSE | 111076005 | The participant does not respond. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_NOT_EXIST | 111076006 | The participant does not exist. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_UNAVAILABLE | 111076007 | The participant is offline. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_BUSY | 111076008 | The participant is busy. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_REFUSED | 111076009 | The participant rejects the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_LEAVE | 111076010 | The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_MEDIA_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111076011 | Media resources are insufficient. |
CMS_PSTN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | 111076012 | The PSTN service is not enabled. |
CMS_CONF_APPLY_ADDRESS_TOKEN_FAILED | 111076013 | Failed to request corporate directory authentication information. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_TIMEOUT | 111076014 | SIP call timed out. |
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_OVER_MAX_PARTICIPANT_NUMBER | 111076015 | More participants than allowed. |
CMS_CONF_USER_EXPIRATION | 111076017 | Invalid user. |
CMS_CONF_ORG_EXPIRATION | 111076018 | Invalid enterprise. |
CMS_CONF_SP_EXPIRATION | 111076019 | Invalid SP. |
CMS_CONF_GUEST_INVITE_NOT_ALLOW | 111076022 | Guests are not allowed to scan the QR code to invite hard terminals to the meeting. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_CONFCTRL | 111076028 | AR collaboration is in progress in the meeting. Meeting control operations such as sharing, group discussion, and releasing the host role are not allowed. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_AR_ASSIST | 111076029 | Sharing or group discussion is in progress. AR collaboration is not allowed. |
CMS_CONF_NETWORK_ERR_NEED_RESTART_SHARE | 111076040 | A network exception occurred. Initiate sharing again. |
CMS_CONF_INVITE_USER_EXPIRATION | 111076045 | The called participant is invalid. |
CMS_RSE_SERVER_INFO_NOT_EXIST | 111077001 | RSE recording error. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_AI_RECORD | 111077101 | AI meeting minutes are not supported. |
CMS_CONF_RE_APPLY_AI_RECORD_RES | 111077102 | The system is requesting meeting minutes resources again. |
CMS_AI_RECORD_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 111077103 | AI meeting minutes resources are insufficient. |
CMS_CONF_IS_IN_AI_RECORD | 111077104 | Recording or live broadcast cannot be stopped because AI meeting minutes are enabled. |
CMS_RECORD_FILE_NOT_EXIST_OR_HAVE_NO_RIGHT | 111077201 | The recording file has been deleted or you do not have the permission for accessing it. |
CMS_RSE_AUTH_FAILED | 111077202 | RSE machine-to-machine authentication failed. |
CMS_MULTI_REGION_NO_AVAILABLE_REGION | 111078000 | No Region site available. |
CMS_MULTI_REGION_NO_AVAILABLE_GLOBAL | 111078001 | No Global site is available. |
CMS_MULTI_REGION_DISPATCH_REGION_ERROR | 111078002 | Failed to distribute regions in multi-region mode. |
CMS_DATA_PARAM_QUERY_XML_FAILED | 111079000 | Failed to parse the XML file. |
CMS_ANONYMOUS_ASSIGN_XML_FAILED | 111079001 | Failed to parse the XML file for anonymous account allocation. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_BAD_REQUEST | 111080001 | Incorrect parameters in the request message. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS | 111080002 | The user has no permission to perform this operation. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_DATA_NOT_FOUND | 111080004 | The participant does not exist or has been removed. |
CMS_IM_COMMON_EXCEPTION | 111080090 | Common IM error. |
CMS_IM_SENDER_INFO_ILLEGAL | 111080096 | Invalid IM sender information. |
CMS_CONF_BASE_MISSING | 111080097 | Basic meeting details are missing. |
CMS_USER_PARTICIPANT_MISSING | 111080098 | Participant information is missing. |
CMS_IM_CHANNEL_ILLEGAL | 111080099 | Invalid IM channel. |
CMS_IM_CHAT_FORBIDDEN | 111080100 | Chatting is not allowed. |
CMS_IM_CHAT_TARGET_ILLEGAL | 111080101 | Invalid chat target. |
CMS_IM_PUBLIC_CHAT_ONLY | 111080102 | Only public chat is allowed. |
CMS_IM_QUERY_MSG_ID_ILLEGAL | 111080104 | Invalid msgId for query. |
CMS_IM_MSG_TYPE_ILLEGAL | 111080105 | Invalid message type. |
CMS_IM_MSG_CONTENT_ILLEGAL | 111080106 | Message is too long. |
CMS_IM_CHAT_MSG_IS_CONTROLLED | 111080205 | Rate limiting is performed on message sending. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_IS_INVITING | 111081001 | The participant is in a call. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_NOT_EXIST | 111081002 | The meeting does not exist or has ended. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_APPLY_RESOURCE_FAILED | 111081003 | Failed to request participant resources. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_RELEASE_RESOURCE_FAILED | 111081004 | Failed to release participant resources. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_APPLY_MEDIA_RESOURCE_FAILED | 111081005 | Failed to request participant media resources. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 111081006 | Authentication failed. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_IS_LOCKED | 111081007 | The meeting has been locked. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_LOGIN_LOCKED | 111081009 | Too many failed meeting authentication attempts. The user is locked. |
CMS_WAITING_USER_LIMIT | 111081010 | The maximum number of users in the waiting room has been reached. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONTROL_NOT_SUPPORT | 111082001 | The meeting control operation is not supported. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NO_RESPONSE | 111082002 | No response. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_EXIST | 111082003 | The participant does not exist. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_UNAVAILABLE | 111082004 | The participant is offline. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_BUSY | 111082005 | The participant is busy. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_REFUSED | 111082006 | The participant rejects the call. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_LEAVE | 111082007 | The participant is disconnected. |
CMS_PSTN_SERVICE_CLOSED | 111082008 | The PSTN service is disabled. |
CMS_PARTTICIPANT_INVITE_TIMEOUT | 111082009 | SIP call timed out. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_RSE_NOT_EXIST | 111083001 | The RSE device does not exist. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_EXECUTE_DTMF_FAILED | 111084001 | Failed to execute DTMF. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_GET_STARTED_CONF_EXCEPTION | 111084002 | An exception occurred when starting the meeting. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CALL_MCUSIDE_EXCEPTION | 111084003 | An exception occurred when calling the MCU. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_JOIN_CALL_EXCEPTION | 111084004 | Meeting joining exception. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_INVITE_EXCEPTION | 111084005 | Invitation exception. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CALL_TERMINALSIDE_EXCEPTION | 111084006 | An exception occurred on the caller side. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_ANSWER_EXCEPTION | 111084007 | Response exception. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_GENERIC_CTL_EXCEPTION | 111084008 | Common CTL exception. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_HANGUP_EXCEPTION | 111084009 | Hang-up exception. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_INFORM_CAPABILITY_EXCEPTION | 111084010 | Notification capability exception. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_UPDATE_MT_EXCEPTION | 111084011 | An exception occurred when updating the MT. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NEGOTIATE_EXCEPTION | 111084012 | Negotiation exception. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT | 111084013 | The meeting is not supported. |
CMS_RTC_INVITE_NOT_ALLOWED_JOIN_CONF | 111084014 | The guest is not invited to the RTC meeting and cannot join the meeting. |
CMS_URI_JOIN_XML_FAILED | 111089002 | Failed to parse the XML file for joining a meeting through a link. |
CMS_DATA_JOIN_FAIL | 111090001 | Failed to join the data meeting. |
CMS_DATA_JOIN_OVERTIME | 111090002 | Joining the data meeting timed out. |
CMS_AUTH_SLIDE_GET_IMAGE_FAILED | 111100001 | Failed to obtain the CAPTCHA image. |
CMS_AUTH_SLIDE_VERIFY_CHECK_FAILED | 111100002 | CAPTCHA verification failed. |
CMS_AUTH_INVALID_RANDOM | 111100003 | Invalid random number. |
CMS_AUTH_INVALID_SLIDER_TOKEN | 111100004 | Invalid CAPTCHA token. |
CMS_AUTH_NEED_CHECK_SLIDER | 111100005 | CAPTCHA verification is required. |
CMS_AUTH_INVALID_SMS | 111100006 | Invalid mobile number. |
CMS_SEND_VERIFY_CODE_FAIL | 111100007 | Failed to send the verification code. |
CMS_AUTH_VERIFY_CODE_EXPIRED | 111100008 | The verification code has expired. |
CMS_AUTH_VERIFY_CODE_FAIL | 111100009 | Incorrect verification code. |
CMS_AUTH_VERIFY_CODE_FAIL_CNT_EXCEED | 111100010 | Too many failed verification code attempts. |
CMS_AUTH_INVALID_UUID | 111100011 | Invalid UUID. Verify the mobile number again. |
CMS_CONF_NOT_ON_LOCAL_STATION | 111100012 | The meeting is not held at this site. |
CMS_AUTH_NEED_MOBILE_VERIFY | 111100013 | Mobile number verification is required when an International site user joins a meeting held by a free enterprise on the Chinese mainland site. |
CMS_IM_ADD_GROUP_FAILED | 111110001 | Failed to add the group. |
CMS_IM_DISBAND_GROUP_FAILED | 111110002 | Failed to delete the group. |
CMS_IM_ADD_MEMBER_FAILED | 111110003 | Failed to add the member. |
CMS_IM_REMOVE_MEMBER_FAILED | 111110004 | Failed to delete the member. |
CMS_CTRL_HANGUP_MMR_REJOIN_FAILED | 111111007 | Disconnected. Failed to join the MMR meeting again. |
CMS_CTRL_HANGUP_CONF_CONFLICT | 111111008 | Another device has joined this meeting using your account. |
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_ADD_MEMBER_FAILED | 111112001 | Failed to move the participant to the waiting room. |
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_MOVE_MEMBER_FAILED | 111112002 | Failed to remove the participant from the waiting room. |
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_CACHE_OPT_FAILED | 111112003 | Failed to operate the waiting room cache. |
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_COHOST_TO_WAITING_ROOM | 111112004 | Co-hosts cannot be moved to the waiting room. |
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_ENABLE_WAITING_ROOM | 111112005 | The waiting room cannot be enabled. |
CMS_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT | 111112008 | The client does not support this feature. |
CMS_APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND | 111113001 | Failed to find the app information. |
CMS_APPLICATION_EXIST | 111113002 | The app already exists. Currently, one meeting can be associated with only one app. |
CMS_APPLICATION_CREATE_FORBIDDEN | 111113003 | Insufficient permission to create an app. |
CMS_APPLICATION_NEED_REAL_NAME | 111113004 | Real-name authentication is required for app operations. (You need to bind a mobile number.) |
CMS_APPLICATION_GET_USER_TOKEN_FAILED | 111113005 | Failed to obtain the app user token. |
CMS_APPLICATION_URL_INVALID | 111113006 | Invalid URL of the app service. |
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_DOC_NOT_ENABLED | 111113101 | Shimo Docs is not enabled. |
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_DOC_CALL_FAILED | 111113102 | Failed to invoke the Shimo Docs service. |
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_GET_TOKEN_FAILED | 111113103 | Failed to obtain the app-level token of Shimo Docs. |
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_NOT_IN_CONFERENCE | 111113104 | The user is not in the meeting and cannot apply for the permission. |
CMS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_DISABLED | 111113105 | The enterprise account is suspended. |
CMS_SMS_SEND_FREQUENTLY | 111113106 | Too many SMS messages sent. Try again later. |
CMS_SMS_EXCEEDED_DAILY_LIMIT_OF_ENTERPRISE | 111113107 | Max. daily SMS messages to send reached for your enterprise. |
CMS_PROJECTION_LINK_VERIFY_FAILED | 111114001 | Verify projection link failed. |
CMS_CONTENT_MODERATION_FAILED | 111114020 | The content is rejected. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_SUB_OVER_LIMIT | 111500301 | More breakout rooms than allowed. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NAME_ERROR | 111500302 | The breakout room name is incorrect. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_START_FAILED | 111500303 | Failed to open the breakout room. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_EXIST_WHEN_DELETE | 111500304 | The breakout room to delete does not exist. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_EXIST_WHEN_START | 111500305 | The breakout room to open does not exist. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_CLOSING | 111500306 | The breakout room is closing. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_END_OR_NOT_START | 111500307 | The breakout room to join has closed or is not open. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_ATTENDEE_IN_TARGET_CONF | 111500308 | The user to move is already in the target breakout room. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_CHAIR_IN_CURRENT_CONF | 111500309 | The host is already in the breakout room. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_BREAKOUT | 111500310 | Breakout rooms are not supported. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_STARTING_OR_STARTED | 111500311 | The breakout room has already opened or is opening. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_EXIST | 111500312 | The breakout room does not exist. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_IN_MAIN_CONF | 111500313 | Users in the main session cannot request help. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_STATE_ILLEGAL | 111500314 | The breakout room status is abnormal (the cache is deleted by mistake). |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_ACTION_FORBIDDEN_BY_STATUS | 111500315 | This operation is not supported in the current state. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_APPLY_CHAIR_FAILED | 111500316 | The host is in a breakout room. Cannot request the host role. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_APPLY_CONF_ID_FAILED | 111500317 | Failed to apply for a breakout room ID. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_QUERY_MAIN_CONF_FAILED | 111500318 | Failed to obtain the main session information. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_ATTENDEE_NOT_FOUND | 111500319 | No user information is found. |
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_STOP_FAILED | 111500320 | Failed to close the breakout room. |
CMS_SUBJECT_FAIL_TO_LEAVE_CONF_START | 111502000 | Subscription failed. The start value of the error code for leaving the meeting is required. |
CMS_SUBJECT_FAIL_TO_LEAVE_CONF_END | 111502099 | Subscription failed. The end value of the error code for leaving the meeting is required. |
CMS_FAILED | 112010001 | Common error. |
CMS_NULL_PARAM | 112010002 | The parameter is empty. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_FOUND | 112010003 | No participant found. |
CMS_CONFERENCE_NOT_FOUND | 112010004 | The meeting does not exist. |
CMS_SIP_INVITE_TIMEOUT_NO_RCV | 112010005 | The invite message timed out. |
CMS_SIP_INVITE_FAILED | 112010006 | The invite message fails to be sent. |
CMS_SIP_INFO_TIMEOUT | 112010007 | Info response timed out. |
CMS_SIP_INFO_FAILED | 112010008 | Info response failed. |
CMS_WAIT_FIRST_CALL_FAILED | 112010009 | System processing failed. |
CMS_PARTICIPANT_DIALOG_FAILED | 112010010 | System processing failed. |
CMS_INVITE_MRS_FAILED | 112010011 | Failed to call the MRS. |
CMS_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_FAILED | 112010012 | Failed to call the terminal. |
CMS_INFORM_CONF_INFO_FAILED | 112010013 | The Info process of joining the data meeting failed. |
CMS_START_CONF_FAILED | 112010014 | Failed to hold the meeting. |
CMS_MEDIA_NEGOTIATION_FAILURE | 112010015 | Media negotiation failed. |
CMS_USER_REJECTED | 112010016 | The user rejects the call or meeting. |
CMS_USER_BUSY | 112010017 | The user is busy. |
CMS_NO_CALL_RIGHT | 112010018 | No call permission. |
CMS_UNKNOWN_CALLEE | 112010019 | Unknown called participant. |
CMS_NO_USER_RESPONDING | 112010020 | No user response. |
CMS_JOIN_CONF_TIMEOUT | 112010021 | Joining the meeting timed out. |
CMS_SESSION_RELEASED | 112010022 | The session has been released. |
CMS_CALLEE_NOT_REGISTERED | 112010023 | The called participant is not registered. |
CMS_SIP_INVITE_TIMEOUT_RCV1XX | 112010024 | SIP invitation timed out. |
CMS_USER_SESSION_TIMER_TIMEOUT_HANGUP | 112010025 | The user session timer timed out. The user hangs up. |
CMS_RCV_USER_BYE_MRS_HANGUP | 112010026 | The participant is disconnected by the MRS. |
CMS_RCV_USER_BYE_PART_HANGUP | 112010027 | The participant is disconnected by the device. |
CMS_NO_RTP_STREAM_HUNG_UP | 112010028 | No stream received. The meeting or call is disconnected. |
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_NO_UPSCALE_VMR | 112030001 | There are no cloud meeting rooms of higher specifications. |
CMS_CONF_MOVE_BC_FAILED | 112051005 | Failed to move the participant to the room due to network exceptions. |
CMS_SYSPORTAL_EXCEPTION | 112100000 | System exception. |
CMS_BAD_REQUEST | 112100001 | Request error. |
CMS_ILLEGAL_REQUEST | 112100002 | Invalid request. |
CMS_DATA_NOT_FOUND | 112100003 | The data is not obtained. |
CMS_DATA_DUPLICATE | 112100004 | Duplicate data. |
CMS_APPLY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT | 112100006 | The request type is not supported. |
CMS_SAVE_NOTICE_MODEL_FAILED | 112100007 | Failed to save the notification template. |
CMS_SAVE_DATA_FAILED | 112100008 | Failed to save the data. |
CMS_QUERY_DATA_FAILED | 112100009 | Failed to query the data. |
CMS_DELETE_DATA_FAILED | 112100010 | Failed to delete the data. |
CMS_NEED_RESET_PASSWORD | 112100011 | The password needs to be reset. |
CMS_AUTH_FAILED | 112100012 | Incorrect old password. |
CMS_NEW_PASSWORD_EQUALS_OLD_PASSWORD | 112100013 | The new password cannot be the same as the old password. |
CMS_PASSWORD_TOO_SIMPLE | 112100014 | The password is too weak. |
CMS_LEHGTH_NOTMEET_STANDARD | 112100015 | Invalid length. |
CMS_RSE_IS_IN_CONFERENCE | 112100016 | RSE is in the meeting. |
CMS_RSE_IS_DELETING | 112100017 | RSE is to be deleted. |
CMS_RSE_LIST_CONF_FAILED | 112100018 | Failed to query the meeting list. |
CMS_AUTH_LOCKED | 112100019 | The user has been locked. Log in again later. |
CMS_LIVE_CHANNEL_NAME_EXISTED | 112100022 | The channel name already exists. |
CMS_CONFID_PREFIX_CANNOT_DECREASE | 112100023 | Failed to modify the system configuration item because the meeting ID prefix already exists. |
CMS_CONFID_PREFIX_DUPLICATE | 112100024 | You can add CONFID prefixes but cannot modify or delete them. |
CMS_LIVE_CHANNEL_URL_EXISTED | 112100025 | The live broadcast room address already exists. |
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_ISUSED | 112100026 | The live broadcast room has been occupied. |
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_NOT_EXIST | 112100027 | The live broadcast room does not exist. |
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_RELEASE_FAIL | 112100028 | Failed to release the live broadcast room. |
CMS_REQUEST_MISSING_HEADER_OR_PARAM | 112100029 | The request header field is missing. |
CMS_LIVE_MAIN_URL_EXISTED | 112100030 | The audio and video stream push address already exists. |
CMS_LIVE_AUX_URL_EXISTED | 112100031 | The presentation stream push address already exists. |
CMS_PWD_IS_WEAK_PASSWORD | 112100032 | Weak password. |
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_ISUSED_FAIL | 112100033 | The live broadcast room has been occupied. |
CMS_SAVE_PART_ATTENDEES_SINCE_TOO_MANY | 112100034 | More participants than allowed. Only some participants are saved. |
CMS_EXPORT_DATA_FAIL | 112100035 | Failed to export the data. |
CMS_IMPORT_DATA_FAIL | 112100036 | Failed to import the data. |
CMS_FILE_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM_SIZE | 112100037 | The file size exceeds the upper limit. |
CMS_LVS_TARGET_ADDRESS_EXISTED | 112100038 | The target address of LVS already exists. |
CMS_LVS_PORT_EXISTED | 112100039 | Duplicate LVS ports. |
CMS_NOT_ALLOWED_MODIFY_GLOBAL_STANDBY | 112100040 | Only hosts can modify the Global configuration. |
CMS_MCU_INSULATE_ADDR_EXIST | 112100041 | The MCU isolation IP address already exists. |
CMS_MCU_INSULATE_ADDR_CANT_MODIFY | 112100042 | The MCU isolation IP address cannot be changed. |
CMS_SBC_ADDR_EXIST | 112100043 | The SBC address already exists. |
CMS_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION | 112100044 | Internal error. |
CMS_SYS_CONFIG_DELETE_EXCEPTION | 112100045 | The system configuration cannot be deleted. |
CMS_NO_ISBC_ACCESS_ADDR | 112100046 | Failed to obtain the SBC address based on the enterprise ID. |
CMS_MEDIA_TYPE_NEED_HD | 112100047 | The enterprise has enabled the full HD function. The media configuration cannot be lower than 1080p nor 8 Mbit/s. |
CMS_INTERPRETER_LANGUAGE_ABBREVIATION_REPEATED | 112100061 | Duplicate language abbreviations. |
CMS_INTERPRETER_LANGUAGE_NAME_REPEATED | 112100062 | Duplicate language names. |
CMS_MODIFY_MCU_WARNING | 112100063 | MCU type is MIXED and isolation is not configured, or an MCU meeting exists when you modify MCU connection settings. |
CMS_ADD_MCU_WARNING | 112100064 | The MCU type is MIXED and isolation is not configured when you add MCU connection settings. |
CMS_MODIFY_MCUINSULATE_WARNING | 112100065 | MCU type is MIXED when modifying MCU insulation configuration or unbinding the enterprise. |
CMS_DEL_MCUINSULATE_WARNING | 112100066 | MCU type is MIXED when deleting MCU insulation configuration. |
CMS_MCU_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE | 112100067 | The MCU is incompatible with the gateway type. |
CMS_MEDIARES_MEDIA_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 115021001 | Media resources are insufficient. |
CMS_MEDIARES_CONF_NOT_EXIST | 115021002 | The meeting does not exist. |
CMS_MEDIARES_MEDIA_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST | 115021003 | The media resource does not exist. |
CMS_MEDIARES_BANDWIDTH_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 115021005 | Insufficient network bandwidth. |
CMS_MEDIARES_DEVICE_FAULT | 115021006 | The device is faulty. |
CMS_LOGIC_RES_NOT_ENOUGH | 115022000 | Common logical resources are insufficient. |
CMS_LOGICRES_PNUM_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 115022001 | Concurrent participants in the enterprise are insufficient. |
CMS_LOGICRES_PORT_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 115022002 | Logical port resources are insufficient. |
CMS_LOGICRES_LSNUM_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 115022003 | Live broadcast resources in the enterprise are insufficient. |
CMS_MEDIARES_DEVICE_NOT_EXIST | 115022004 | The media device does not exist. |
CMS_LOGICRES_RECORED_NUM_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 115022005 | Cloud recording ports purchased by your enterprise have been used up. |
CMS_ID_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 115023001 | Insufficient ID resources. |
CMS_RMS_SERVICE_ERROR | 115024001 | The RMS service is abnormal. |
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_IN_USE | 115025001 | The live broadcast room has been occupied. |
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_NOT_EXISTED | 115025002 | The live broadcast room does not exist. |
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_RELEASE_FAILED | 115025003 | Failed to release the live broadcast room. |
CMS_MCU_HAS_CONF | 115026001 | An MCU meeting exists. |
CMS_COMMON_INVALID_PARAMS | 115029001 | Invalid common parameter. |
CMS_COMMON_NULL_PARAMS | 115029002 | The parameter value is empty. |
CMS_COMMON_SERVICE_INVALID | 115029003 | The service is unavailable. |
CMS_CONFIG_ERROR | 115029004 | The configuration is abnormal. |
CMS_DUPLICATE_APPLY_RESOURCE | 115029005 | A resource request already exists. |
CMS_WAIT_APPLY_RESOURCE | 115029006 | Resources are being requested. |
CMS_COMMON_UNKNOWN | 115029999 | Unknown error. |
CMS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 118000000 | Authentication failed. |
CMS_USER_TOKEN_AUTH_FAILED | 118000001 | USG token authentication failed. |
CMS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKED | 118000002 | The account has been locked. |
CMS_RESTRICT_GUEST_INVITE_WHEN_WAITING_ROOM | 112051003 | Guests cannot invite others to the meeting when the waiting room is enabled. |
CMS_MULTI_SHARE_IS_NOT_SUPPORT | 112051006 | To join this meeting, upgrade the client to the latest version. |
USG_SERVER_BUSY | 200000001 | The server is busy. Try again later. |
USG_INTERNAL_ERR | 200000002 | The server is busy. Contact SRE. |
USG_PARAM_ERR | 200000003 | Incorrect request parameter. Check whether the parameter is valid. |
USG_ILLEGAL_REQ | 200000004 | Invalid request. Check the value of X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token in the request header. |
USG_UPGRADING | 200000005 | The system is being upgraded and is temporarily inaccessible. Sorry for any inconvenience. |
USG_NO_DEPARTMENT_PERMISSIONS | 200000026 | Insufficient permissions to call APIs by domain. |
USG_URL_PERMISSION_VALID_FAILED | 200000030 | Insufficient department permissions. |
USG_OTHER_CORP_OWNER | 201020023 | The user is already the owner of an enterprise. New enterprises cannot be created for the user. |
USG_CORP_USER_NUMBER_MAX | 201040005 | The number of users has reached the upper limit. Check the user quantity allowed by the resources you have purchased. |
USG_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LOW | 201040016 | Weak password. Set another password. |
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_OVERDUE | 201040031 | The activation code has expired. |
USG_DEVICE_CANNOT_BE_REACTIVATED | 201040033 | This device has already been activated in your enterprise. |
USG_DEVICE_ACTIVATED_IN_OTHERS_ENTERPRISE | 201040034 | This device has already been activated in another enterprise. |
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_REACHED_RESOURCE_LIMIT | 201040037 | The maximum number of activation codes has been reached. |
USG_USER_NOT_ACTIVATED | 201040041 | The user is not activated. |
USG_PRE_VERIFY_EXPIRE | 201040042 | Pre-verification failed. |
USG_NO_INVITE_OTHER_CORP_OWNER | 201040043 | The user is the owner of another enterprise and cannot be invited. |
USG_INVITE_LINK_INVALID | 201040044 | Invalid invitation connection. |
USG_USER_IN_WAIT_LIST | 201040045 | The user is already in the waiting list. |
USG_USER_EXIST | 201040046 | The user already exists. |
USG_NOT_ALLOW_MOD_ACCOUNT | 201040047 | The account cannot be modified. |
USG_IDEAHUB_RESOURCE_EXCEEDS_INACTIVE_LIMIT | 201040049 | The maximum number of inactive IdeaHubs has been exceeded. |
USG_NOT_CANNOT_CONTAIN_SENSITVE_WORDS | 201040063 | Username cannot contain sensitive words. |
USG_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_ACTIVE_CODE | 201050004 | Devices of this type do not support the activation code. |
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_RESET_REACH_MAXIMUM | 201050010 | The number of device activation code reset times in a day has reached the maximum (5). |
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_NOT_EXIT | 201050012 | The activation code does not exist. |
USG_ACTIVE_INVALID_ACTIVE_CODE | 201050015 | Incorrect activation code. |
USG_TRIAL_ACTIVE_CODE_CANNOT_BE_DELETED | 201050016 | Trial activation codes cannot be deleted. |
USG_ACTIVE_FAIL | 201050021 | Activation failed. |
USG_CAN_NOT_UNBOUND | 201050022 | The terminal cannot be unbound. |
USG_IDEA_MANAGER_NOT_ENABLED | 201050027 | IdeaManager is not enabled. |
USG_VMR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE | 201080000 | Cloud meeting resources are unavailable. |
USG_VMR_PWD_SAME_AS_CHAIRMAN_PWD | 201080006 | The host password and guest password cannot be the same. Check the parameters. |
USG_VMR_PWM_SAME_AS_MEETING_PWD | 201080017 | Same as the meeting password. |
USG_INVITATION_ENABLE_INVALID | 201510001 | You do not have the permission to obtain an invitation code. |
USG_CORP_APPLICANT_INVALID | 201510003 | The request is invalid. |
USG_DEVICE_TYPE_NOT_EXIST | 205030005 | The device type does not exist. |
USG_ERR_PASSWORD | 206010000 | The name or password is incorrect. |
USG_APPID_ACCOUNT_DISABLED | 206010007 | The account is not activated and cannot be used for login. |
USG_USER_INFORMATION_DISABLED | 206010008 | The user does not exist or is not activated and cannot be used for login. |
USG_SEND_SLIDER_FAILED | 206010010 | Failed to obtain the verification code. Contact SRE. |
USG_NEED_VERIFY_CODE | 206010011 | The verification code cannot be empty. |
USG_CHECK_SLIDER_FAILED | 206010012 | Incorrect verification code. |
USG_JUMP_LOGIN_FAIL | 206010013 | Failed to redirect to the login page. Contact SRE. |
USG_DOMIAN_NOT_EXIS | 206010014 | The enterprise domain name does not exist. |
USG_SSO_AUTH_FAILED | 206010022 | SSO login failed. Contact SRE. |
USG_AUTH_NOT_SUPPORT_SSO | 206010023 | SSO login is not supported. |
USG_INVALID_AUTH_TYPE | 206010024 | Invalid authentication type. |
USG_APPID_AUTH_FAILED | 206010025 | Failed to verify the app ID. |
USG_AUTH_TYPE_ERR | 206010027 | Verification type error. |
USG_NETWORK_ERROR | 206010029 | Network error. |
USG_APPID_NOT_ALLOW_AUTO_REG | 206010030 | Automatic app ID registration is not allowed. |
USG_APPID_AUTO_REG_FAILED | 206010031 | Automatic app ID registration failed. |
USG_NORMAL_USER_CANNOT_LOGIN | 206010036 | Common users cannot log in. |
USG_HWACCOUNT_AUTH_FAILED | 206010042 | HUAWEI ID authentication failed. |
USG_APPID_AUTH_EXPIRE | 206010057 | The app ID authentication has expired. |
USG_APPID_ACCOUNT_NOT_BIND | 206010058 | The mobile number is not registered. |
USG_SITE_MISMATCHED | 206010064 | The site does not match. |
USG_CONFLICT_PHONE | 206010065 | Mobile number conflicts. |
USG_CONFLICT_EMAIL | 206010066 | Email address conflicts. |
USG_USER_NUM_EXCEED | 206010070 | More users than allowed. |
AUTH_WECHAT_LOGIN_FAILED | 206010071 | WeChat authentication failed. |
USG_CHANGE_SITE_AND_NEXT_REQUEST | 206010074 | The International site supports re-login after site change. |
USG_ACCOUNT_IS_UNBOUND | 206010075 | The account has been unbound. |
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_AUTH_FIXED_LINK_UNFOUND | 206010079 | No fixed link is established between the device and the large screen. |
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_AUTH_JWT_INVALID | 206010080 | The JWT token is invalid. |
USG_NEED_AGREED_SIGN_PRIVACY | 206010090 | The privacy statement needs to be signed. The returned data contains the key of third-party user cache information. |
USG_THIRD_USER_INFO_HAS_INVALID | 206010091 | The third-party user cache information is invalid. |
USG_INVALID_TOKEN | 206020000 | Invalid authentication information. Check the value of X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token in the request header. |
USG_TOKEN_IS_CRATER_BY_OTHERSITE | 206020001 | The token is created at the DR site. |
USG_TOKEN_IS_INVAILD_BY_KICKOFF | 206020002 | The token is invalid because you are kicked out. |
USG_USER_NOT_EXIST | 206030000 | The user does not exist. |
USG_FIND_VERCODE_FAIL | 206030001 | The verification code is incorrect or has expired. Obtain a new one. |
USG_VERCODE_ERR | 206030002 | Incorrect verification code. |
USG_NOT_PHONE_AND_EMAIL | 206030003 | Failed to send the verification code. |
USG_RESEND_NOT_ALLOW | 206030004 | Resend a code 180s later. |
USG_NOT_SUPPORT_MODIFY_PWD | 206030005 | The system does not support password change. |
USG_OLD_PWD_WRONG | 206030006 | Incorrect old password. |
USG_INVALID_NEW_PWD_LEN | 206030007 | The length of the new password does not meet the requirements. |
USG_INVALID_PWD_LEVEL | 206030008 | The password complexity does not meet the requirements. |
USG_CANNOT_SAME_WITH_HISTROY_PWD | 206030009 | The new password must be different from any of the previous old passwords. |
USG_REPEAT_CHAR_NUM_TOO_MUCH | 206030010 | The password cannot contain three or more of the same characters consecutively. |
USG_PWD_TOO_FREQUENTLY | 206030011 | The password cannot be changed within 5 minutes upon the last password change. |
USG_CANNOT_CONTAIN_ACCOUNT | 206030012 | The password cannot be the account or the account spelled backwards. |
USG_MANY_SAME_WITH_OLD_PWD | 206030013 | At least two characters must be different between the new and old passwords. |
USG_CONTAINS_INVAILD | 206030014 | Invalid password format. |
USG_USER_LOCKED | 206030015 | The user has been locked. Try again after 60 seconds. |
USG_NO_RIGHT_TO_RESET_PWD | 206030016 | You do not have the permissions to reset the password. |
USG_FROGET_PWD_OVER_10_TIMES | 206030018 | The number of password retrieval times in a day has reached the maximum (10). |
USG_USG_VERIFY_CODE_CHECK_EXCCED_MAX | 206030019 | The maximum number of incorrect verification code inputs has been reached. Obtain a new verification code. |
USG_SEND_VERIFY_CODE_FAILED | 206030023 | Failed to send the verification code. Contact SRE. |
USG_AUTO_USER_NOT_ALLOW_MOD_PWD | 206030028 | The system has enabled SSO login. The password cannot be changed. Disable SSO login and try again. |
USG_HUAWEI_MODIFY_PWD | 206030031 | The password of the HUAWEI ID was forgotten. |
USG_NO_CORRESPOND_TERMIAL_TYPE | 206040000 | No corresponding terminal type. |
USG_SEND_VERIFY_CODE_IS_LOCKED | 206060008 | The function of sending verification codes is locked. |
USG_NEED_SLIDER_VERIFY | 206060009 | CAPTCHA verification is required. |
USG_SLIDER_TOKEN_INVAILD | 206060010 | Invalid CAPTCHA token. |
USG_REQUEST_PARAM_ERROR | 206060011 | Incorrect request parameter. |
USG_NOT_SUPPORT_SEND_SMS | 206060012 | SMS message delivery is not supported. |
USG_NOT_ALLOW_REPEAT_SEND | 206060013 | Repeated delivery is not supported. |
USG_LOGINVERIFY_CODE_INVAILD | 206060014 | Invalid verification code. |
USG_LOGINVERIFY_CODE_EXCCED_MAX | 206060015 | Too many failed verification code attempts. |
USG_HWACCOUNT_BIND_FAILED | 206060017 | Failed to bind the HUAWEI ID. |
USG_VERIFY_ACTIVATION_CREDENTIAL_FAILED | 211000062 | The QR code has expired. |
USG_NOT_ALLOW_ACTIVATE_DEVICE | 211000092 | Enterprises in this operations mode restrict users from activating devices via QR code. |
USG_ACTIVE_NOT_IDEAHUB_CODE | 211030046 | Incorrect IdeaHub activation code. |
USG_AUTH_FAIL_TOO_MANY_TIMES_LOCKED | 211030050 | Too many failed identity authentication attempts. The account is locked. |
USG_AUTH_FAIL_TOO_MANY_TIMES_PERMANENTLY_LOCKED | 211030052 | Too many failed identity authentication attempts. The account is locked permanently. |
USG_LOG_UPLOAD_TIMES_EXCEED | 211060003 | The maximum number of log uploads has been reached. |
USG_NOT_ALLOW_PAIR_CROSS_CORP | 222020001 | Cross-enterprise pairing is not allowed. |
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_HAS_BEEN_BOUND | 222020002 | Another device has been bound to this large screen. |
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_DOUBLE_CHECK_FAILED | 222020003 | The secondary verification code is invalid. |
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_CODE_INVALID | 222020004 | The pairing code is invalid. |
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_ALREADY_EXIST | 222020005 | An offline temporary link already exists. |
USG_OFFLINE__FIXED_PAIR_ALREADY_EXIST | 222020006 | An offline fixed link already exists. |
USG_PROJECTION_CODE_ILLEGAL | 222020010 | Invalid projection code. |
USG_PROJECTION_IP_BEEN_LOCKED | 222020011 | The IP address has been locked. |
USG_PROJECTION_CROSS_CORP | 222020012 | The projection code is not generated by the device of the enterprise to which the user belongs. |
USG_PROJECTION_DOUBLE_CHECK_REACH_MAX_TIME | 222020013 | The maximum number of incorrect secondary verification code inputs has been reached. |
USG_OBS_UPLOAD_IMAGE_NOT_EXIST | 225020001 | The image object cannot be found in OBS. |
USG_OBS_UPLOAD_IMAGE_IS_REPETITION | 225030002 | The image with this unique identifier is already under review. |
USG_SLIDER_NOT_SUPPORT | 230010001 | The current service is not supported. |
USG_SLIDER_VERIFY_CODE_AND_BUSINESS_MISMATCH | 230010002 | The verification code does not match the service. |
USG_SLIDER_USER_NOT_EXIST | 230010003 | The user does not exist. |
USG_SLIDER_TRY_AGAIN_LATER | 230010004 | Try again later. |
USG_SLIDER_VERIFY_CODE_INVALID | 230010005 | The verification code has expired. |
USG_SLIDER_VERIFY_CODE_ERROR | 230010006 | Incorrect verification code. |
USG_SLIDER_GET_NEW_VERIFY_CODE | 230010007 | The maximum number of incorrect verification code inputs has been reached. Obtain a new verification code. |
SDK_COMMON_FAIL | 411000001 | Failed. |
SDK_PARAM_ERROR | 411000002 | Parameter error. |
SDK_CONF_NOT_EXIST | 411000003 | The meeting does not exist. |
SDK_CONF_EXIST | 411000004 | A meeting already exists. |
SDK_CONF_STATE_ERROR | 411000005 | The meeting status is abnormal. |
SDK_CALL_GET_DEVICE_FAILED | 411000006 | Failed to obtain the device. |
SDK_CALL_SET_DEVICE_FAILED | 411000007 | Failed to configure the device. |
SDK_NO_DEVICE_CAN_USED | 411000008 | No device is available. |
SDK_ONLY_MOBILE_SUPPORT | 411000009 | Only mobile devices support this operation. |
SDK_ACCESS_ERROR | 411000010 | Network access error. |
SDK_SERVICE_DOING | 411000011 | Another supplementary service is in progress. |
SDK_ERR_MEM_ERROR | 411000012 | Memory allocation error. |
SDK_ERR_INITIALIZE_FAILED | 411000013 | Initialization failed. |
SDK_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST | 411000014 | The user does not exist. |
SDK_DATACONF_NOT_JOIN | 411000015 | The user is not in the data meeting. |
SDK_CALL_AND_CONF_NOT_EXIST | 411000016 | The meeting and call do not exist. |
SDK_SVN_DETECT_FAILED | 411000017 | SVN port detection failed. |
SDK_ERR_WRITE_FILE_FAILED | 411000018 | Failed to write the file. |
SDK_ERR_RTC_NOT_SUPPORT_STG | 411000019 | RTC does not support the STG mode. |
SDK_ERR_RTC_LIB_LOAD_FAILED | 411000020 | Failed to load the RTC library. RTC meetings are not supported. |
SDK_ERR_SWITCH_ROLE_CONF_PAUSE | 411000021 | Attendee view is paused when the role is switched. |
SDK_CONF_NOT_IN_CALL | 411000022 | The user is not in a call. |
SDK_CONF_OR_CALL_NOT_EXIST | 411000023 | The meeting or call does not exist. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_STATE_NOT_ALLOW | 411000024 | The pairing status is not allowed. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_QUERY_FAIL | 411000025 | Pairing request failed. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_OVER_LIMIT | 411000026 | More pairing connections than allowed. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ERROR_COMMON | 411000027 | Common pairing error. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_FAILED | 411000028 | Failed to join the meeting after pairing. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_BUSY | 411000029 | The device is already in a meeting. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_INVALID | 411000030 | Invalid pairing for joining a meeting. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_MULTI | 411000031 | A pairing request is being processed. Do not re-initiate pairing. |
SDK_CONF_PAIR_UNESTABLISHED_OR_PRIRING | 411000032 | Pairing has not been set up or is being set up. |
SDK_CONF_EXTERN_INPUT_CAMERA_NOT_OPEN | 411000033 | The camera is not enabled in third-party collection mode. |
SDK_CONF_CREAT_RTC_ENGINE_FAILED | 411000034 | Failed to create the RTC engine. |
SDK_CONF_NOT_IN_CONF | 411000035 | The user is not in the meeting. |
SDK_CONF_MUTE_SELF_FAILED | 411000036 | Failed to mute the microphone and protection is enabled. |
SDK_CONF_IN_SETTING_LANGUAGE_CHANNEL | 411000037 | Switching channels... Try again later. |
SDK_NO_STREAM_END_CONF_NET_BREAK | 411000100 | No stream was received. The network was disconnected. |
SDK_NO_STREAM_END_CONF_REJOIN_FAIL | 411000101 | Failed to join the meeting again. |
SDK_CHECK_PARAM_NULL_POINTER | 411000102 | Null pointer. |
SDK_CHECK_PARAM_NOT_ALLOW_NULL | 411000103 | The parameter cannot be empty. |
SDK_ENCRYPT_DECRTPT_FUNC_NOT_MACTCH | 411000104 | The encryption and decryption algorithms do not match. |
SDK_LOAD_USER_DEFINED_DLL_FAILED | 411000105 | Failed to load the custom DLL. |
SDK_APPLICATION_NOT_SUPPORT_SHIMO_DOCS | 411000106 | Shimo Docs cannot be opened in the enterprise. |
SDK_DATACONF_SCREEN_RENDER_FAIL | 411000107 | Failed to render the data meeting UI. |
SDK_CONF_END_MMR_REJOIN_FAIL | 411000108 | Failed to join the MMR meeting again. |
SDK_AUDIO_DISCONNECTED | 411000109 | Disconnecting audio... |
SDK_DATACONF_SECOND_MONITOR_DISCONNECT | 411000110 | The secondary display is disconnected during secondary display sharing. |
SDK_DATACONF_PREPARE_DATA_SHARE_CANCELED | 411000111 | The preparation before sharing is canceled. |
SDK_DATACONF_ALREADY_IN_CONTROL | 411000112 | You are remotely controlling a participant's desktop. |
SDK_DATACONF_ALREADY_BE_CONTROLLED | 411000113 | Your desktop is being controlled by a participant. |
SDK_LOGIN_MSG_THREAD_UNINIT | 412100001 | The message processing thread is not initialized. |
SDK_LOGIN_PARAM_ERROR | 412100002 | Parameter error. |
SDK_LOGIN_TIMEOUT | 412100003 | Timeout. |
SDK_LOGIN_MEM_ERROR | 412100004 | Memory allocation error. |
SDK_LOGIN_XML_ERROR | 412100005 | XML parsing error. |
SDK_LOGIN_DNS_ERROR | 412100006 | DNS resolution exception. |
SDK_LOGIN_REQUEST_FAILED | 412100007 | The request message is abnormal. |
SDK_LOGIN_AUTH_FAILED | 412100008 | Authorization failed. |
SDK_LOGIN_SERVICE_ERROR | 412100009 | Server exception. |
SDK_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_LOCKED | 412100010 | The account is locked. |
SDK_LOGIN_TIMER_ERROR | 412100011 | An error occurred during timer creation. |
SDK_LOGIN_CA_VERIFY_FAILED | 412100012 | Failed to verify the server CA certificate. |
SDK_LOGIN_NETWORK_ERROR | 412100013 | Network error. |
SDK_LOGIN_SERVER_REDIRECT | 412100014 | The server returns a redirection address. |
SDK_LOGIN_AUTH_ACCOUNT_DIACTIVE | 412100015 | The account is not activated. |
SDK_LOGIN_JSON_ERROR | 412100016 | Failed to parse the JSON file. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | 412100017 | The proxy communication times out and the TCP connection fails to be set up. Proxy configuration may be incorrect. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_CLOSED_BY_PROXY | 412100018 | The connection is disconnected by the proxy. Server address may be incorrect. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_ADDR_OR_PORT_ERROR | 412100019 | TCP connection setup times out. Proxy domain name or port number may be incorrect. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_PERMISSION_DENIED | 412100020 | Authentication failed. The user does not have the proxy permission and needs to request the proxy permission. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_USER_OR_PWD_ERROR | 412100021 | Authentication failed. The proxy username or password is incorrect. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_TYPE_ERROR | 412100022 | Authentication failed. The authentication type is incorrect. The username and password are required. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_ERROR | 412100023 | Authentication failed due to other unknown errors. The possible cause is that the authentication mode is not supported. It is recommended that a dialog box be displayed to prompt the user to initiate the authentication again. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY | 412100024 | Authentication failed. The gateway cannot be parsed. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST | 412100025 | Authentication failed. The host cannot be parsed. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT | 412100026 | Authentication failed. Connection failed. |
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT | 412100027 | Authentication failed. Operation timed out. |
SDK_LOGIN_MSG_TOOLARGE | 412100028 | The message is too long. |
SDK_LOGIN_BASE64_ENCODE_ERROR | 412100029 | Base64 encryption failed. |
SDK_LOGIN_XML_PARSE_ERROR | 412100030 | XML parsing error. |
SDK_LOGIN_SECURE_LIB_ERROR | 412100031 | Secure function error. |
SDK_LOGIN_FIREWALL_DETECT_PARAM_ERROR | 412100032 | Firewall detection parameters are incorrect. |
SDK_LOGIN_BUILD_STG_TUNNEL_FAIL | 412100033 | Failed to create the STG tunnel. |
SDK_LOGIN_UPDATE_STG_SERVER_ERROR | 412100034 | Failed to update the STG service. |
SDK_LOGIN_TUP_CPYPT_ENCRYPT_ERROR | 412100035 | Encryption failed. |
SDK_LOGIN_IN_DOWNLOADING_CANNOT_DOWNLOAD_AGAIN | 412100036 | Repeated download is not allowed. |
SDK_LOGIN_FILE_OPEART_FAIL | 412100037 | Failed to operate the file. |
SDK_LOGIN_RSP_BODY_NULL | 412100038 | The returned request message is empty. |
SDK_LOGIN_PROBE_SERVER_NUMBER_ZERO_ERR | 412100039 | The number of detected servers is 0. |
SDK_LOGIN_GET_BEST_LOCAL_IP_FAIL | 412100040 | Failed to obtain the local IP address. |
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_LOGIN_NO_INIT | 412100041 | The login module message is not initialized. |
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_HTTP_BUSY | 412100042 | An HTTP error 429 is returned. |
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_NOT_LOGINED | 412100043 | The service is available only after login. |
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_MNG_FAILED | 412100044 | Server degraded. After receiving this error code, you can continue to call the API for joining a meeting offline. |
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD | 412100045 | The download is canceled during the version upgrade. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_GENERAL | 412200001 | Internal error. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_PARAM_ERROR | 412200002 | Parameter error. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT | 412200003 | Network timeout. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NETWORK_ERROR | 412200004 | Network error. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_MOBILEBIND | 412200005 | Bind a mobile phone. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_MAILBIND | 412200006 | Bind an email address. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_HAS_INITED | 412200007 | The resource cannot be re-initialized. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_STATE_MACHINE_RUN_FAILED | 412200008 | Failed to run the state machine. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_START_TIMER_ERROR | 412200009 | Failed to start the timer. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_MODIFY_PASSWORD | 412200010 | Change your password upon the first login. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_UNKOWN_AUTH_TYPE | 412200011 | Unknown authentication type. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_REPAIR_CONTROLLER | 412200012 | Re-pairing is required. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_REPAIR_WITH_CREDENTIAL | 412200013 | Send a request again after verification. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_REPAIR_FAILED | 412200014 | Failed to obtain the credential. Re-pairing is required. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NOT_SUPPORT_MEDIA_SEPARATE | 412200015 | The environment does not support media separation. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_MEDIA_SEPARATE_PLUGIN_DISCONNECT | 412200016 | The media separation plug-in is not connected. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_TIMEOUT | 412200017 | Media separation log collection timed out. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_FAILED | 412200018 | Failed to collect media separation logs. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_ALREADY_START | 412200019 | Media separation log collection has started. |
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_NOT_SUPPORT | 412200020 | The TC plug-in does not support media separation log collection. |
SDK_CALL_GENERAL_ERROR | 413000001 | Common error. |
SDK_CALL_PARAM_ERROR | 413000002 | Parameter error. |
SDK_CALL_MEM_ERROR | 413000003 | Memory allocation error. |
SDK_CALL_SYSTEM_ERROR | 413000004 | System error. |
SDK_CALL_MSG_ERROR | 413000005 | Message delivery error. |
SDK_CALL_CFG_ERROR | 413000006 | An error occurred when obtaining the system configuration. |
SDK_CALL_NET_ERROR | 413000007 | Physical network error. |
SDK_CALL_ACCESS_ERROR | 413000008 | Network access error. |
SDK_CALL_TIMER_ERROR | 413000009 | An error occurred during timer creation. |
SDK_CALL_STATE_ERROR | 413000010 | Call status error. |
SDK_CALL_OPERATE_ERROR | 413000011 | Another operation is in progress. |
SDK_CALL_REQSRV_ERROR | 413000012 | An error occurred when requesting the master to make a call start. |
SDK_CALL_REQRES_ERROR | 413000013 | An error occurred when requesting audio resources. |
SDK_CALL_SERVICE_DOING | 413000014 | Another supplementary service is in progress. |
SDK_CALL_CALLRECORD_ERROR | 413000015 | An error occurred when recording call records. |
SDK_CALL_MPROC_ERROR | 413000016 | Error returned by the media process. |
SDK_CALL_MAX_CALL_ERROR | 413000017 | Too many calls. |
SDK_CALL_SIPID_NOTEXIT_ERROR | 413000018 | The SIP account ID does not exist. |
SDK_CALL_CALLID_NOEXIT_ERROR | 413000019 | The call ID does not exist. |
SDK_CALL_REGISTERING_ERROR | 413000020 | An error occurred because the registration is in progress. |
SDK_CALL_REGIST_FALL_ERROR | 413000021 | Registration failed. |
SDK_CALL_DEREGIST_FALL_ERROR | 413000022 | Deregistration failed. |
SDK_CALL_SET_SIP_INFO_ERROR | 413000023 | An error occurred when setting the account information. |
SDK_CALL_SETACCOUNT_ERROR | 413000024 | Failed to set the SIP account. |
SDK_CALL_NOTIFYSIPACCOUNT_ERROR | 413000025 | Failed to report SIP account information. |
SDK_CALL_SIPSEVER_ERROR | 413000026 | Incorrect server information. |
SDK_CALL_SIPACCOUNTINFO_ERROR | 413000027 | Incorrect account information. |
SDK_CALL_SIPC_ERROR | 413000028 | SIPC execution error. |
SDK_CALL_UNREGISTER_ERROR | 413000029 | Not registered. |
SDK_CALL_SUB_FALL_ERROR | 413000030 | Failed to call the SIP API for subscription. |
SDK_CALL_DESUBING_ERROR | 413000031 | An error occurred in unsubscription. |
SDK_CALL_SUBING_ERROR | 413000032 | An error occurred in subscription. |
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_MAX_CONFER_ERROR | 413000033 | Only one local meeting is allowed. |
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_CONFER_NOEXIT_ERROR | 413000034 | The local meeting is not created. |
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_CONFER_NOMATCH_ERROR | 413000035 | The participant line and host account do not match. |
SDK_CALL_CONF_STATE_ERROR | 413000036 | The local meeting status is incorrect. |
SDK_CALL_JOINTSTATENOTIFY_ERROR | 413000037 | The IP phone failed to report its linkage status. |
SDK_CALL_CONFID_NOTEXIST_ERROR | 413000038 | The meeting ID does not exist. |
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_HOLD_ERROR | 413000039 | Failed to place the video on hold. |
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_UNHOLD_ERROR | 413000040 | Failed to resume the video. |
SDK_CALL_MAX_SERVER_CONF_ERROR | 413000041 | Too many server meetings. |
SDK_CALL_AA_REQRANDOMNUM_ERROR | 413000042 | Failed to obtain a random number from AA. |
SDK_CALL_AA_LOGIN_ERROR | 413000043 | Failed to log in to AA. |
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_TYPE_NO_MATCH | 413000044 | The meeting type does not match. |
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_START_ERROR | 413000045 | Failed to start the video meeting. |
SDK_CALL_AA_NOMAINSERVER_ERROR | 413000046 | The AA primary server does not exist. |
SDK_CALL_AA_PASSWORD_ERROR | 413000047 | Incorrect password. |
SDK_CALL_AA_USERNAME_ERROR | 413000048 | Incorrect username. |
SDK_CALL_AA_USERLOGINED_ERROR | 413000049 | The user has logged in. |
SDK_CALL_AA_ACCOUNTLOCKED_ERROR | 413000050 | The account has been locked. |
SDK_CALL_AA_TERMINALTYPE_ERROR | 413000051 | The device type does not match. |
SDK_CALL_AA_PARSEXML_ERROR | 413000052 | XML parsing error. |
SDK_CALL_AA_CONNECT_ERROR | 413000053 | Server connection error. |
SDK_CALL_MEDIA_CFG_ERROR | 413000054 | Failed to obtain the media configuration. |
SDK_CALL_AA_GETSRINFO_ERROR | 413000055 | Failed to obtain service permissions. |
SDK_CALL_AA_LACKSR_ERROR | 413000056 | Insufficient service permissions. |
SDK_CALL_NETWORKENV_ERROR | 413000057 | Network environment error. |
SDK_CALL_SERVICE_CONFLICT_ERROR | 413000058 | Service conflict. |
SDK_CALL_AA_TIMEOUT_ERROR | 413000059 | Connection timed out. |
SDK_CALL_AA_UNKOWN_ERROR | 413000060 | Unknown error. |
SDK_CALL_PICKUP_ADDTIP_ERROR | 413000061 | Failed to add ring tone information. |
SDK_CALL_PICKUP_REMOVETIP_ERROR | 413000062 | Failed to delete ring tone information. |
SDK_CALL_PICKUP_CREATERINGNUM_ERROR | 413000063 | Failed to create the ringing number. |
SDK_CALL_VVM_PARAM_ERR | 413000064 | VVM parameter error. |
SDK_CALL_GET_IPT_INFO_ERR | 413000065 | An error occurred when obtaining registered services. |
SDK_CALL_VVM_GETVOICEMAIL_ERR | 413000066 | An error occurred when obtaining the voice mailbox. |
SDK_CALL_ATTENDEE_ALREADY_EXIST | 413000067 | The participant already exists. |
SDK_CALL_ATTENDEE_NOT_EXIST | 413000068 | The participant does not exist. |
SDK_CALL_CREATE_CONF_WND_ERROR | 413000069 | Failed to create a server video meeting window. |
SDK_CALL_CREATE_CONF_WND_EXIST | 413000070 | The video window already exists. |
SDK_CALL_GET_CONF_LIST_INFO_ERROR | 413000071 | Failed to obtain the meeting list. |
SDK_CALL_NEED_CHAIRMAN_TO_OPERATE | 413000072 | Only the host can perform the operation. |
SDK_CALL_NO_VIDEO_DEVICE_TO_OPERATE | 413000073 | No video device to operate. |
SDK_CALL_NOT_STOP_REFRESHREG | 413000074 | Registration status refresh is not disabled. |
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_ONLINE_STATE_ERROR | 413000075 | Failed to report the online status. |
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_NETADDR_ERROR | 413000076 | Failed to report the network address book subscription notification. |
SDK_CALL_INFO_FORCEUNREG_ERROR | 413000077 | The telepresence account is kicked out. The information fails to be reported. |
SDK_CALL_TLSROOTCERT_ERROR | 413000078 | TLS root certificate error. |
SDK_CALL_AD_AUTH_FAIL | 413000079 | AD authentication failed. |
SDK_CALL_GET_CONF_LIST_INFO_DOING | 413000080 | The meeting list is being obtained. |
SDK_CALL_CALL_PROHIBITED | 413000081 | Calling is forbidden. |
SDK_CALL_CALL_NUMBER_UPPER_LIMIT | 413000082 | The maximum number of calls has been reached. |
SDK_CALL_ENCRYPT_CALL_UPPER_LIMIT | 413000083 | The maximum number of encrypted calls has been reached. |
SDK_CALL_SHOULD_DEGRADE_TO_AUDIO | 413000084 | The maximum number of video calls has been reached. The call needs to be degraded to an audio call. |
SDK_CALL_H323ID_NOTEXIST_ERROR | 413000085 | The H.323 account ID does not exist. |
SDK_CALL_H323_ACCOUNTINFO_ERROR | 413000086 | Incorrect H.323 account information. |
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_H323_ACCOUNT_ERROR | 413000087 | Failed to report H.323 account information. |
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH | 413000088 | Local resources are insufficient. |
SDK_CALL_CALL_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORT | 413000089 | The call protocol is not supported. |
SDK_CALL_SET_H323_INFO_ERROR | 413000090 | An error occurred when setting the H.323 account information. |
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_ACCESSNUM_ERROR | 413000091 | An error occurred when reporting the MediaX meeting access number to the GUI. |
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_VMRINFO_ERROR | 413000092 | Failed to report the cloud meeting room information of MediaX to the GUI. |
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_CONFLIST_INFO_ERROR | 413000093 | Failed to report the IMS meeting list information to the GUI. |
SDK_CALL_TUP_INIT_BLOCK | 413000094 | TUP initialization is not complete. |
SDK_CALL_MSG_RETURN_VALUE_ERROR | 413000095 | The message return value is incorrect. |
SDK_CALL_MSG_TOO_LARGE_ERROR | 413000096 | The message content is too large. |
SDK_CALL_SECURE_FUNC_RETURN_ERROR | 413000097 | The security function returns an error. |
SDK_CALL_MSG_RESP_NULL_ERROR | 413000098 | The message response is empty. |
SDK_CALL_ACCOUNTID_NOT_ENABLE_ERROR | 413000099 | The account is not enabled. |
SDK_CALL_CREAT_CALL_IMPL_ERROR | 413000100 | An error occurred when creating a call control class. |
SDK_CALL_ALREADY_IN_CALL_ERROR | 413000101 | The user is already in a call. |
SDK_CALL_NO_CALL_EXIST_ERROR | 413000102 | The call does not exist. |
SDK_CALL_GET_MEDIA_CONFIG_FAILED | 413000103 | Failed to obtain the media configuration information. |
SDK_CALL_CAPTURE_INPUTDATA_FAILED | 413000104 | Failed to configure third-party collection. A failure message is returned after HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU is called. |
SDK_CALL_NOT_CONFIG_BASIC_CALL_ABILITY | 413000105 | The P2P capability is not configured for your enterprise. |
SDK_CALL_NOT_SUPPORT_MCU_CALL_AND_CONF | 413000106 | The MCU call and meeting capabilities are not supported. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_GENERAL | 414100001 | Common error. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_PARAM_ERROR | 414100002 | Parameter error. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_TIMEOUT | 414100003 | Timeout. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_MEM_ERROR | 414100004 | Memory allocation error. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_DNS_ERROR | 414100005 | DNS resolution exception. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_REQUEST_FAILED | 414100006 | The request message is abnormal. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_AUTH_FAILED | 414100007 | Authorization failed. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_SERVICE_ERROR | 414100008 | Server exception. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_TIMER_ERROR | 414100009 | An error occurred during timer creation. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_START_TIMER_ERROR | 414100010 | An error occurred during timer startup. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_BLOCK_FULL | 414100011 | Meeting control blocks are full. Release unused control blocks. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | 414100012 | The proxy communication times out and the TCP connection fails to be set up. Proxy configuration may be incorrect. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_CLOSED_BY_PROXY | 414100013 | The connection is disconnected by the proxy. Server address may be incorrect. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_ADDR_OR_PORT_ERROR | 414100014 | TCP connection setup times out. Proxy domain name or port number may be incorrect. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_PERMISSION_DENIED | 414100015 | Authentication failed. The user does not have the proxy permission and needs to request the proxy permission. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_USER_OR_PWD_ERROR | 414100016 | Authentication failed. The proxy username or password is incorrect. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_TYPE_ERROR | 414100017 | Authentication failed. The authentication type is incorrect. The username and password are required. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_ERROR | 414100018 | Authentication failed due to other unknown errors. The possible cause is that the authentication mode is not supported. It is recommended that a dialog box be displayed to prompt the user to initiate the authentication again. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY | 414100019 | cURL proxy exception. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST | 414100020 | cURL host exception. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT | 414100021 | cURL connection error. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT | 414100022 | cURL operation timed out. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_MSG_TOO_LARGE | 414100023 | The meeting control message is too large. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_PTHREAD_CREAT_ERROR | 414100024 | Failed to create the thread. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_SEC_FUNC_RETURN_ERROR | 414100025 | The security function returns an error. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_JSON_PARSE_FAILED | 414100026 | Failed to parse the JSON body. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_TOKEN_IS_NULL_ERROR | 414100027 | The WebSocket token value is empty. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_RETURN_JSON_ERROR | 414100028 | The returned JSON data is abnormal. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CREAT_CONF_BASIC_ERROR | 414100029 | Failed to create the meeting control block. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_CONF_BASIC_BY_HANDLE_ERROR | 414100030 | Failed to obtain the meeting control block. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_CONF_BASIC_BY_CALLID_ERROR | 414100031 | Failed to obtain the meeting control block based on the call ID. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_DESTORY_CONF_BASIC_ERROR | 414100032 | Failed to destroy the meeting control block. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CREAT_CONF_TMP_INFO_NOT_FOUND | 414100033 | Failed to find the temporary information for creating the meeting. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_PARTICIPANT_ID_FAILED | 414100034 | Failed to obtain the participant ID. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_MT_BY_PARTICIPANT_ID_FAILED | 414100035 | Failed to obtain the MT using the participant ID. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_SELFINFO_ERROR | 414100036 | Failed to obtain selfinfo using participant ID. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_PARTICIPANT_BY_MT_FAILED | 414100037 | Failed to obtain meeting member information through the MT. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_NEED_MAUAL_INVITE_ERROR | 414100038 | Manual invitation is required. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_HAD_NOTIFY_CONFINFO_BEFORE | 414100039 | The major parameters of the meeting have been reported. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_NOT_SUPPORT_SUBTITLE | 414100040 | Captions are not supported. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_TIMEOUOT | 414100041 | The meeting ends because connection times out. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_NOSTREAM | 414100042 | The meeting ends because no stream received. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_CHAIR_HANGUP | 414100043 | The meeting ends by the host. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_STOP_CONF | 414100044 | The meeting has ended. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_LEAVE_CONF | 414100045 | The user leaves the meeting. The meeting ends. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_MSG_PROC_FUN_REG_FAIL | 414100046 | Failed to register the message queue processing function. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_MSG_PROC_FUN_UNREG_FAIL | 414100047 | Failed to deregister the message queue processing function. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_REJECT_CONF | 414100048 | The meeting ends because the meeting is rejected. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_SELF_END | 414100049 | The meeting is ended by the user. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_VIEWER_EXCEEDS_LIMIT | 414100050 | The meeting control module is not initialized. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_SPECIAL_WATCH_EXCEEDS_LIMIT | 414100051 | Too many special sites allowed to focus on. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_HD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT | 414100052 | Too many HD sites allowed to focus on. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_SD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT | 414100053 | Too many SD sites allowed to focus on. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_SPECIFICATIONS_EXCEEDS_LIMIT | 414100054 | The number or resolution of videos to focus on exceeds the limit. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_INNER_ERROR | 414100055 | An internal error of video focus occurred. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_RENDER_REPEATS | 414100056 | Duplicate handles to focus on. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_HTTP_RECV_FAILED | 414100057 | HTTP request error. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_TRACK_REQUEST_TIMEOUT | 414100058 | WebSocket request timed out. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_TRACK_LOAD_FAILED | 414100059 | Loading error. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_TIMEOUT_HANGUP | 414100061 | The meeting ends because waiting before the meeting times out or the meeting control heartbeat times out. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_CONCLUDE | 414100062 | The meeting ends because the meeting is canceled. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_NETWORK_FAILED | 414100063 | The meeting ends due to network exceptions on the waiting page before the meeting. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_HTTP_BUSY | 414100064 | An HTTP error 429 is returned. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_SELF_IS_CHAIRMAN | 414100065 | The user is already the host. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_SELF_IS_COHOST | 414100066 | The user is already the co-host. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_NO_COHOST_AND_CHAIRMAN | 414100067 | No host or co-host exists. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_UNSUPPORT_COHOST_AND_CHAIRMAN | 414100068 | No host or co-host available. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_EXPIRATION | 414100069 | Invalid user, enterprise, or SP. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_OFFLINE_JOIN | 414100070 | Cannot join a meeting offline. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_START_CONFCTRL_WSS_FAILED | 414100071 | Failed to connect the meeting control WebSocket. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_OFFLINE_JOIN_QUERY_USER_TOKEN_FAILED | 414100072 | Failed to obtain the user token when joining a meeting offline. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_OFFLINE_JOIN_QUERY_CONF_INFO_FAILED | 414100073 | Failed to obtain meeting details when joining a meeting offline. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CHAIR_END_CONF | 414100074 | The host ended the meeting. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_TIMEOVER_END_CONF | 414100075 | The scheduled end time arrived. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CALLEE_REFUSED_END_CONF | 414100076 | The called participant rejects the call. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CALLEE_TIMEOUT_END_CONF | 414100077 | The call times out. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_FORCE_OPEN_CAMERA_HANGUP | 414100078 | The video meeting was forcibly ended. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_NO_MATCHED_SIGNAL_PROXY_WITH_SITE_URL | 414100079 | The signaling proxy does not match the site address. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_FAILED | 414100080 | Projection failed. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_END | 414100081 | Projection ended. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_CANCEL | 414100082 | The large screen canceled the projection during negotiation. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_BY_SENDER_WITH_TWO_MEMBERS | 414100083 | The projection initiator in this two-participant meeting ended the projection. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_BY_RECEIVER | 414100084 | The large screen ended the projection. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_BY_SENDER_WITH_MULTI_MEMBERS | 414100085 | The projection initiator in this multi-participant meeting ended the projection. |
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CONF_END_PEER_HANGS_UP | 414100086 | The peer participant has ended the call. |
SDK_COMMON_SQLITE_E_NOT_INITED | 415000001 | The database is not initialized. |
SDK_COMMON_E_FAIL | 415000002 | Failed. |
SDK_COMMON_E_ERR_PROXY_UNFINISH | 415000003 | The proxy detection is not complete. |
SDK_TRACK_E_INVALID_PARAMETER | 416000001 | Parameter error. |
SDK_TRACK_E_NOT_INITED | 416000002 | The track module is not initialized. |
SDK_TRACK_E_EVENT_NOT_EXIST | 416000003 | The track event does not exist. |
SDK_TRACK_E_NOT_LOGINED | 416000004 | The user has not logged in yet. |
SDK_TRACK_E_NO_UPLOAD | 416000005 | Upload is not enabled. |
SDK_SIP_INVALIDPARAM | 419100001 | Incorrect parameter. |
SDK_SIP_WRONGURI | 419100002 | Incorrect number. |
SDK_SIP_MEMALLOCFAILURE | 419100003 | Memory allocation fails. |
SDK_SIP_SDPROLEFAILURE | 419100004 | SDP error. |
SDK_SIP_NOCONNECTION | 419100005 | The connection does not exist. |
SDK_SIP_CONNECTIONEXPIRED | 419100006 | Connection failed. |
SDK_SIP_FORBIDDEN | 419100007 | Forbidden operation. |
SDK_SIP_WRONGSTATE | 419100008 | Incorrect status. |
SDK_SIP_NOLINEDATA | 419100009 | No corresponding line data. |
SDK_SIP_NOREGISTER | 419100010 | No corresponding registered instance. |
SDK_SIP_NODIALOG | 419100011 | No corresponding call instance. |
SDK_SIP_NOSUBSCRIBE | 419100012 | No corresponding subscription instance. |
SDK_SIP_NOREFER | 419100013 | No corresponding Refer instance. |
SDK_SIP_NODIM | 419100014 | No corresponding DIM instance. |
SDK_SIP_CREATEHEADER | 419100015 | Failed to create the header. |
SDK_SIP_PARSEHEADER | 419100016 | Failed to parse the header. |
SDK_SIP_FIELDEXIST | 419100017 | No header is found. |
SDK_SIP_NOSDPBODY | 419100018 | No SDP message body. |
SDK_SIP_GETCAP | 419100019 | Failed to obtain the capability. |
SDK_SIP_COMMCAP | 419100020 | Failed to compare capabilities. |
SDK_SIP_OPENLCFAILED | 419100021 | Failed to open the logical stream. |
SDK_SIP_ENCODESDP | 419100022 | Failed to encode SDP. |
SDK_SIP_DECODESDP | 419100023 | Failed to decode SDP. |
SDK_SIP_UNSUPPORTSDP | 419100024 | The negotiated SDP is not supported. |
SDK_SIP_TPTDINIT | 419100025 | TPTD initialization failed. |
SDK_SIP_TPTINIT | 419100026 | TPT initialization failed. |
SDK_SIP_TXNINIT | 419100027 | TXN initialization failed. |
SDK_SIP_UAINIT | 419100028 | UA initialization failed. |
SDK_SIP_GLUEINIT | 419100029 | GLUE initialization fails. |
SDK_SIP_HLLMINIT | 419100030 | HLLM initialization failed. |
SDK_SIP_VCOMINIT | 419100031 | VCOM initialization failed. |
SDK_SIP_SDPINIT | 419100032 | SDP initialization failed. |
SDK_SIP_MULTIINS | 419100033 | Multi-instance error. |
SDK_SIP_NOREGCB | 419100034 | Registration control blocks are insufficient. |
SDK_SIP_NOSUBCB | 419100035 | Subscription control blocks are insufficient. |
SDK_SIP_NODIACB | 419100036 | Call control blocks are insufficient. |
SDK_SIP_NODIMCB | 419100037 | IM control blocks are insufficient. |
SDK_SIP_PARSEURITOSTR | 419100038 | Failed to parse the URI in the XML file. |
SDK_SIP_ENCRYPTNEGOERR | 419100039 | Encryption negotiation failed. |
SDK_SIP_NOLOCALCAP | 419100040 | Local capabilities are not configured. |
SDK_SIP_BFCPTOKENERR | 419100041 | BFCP token error. |
SDK_SIP_DNSERR | 419100042 | DNS resolution error. |
SDK_SIP_GET_SUB_STATE_ERR | 419100043 | Failed to obtain the subscription status. |
SDK_SIP_NOT_SUPPORT_IPV4 | 419100044 | IPv4 is not supported. |
SDK_SIP_NOT_SUPPORT_IPV6 | 419100045 | IPv6 is not supported. |
SDK_SIP_NOT_SUPPORT_HOST_TYPE | 419100046 | The host type is not supported. |
SDK_SIP_GET_TIMER_ERROR | 419100047 | Failed to obtain the timer. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOMEM | 419200001 | The memory is insufficient. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NULLPTR | 419200002 | The message pointer is null. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_INVAL | 419200003 | Invalid message. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_BADRECV | 419200004 | Receive message failed. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT | 419200005 | Message processing timed out. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOINIT | 419200006 | The message is not initialized. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NODESTR | 419200007 | There is no receiving end. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOAPPNAME | 419200008 | There is no application name. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_REHANDLE | 419200009 | The message has already been handled. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TRACE | 419200010 | Trace message failed. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_SENDERR | 419200011 | Send message failed. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_BADFUNC | 419200012 | Abnormal function. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOTIFY | 419200013 | Message notification failed. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOTFIND | 419200014 | Message not found. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOMSG | 419200015 | There is no message. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOTFINDMID | 419200016 | The module ID cannot be found. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TAG_NOT_EXIST | 419200017 | The tag does not exist. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_QUEUE_FULL | 419200018 | Queue overflow. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TAG_ALREADY_EXIST | 419200019 | The tag already exists. |
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_UNKOWN | 419200020 | Unknown error. |
APP_CANNOT_ACCEPT_INVITE_SHARE | 420000001 | Failed to receive the sharing invitation. |
APP_REPORT_CHECK_PARAM_FAILED | 420000002 | ReportDTO parameter verification failed. |
APP_REPORT_FOLD_CREATE_FAILED | 420000003 | Failed to create the report folder. |
APP_REPORT_COMPRESS_FAILED | 420000004 | Failed to compress the report folder. |
APP_REPORT_ZIP_PATH_EMPTY | 420000005 | The path of the ZIP file to be uploaded is empty. |
APP_REPORT_ZIP_SIZE_EXCEED_LIMIT | 420000006 | The ZIP file to be uploaded is too large. |
APP_REPORT_EXCEED_LIMIT_DAILY | 420000007 | The same person reports more than 100 times within 24 hours. |
APP_DIGITAL_HUMAN_ERROR | 420000008 | Virtual human service error. |
APP_SCREEN_LOCK | 420000009 | Screen has been locked. |
UISDK_COMMON_ERROR | 430100001 | Common error. |
UISDK_API_INVALID_PARAMETERS | 430100002 | Parameter error. |
UISDK_SIP_CHECK_TIMEOUT | 430100003 | SIP connection check failed. |
UISDK_TIMEOUT | 430100004 | Timeout. |
UISDK_IN_PROCESS | 430100005 | The API is being processed. |
UISDK_NOT_INITED_END | 430100006 | The initialization is not started or not completed. |
UISDK_NOT_SUPPORT_END | 430100007 | Not supported in this version. |
UISDK_OPERATION_INTERRUPT | 430100008 | The operation is interrupted. |
UISDK_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND | 430100009 | The contact does not exist. |
UISDK_ARGS_LENGTH_OVERRUN | 430100010 | The parameter value is too long. |
UISDK_APPID_INFO_ILLEGAL | 430100011 | Invalid app ID. |
UISDK_E2EENCRYPT_ALGORITHM_ERROR | 430100012 | The end-to-end encryption algorithm is asymmetric. |
UISDK_UNLOGIN_ERROR | 430200001 | The user has not logged in yet. |
UISDK_REPEATED_LOGIN_ERROR | 430200002 | Repeated login. |
UISDK_SIP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 430200003 | SIP connection timed out. |
UISDK_LOGIN_INVALID_PASSWORD_PARAMETER | 430200004 | The login password is invalid. |
UISDK_PASSWORD_OR_ACCOUNT_EMPTY | 430200005 | The account and password cannot be both empty. |
UISDK_CALL_INVALID_ACCOUNT_PARAMETER | 430300001 | The calling number, account, or third-party account cannot be empty. |
UISDK_CALL_ACCOUNT_EMPTY | 430300002 | The point-to-point call account is empty. |
UISDK_CALL_NICKNAME_EMPTY | 430300003 | The point-to-point call name is empty. |
UISDK_JOINCONF_NEED_PASSWORD | 430400001 | A password is required for joining the meeting. |
UISDK_INVALID_TIMEZONE_PARAMETER | 430400002 | Incorrect time zone. |
UISDK_INVALID_CONF_DURATION_PARAMETER | 430400003 | The meeting duration is less than 1. |
UISDK_CONF_INTERRUPTED | 430400004 | Meeting joining is interrupted. |
UISDK_JOINCONF_INPUT_INVALID_PASSWORD | 430400005 | The password must contain at least four characters. |
UISDK_JOINCONF_USER_CANCEL | 430400006 | The user cancels meeting joining. |
UISDK_INVALID_GUEST_PASSWORD_PARAMETER | 430400007 | Invalid guest password. |
UISDK_NOT_IN_CONF_OR_CALL | 430400008 | The user is not in a meeting or call. |
UISDK_ALREADY_EXIST_CONF_OR_CALL | 430400009 | A meeting or call already exists. |
UISDK_CONFID_EMPTY | 430400010 | The meeting ID cannot be empty. |
UISDK_SUBJECT_TOO_LONG | 430400011 | The meeting topic can contain up to 50 characters. |
UISDK_VMR_HOST_PASSWORD_LENGTH_LEGAL | 430400012 | The length of the host password is invalid. |
UISDK_VMR_NAME_EMPTY | 430400013 | The cloud meeting room name is empty. |
UISDK_CONF_STARTTIME_EARLY | 430400014 | The start time of a meeting is earlier than the current time. |
UISDK_SHARE_LOCKED | 430400015 | The sharing is locked. |
UISDK_NOT_IN_DATACONF | 430400016 | The user is not in the data meeting. |
UISDK_ROLE_NOT_SUPPORT_OPERATION | 430400017 | The role does not support this operation. |
UISDK_SCAN_CODE_EXPIRED | 430400018 | The QR code expired. |
UISDK_SCAN_CODE_NOT_SUPPORT | 430400019 | The QR code not supported. |
UISDK_SCAN_CODE_OUTDATED_VERSION | 430400020 | The large screen version is too early. |
UISDK_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR | 430500001 | Server exception for the HTTP request. |
UISDK_HTTP_CONNECT_SERVER_TIMEOUT_ERROR | 430500002 | Connecting to the server timed out for the HTTP request. |
UISDK_NO_NETWORK_ERROR | 430500003 | The network is unavailable. |
UISDK_FILE_TYPE_ILLEGAL | 430500004 | Invalid file type. |
UISDK_COPY_FILE_ERROR | 430500005 | Copy file failed. |
UISDK_FROZEN_LEAVE_CONF | 430600001 | You left the meeting because the app was frozen in the backend. |
SDK_DATACONF_NO_MEMORY | 440001401 | The memory is insufficient. |
SDK_DATACONF_OPERATE_NOT_PERMIT | 440001402 | Insufficient permissions. |
SDK_DATACONF_INVALID_VAL | 440001403 | Invalid parameter. |
SDK_DATACONF_ERR_IO | 440001404 | I/O error. |
SDK_DATACONF_TIMEOUT | 440001405 | Timeout. |
SDK_DATACONF_UNKNOWN | 440001406 | Unknown error. |
SDK_DATACONF_SERVICE_DIED | 440001407 | The media service is unavailable. |
SDK_DATACONF_INVALID_STATE | 440001408 | Invalid state. |
SDK_DATACONF_UNSUPPORT | 440001409 | The API is not supported. |
UISDK_VIDEO_LAYOUT_MODE_NOT_SUPPORT | 600000001 | The video layout mode is not supported. |
UISDK_CONTROLLER_PAIR_ERROR | 600000002 | Pairing error. |
UISDK_CONTROLLER_PAIR_LINK_IS_NOT_EXIST | 600000003 | The paired link does not exist. |
UISDK_CONTROLLER_CMD_IS_NOT_SUPPORT | 600000004 | The command is not supported. |
UISDK_ACTION_IS_RUNNING | 600000005 | Executing... |
UISDK_MCU_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED | 600000006 | MCU is not supported. |
UISDK_OPERATE_NOT_IN_CONF | 600000007 | The user is not in the meeting. |
UISDK_OPERATE_MIC_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION | 600000008 | No permission to operate the microphone. |
UISDK_OPERATE_MIC_ERROR_NOT_ALLOW_UNMUTE | 600000009 | Unmuting is not allowed. |
UISDK_OPERATE_MIC_ERROR_AUDIENCE_NOT_ALLOW_SPEAK | 600000010 | Muting is not allowed. |
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION | 600000011 | Attendees do not have the permission to enable the camera. |
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_NOT_ALLOW_OPEN | 600000012 | The camera cannot be enabled. |
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_NOT_ALLOW_OPEN_LOW_VIDEO_BW | 600000013 | The camera cannot be enabled when the bandwidth is low. |
UISDK_PARAM_IS_INCORRECT | 600000014 | The volume parameter is incorrect. |
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_REQUIRE_ALL_ATTENDEES_TO_OPEN_CAMERA | 600000015 | Disable camera failed. The camera is forcibly enabled in this meeting. |
UISDK_OPERATE_MIC_ERROR_LOW_PERFORMANCE_CLOUD_DESKTOP | 600000016 | The camera cannot be enabled when you join a meeting using a low-performance cloud desktop. |
UISDK_OPERATE_SPK_ERROR_SYSTEM_API | 600000017 | An error occurred when calling the speaker system API. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_403_FORBIDDEN | 510000403 | Forbidden. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_404_NOT_FOUND | 510000404 | Not found. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_480_TEM_UNAVAILABLE | 510000480 | Temporarily unavailable. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_486_BUSYHERE | 510000486 | Busy here. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_487_REQ_TEMINATED | 510000487 | Request terminated. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_488_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HERE | 510000488 | The request is unacceptable. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_603_DECLINE | 510000603 | Declined. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_841_HANGUP_WITHOUT_TOAST | 510000841 | Hang-up without toast. |
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_842_CONFERENCE_IS_LOCK | 510000842 | The meeting is locked. |
SDK_HTTP_ERROR_START | 710000000 | This is the first HTTP error code. |
SDK_HTTP_INIT_FAIL | 710000001 | Initialization failed. |
SDK_HTTP_UNINIT | 710000002 | Initialization is not performed. |
SDK_HTTP_INVALID_PARAM | 710000003 | Invalid parameter. |
SDK_HTTP_INVALID_HANDLE | 710000004 | Invalid handle. |
SDK_HTTP_HANDLE_INUSE | 710000005 | The handle is in use. |
SDK_HTTP_HANDLE_STATE_ERROR | 710000006 | This operation is not allowed for handles in this state. |
SDK_HTTP_ALLOC_MEM_FAIL | 710000007 | Apply for memory failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CREATE_HANDLE_FAIL | 710000008 | Apply for handle failed. |
SDK_HTTP_INVALID_TLS_MODE | 710000009 | TSL mode error. |
SDK_HTTP_INVALID_URL | 710000010 | Invalid URL. |
SDK_HTTP_INVALID_HEAD_TYPE | 710000011 | Invalid header type. |
SDK_HTTP_OPEN_LOG_FAIL | 710000012 | An error occurred when opening the log file. |
SDK_HTTP_WRITE_LOG_FAIL | 710000013 | An error occurred when writing the log file. |
SDK_HTTP_INVALID_FILEPATH | 710000014 | Invalid file path. |
SDK_HTTP_HANDLE_RELEASED | 710000015 | The handle has already been released. |
SDK_HTTP_CREATE_MUTEX_FAIL | 710000016 | Create mutex failed. |
SDK_HTTP_LOCK_MUTEX_FAIL | 710000017 | Lock failed. |
SDK_HTTP_UNLOCK_MUTEX_FAIL | 710000018 | Unlock failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CREATE_THREAD_FAIL | 710000019 | Create thread failed. |
SDK_HTTP_NOT_SUPPORT | 710000020 | This function is not supported. |
SDK_HTTP_SVN_SOCKET_CREATE_FAIL | 710000021 | Create SVN socket failed. |
SDK_HTTP_SVN_SOCKET_CONNECT_FAIL | 710000022 | SVN socket connection failed. |
SDK_HTTP_SVN_SOCKET_SLECET_FAIL | 710000023 | Select SVN socket failed. |
SDK_HTTP_SVN_SOCKET_SEND_FAIL | 710000024 | Send SVN socket failed. |
SDK_HTTP_SVN_SOCKET_RECV_FAIL | 710000025 | Receive SVN socket failed. |
SDK_HTTP_GETHOSTNAME_FAIL | 710000026 | Obtain host name failed. |
SDK_HTTP_NET_NTOA_FAIL | 710000027 | IP network transmission failed. |
SDK_HTTP_RESPONSE_PARSE_ERR | 710000028 | Parse response failed. |
SDK_HTTP_INVALID_AUTH_MODE | 710000029 | Invalid authentication mode. |
SDK_HTTP_NOT_LOGIN | 710000030 | You have not logged in yet. |
SDK_HTTP_LOGINING | 710000031 | Logging in... |
SDK_HTTP_LOGINED | 710000033 | You have already logged in. |
SDK_HTTP_INITED | 710000034 | Initialization has already been performed. |
SDK_HTTP_LOGPATH_TOOLONG | 710000035 | The log path is too long. |
SDK_HTTP_LOGPATH_EMPTY | 710000036 | The log path is empty. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL | 710000101 | The URL you passed to libcurl used a protocol that this libcurl does not support. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FAILED_INIT | 710000102 | Early initialization code failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT | 710000103 | The URL was not properly formatted. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN | 710000104 | A requested feature, protocol or option was not found built into this libcurl due to a build-time decision. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY | 710000105 | Could not resolve proxy. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST | 710000106 | Could not resolve host. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT | 710000107 | Failed to connect() to host or proxy. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY | 710000108 | The server sent data libcurl could not parse. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_REMOTE_ACCESS_DENIED | 710000109 | We were denied access to the resource given in the URL. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_ACCEPT_FAILED | 710000110 | While waiting for the server to connect back when an active FTP session is used, an error code was sent over the control connection or similar. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASS_REPLY | 710000111 | After having sent the FTP password to the server, libcurl expects a proper reply. This error code indicates that an unexpected code was returned. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT | 710000112 | During an active FTP session while waiting for the server to connect, the CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS (or the internal default) timeout expired. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASV_REPLY | 710000113 | libcurl failed to get a sensible result back from the server as a response to either a PASV or an EPSV command. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_227_FORMAT | 710000114 | FTP servers return a 227-line as a response to a PASV command. If libcurl fails to parse that line, this return code is passed back. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST | 710000115 | An internal failure to look up the host used for the new connection. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE16 | 710000116 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_TYPE | 710000117 | Received an error when trying to set the transfer mode to binary or ASCII. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE | 710000118 | A file transfer was shorter or larger than expected. This happens when the server first reports an expected transfer size, and then delivers data that does not match the previously given size. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_RETR_FILE | 710000119 | This was either a weird reply to a RETR command or a zero byte transfer complete. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE20 | 710000120 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_QUOTE_ERROR | 710000121 | When sending custom QUOTE commands to the remote server, one of the commands returned an error code that was 400 or higher (for FTP) or otherwise indicated unsuccessful completion of the command. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR | 710000122 | This is returned if CURLOPT_FAILONERROR is set to TRUE and the HTTP server returns an error code that is greater than or equal to 400. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_WRITE_ERROR | 710000123 | An error occurred when writing received data to a local file, or an error was returned to libcurl from a write callback. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE24 | 710000124 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED | 710000125 | Failed to start the upload. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_READ_ERROR | 710000126 | There was a problem reading a local file or an error returned by the read callback. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY | 710000127 | A memory allocation request failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT | 710000128 | Operation timeout. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE29 | 710000129 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED | 710000130 | The FTP PORT command returned error. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST | 710000131 | The FTP REST command returned error. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE32 | 710000132 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_RANGE_ERROR | 710000133 | The server does not support or accept range requests. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR | 710000135 | A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_BAD_DOWNLOAD_RESUME | 710000136 | The download could not be resumed because the specified offset was out of the file boundary. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE | 710000137 | A file given with FILE:// could not be opened. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_LDAP_CANNOT_BIND | 710000138 | LDAP bind operation failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED | 710000139 | LDAP search failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE40 | 710000140 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND | 710000141 | Function not found. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK | 710000142 | Aborted by callback. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_BAD_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT | 710000143 | A function was called with a bad parameter. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE44 | 710000144 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_INTERFACE_FAILED | 710000145 | Interface error. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE46 | 710000146 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS | 710000147 | Too many redirects. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION | 710000148 | An option passed to libcurl is not recognized/known. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_TELNET_OPTION_SYNTAX | 710000149 | Incorrect Telnet option format. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE50 | 710000150 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION | 710000151 | The remote server's SSL certificate or SSH fingerprint was deemed not OK. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_GOT_NOTHING | 710000152 | Nothing was returned from the server. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_NOTFOUND | 710000153 | The specified SSL crypto engine was not found. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_SETFAILED | 710000154 | Failed to set the selected SSL crypto engine as default. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SEND_ERROR | 710000155 | Failed to send network data. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_RECV_ERROR | 710000156 | Failed to receive network data. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_OBSOLETE57 | 710000157 | This code is kept for future use. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM | 710000158 | There is a problem with the local client certificate. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_CIPHER | 710000159 | Could not use specified cipher. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_CACERT | 710000160 | There is a problem with the CA certificate (or path). |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING | 710000161 | Unrecognized transfer encoding. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FILESIZE_EXCEEDED | 710000163 | Maximum file size exceeded. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_USE_SSL_FAILED | 710000164 | Requested FTP SSL level failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SEND_FAIL_REWIND | 710000165 | When doing a send operation, curl had to rewind the data to retransmit, but the rewinding operation failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_INITFAILED | 710000166 | Initiating the SSL Engine failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED | 710000167 | The remote server denied curl to login. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_TFTP_NOTFOUND | 710000168 | File not found on TFTP server. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_TFTP_PERM | 710000169 | Permission problem on TFTP server. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_REMOTE_DISK_FULL | 710000170 | Out of disk space on the server. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_TFTP_ILLEGAL | 710000171 | Illegal TFTP operation. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_TFTP_UNKNOWNID | 710000172 | Unknown TFTP transfer ID. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_REMOTE_FILE_EXISTS | 710000173 | File already exists and is not overwritten. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_TFTP_NOSUCHUSER | 710000174 | User not found. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_CONV_FAILED | 710000175 | Conversion failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_CONV_REQD | 710000176 | The caller must use the curl_easy_setopt option to register the conversion callback. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE | 710000177 | Failed to load the CA certificate file. The file is missing or in its format is incorrect. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_REMOTE_FILE_NOT_FOUND | 710000178 | The resource referenced in the URL does not exist. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSH | 710000179 | An unspecified error occurred during the SSH session. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_SHUTDOWN_FAILED | 710000180 | Failed to shut down the SSL connection. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_AGAIN | 710000181 | Socket is not ready for sending/receiving. Wait until it is ready and try again. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_CRL_BADFILE | 710000182 | Failed to load CRL file (Added in 7.19.0). |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_SSL_ISSUER_ERROR | 710000183 | Issuer check failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_PRET_FAILED | 710000184 | The FTP server does not understand the PRET command at all or does not support the given argument. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_RTSP_CSEQ_ERROR | 710000185 | Mismatch of RTSP CSeq numbers. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_RTSP_SESSION_ERROR | 710000186 | Mismatch of RTSP Session Identifiers. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_FTP_BAD_FILE_LIST | 710000187 | Unable to parse FTP file list. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_CHUNK_FAILED | 710000188 | Chunk callback reported error. |
SDK_HTTP_CURL_RSP_200 | 710000200 | HTTP/HTTPS 200 OK. |
SDK_HTTP_CURL_CREATE_HANDLE_FAIL | 710000201 | Create handle failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURL_SET_HEAD_FAIL | 710000202 | Set header failed. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | 710000300 | The proxy communication times out and the TCP connection fails to be set up. Proxy configuration may be incorrect. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_CLOSED_BY_PROXY | 710000301 | The connection is disconnected by the proxy. Server address may be incorrect. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_ADDR_OR_PORT_ERROR | 710000302 | TCP connection setup times out. Proxy domain name or port number may be incorrect. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_PERMISSION_DENIED | 710000303 | Authentication failed. The user does not have the proxy permission and needs to request the proxy permission. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_USER_OR_PWD_ERROR | 710000304 | Authentication failed. The proxy username or password is incorrect. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_TYPE_ERROR | 710000305 | Authentication failed. The authentication type is incorrect. The username and password are required. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_ERROR | 710000306 | Authentication failed due to other unknown errors. The possible cause is that the authentication mode is not supported. It is recommended that a dialog box be displayed to prompt the user to initiate the authentication again. |
SDK_HTTP_CURLE_EXTERN_ACTIVE_ERROR | 710000400 | Activation failed. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_SERVER_ERROR | 910000001 | Server exception. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_BREAKDOWN | 910000002 | The SFU service is faulty. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE | 910000003 | Service unavailable 503. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_INTERNAL_ERROR | 910000004 | Internal error. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_KICKED_OFF | 910000005 | Kicked out. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED | 910000006 | The signature has expired. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_RECONNECT_FAILED | 910000007 | Reconnection timed out. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_NETWORK_TEST | 910000008 | Network detection. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_USER_REMOVED | 910000009 | The user is removed. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_ROOM_DISMISSED | 910000010 | The room is dismissed. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_USER_LOGINED | 910000013 | The app is in hibernation mode for a long time. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_AUTH_FAILED | 910000014 | Authorization failed. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_AUTH_RETRY | 910000015 | Authentication retried. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_AUTH_CLOCK_SYNC | 910000016 | Clock synchronization required. |
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_URL_NOT_RIGHT | 910000017 | Incorrect URL. |
RTC_SDK_SHARE_USER_EXCEEDS_MAX | 934000021 | Maximum number of sharers has been exceeded. |
RTC_SDK_SDK_INTERNAL_ERROR | 990000001 | Internal error. |
RTC_SDK_MSG_TOOLARGE | 990000002 | The message is too long. |
RTC_SDK_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH | 990000003 | The memory is insufficient. |
RTC_SDK_SYNSEND_MSG_ERR | 990000004 | Failed to send the message synchronously. |
RTC_SDK_PARAM_ERROR | 990000005 | Parameter error. |
RTC_SDK_API_CALLED_IN_WRONG_ORDER | 990000006 | The call ID order is incorrect. |
RTC_SDK_SETUP_LOCAL_VIEW_FAIL | 990000007 | Failed to set the local screen. |
RTC_SDK_START_REMOTE_STREAM_VIEW_FAIL | 990000008 | Failed to enable the remote screen. |
RTC_SDK_SET_DEVICE_FAIL | 990000009 | Failed to configure the device. |
RTC_SDK_INITIALIZING | 990000010 | Initializing... |
RTC_SDK_UN_INITIALIZING | 990000011 | Deinitializing... |
RTC_SDK_LOG_UPLOADING | 990000012 | Uploading logs... |
RTC_SDK_MEDIA_PORT_ERROR | 990000013 | Failed to obtain the media port. |
RTC_SDK_WATCH_VIEW_TOO_MUCH | 990000014 | The number or resolution of screens to focus on exceeds the allowed specifications. |
RTC_SDK_MEDIA_CMP_ERR | 990000015 | Media negotiation failed. |
RTC_SDK_SERVER_NO_RESPONSE | 990000016 | The server does not respond. |
RTC_SDK_USER_ROLE_CHANGE_FAIL | 990000017 | Failed to switch the role. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_FAIL | 990000018 | Failed to join the room. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_STATUS_BUSY | 990000019 | The status is busy. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_SERVER_ERROR | 990000020 | Failed to join the room. Server error. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE | 990000021 | Failed to join the room. The service is unavailable. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_AUTH_FAIL | 990000022 | Failed to join the room. Authentication failed. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_AUTH_RETRY | 990000023 | Failed to join the room. Retry authentication. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_AUTH_CLOCK_SYNC | 990000024 | Failed to join the room. Synchronize the clock. |
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_URL_NOT_RIGHT | 990000025 | Failed to join the room. Incorrect URL. |
RTC_SDK_KICKED_OFF | 990000026 | Kicked out. |
RTC_SDK_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FAIL | 990000027 | Sharing failed. |
RTC_SDK_EXT_MEDIA_OUTPUT | 990000028 | This operation is not allowed because the external media output mode is used. |
RTC_SDK_RECONNECT_FAILED | 990000029 | Reconnection failed. |
RTC_SDK_SERVER_BREAK_DOWN | 990000030 | The server is broken down. |
RTC_SDK_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED | 990000031 | The signature has expired. |
RTC_SDK_SET_REMOTE_RENDER_MODE_FAIL | 990000032 | Failed to set the remote window mode. |
RTC_SDK_SET_REMOTE_AUDIO_MUTE_FAIL | 990000033 | Failed to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the audio. |
RTC_SDK_CONNECT_OTHER_ROOM_FAIL | 990000034 | Failed to connect to another room. |
RTC_SDK_DISCONNECT_OTHER_ROOM_FAIL | 990000035 | Failed to disconnect from other rooms. |
RTC_SDK_SET_USEROLE_NOT_ALLOWED | 990000036 | Role switch is not allowed. |
RTC_SDK_EXT_MEDIA_CAPTURE_INPUT | 990000037 | This operation is not allowed because the third-party collection mode is used. |
RTC_SDK_SET_EXTAUDIO_CAPTURE_FAIL | 990000038 | Failed to set third-party audio collection. |
RTC_SDK_SET_EXTVIDEO_CAPTURE_FAIL | 990000039 | Failed to set third-party video collection. |
RTC_SDK_SET_SHARE_COMPUTER_SOUND_FAIL | 990000040 | Failed to set the audio sharing switch. |
RTC_SDK_SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_MUTE_FAIL | 990000041 | Failed to start or stop the uplink audio stream. |
RTC_SDK_SET_LOCAL_VIDEO_MUTE_FAIL | 990000042 | Failed to start or stop the uplink video stream. |
RTC_SDK_USER_REMOVED | 990000043 | The user is removed. |
RTC_SDK_ROOM_DISMISSED | 990000044 | The room is dismissed. |
RTC_SDK_SETUP_REMOTE_VIEW_FAIL | 990000045 | Failed to set the remote view. |
RTC_SDK_ROOM_FULL | 990000052 | Failed to join the room because it is full. |
RTC_SDK_NETWORK_FAILED | 990000053 | MMR network exception. |
RTC_SDK_START_WHITEBOARD_MAX_COUNT_EXCEED | 990000060 | Maximum allowed quantity has been exceeded. |
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