Help Center/ Billing Center/ FAQs/ Renewals/ Why Cannot I Renew a Resource? Which Resources Cannot Be Renewed?
Updated on 2024-09-26 GMT+08:00

Why Cannot I Renew a Resource? Which Resources Cannot Be Renewed?

Resources cannot be renewed in the following scenarios:
  1. Reserved instances do not support renewals.
  2. Pay-per-use resources and spot instances do not support renewals.
  3. If an order for changing the specifications of a yearly/monthly resource has been submitted but has not been paid, such a resource is not allowed to be renewed.
  4. Unsubscribed or released resources are not allowed to be renewed.
  5. Yearly/monthly resources that have been changed or are being changed to pay-per-use billing mode are not allowed to be renewed.
  6. If a yearly/monthly resource has supplemented resources, the yearly/monthly resource is not renewable until the supplemented resources have been provisioned successfully, ensuring that the yearly/monthly resource and the supplemented resources expire at the same time.
  7. Resources no longer available do not support renewals.
  8. Orders being processed are not allowed to be renewed.
  9. If a partner's customer accounts in the reseller model is frozen by the partner, the renewals are not allowed for these accounts. Contact the partner to handle it.

See Renewal restrictions in Renewal Rules for details.