Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Handling Your First Case

  1. Sign in to the AICC as a case handler.

    You need to change the password upon the first sign-in. Set a new password as prompted and sign in again.

  2. Choose Case 2.0 > Case Workbench.
  3. Click the Todo tab and click a case. The case details page is displayed.
  4. You can perform the following operations on a claimed case:

    • : Follow an important or urgent case.
    • : Send an email or SMS notification to urge the case owner to handle a case that is about to expire. The prerequisite is that case reminder notification has been configured. For details, see Configuring Case Reminder Notification.
    • : Upgrade the case level. After the upgrade, an upgrade flag is added to the case title.
    • : Suspend a case that does not need to be handled temporarily.
    • : Transfer the case to change the case owner.
    • : Cancel the case.
    • : Close the case.
    • : Restart the case.
    • Comment: Add comments when you handle the case.
    • Add Attachment: Add supplementary information for the case, for example, fault screenshots provided by the customer. The total size of attachments cannot exceed 5 MB, and the number of attachments cannot exceed 5. JPG, PNG, PDF, JPEG, GIF, DOC, and DOCX attachments are supported.
    • Create on the Case Task tab page: Create a task and trace the handling when the case needs to be handled based on department collaboration.
      Figure 1 Create task page

      Multiple tasks can be created for a case.

    • Associated Case tab page: View associated cases after merging cases. For details about how to merge cases, see Merging Cases.
    • Internal Record tab page: Only the case owner and tenant administrator have the permission to perform operations on this tab page. An internal record can contain a maximum of 20,000 characters. If an image needs to be added, click Add Attachment to upload it.
      Figure 2 Internal Record tab page