Updated on 2025-02-12 GMT+08:00

Installing the Agent on Huawei Cloud Servers


You can enable HSS for servers only after installing the agent. This section describes how to install the agent on Huawei Cloud servers.

If you use CBH, you can quickly install the agent on the server through CBH. For details, see Installing the HSS Agent Using CBH.


  • Perform the operations in Checking the Installation Environment to ensure agent installation is not affected by DNS server addresses, third-party security software, or the outbound port settings of security groups.
  • Before installing the agent, grant the VPCOperatePolicy and VPCEPOperatePolicy permissions to HSS. For details, see Authorization.


  • The HSS agent will be automatically installed on Workspace 23.6.0 or later. If your Workspace version is earlier than 23.6.0, you can manually install the agent by referring to this section.
  • When you install the agent for multiple servers in batches on the console, the system randomly selects a server in the same VPC as the executor.

Agent Installation Modes

HSS provides two installation modes. For details about their differences, see Table 1.

Table 1 Installation modes

Agent Installation Mode


Installing the Agent on Huawei Cloud Servers on the HSS Console

This method is convenient and more efficient than installing the agent using commands. You need to provide HSS with the server account password or key for installing the agent. HSS does not save the password file you upload.

Using Commands to Install the Agent on Huawei Cloud Servers

You need to log in to the server and run commands or a script to install the agent. This method is more complex and slower than installation on the GUI.

Installing the Agent on Huawei Cloud Servers on the HSS Console

You can install the agent on the HSS console. Various installation methods are as follows.

Using Commands to Install the Agent on Huawei Cloud Servers

The HSS agent can be installed using commands. You can install the agent on different OSs. Various installation methods are as follows.


For details about how to troubleshoot the agent installation failure, see What Should I Do If Agent Installation Failed?