Updated on 2024-01-15 GMT+08:00

Obtaining a Project ID

  1. Obtain the token.

    For details, see Token-based Authentication.

  2. Obtain the project ID.

    The API for obtaining the project ID is GET https://iam.eu-west-0.myhuaweicloud.com/v3/projects.

    Add X-Auth-Token to the request header, and set the value of X-Auth-Token to the token obtained in the preceding step.

    The following is an example response. id indicates the project ID.

        "links": {},
        "projects": [
                "is_domain": ,
                "description": "",
                "links": {},
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "",   //Project ID
                "parent_id": "",
                "domain_id": "",
                "name": ""