Updated on 2025-01-06 GMT+08:00

Viewing Details About a Batch Service

After an AI application is deployed as a batch service, you can access the Batch Services page to view its details.

  1. Log in to the ModelArts console and choose Service Deployment > Batch Services.
  2. Click the name of the target service. The service details page is displayed.

    View service information. For details, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Batch service parameters




    Name of the batch service.

    Service ID

    ID of the batch service.


    Status of the batch service.

    Job ID

    Job ID of the batch service.

    Instance Flavor

    Node flavor of the batch service.

    Compute Nodes

    Number of nodes of the batch service.

    Start Time

    Start time of the batch service job.

    Environment Variable

    Environment variables added during batch service creation.

    End Time

    End time of the batch service job.


    Service description, which you can click the edit button to modify.

    Input Path

    OBS path to the input data in the batch service.

    Output Path

    OBS path to the output data in the batch service.

    AI Application Name & Version

    Name and version of the AI application used by the batch service.

    Advanced Log Management

    This function is disabled by default. The runtime logs of batch services are stored only in the ModelArts log system.

    If this function is enabled, the runtime logs of batch services will be exported and stored in Log Tank Service (LTS). LTS automatically creates log groups and log streams and caches run logs generated within seven days by default. For details about the LTS log management function, see Log Tank Service.

    • This cannot be disabled once it is enabled.
    • You will be billed for the log query and log storage functions provided by LTS. For details, see section LTS Pricing Details.
    • Do not print unnecessary audio log files. Otherwise, system logs may fail to be displayed, and the error message "Failed to load audio" may be displayed.
  3. Switch between tabs on the details page of a batch service to view more details. For details, see Table 2.
    Table 2 Batch service tabs




    This page displays key operations during service use, such as the service deployment progress, detailed causes of deployment exceptions, and time points when a service is started, stopped, or modified.

    Events are saved for one month and will be automatically cleared then.

    For details about how to view events of a service, see Viewing Service Events.


    This page displays the log information about each AI application in the service. You can view logs generated in the latest 5 minutes, latest 30 minutes, latest 1 hour, and user-defined time segment.

    You can select the start time and end time when defining a time segment.

    If this function is enabled, the logs stored in LTS will be displayed. You can click View Complete Logs on LTS to view all logs.

    Log search rules:

    • Do not enter a string that contains any of the following delimiters: ,'";=()[]{}@&<>/:\n\t\r.
    • You can use exact search by keyword. A keyword refers to the word between two adjacent delimiters.
    • You can use fuzzy search by keyword. For example, you can enter error, er?or, rro*, or er*r.
    • You can enter a phrase for exact search. For example, Start to refresh.
    • Before enabling this function, you can combine keywords with && or ||. For example, query logs&&erro* or query logs||erro*. After enabling this function, you can combine keywords with AND or OR. For example, query logs AND erro* or query logs OR erro*.