Help Center/ Migration Center/ Best Practices/ Migrating Servers Across AZs on Huawei Cloud
Updated on 2024-03-18 GMT+08:00

Migrating Servers Across AZs on Huawei Cloud


This section describes how to use MgC to migrate a large number of servers between AZs within a region of Huawei Cloud. For a small-scale, single-batch migration of less than 30 servers, see Migrating Servers Across AZs on Huawei Cloud.


Step 1: Download and Install Edge

Install Edge and connect it to MgC. For details, see Installing Edge.

Step 2: Discovers Servers in the Source AZ

  1. Log in to the MgC console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Research > Application Discovery. Select a migration project in the upper left corner of the page.
  3. In the upper right corner of the page, choose Discover > Over Internet.
  4. Configure the parameters listed in Table 1.

    Table 1 Parameters for creating an Internet-based discovery task





    Task Basics

    Task Name

    Enter a task name.


    Task Description

    Describe the task.


    Task Settings

    Source Platform

    Select Huawei Cloud.



    Select the credential of the source account. If no credential is available, choose Create to create a credential by referring to Adding a Credential.

    • The AK/SK of the source account must be specified in the new credential.
    • Set Location to Cloud.



    Select the region where the source servers are located. You can select multiple regions.


  5. Enable cloud platform collection, select Servers from the Resource Type drop-down list.
  6. (Optional) Group the servers to be discovered as an application.

    • If an application is available, select the application from the Application drop-down list.
    • If no applications are available, click Create Application. In the displayed dialog box, enter an application name and description, select the business scenario, environment, and region, and click OK.

  7. Click OK. After the discovery task is created, MgC starts to automatically discover servers in the selected regions selected in Step 4.

    • On the Application Discovery page, click the Resources tab and click the number in the Server row.
    • On the Application Discovery page, click View next to Total tasks to go to the task list and view the task status. If the task status is Failed, click View in the Operation column to view the data source that failed to be collected. You can move the cursor to the collection status of the data source to view the failure cause. After handling the failure causes, you need to delete the collection item and add it again if you still want to collect this item.

  8. When the task status changes to Succeeded, perform the following steps to perform a deeper collection on the servers before creating a workflow:

    1. On the Application Discovery page, click View Resources in the Resource pane.
    2. Locate the server for which a deeper discovery is to be performed, click Associate in the Device column.

      To perform a deeper discovery on multiple servers, select them and choose Resource Management > Manage Device Association in the upper right corner of the page.

    3. Select your Edge device. For Access Setting, if the servers to be discovered deeply are in the same VPC as the Edge device, select Private access. Otherwise, select Public access. Then click OK. Wait until the device association status changes to Associated.
    4. Click Associate in the Credential column to associate the credential used for performing a deeper discovery on the server.
    5. Select the server credential. If the credential has not been added to MgC, go to the Edge console and add the server credential to the Edge device and synchronize it to MgC.
    6. Click OK. MgC will check whether the server can be accessed using the associated credential and perform a deeper discovery. You can click Rediscover in the Status column to perform a second deeper discovery if needed.

Step 3: Group Servers as an Application

If the servers discovered have already been grouped into an application inStep 6, skip this section and go to Step 4: Getting Target Recommendations.

  1. In the Servers list of the Resources page, select the servers to be added to the same application and choose Resource Management > Manage Application Association in the upper left corner.
  2. Select the application from the drop-down list. If no applications are available, click Create Application. In the displayed dialog box, enter an application name and description, select the business scenario, environment, and region, and click OK. For details, see Creating an Application
  3. Click OK. You can view the application name in the Application column of these servers.

Step 4: Getting Target Recommendations

  1. On the Migration Solutions page, click Assess in the Target Configuration card.
  2. In the Select Application drop-down list, select the application into which the source servers have been grouped.
  3. In the Select Resources area, select the resources to be assessed in the application.
  4. Configure the assessment policy based on Table 2.

    Table 2 Parameters for configuring an assessment policy



    Target Region

    Select the region you want to migrate to.

    Sizing Criterion

    Select Cross-AZ migration and select the target AZ.


    • Performance-first

      MgC recommends target resources based on your performance requirements.

    • Price-first

      MgC recommends target resources based on your cost requirements.

    (Optional) Advanced Options

    You can select ECS types, CPU types, and disk types you prefer. The configured advanced options have the highest priority during the resource assessment.

  5. Click OK.
  6. In the application list on the Migration Solutions page, locate the applications and click View Target Configurations in the Operation column.

    In the Target Configurations area, you can view the specifications of Huawei Cloud resources recommended based on the source resource specifications and your selected preferences. It also gives you the ability to estimate the cost of running on Huawei Cloud. In addition, you can modify the recommended target configurations.

Step 5: Creating a Cross-AZ Migration Workflow

Create a workflow to migrate the source servers to Huawei Cloud by referring to Creating a Server Migration Workflow.