Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

SmartCare Fault Demarcation


  • If the inbound customer on the audio and video workbench is a customer with common issues, a SmartCare quick fault demarcation task is automatically created. The agent can also manually create a SmartCare quick fault demarcation task on the audio and video workbench and online chat workbench.
  • If the problem of the customer is not solved through quick demarcation, the agent can create an in-depth demarcation task on the audio and video workbench and online chat workbench.


  • The SmartCare feature has been enabled for the tenant.
  • The language for the tenant is within the value range of the system parameter Languages supported by the SmartCare.
  • The system has been interconnected with SmartCare. For details, see Configuring SmartCare Integration Information.
  • The Case 2.0 feature has been enabled for the tenant before an in-depth demarcation task is created.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as an agent.
  2. Create a SmartCare quick fault demarcation task.

    1. Click on the right of the workbench. The SmartCare Fault Boundary page is displayed.
    2. Click Modify to create a quick fault demarcation task.
      Figure 1 Quick fault demarcation task creation page
      Table 1 GUI elements on the quick fault demarcation task creation page




      Fault number

      Text box

      Customer mobile number.

      The value consists of 1 to 64 characters.

      Fault tracing duration

      Text box

      The demarcation start time equals this period earlier than the current system time.

      Value range: 1 to 168 hours


      Text box

      Longitude where a fault occurs.

      Value range: [-180, 180]. A maximum of six decimal places are allowed.


      Text box

      Latitude where a fault occurs.

      Value range: [–90, 90]. A maximum of six decimal places are allowed.


      Text box

      Radius of the longitude and latitude where the fault occurs.

      The unit of this parameter is meter and the value of this parameter is a non-negative integer. The maximum value of this parameter is controlled and verified by SmartCare.

    3. Click Confirm.
      After the task is successfully created, Figure 2 is displayed.
      Figure 2 Quick fault demarcation

      The quick fault demarcation result is queried through invocation every 5 seconds using a timer. When the result is queried, the timer stops. A maximum of 20 automatic queries can be performed. The agent can also click retry to query the quick fault demarcation result immediately. Figure 3 shows a quick fault demarcation result.

      Figure 3 SmartCare quick fault demarcation result

  3. Create a SmartCare in-depth fault demarcation task.

    1. Click or on the workbench.

      is available only when the Intelligent order filling feature is enabled.

    2. Select a case type based on service requirements on the Select Work Order Type page that is displayed.
    3. Click Yes when "Are you creating a ticket that needs to initiate a fault deep boundary task to aid in ticket processing?" is displayed.
    4. Set the in-depth fault demarcation task parameters by referring to Table 1.
    5. Click Confirm, and the Case Information page containing the SmartCareTaskID parameter and its value is displayed on the right.