Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00


DLV provides various components. Currently, the following types of components are supported:


Chart components include the line chart, bar chart, pie chart, percentage, rose chart, radar chart, scatter chart, bubble chart, liquid chart, region ranking, combination chart, horizontal bar chart, horizontal bi-directional bar chart, radar scanning, stacked bar chart, and heatmap.

Figure 1 Charts


Map components include the globe and globe (advanced).

Figure 2 Map components


Media components include Image, Carousel, Video, RTMP Video Stream Player, and FLV Player.

Figure 3 Media components


Text components include the title, text, word cloud, timer, carousel table, ticker board, marquee, carousel bar chart, key-value table, and treemap.

Figure 4 Text components

Relationship Network

Currently, DLV provides only one type of relationship network component.

Figure 5 Relationship network component


Design components include the border, decoration, and custom background.

Figure 6 Design components


Interaction components include Full Screen, iFrame, Search, Timeline, Tab List, Tab Bookmark, Geographical Search, Check Box, Multi-Option Drop-Down List, and Vertical Timeline.

Figure 7 Interaction components


Other types of components include the time selector, gauge, and funnel chart.

Figure 8 Other components