このページは、お客様の言語ではご利用いただけません。Huawei Cloudは、より多くの言語バージョンを追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。ご協力ありがとうございました。
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Bulletin
Service Overview
- Infographics
- What Is DMS for Kafka?
- Product Advantages
- Application Scenarios
- Kafka Instance Specifications
- Comparing Single-node and Cluster Kafka Instances
- Comparing Kafka, RabbitMQ, and RocketMQ
- Comparing DMS for Kafka and Open-Source Kafka
- Security
- Notes and Constraints
- Related Services
- Basic Concepts
- Permissions
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Process of Using Kafka
- Permissions Management
- Buying a Kafka Instance
- Configuring Topics
- Connecting to an Instance
- Managing Messages
- Managing Consumer Groups
- Managing Quotas
Managing Instances
- Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a Kafka Instance
- Viewing Kafka Disk Usage
- Viewing Kafka Background Tasks
- Viewing Sample Code of Kafka Production and Consumption
- Modifying Kafka Instance Configuration Parameters
- Configuring Kafka Instance Tags
- Configuring Kafka Recycling Policies
- Upgrading the Kafka Instance Kernel
- Exporting the Kafka Instance List
- Restarting a Kafka Instance
- Deleting Kafka Instances
- Using Kafka Manager
- Modifying Instance Specifications
- Migrating Data
- Testing Instance Performance
- Applying for Increasing Kafka Quotas
- Monitoring and Alarms
- Viewing Kafka Audit Logs
Best Practices
- Kafka Best Practices
- Improving Kafka Message Processing Efficiency
- Optimizing Consumer Polling
- Interconnecting Logstash to Kafka to Produce and Consume Messages
- Using MirrorMaker to Synchronize Data Across Clusters
- Handling Message Accumulation
- Handling Service Overload
- Handling Uneven Service Data
- Configuring Message Accumulation Monitoring
- Suggestions on Using DMS for Kafka Securely
- Developer Guide
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
APIs V2 (Recommended)
- Managing Lifecycle
Instance Management
- Resetting the Password
- Resetting Kafka Manager Password
- Restarting Kafka Manager
- Configuring Automatic Topic Creation
- Modifying the Private IP Address for Cross-VPC Access
- Querying Kafka Cluster Metadata
- Querying Coordinator Details of a Kafka Instance
- Reassigning Replicas of a Topic for a Kafka Instance
- Modifying Kafka Access Modes
- Querying the Disk Usage Status of Topics
- Initiating Partition Reassignment for a Kafka Instance
- Disabling Kafka Manager
- Deleting a User or Client Quota
- Querying User or Client Quotas
- Creating User or Client Quotas
- Modifying User or Client Quotas
Smart Connect
- Enabling Smart Connect (Pay-per-Use Instance)
- Disabling Smart Connect (Pay-per-Use Instance)
- Creating a Smart Connect Task
- Querying Smart Connect Tasks
- Querying Smart Connect Task Details
- Deleting a Smart Connect Task
- Pausing a Smart Connect Task
- Restarting a Smart Connect Task
- Starting a Smart Connect Task or Restarting a Paused or Running Smart Connect Task
- Specification Modification Management
- Topic Management
Managing Consumer Groups
- Querying Consumer Group Details
- Querying All Consumer Groups
- Deleting Consumer Groups of a Kafka Instance in Batches
- Creating a Consumer Group
- Resetting Consumer Group Offset to the Specified Position
- Querying the Offset of a Consumer Group
- Modifying All Consumer Groups
- Querying a Specified Consumer Group
- Deleting a Specified Consumer Group
- Modifying a Specified Consumer Group
- Querying Topics of a Specified Consumer Group
- Querying Consumers in a Specified Consumer Group
- User Management
- Managing Messages
- Background Task Management
- Tag Management
- Diagnosis Management
- Other APIs
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Out-of-Date APIs
- Appendix
- Change History
- SDK Reference
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?
- How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?
- Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?
- Which Kafka Versions Are Supported?
- What Is the ZooKeeper Address of a Kafka Instance?
- Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?
- Can I Modify the Port for Accessing a Kafka Instance?
- How Long Are Kafka SSL Certificates Valid for?
- How Do I Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?
- How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Modify the SASL Mechanism?
- How Do I Change the Security Protocol?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Enterprise Project Is Modified?
- Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on Different VMs?
- Can I Delete a Kafka Instance Billed in Yearly/Monthly Mode?
- Which Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?
- Can I Change Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment for an Instance?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I Check Whether an Existing Instance is Across-AZs?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Disk Encryption?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?
- Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?
- Can I Upgrade Kafka Instances?
- How Do I Bind an EIP Again?
- Specification Modification
- How Do I Select and Configure a Security Group?
- Can I Access a Kafka Instance Over a Public Network?
- How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication with Kerberos?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?
- How Do I Obtain the Public Access Address After Public Access Is Enabled?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?
- Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?
- What Are the Differences Between JKS and CRT Certificates?
- Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support?
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Client Connections to a Kafka Instance?
- How Many Connections Are Allowed from Each IP Address?
- Can I Change the Private Network Addresses of a Kafka Instance?
- Is the Same SSL Certificate Used for Different Instances?
- Why Is It Not Recommended to Use a Sarama Client for Messaging?
Topics and Partitions
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?
- Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?
- Can I Reduce the Partition Quantity?
- Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?
- Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?
- Can I View the Disk Space Used by a Topic?
- Can I Add ACL Permissions for Topics?
- What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
- How Do I Increase the Partition Quantity?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modified?
- What Can I Do If a Consumer Fails to Retrieve Messages from a Topic Due to Insufficient Permissions?
Consumer Groups
- Do I Need to Create Consumer Groups, Producers, and Consumers for Kafka Instances?
- Will a Consumer Group Without Active Consumers Be Automatically Deleted in 14 Days?
- Why Does a Deleted Consumer Group Still Exist?
- Why Can't I View Consumers When Instance Consumption Is Normal?
- Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?
- What Is the Maximum Size of a Message that Can be Created?
- Why Does Message Poll Often Fail During Rebalancing?
- Why Can't I Query Messages on the Console?
- What Can I Do If Kafka Messages Are Accumulated?
- Why Do Messages Still Exist After the Retention Period Elapses?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Delayed Message Delivery?
- How Do I View the Number of Accumulated Messages?
- Why Is the Message Creation Time Displayed as Year 1970?
- How Do I Modify message.max.bytes?
- Why Are Offsets Not Continuous?
Kafka Manager
- Can I Configure a Kafka Manager Account to Be Read-Only?
- Why Can't I See Broker Information After Logging In to Kafka Manager?
- Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
- Can I Query the Body of a Message by Using Kafka Manager?
- Can I Change the Port of the Kafka Manager Web UI?
- Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?
- Why Is Information Displayed on Kafka Manager Inconsistent with Cloud Eye Monitoring Data?
- How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?
- Why Is the Version on the Console Different from That in Kafka Manager?
- Why Does an Instance Contain Default Topics __trace and __consumer_offsets?
- Why Do I See a Deleted Consumer Group on Kafka Manager?
Monitoring & Alarm
- Why Can't I View the Monitoring Data?
- Why Is the Monitored Number of Accumulated Messages Inconsistent with the Message Quantity Displayed on the Kafka Console?
- Why Is a Consumer Group Still on the Monitoring Page After Being Deleted?
- Why Do Metrics Fluctuate Significantly (Disk Read/Write Speed, Average Disk Read/Write Time, and CPU Usage)?
- Why Does JVM Heap Memory Usage of JVM Fluctuate Significantly?
- Why Is Production Rate Still 0 When There Are Produced Messages?
- Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
- Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
- Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
- Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
- Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
- Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
- Flink 1.15 Consumption Progress Submission Failure
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Permissions Management
- Preparing Required Resources
- Buying an Instance
- Accessing a Kafka Instance
- Managing Instances
- Managing Topics
- Managing Messages
- Managing Users
- Managing Consumer Groups
- Managing Kafka Quotas
- Modifying Kafka Parameters
- Quotas
- Monitoring
- Auditing
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?
- How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?
- Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?
- Which Kafka Versions Are Supported?
- What Is the ZooKeeper Address of a Kafka Instance?
- Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?
- Can I Modify the Port for Accessing a Kafka Instance?
- How Long Are Kafka SSL Certificates Valid for?
- How Do I Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?
- How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Modify the SASL Mechanism?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Enterprise Project Is Modified?
- Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on Different VMs?
- Which Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?
- Can I Change an Instance from Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I View the AZs Configured for an Existing Instance?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Disk Encryption?
- Does Specification Modification Affect Services?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?
- Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?
- Can I Upgrade Kafka Instances?
- Why Is the Version on the Console Different from That in Kafka Manager?
- How Do I Bind an EIP Again?
- How Do I Select and Configure a Security Group?
- Can I Access a Kafka Instance Over a Public Network?
- How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication with Kerberos?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?
- How Do I Obtain the Public Access Address After Public Access Is Enabled?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?
- Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?
- What Are the Differences Between JKS and CRT Certificates?
- Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support?
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Client Connections to a Kafka Instance?
- How Many Connections Are Allowed from Each IP Address?
- Can I Change the Private Network Addresses of a Kafka Instance?
- Is the Same SSL Certificate Used for Different Instances?
Topics and Partitions
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?
- Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?
- Can I Change the Partition Quantity?
- Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?
- Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?
- Can I View the Disk Space Used by a Topic?
- Can I Add ACL Permissions for Topics?
- What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
- How Do I Increase the Partition Quantity?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modified?
- How Do I Disable Automatic Topic Creation?
- Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?
- What Can I Do If a Consumer Fails to Retrieve Messages from a Topic Due to Insufficient Permissions?
- Why Does an Instance Contain Default Topics __trace and __consumer_offsets?
- Consumer Groups
- What Is the Maximum Size of a Message that Can be Created?
- Why Does Message Poll Often Fail During Rebalancing?
- Why Can't I Query Messages on the Console?
- What Can I Do If Kafka Messages Are Accumulated?
- Why Do Messages Still Exist After the Retention Period Elapses?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Delayed Message Delivery?
- How Do I View the Number of Accumulated Messages?
- Why Is the Message Creation Time Displayed as Year 1970?
Kafka Manager
- Can I Configure a Kafka Manager Account to Be Read-Only?
- Why Can't I See Broker Information After Logging In to Kafka Manager?
- Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
- Can I Query the Body of a Message by Using Kafka Manager?
- Can I Change the Port of the Kafka Manager Web UI?
- Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?
- Why Is Information Displayed on Kafka Manager Inconsistent with Cloud Eye Monitoring Data?
- How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
- Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
- Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
- Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
- Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
- Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Paris Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Permissions Management
- Preparing Required Resources
- Creating an Instance
- Accessing a Kafka Instance
- Managing Instances
- Managing Topics
- Managing Messages
- Managing Users
- Managing Consumer Groups
- Managing Kafka Quotas
- Modifying Kafka Parameters
- Quotas
- Monitoring
- Auditing
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?
- How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?
- Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?
- Which Kafka Versions Are Supported?
- What Is the ZooKeeper Address of a Kafka Instance?
- Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?
- Can I Modify the Port for Accessing a Kafka Instance?
- How Long Are Kafka SSL Certificates Valid for?
- How Do I Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?
- How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Modify the SASL Mechanism?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Enterprise Project Is Modified?
- Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on Different VMs?
- Which Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?
- Can I Change an Instance from Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I View the AZs Configured for an Existing Instance?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Disk Encryption?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?
- Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?
- Can I Upgrade Kafka Instances?
- Why Is the Version on the Console Different from That in Kafka Manager?
- How Do I Bind an EIP Again?
- Specification Modification
- How Do I Select and Configure a Security Group?
- Can I Access a Kafka Instance Over a Public Network?
- How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication with Kerberos?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?
- How Do I Obtain the Public Access Address After Public Access Is Enabled?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?
- Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?
- What Are the Differences Between JKS and CRT Certificates?
- Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support?
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Client Connections to a Kafka Instance?
- How Many Connections Are Allowed from Each IP Address?
- Can I Change the Private Network Addresses of a Kafka Instance?
- Is the Same SSL Certificate Used for Different Instances?
- Why Is It Not Recommended to Use a Sarama Client for Messaging?
Topics and Partitions
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?
- Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?
- Can I Reduce the Partition Quantity?
- Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?
- Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?
- Can I View the Disk Space Used by a Topic?
- Can I Add ACL Permissions for Topics?
- What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
- How Do I Increase the Partition Quantity?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modified?
- How Do I Disable Automatic Topic Creation?
- Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?
- What Can I Do If a Consumer Fails to Retrieve Messages from a Topic Due to Insufficient Permissions?
- Why Does an Instance Contain Default Topics __trace and __consumer_offsets?
- Consumer Groups
- What Is the Maximum Size of a Message that Can be Created?
- Why Does Message Poll Often Fail During Rebalancing?
- Why Can't I Query Messages on the Console?
- What Can I Do If Kafka Messages Are Accumulated?
- Why Do Messages Still Exist After the Retention Period Elapses?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Delayed Message Delivery?
- How Do I View the Number of Accumulated Messages?
- Why Is the Message Creation Time Displayed as Year 1970?
Kafka Manager
- Can I Configure a Kafka Manager Account to Be Read-Only?
- Why Can't I See Broker Information After Logging In to Kafka Manager?
- Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
- Can I Query the Body of a Message by Using Kafka Manager?
- Can I Change the Port of the Kafka Manager Web UI?
- Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?
- How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
- Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
- Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
- Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
- Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
- Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
- Change History
API Reference (Paris Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
APIs V2 (Recommended)
- Lifecycle Management
Instance Management
- Resetting the Password
- Resetting Kafka Manager Password
- Configuring Automatic Topic Creation
- Modifying the Private IP Address for Cross-VPC Access
- Querying Kafka Cluster Metadata
- Querying Consumer Group Details
- Resetting Consumer Group Offset to the Specified Position
- Querying Coordinator Details of a Kafka Instance
- Adding Partitions to a Topic for a Kafka Instance
- Reassigning Replicas of a Topic for a Kafka Instance
- Querying the Disk Usage Status of Topics
- Querying All Consumer Groups
- Querying a Specific Consumer Group
- Deleting a Consumer Group from a Kafka Instance
- Batch Deleting Consumer Groups of a Kafka Instance
- Initiating Partition Reassigning for a Kafka Instance
- Specification Modification Management
- Topic Management
- User Management
- Message Query
- Background Task Management
- Tag Management
- Other APIs
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Out-of-Date APIs
- Appendix
- Change History
- Developer Guide (Paris Region)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Process of Using Kafka
- Permissions Management
- Buying a Kafka Instance
- Configuring Topics
- Connecting to an Instance
- Managing Messages
- Managing Consumer Groups
- Managing Quotas
Managing Instances
- Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a Kafka Instance
- Viewing Kafka Disk Usage
- Viewing Kafka Background Tasks
- Viewing Sample Code of Kafka Production and Consumption
- Modifying Kafka Instance Configuration Parameters
- Configuring Kafka Instance Tags
- Exporting the Kafka Instance List
- Restarting a Kafka Instance
- Deleting Kafka Instances
- Using Kafka Manager
- Modifying Kafka Instance Specifications
- Migrating Data
- Applying for Increasing Kafka Quotas
- Monitoring and Alarms
- Viewing Kafka Audit Logs
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?
- How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?
- Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?
- Which Kafka Versions Are Supported?
- What Is the ZooKeeper Address of a Kafka Instance?
- Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?
- Can I Modify the Port for Accessing a Kafka Instance?
- How Long Are Kafka SSL Certificates Valid for?
- How Do I Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?
- How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?
- How Do I Modify the SASL Mechanism?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Enterprise Project Is Modified?
- Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on Different VMs?
- Which Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?
- Can I Change an Instance from Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I View the AZs Configured for an Existing Instance?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Disk Encryption?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?
- Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?
- Can I Upgrade Kafka Instances?
- Why Is the Version on the Console Different from That in Kafka Manager?
- Specification Modification
- How Do I Select and Configure a Security Group?
- Can I Access a Kafka Instance Over a Public Network?
- How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication with Kerberos?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?
- Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?
- Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?
- What Are the Differences Between JKS and CRT Certificates?
- Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support?
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Client Connections to a Kafka Instance?
- How Many Connections Are Allowed from Each IP Address?
- Can I Change the Private Network Addresses of a Kafka Instance?
- Is the Same SSL Certificate Used for Different Instances?
- Why Is It Not Recommended to Use a Sarama Client for Messaging?
Topics and Partitions
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?
- Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?
- Can I Reduce the Partition Quantity?
- Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?
- Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?
- Can I View the Disk Space Used by a Topic?
- Can I Add ACL Permissions for Topics?
- What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
- How Do I Increase the Partition Quantity?
- Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modified?
- Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?
- What Can I Do If a Consumer Fails to Retrieve Messages from a Topic Due to Insufficient Permissions?
- Why Does an Instance Contain Default Topics __trace and __consumer_offsets?
- Consumer Groups
- What Is the Maximum Size of a Message that Can be Created?
- Why Does Message Poll Often Fail During Rebalancing?
- Why Can't I Query Messages on the Console?
- What Can I Do If Kafka Messages Are Accumulated?
- Why Do Messages Still Exist After the Retention Period Elapses?
- Do Kafka Instances Support Delayed Message Delivery?
- How Do I View the Number of Accumulated Messages?
- Why Is the Message Creation Time Displayed as Year 1970?
Kafka Manager
- Can I Configure a Kafka Manager Account to Be Read-Only?
- Why Can't I See Broker Information After Logging In to Kafka Manager?
- Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
- Can I Query the Body of a Message by Using Kafka Manager?
- Can I Change the Port of the Kafka Manager Web UI?
- Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?
- Why Is Information Displayed on Kafka Manager Inconsistent with Cloud Eye Monitoring Data?
- How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
- Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
- Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
- Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
- Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
- Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
- Change History
- API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Show all
Kafka Production Rate and CPU Usage
This section describes performance tests on Distributed Message Service (DMS) for Kafka. The performance is measured by the message production rate on the client side and CPU usage on the server side. The tests cover the following scenarios:
- Scenario 1 (batch size): same Kafka instance, same topics, different message size settings
- Scenario 2 (cross-AZ or intra-AZ production): same Kafka instance, same topics, different AZ settings for the client and server
- Scenario 3 (number of replicas): same Kafka instance, different numbers of replicas
- Scenario 4 (synchronous or asynchronous replication): same Kafka instance, topics with different replication settings
Partitions |
Replicas |
Synchronous Replication |
batch.size |
Cross-AZ Production |
3 |
1 |
No |
1 KB |
No |
3 |
1 |
No |
16 KB |
No |
3 |
1 |
No |
1 KB |
Yes |
3 |
3 |
Yes |
1 KB |
No |
3 |
3 |
No |
1 KB |
No |
Perform the following steps to set up the test environment.
- Purchase a Kafka instance with parameters specified as follows and retain the default settings for other ones. For details about how to purchase one, see Buying a Kafka Instance.
- Region: CN-Hong Kong
- AZ: Select 1.
- Version: Select 2.7.
- Architecture: Select Cluster.
- Broker Flavor: Select kafka.2u4g.cluster.
- Brokers: Enter 3.
- Storage Space per Broker: Select Ultra-high I/O and enter 200.
- VPC: Select a VPC.
- Subnet: Select a subnet.
- Security Group: Select a security group.
- Access Mode: Retain the default settings.
- Instance Name: Enter "kafka-test".
- Enterprise Project: Select default.
After the purchase, obtain Address (Private Network, Plaintext) on the instance details page.
- Create three topics with parameters specified as follows for the purchased Kafka instance. For details, see Creating a Kafka Topic.
- Topic-01: 3 partitions, 1 replica, asynchronous replication
- Topic-02: 3 partitions, 3 replicas, asynchronous replication
- Topic-03: 3 partitions, 3 replicas, synchronous replication
- Obtain the test tool.
Obtain Kafka CLI 2.7.2.
- Purchase a server for the client.
Buy two ECSs with the following configurations. For details about how to purchase an ECS, see Purchasing a Custom ECS.
- One ECS is 4 vCPUs | 8 GB, runs Linux, and is configured with the same region, AZ, VPC, subnet, and security group as the Kafka instance.
- The other ECS is 4 vCPUs | 8 GB, runs Linux, and is configured with the same region, VPC, subnet, and security group but a different AZ from the Kafka instance.
Perform the following operations on the ECSs:
- Install Java JDK and configure the environment variables JAVA_HOME and PATH.
export JAVA_HOME=/root/jdk1.8.0_231 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
- Download Kafka CLI 2.7.2 and decompress it.
tar -zxf kafka_2.12-2.7.2.tgz
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=${connection address} acks=1 batch.size=${batch.size} linger.ms=0 --topic ${topic name} --num-records ${num-records} --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
- bootstrap.servers: address of the Kafka instance obtained in 1.
- acks: message synchronization policy. acks=1 indicates asynchronous replication, and acks=-1 indicates synchronous replication.
- batch.size: size of messages sent in each batch, in bytes.
- linger.ms: interval between two batches.
- topic: topic name set in 2.
- num-records: total number of messages to be sent.
- record-size: size of each message.
- throughput: number of messages sent per second.
Scenario 1: Varied Batch Sizes
- Log in to the client server, go to the kafka_2.12-2.7.2/bin directory, and run the following scripts.
Set batch.size to 1 KB, and run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=1 batch.size=1024 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-01 --num-records 8000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
8000000 records sent, 34128.673632 records/sec (33.33 MB/sec), 879.91 ms avg latency, 4102.00 ms max latency, 697 ms 50th, 2524 ms 95th, 2888 ms 99th, 4012 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 34,128 records/second
Set batch.size to 16 KB, and run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=1 batch.size=16384 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-01 --num-records 100000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
100000000 records sent, 102399.318430 records/sec (100.00 MB/sec), 4.72 ms avg latency, 914.00 ms max latency, 1 ms 50th, 5 ms 95th, 162 ms 99th, 398 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 102,399 records/second
- Log in to the Kafka console and click the name of the test instance.
- In the navigation pane, choose Monitoring.
- On the Brokers tab page, view the CPU usage of the server nodes.
Figure 1 broker-0 CPU usage (batch.size = 1 KB)
CPU usage: 58.10%
Figure 2 broker-0 CPU usage (batch.size = 16 KB)CPU usage: 24.10%
Figure 3 broker-1 CPU usage (batch.size = 1 KB)CPU usage: 56.70%
Figure 4 broker-1 CPU usage (batch.size = 16 KB)CPU usage: 25%
Figure 5 broker-2 CPU usage (batch.size = 1 KB)CPU usage: 53.30%
Figure 6 broker-2 CPU usage (batch.size = 16 KB)CPU usage: 23.30%
Scenario 2: Cross-AZ or Intra-AZ Production
- Log in to the client server, go to the kafka_2.12-2.7.2/bin directory, and run the following scripts.
Configure the same AZ for the client and the instance, and run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=1 batch.size=1024 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-01 --num-records 8000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
8000000 records sent, 34128.673632 records/sec (33.33 MB/sec), 879.91 ms avg latency, 4102.00 ms max latency, 697 ms 50th, 2524 ms 95th, 2888 ms 99th, 4012 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 34,128 records/second
Configure different AZs for the client and the instance, and run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=1 batch.size=1024 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-01 --num-records 4000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
4000000 records sent, 8523.042044 records/sec (8.32 MB/sec), 3506.20 ms avg latency, 11883.00 ms max latency, 1817 ms 50th, 10621 ms 95th, 11177 ms 99th, 11860 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 8523 records/second
- Log in to the Kafka console and click the name of the test instance.
- In the navigation pane, choose Monitoring.
- On the Brokers tab page, view the CPU usage of the server nodes.
Figure 7 broker-0 CPU usage (same AZ)
CPU usage: 58.10%
Figure 8 broker-0 CPU usage (different AZs)CPU usage: 17.20%
Figure 9 broker-1 CPU usage (same AZ)CPU usage: 56.70%
Figure 10 broker-1 CPU usage (different AZs)CPU usage: 16.70%
Figure 11 broker-2 CPU usage (same AZ)CPU usage: 53.30%
Figure 12 broker-2 CPU usage (different AZs)CPU usage: 18.80%
Scenario 3: Varied Numbers of Replicas
- Log in to the client server, go to the kafka_2.12-2.7.2/bin directory, and run the following scripts.
For the one-replica topic, run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=1 batch.size=1024 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-01 --num-records 8000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
8000000 records sent, 34128.673632 records/sec (33.33 MB/sec), 879.91 ms avg latency, 4102.00 ms max latency, 697 ms 50th, 2524 ms 95th, 2888 ms 99th, 4012 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 34,128 records/second
For the three-replica topic, run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=1 batch.size=1024 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-02 --num-records 4000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
4000000 records sent, 14468.325219 records/sec (14.13 MB/sec), 2069.99 ms avg latency, 7911.00 ms max latency, 846 ms 50th, 6190 ms 95th, 6935 ms 99th, 7879 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 14,468 records/second
- Log in to the Kafka console and click the name of the test instance.
- In the navigation pane, choose Monitoring.
- On the Brokers tab page, view the CPU usage of the server nodes.
Figure 13 broker-0 CPU usage (one replica)
CPU usage: 58.10%
Figure 14 broker-0 CPU usage (three replicas)CPU usage: 86.70%
Figure 15 broker-1 CPU usage (one replica)CPU usage: 56.70%
Figure 16 broker-1 CPU usage (three replicas)CPU usage: 80.60%
Figure 17 broker-2 CPU usage (one replica)CPU usage: 53.30%
Figure 18 broker-2 CPU usage (three replicas)CPU usage: 86.20%
Scenario 4: Synchronous/Asynchronous Replication
- Log in to the client server, go to the kafka_2.12-2.7.2/bin directory, and run the following scripts.
For asynchronous replication, run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=1 batch.size=1024 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-02 --num-records 4000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
4000000 records sent, 14468.325219 records/sec (14.13 MB/sec), 2069.99 ms avg latency, 7911.00 ms max latency, 846 ms 50th, 6190 ms 95th, 6935 ms 99th, 7879 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 14,468 records/second
For synchronous replication, run the following script:
./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer-props bootstrap.servers=,, acks=-1 batch.size=1024 linger.ms=0 --topic Topic-03 --num-records 1000000 --record-size 1024 --throughput 102400
1000000 records sent, 3981.937930 records/sec (3.89 MB/sec), 7356.98 ms avg latency, 19013.00 ms max latency, 6423 ms 50th, 14381 ms 95th, 18460 ms 99th, 18975 ms 99.9th.
Message production rate: 3981 records/second
- Log in to the Kafka console and click the name of the test instance.
- In the navigation pane, choose Monitoring.
- On the Brokers tab page, view the CPU usage of the server nodes.
Figure 19 broker-0 CPU usage (asynchronous replication)
CPU usage: 86.70%
Figure 20 broker-0 CPU usage (synchronous replication)CPU usage: 60%
Figure 21 broker-1 CPU usage (asynchronous replication)CPU usage: 80.60%
Figure 22 broker-1 CPU usage (synchronous replication)CPU usage: 55.20%
Figure 23 broker-2 CPU usage (asynchronous replication)CPU usage: 86.20%
Figure 24 broker-2 CPU usage (synchronous replication)CPU usage: 50%
Partitions |
Replicas |
Synchronous Replication |
batch.size |
Cross-AZ Production |
Message Production Rate on the Client Side (Records/Second) |
CPU Usage on the Server Side (broker-0) |
CPU Usage on the Server Side (broker-1) |
CPU Usage on the Server Side (broker-2) |
3 |
1 |
No |
1 KB |
No |
34,128 |
58.10% |
56.70% |
53.30% |
3 |
1 |
No |
16 KB |
No |
102,399 |
24.10% |
25.00% |
23.30% |
3 |
1 |
No |
1 KB |
Yes |
8,523 |
17.20% |
16.70% |
18.80% |
3 |
3 |
Yes |
1 KB |
No |
3981 |
60.00% |
55.20% |
50.00% |
3 |
3 |
No |
1 KB |
No |
14,468 |
86.70% |
80.60% |
86.20% |
Based on the test results, the following conclusions are drawn (for reference only):
- When the batch.size of production requests is 16 times larger, the message production rate increases, and the CPU usage decreases.
- Compared with cross-AZ production, intra-AZ production significantly increases message production rate and CPU usage.
- When the number of replicas changes from 1 to 3, the message production rate decreases significantly, and the CPU usage increases.
- Compared with synchronous replication, asynchronous replication increases the message production rate and the CPU usage.
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