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Restoring a Snapshot to a New Cluster

Atualizado em 2024-08-19 GMT+08:00


This section describes how to restore a snapshot to a new cluster when you want to check point-in-time snapshot data of the cluster.

When a snapshot is restored to a new cluster, the restoration time is determined by the amount of data backed up by the snapshot. If a snapshot contains a large amount of data, the restoration will be slow. A small snapshot can be quickly restored.

Automatic snapshots are incremental backups. When restoring a snapshot to a new cluster, GaussDB(DWS) uses all snapshots between the latest full backup and the current snapshot. You can set the backup frequency. If snapshots are backed up only once a week, the backup will be slow if the incremental data volume is large. You are advised to increase the backup frequency.

  • Currently, you can only use the snapshots stored in OBS to restore data to a new cluster.
  • By default, the new cluster created during restoration has the same specifications and node quantity as the original cluster.
  • Restoring data to a new cluster does not affect the services running in the original cluster.
  • If cold and hot tables are used, snapshots cannot be used to restore cold data to a new cluster.
  • Fine-grained restoration does not support tables in absolute or relative tablespace.
  • Logical clusters and resource pools cannot be restored to a new cluster.


  • The resources required for restoring data to a new cluster do not exceed your available resource quota.
  • The snapshot is in the Available state.


  1. Log in to the GaussDB(DWS) management console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Snapshots. All snapshots are displayed by default.
  3. In the Operation column of a snapshot, click Restore.

  4. On the Restore Snapshot page, configure the parameters of the new cluster, as shown in the following figure. Extreme SSD and Extreme SSD V2 can only be selected for clusters that use ECS for computing and EVS for storage.

    1. Restore to a single-AZ cluster.

    2. Restore to a multi-AZ cluster.
      • Only clusters later than can be restored to a multi-AZ cluster.
      • Currently, the multi-AZ cluster supports only GaussDB(DWS) 2.0 standard data warehouses.
      • The number of AZs in the current region is greater than or equal to 3.
      • The number of nodes and CNs must be a multiple of 3.
      • DNs in the multi-AZ cluster must be less than or equal to 2.

    You can modify cluster parameters. For details, see Tabela 1. By default, other parameters are the same as those in the snapshot. For details, see Tabela 2.

    Tabela 1 Parameters for the new cluster



    Basic settings

    Region, AZ, node flavor, cluster name, database port, VPC, subnet, security group, public access, and enterprise project

    Advanced settings

    If Custom is selected, configure the following parameters:
    • Tag: If encryption is enabled for the original cluster, you can configure a key name.

  5. Click Restore to go to the confirmation page.
  6. Click Submit to restore the snapshot to the new cluster.

    When the status of the new cluster changes to Available, the snapshot is restored.

    After the snapshot is restored, the private network address and EIP (if EIP is set to Buy now) are automatically assigned.

    If the number of requested nodes, vCPU (cores), or memory (GB) exceed the user's remaining quota, a warning dialog box is displayed, indicating that the quota is insufficient and displaying the detailed remaining quota and the current quota application. You can click Increase quota in the warning dialog box to submit a service ticket and apply for higher node quota.

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