Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Executing Inspection Tasks

  1. Use an allocated business account to sign in to the CEC.
  2. Choose Inspection > Task Query.
  3. By default, the inspection task list displays the tasks that an inspector is involved in.

    Figure 1 Task Query

  4. Click Task next to a desired inspection task. The list of pending records for an inspector is displayed.
  5. If the list of pending records is empty, click Obtain To-Be-Inspected Record to obtain the pending records.

    Before obtaining inspection records, ensure that the inspected agent has made calls during the inspection period.

    If the task type is automatic post-event inspection, contact records are automatically extracted from the system.

    When the task type is manual post-event inspection, you need to manually select contact records.

    Figure 2 To-Be-Inspected Record Query
    Figure 3 Select Contact Record

  6. Select an inspection record and click Start Inspection to access the manual inspection stage. The Session Content and Contact Information tab pages are displayed on the left, and the rating template of the inspection task is displayed on the right. The inspector can perform an inspection based on the rating items and click Submit to complete the inspection. The inspector can then view the inspection result. For details, see Viewing Inspection Results.

    Figure 4 Manual inspection page