Help Center/ Huawei Cloud EulerOS/ User Guide/ Upgrading HCE and RPM Packages/ Appendixes/ Description of the /etc/osmt/osmt.conf File
Updated on 2024-07-02 GMT+08:00

Description of the /etc/osmt/osmt.conf File

This section describes the OSMT configuration items that you are advised not to modify in the osmt.conf file.

# if auto_upgrade is True, the osmt-agent will auto upgrade rpms use osmt.conf and reboot between time interval we specified
# the value of cycle_time means the  osmt-agent will check upgrade every cycle_time seconds, default 86400s(1 day)
# When a configuration item has a line break, you need to leave a space or tab at the beginning of the line
auto_upgrade = False
cycle_time = 3600
minimal_interval = 3600
auto_upgrade_window = "22:00-05:00"
auto_upgrade_interval = 1
# There are three rules of filters, all enabled by default. Severity will be effect only when the types contain security, it is the subtype of security.
# The following are the three rules:
#    1. whitelist has the highest priority, if whitelist is configured then ignore other rules and filter out the whitelist packages from the full list of packages to be upgrade
#    2. Filter the update range by types, when the types contain security, further filter the severity of security updates severity, only upgrade the severity level of security.
#    3. Filter blacklist to remove packages in blacklist from types filter results, and packages which depend on packages in blacklist will also be removed.
# filters must contain at least one types rule, if the types rule is empty, the -a option will not upgrade any packages (by default all 3 filters are enabled).

filters = "types, blacklist"
whitelist = ""

# types include: security, bugfix, enhancement, newpackage, unknown
# if types is empty, no package will be upgrade
# types = security, bugfix, enhancement, newpackage, unknown
types = "security"
# severity is the subtype of security, include: low, moderate, important, critical
severity = "important, critical"
blacklist = "mysql"
# RPM packages that only take effect after an OS restart
need_reboot_rpms = kernel,kernel-debug,glibc,glibc-utils,dbus,dbus-python... 
preinstalled_only = False
store_path = /var/log
backup_dir = /etc,/usr,/boot,/var,/run
exclude_dir = 
recover_service =
#the minimum resources required(MB) 
#min_req_boot_space = 100 
#min_req_backup_space = 8192 
#min_req_root_space = 1536 
#min_req_memory = 512 
cmdline_value = crashkernel=512M resume=/dev/mapper/hce-swap crash_kexec_post_notifiers panic=3 nmi_watchdog=1 
#conflict_rpm = test1,test2

timeout_action = "stop"
timeout_action_before = 0

daemon_whitelist=sysstat-collect.service, sysstat-summary.service, systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
# the timeout of query systemd services
check_systemd_running_jobs = True
query_timeout = 30
check_rpm_packages = True
Table 1 Configuration items that should not be modified in osmt.conf

Configuration Item



The parameter that defines the RPM package update scope, including five configuration items security, bugfix, enhancement, newpackage, and unknown. You are advised not to modify it unless in some special cases.


The system upgrades security updates by default. You are advised not to modify it unless in some special cases.


The minimum resource required by the system to perform the update or update check. You are advised not to modify it unless in some special cases.