Updated on 2022-07-29 GMT+08:00

Logging Destination


Parameter description: Specifies the writing mode of the log files when logging_collector is set to on.


Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that GaussDB(DWS) overwrites the existing log file of the same name on the server.
  • off indicates that GaussDB(DWS) appends the log messages to the existing log file of the same name on the server.

Default value: off


Assume that you plan to keep logs in a period of 7 days, one log file is generated per day, log files generated on Monday are named server_log.Mon and named server_log.Tue on Tuesday (others are named in the same way), and log files generated on the same day in different weeks are overwritten. Implement the plan by performing the following operations: set log_filename to server_log.%a, log_truncate_on_rotation to on, and log_rotation_age to 1440 (indicating the valid duration of the log file is 24 hours).


Parameter description: Specifies the interval for creating a log file when logging_collector is set to on. If the difference between the current time and the time when the previous audit log file is created is greater than the value of log_rotation_age, a new log file will be generated.


Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 24 days. The unit is min, h, or d. 0 indicates that the time-based creation of new log files is disabled.

Default value: 1d


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum size of a server log file when logging_collector is set to on. If the total size of messages in a server log exceeds the capacity of the server log file, a log file will be generated.


Value range: an integer ranging from INT_MAX to 1024. The unit is KB.

0 indicates the capacity-based creation of new log files is disabled.

Default value: 20 MB


Parameter description: Specifies the identifier of the GaussDB(DWS) error messages in logs when log_destination is set to eventlog.


Value range: a string

Default value: PostgreSQL