Updated on 2024-05-31 GMT+08:00

Searching for a Bucket

On OBS Console, you can search for buckets by bucket name, storage class, enterprise project, and region.

Currently, bucket search by tag is not supported.

The keywords used for search are case-insensitive.


  1. In the navigation pane of OBS Console, choose Object Storage.
  2. Click the search box above the bucket list, select Bucket Name, Storage Class, Data Redundancy Policy, Enterprise Project, or Region from the level-1 drop-down list, and then the option you need from the corresponding level-2 drop-down list. Alternatively, after selecting an option from the level-1 drop-down list, you can enter a keyword in the search box and then select what you want from the level-2 drop-down list.

    The found buckets are displayed in the bucket list.

    For example, if you want to search for bucket test, click the search box, select Bucket Name and then test. Alternatively, after selecting Bucket Name, enter test in the search box, and all buckets whose names contain test are displayed in the level-2 drop-down list. Then, select test and click OK.

    Figure 1 Searching for buckets
    • You can search for buckets based on combinations of different filter criteria.
      • If the filter criteria are of different types, they are in intersection logic. For example, if you select region CN-Hong Kong and storage class Standard as two criteria, buckets whose region is CN-Hong Kong and storage class is Standard will be displayed in the list.
      • If the filter criteria are of the same type, they are in union logic. For example, if you select bucket name test-1 and then test-2 as two criteria, both buckets test-1 and test-2 will be displayed in the list.
    • After a keyword is entered in the search box, all buckets whose name, storage class, data redundancy policy, enterprise project, or region contains the specified keyword are displayed in the drop-down list. Click the option you want. Then, all the buckets meeting the search criteria are displayed in the bucket list.

  3. Enter a keyword in the search box and click or press Enter.

    All buckets whose name, storage class, data redundancy policy, enterprise project, or region contains the searched keyword will be displayed in the bucket list.

    For example, if you enter test in the search box and click or press Enter, all buckets whose name, storage class, data redundancy policy, enterprise project, or region contains keyword test are displayed in the bucket list.

    Figure 2 Searching for buckets

Related Operations

In the bucket list, click next to the bucket name, storage class, region, data redundancy policy, used capacity, number of objects, enterprise project, or creation time to sort buckets.