Help Center/ Data Lake Visualization/ Progressive Knowledge
Progressive Knowledge - HuaweiCloud

Data Lake Visualization

Data Lake Visualization (DLV) is a one-stop data visualization platform. By dragging and dropping 2D and 3D visual components on DLV, you can quickly customize and create a data screen of your own.

Progressive Knowledge

DLV knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level


Architecture, functions, and application scenarios of DLV are provided to help quickly match your services. This makes screen development easier.

Service Overview


You can quickly create screens and enable data connection between components in screens through interaction.

How to Use DLV


You can use the developer tool provided by DLV to customize components.

Custom Components Development


DLV provides REST APIs, which can be called through HTTPS requests. You can call APIs to manage screens and templates. DLV API Reference describes the APIs, parameters, examples, and API calling methods of DLV.

API Reference


DLV is paid on a yearly/monthly basis. Different editions are priced differently. You can choose an appropriate edition according to the actual business.

Quick Purchase

Be a Power User

DLV provides various chart components and scenario templates and supports interconnection with multiple data sources. You can easily create visualized screens by dragging and dropping components without coding.

Developing Screens

Data Connection Management

Managing Components

Component Guide


Learn more about common issues and solutions.