Updated on 2025-02-26 GMT+08:00

Rebooting a DB Instance or Node


You may need to reboot a DB instance or node for maintenance purposes. For example, after modifying some parameters, you may need to reboot your instance to apply the modifications. You may need to reboot a node to resolve database connection issues.


Table 1 Constraints



Rebooting a DB instance

  • If the DB instance status is Abnormal, the reboot may fail.
  • To shorten the time required, reduce database activities during the reboot to reduce rollback of transit transactions.
  • Rebooting a DB instance will interrupt services briefly. During this period, the instance status is Rebooting.
  • A DB instance will be unavailable when it is being rebooted. Rebooting a DB instance will clear the cached memory in it. To prevent traffic congestion during peak hours, you are advised to reboot the DB instance during off-peak hours.

Rebooting a node

  • Nodes in the Abnormal state can be rebooted.
  • To shorten the time required, reduce database activities during the reboot to reduce rollback of transit transactions.
  • Rebooting a node will interrupt services briefly. During this period, the node status is Rebooting node.
  • A node will be unavailable when it is being rebooted. You are advised to reboot the node during off-peak hours and ensure that your applications support automatic reconnection.
  • If a parameter of your DB instance is modified, you need to first reboot the DB instance to apply the modification, and then reboot a node of the DB instance.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Databases > TaurusDB.
  4. On the Instances page, locate the instance you want to reboot and choose More > Reboot in the Operation column.

    Alternatively, click the instance name to go to the Basic Information page. Click Reboot in the upper right corner of the page.

    The read replicas (if any) are also rebooted.

  5. In the displayed dialog box, set Scheduled Time and click OK.

    Figure 1 Rebooting a DB instance
    Table 2 Rebooting a DB instance



    Scheduled Time

    You can reboot a DB instance immediately or during the maintenance window.

    • Immediate: The DB instance will be rebooted immediately.
    • During maintenance window: The DB instance will be rebooted during a maintenance window.

      The maintenance window is 02:00–06:00 by default and you can change it as required. Changing the maintenance window will not affect the timing that has already been scheduled.

      A reboot task configured during a current maintenance window will not be executed until the next maintenance window.

  6. If you have enabled operation protection, click Send Code in the displayed Identity Verification dialog box and enter the obtained verification code. Then, click OK.

    Two-factor authentication improves the security of your account. For details about how to enable operation protection, see Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  7. View the reboot progress on the Task Center page. If the task status becomes Completed and the instance status becomes Available, the DB instance has been rebooted successfully.
  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Databases > TaurusDB.
  4. On the Instances page, click the instance name to go to the Basic Information page.
  5. In the Node List area, select the target node and click Reboot in the Operation column.
  6. In the displayed dialog box, set Scheduled Time and click OK.

    Table 3 Rebooting a node



    Scheduled Time

    You can reboot a node immediately or during the maintenance window.

    • Immediate: The node will be rebooted immediately.
    • During maintenance window: The node will be rebooted during a maintenance window.

      The maintenance window is 02:00–06:00 by default and you can change it as required. Changing the maintenance window will not affect the timing that has already been scheduled.

      A reboot task configured during a current maintenance window will not be executed until the next maintenance window.

  7. If you have enabled operation protection, click Start Verification in the displayed dialog box. On the displayed page, click Send Code, enter the obtained verification code, and click Verify to close the page.

    For details about how to enable operation protection, see Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  8. View the reboot progress on the Task Center page. If the task status becomes Completed and the node status becomes Available, the node has been rebooted successfully.