Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Warning Condition


  • You have the IVR Analysis > Service Pre-warning Condition Configuration menu permission.
  • The IVR analysis and intelligent IVR features have been enabled for the tenant space.
  • You have configured an SMS gateway or email gateway.


  1. Sign in to the AICC and choose IVR Analysis > Service Pre-warning Condition Configuration.

    Figure 1 Service Pre-warning Configuration

  2. Set the chatbot and flow version. The options for the chatbot selection box are IVR flows and intelligent IVR flows. Select a version of the flow corresponding to the selected chatbot.
  3. Click New. The Creating a Service Pre-alarm Condition dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2 Creating a Service Pre-alarm Condition
    • Chatbot Access Code: The options are common IVR flows and intelligent IVR flows in the tenant space.
    • Version: IVR flow version.
    • Statistical Indicators: The options are Direct Rate, Non Direct Rate, Hang Up Rate, Failure Rate, Rehear Rate, and Transfer-to-manual rate. For details about the KPIs, see KPI Description.
    • Pre-warning condition: The options are absolute value and MoM Value. absolute value indicates the distance of a value from zero. MoM Value indicates the change in the current month's value compared with the value in the previous month.
    • Warning level: The options are Low, Middle, and High.
    • Pre-warning Validity Period: The options are Permanently valid and Specifies the validity period.
    • Reminder Mode: The options are SMS and Email.
    • Reminder object: You can select multiple employees in the tenant space to send notifications.

  4. Click Save to save the warning condition.
  5. If your chatbot has warning records that meet the warning condition, and the records have been collected by a scheduled task, alarm events are generated. (The scheduled task is executed every hour.)
  6. Click Edit to edit the warning condition again.