このページは、お客様の言語ではご利用いただけません。Huawei Cloudは、より多くの言語バージョンを追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。ご協力ありがとうございました。
Statistics Information Functions
Statistics information functions are divided into the following two categories: functions that access a database by using the OID of each table or index in the database to mark the database for which statistics are generated; functions that access a server identified by the server process ID whose value ranges from 1 to the number of currently active servers.
- pg_stat_get_db_conflict_tablespace(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of queries canceled due to a conflict between the restored tablespace and the deleted tablespace in the database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_control_group_config()
Description: Prints Cgroup configurations on the current node. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_get_db_stat_reset_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the most recent time when database statistics were reset. It is initialized to the system time during the first connection to each database. The reset time is updated when you call pg_stat_reset in the database and execute pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters on any table or index in the database.
Return type: timestamptz
- pg_stat_get_function_total_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the total wall clock time spent on the function, in microseconds. The time spent on this function call is included.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_returned(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows read through sequential scans when parameters are in a table in the current transaction or the number of index entries returned when parameters are in an index.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_numscans(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of sequential scans performed when parameters are in a table in the current transaction or the number of index scans performed when parameters are in an index.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_blocks_fetched(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of disk block fetch requests for a table or an index in the current transaction.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_blocks_hit(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of disk block fetch requests for a table or an index found in cache in the current transaction.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of times the function is called in the current transaction.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_function_self_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the time spent only on this function in the current transaction. The time spent on this function call is not included.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_function_total_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the total wall clock time spent on this function in the current transaction, in microseconds. The time spent on this function call is included.
Return type:
- pg_lock_status()
Description: Queries information about locks held by open transactions. All users can execute this function.
Return type: For details, see the return result of PG_LOCKS, which is obtained by querying this function.
- pg_stat_get_wal_senders()
Description: Queries WAL sender information on the primary node.
Return type: setofrecord
- pgxc_get_senders_catchup_time()
Description: Queries whether a standby DN in the log catchup state exists in the CN instance query cluster and details about the log catchup state.
Return type: setofrecord
- pg_stat_get_stream_replications()
Description: Queries the primary-standby replication status.
Return type: setofrecord
- pg_stat_get_db_numbackends(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of active server processes in a database.
Return type: integer
- pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of transactions committed in a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of transactions rolled back in a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of disk block fetch requests in a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of disk block fetch requests found in cache in a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_tuples_returned(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples returned for a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_tuples_fetched(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples fetched for a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_tuples_inserted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples inserted into a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_tuples_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples updated in a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_tuples_deleted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples deleted from a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_conflict_lock(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of lock conflicts in a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_deadlocks(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of deadlocks in a database.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_numscans(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows read by sequential scans if parameters are in a table, or the number of index rows if parameters are in an index.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_role_name(oid)
Description: Obtains the username based on the user OID. Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can access the information.
Return type: text
openGauss=# select pg_stat_get_role_name(10); pg_stat_get_role_name ----------------------- aabbcc (1 row)
- pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows read by sequential scans if parameters are in a table, or the number of index rows if parameters are in an index.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of table rows fetched by bitmap scans if parameters are in a table, or the number of table rows fetched by simple index scans if parameters are in an index.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows inserted into a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows updated in a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows deleted from a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_tuples_changed(oid)
Description: Specifies the total number of inserted, updated, and deleted rows after a table was last analyzed or autoanalyzed.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows hot updated in a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_live_tuples(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of live rows in a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of dead rows in a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of disk block fetch requests for a table or an index.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of disk block requests found in cache for a table or an index.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_inserted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows inserted into the corresponding table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows updated in the corresponding table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_deleted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of rows deleted from the corresponding table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_changed(oid)
Description: Specifies the total number of inserted, updated, and deleted rows after a table partition was last analyzed or autoanalyzed.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_partition_live_tuples(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of live rows in a table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_partition_dead_tuples(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of dead rows in a table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_fetched(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuple rows scanned in a transaction.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples inserted into the active subtransactions related to a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_deleted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples deleted from the active subtransactions related to a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_hot_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples hot updated in the active subtransactions related to a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples updated in the active subtransactions related to a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_inserted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples inserted into the active subtransactions related to a table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_deleted(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples deleted from the active subtransactions related to a table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_hot_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples hot updated in the active subtransactions related to a table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_xact_partition_tuples_updated(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of tuples updated in the active subtransactions related to a table partition.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_last_vacuum_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the most recent time when the user manually cleared a table or when the autovacuum thread was started to clear a table.
Return type: timestamptz
- pg_stat_get_last_autovacuum_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the most recent time when the autovacuum daemon was started to clear a table.
Return type: timestamptz
- pg_stat_get_vacuum_count(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of times a table is manually cleared by the user.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_autovacuum_count(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of times the autovacuum daemon is started to clear a table.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_last_analyze_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the most recent time when the user manually analyzed a table or when the autovacuum thread was started to analyze a table.
Return type: timestamptz
- pg_stat_get_last_autoanalyze_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the most recent time when the autovacuum daemon was started to analyze a table.
Return type: timestamptz
- pg_stat_get_analyze_count(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of times a table is manually analyzed by the user.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_autoanalyze_count(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of times a table is analyzed by the autovacuum daemon.
Return type: bigint
- pg_total_autovac_tuples(bool)
Description: Returns tuple records related to the total autovac, such as nodename, nspname, relname, and tuple IUDs. The input parameters specify whether to query relation and local information, respectively.
Return type: setofrecord
- pg_autovac_status(oid)
Description: Returns autovac information, such as nodename, nspname, relname, analyze, vacuum, thresholds for the ANALYZE and VACUUM operations, and the number of analyzed or vacuumed tuples. Only users with the sysadmin permission can use this function.
Return type: setofrecord
- pg_autovac_timeout(oid)
Description: Returns the number of consecutive timeouts during the autovac operation on a table. If the table information is invalid or the node information is abnormal, NULL is returned.
Return type: bigint
- pg_autovac_coordinator(oid)
Description: Returns the name of the CN performing the autovac operation on a table. If the table information is invalid or the node information is abnormal, NULL is returned.
Return type: text
- pg_stat_get_last_data_changed_time(oid)
Description: Returns the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION was performed last time on a table. The data in the last_data_changed column of the PG_STAT_ALL_TABLES view is calculated by using this function. The performance of obtaining the last modification time by using the view is poor when the table has a large amount of data. In this case, you are advised to use this function.
Return type: timestamptz
- pg_stat_set_last_data_changed_time(oid)
Description: Manually changes the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION was performed last time on a table.
Return type: void
- pg_backend_pid()
Description: Specifies the thread ID of the server thread attached to the current session.
Return type: integer
- pg_stat_get_activity(integer)
Description: Returns a record about the background process with the specified PID. A record for each active background process in the system is returned if NULL is specified. The returned result does not contain the connection_info column. The initial user, system administrators, and users with the monadmin permission can view all data. Common users can query only their own data.
openGauss=# select * from pg_stat_get_activity(139881386280704); datid | pid | sessionid | usesysid | application_name | state | query | waiting | xact_start | query_start | backend_start | state_change | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | enqueue | query_id | srespool | global_sessionid | unique_sql_id | trace_id -------+-----------------+-----------+----------+------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+----- --------------------------+------------------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+---------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+---------------+---------- 16545 | 139881386280704 | 69 | 10 | gsql | active | select * from pg_stat_get_activity(139881386280704); | f | 2022-01-18 19:43:05.167718+08 | 2022-01-18 19:43:05.167718+08 | 2022 -01-18 19:42:33.513507+08 | 2022-01-18 19:43:05.16773+08 | | | -1 | | 72620543991624410 | default_pool | 1938253334#69#0 | 3751941862 | (1 row)
Return type: setofrecord
- pg_stat_get_activity_with_conninfo(integer)
Description: Returns a record about the background process with the specified PID. A record for each active background process in the system is returned if NULL is specified. The initial user, system administrators, and users with the monadmin permission can view all data. Common users can query only their own data.
openGauss=# select * from pg_stat_get_activity_with_conninfo(139881386280704); datid | pid | sessionid | usesysid | application_name | state | query | waiting | xact_start | query_start | backend_start | state_change | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | enqueue | query_id | connection_info | srespool | global_sessionid | unique_sql_id | trace_id -------+-----------------+-----------+----------+------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------------------+----------------------- --------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+---------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+------------------+---------------+---------- 16545 | 139881386280704 | 69 | 10 | gsql | active | select * from pg_stat_get_activity_with_conninfo(139881386280704); | f | 2022-01-18 19:45:20.125433+08 | 2022-01-18 19:45:20.12 5433+08 | 2022-01-18 19:42:33.513507+08 | 2022-01-18 19:45:20.125469+08 | | | -1 | | 72620543991624470 | {"driver_name":"libpq","driver_version":"(GaussDB Vxxx RxxxCxx build 5dde2050) compiled at 2022-01-11 14:38:20 commit 3320 last mr 7176 debug"} | default_pool | 1938253334:69#0 | 3858105710 | (1 row)
Return type: setofrecord
- pg_stat_get_activity_ng(integer)
Description: Returns a record about the active backend thread with the specified PID. A record for each active backend thread is returned if NULL is specified. System administrators and users with the monadmin permission can view all data. Common users can query only their own data.
Return type: setofrecord
The following table describes return fields.
Database OID
Background thread ID
Session ID
Logical cluster of the user to which the data belongs (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.)
- pg_user_iostat(text)
Description: Displays the I/O load management information about the job currently executed by the user. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.)
Return type: record
The following table describes return fields.
User ID
Minimum I/O of the current user across each DN. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by ten thousands for row storage.
Maximum I/O of the current user across each DN. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by ten thousands for row storage.
Minimum peak I/O of the current user across each DN. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by ten thousands for row storage.
Maximum peak I/O of the current user across each DN. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by ten thousands for row storage.
I/O limit set for the resource pool specified by the user. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by ten thousands for row storage.
I/O priority set by the user. The IOPS is counted by ones for column storage and by ten thousands for row storage.
Real-time value of io_limits when io_priority is used to control I/Os
- pg_stat_get_function_calls(oid)
Description: Specifies the number of times the function has been called.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_function_self_time(oid)
Description: Specifies the time spent on only this function. The time spent on nested functions to call other functions is excluded.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_backend_idset()
Description: Sets the number of currently active server processes (from 1 to the number of active server processes).
Return type: setofinteger
- pg_stat_get_backend_pid(integer)
Description: Specifies the ID of the given server thread.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_backend_dbid(integer)
Description: Specifies the ID of the database connected to the given server process.
Return type: oid
- pg_stat_get_backend_userid(integer)
Description: Specifies the user ID of the given server process. This function can be called only by the system administrator.
Return type: oid
- pg_stat_get_backend_activity(integer)
Description: Queries the current activity of the given server process. The query result can be obtained only when the user who calls this function is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is enabled.
Return type: text
- pg_stat_get_backend_waiting(integer)
Description: Returns a true value if the given server process is waiting for a lock, but only when the user who calls this function is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is enabled.
Return type: Boolean
- pg_stat_get_backend_activity_start(integer)
Description: Specifies the time when the given server process's currently executing query is started only when the user who calls this function is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is enabled.
Return type: timestamp with time zone
- pg_stat_get_backend_xact_start(integer)
Description: Specifies the time when the given server process's currently executing transaction is started only when the user who calls this function is a system administrator or the same user as that of the session being queried and track_activities is enabled.
Return type: timestamp with time zone
- pg_stat_get_backend_start(integer)
Description: Specifies the time when the given server process is started. If the current user is neither a system administrator nor the same user as that of the session being queried, NULL is returned.
Return type: timestamp with time zone
- pg_stat_get_backend_client_addr(integer)
Description: Specifies the IP address of the client connected to the given server process. If the connection is over a Unix domain socket, or if the current user is neither a system administrator nor the same user as that of the session being queried, NULL is returned.
Return type: inet
- pg_stat_get_backend_client_port(integer)
Description: Specifies the TCP port number of the client connected to the given server process. If the connection is over a Unix domain socket, –1 is returned. If the current user is neither a system administrator nor the same user as that of the session being queried, NULL is returned.
Return type: integer
- pg_stat_get_bgwriter_timed_checkpoints()
Description: Specifies the time when the background writer starts scheduled checkpoints (because the time specified by checkpoint_timeout has expired).
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_bgwriter_requested_checkpoints()
Description: Specifies the time when the background writer starts checkpoints based on requests from the backend because the value specified by checkpoint_segments has been exceeded or the CHECKPOINT command has been executed.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_checkpoints()
Description: Specifies the number of buffers written by the background writer during checkpoints.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_clean()
Description: Specifies the number of buffers written by the background writer for routine cleaning of dirty pages.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_bgwriter_maxwritten_clean()
Description: Specifies the time when the background writer stops its cleaning scan because it has written more buffers than those specified by the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_buf_written_backend()
Description: Specifies the number of buffers written by the backend process because a new buffer needs to be allocated.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_buf_alloc()
Description: Specifies the total number of the allocated buffers.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_clear_snapshot()
Description: Discards the current statistics snapshot. Only users with the sysadmin or monitoradmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: void
- pg_stat_reset()
Description: Resets all statistics counters for the current database to zero (requiring system administrator permissions).
Return type: void
- gs_stat_reset()
Description: Resets all statistics counters for the current database on each node to zero (requiring system administrator permissions).
Return type: void
- pg_stat_reset_shared(text)
Description: Resets all statistics counters for the current database on each node in a shared cluster to zero (requiring system administrator permissions).
Return type: void
- pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters(oid)
Description: Resets statistics on a single table or index in the current database to zero (requiring system administrator permissions).
Return type: void
- pg_stat_reset_single_function_counters(oid)
Description: Resets statistics on a single function in the current database to zero (requiring system administrator permissions).
Return type: void
- pg_stat_session_cu(int, int, int)
Description: Obtains the compression unit (CU) hit statistics on sessions running on the current node.
Return type: record
- gs_get_stat_session_cu(text, int, int, int)
Description: Obtains the CU hit statistics on all sessions running in a cluster.
Return type: record
- gs_get_stat_db_cu(text, text, bigint, bigint, bigint)
Description: Obtains the CU hit statistics on a database in a cluster.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_get_cu_mem_hit(oid)
Description: Obtains the number of memory CU hits of a column-store table in the current database on the current node.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_cu_hdd_sync(oid)
Description: Obtains the times CU is synchronously read from a disk by a column-store table in the current database on the current node.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_cu_hdd_asyn(oid)
Description: Obtains the times CU is asynchronously read from a disk by a column-store table in the current database on the current node.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_cu_mem_hit(oid)
Description: Obtains the number of memory CU hits in a database on the current node.
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_cu_hdd_sync(oid)
Description: Obtains the times CU is synchronously read from a disk in a database on the current node.
Return type: bigint
- pgxc_get_wlm_current_instance_info(text, int default null)
Description: Queries the current resource usage of each node in a cluster on a CN and reads the data that is not stored in the GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY system catalog in the memory. The input parameters are the node name (ALL, C, D, or Instance name) and the maximum number of records returned by each node. The return value is GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY.
Return type: setofrecord
- pgxc_get_wlm_history_instance_info(text, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP, int default null)
Description: Queries the historical resource usage in a cluster on a CN and reads data from the GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY system catalog. The input parameters are the node name (ALL, C, D, or Instance name), start time, end time, and maximum number of records returned by each instance. The return value is GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY.
Return type: setofrecord
- pg_stat_get_db_cu_hdd_asyn(oid)
Description: Obtains the times CU is asynchronously read from a disk in a database on the current node.
Return type: bigint
- pgxc_fenced_udf_process(integer)
Description: Displays the number of UDF master and worker processes. Only users with the sysadmin or monadmin permission can execute this function. If the input parameter is set to 1, the number of master processes is queried. If the input parameter is set to 2, the number of worker processes is queried. If the input parameter is set to 3, all worker processes are killed.
Return type: text
- fenced_udf_process()
Description: Displays the number of local UDF master and worker processes.
Return type: record
- total_cpu()
Description: Obtains the CPU time used by the current node, in jiffies.
Return type: bigint
- total_memory()
Description: Obtains the size of the virtual memory used by the current node, in KB.
Return type: bigint
- pgxc_terminate_all_fenced_udf_process()
Description: Kills all UDF worker processes. Only users with the sysadmin or monadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: Boolean
Description: Provides Cgroup information for all logical clusters. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.) Before calling this function, you need to specify the name of the logical cluster to be queried. For example, to query the Cgroup information for the 'installation' logical cluster, run the following command:
Return type: record
The following table describes return fields.
Cgroup name
Cgroup type
Cgroup ID
ID of the class Cgroup to which a workload Cgroup belongs
Class Cgroup
Workload Cgroup
CPU quota allocated to a Cgroup
Limit of CPUs allocated to a Cgroup
Workload Cgroup level
Usage of CPU cores in a Cgroup
- gs_get_nodegroup_tablecount(name)
Description: Obtains the total number of user tables in all databases in a logical cluster. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.)
Return type: integer
- pgxc_max_datanode_size(name)
Description: Obtains the maximum disk space occupied by database files on all DNs in a logical cluster. The unit is byte. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.)
Return type: bigint
- gs_check_logic_cluster_consistency()
Description: Checks whether the system information of all logical clusters in the system is consistent. If no record is returned, the information is consistent. Otherwise, the node group information on CNs and DNs in the logical cluster is inconsistent. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.) This function cannot be called during redistribution in scale-in or scale-out.
Return type: record
- gs_check_tables_distribution()
Description: Checks whether the user table distribution in the system is consistent. If no record is returned, table distribution is consistent. This function cannot be called during redistribution in scale-in or scale-out.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_bad_block(text, int, int, int, int, int, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone)
Description: Obtains damage information about pages or CUs after the current node is started.
Return type: record
- pgxc_stat_bad_block(text, int, int, int, int, int, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone)
Description: Obtains damage information about pages or CUs after all nodes in the cluster are started.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_bad_block_clear()
Description: Deletes the page or CU damage information that is read and recorded on the node (requiring system administrator permissions).
Return type: void
- pgxc_stat_bad_block_clear
Description: Deletes the page or CU damage information that is read and recorded on all nodes in the cluster (requiring system administrator permissions).
Return type: void
- pgxc_log_comm_status(void)
Description: When the TCP proxy communication is used, the PGXC system view exports the communication layer status of DNs to each log file.
Return type: void
- gs_respool_exception_info(pool text)
Description: Queries the query rule of a specified resource pool.
Return type: record
- gs_control_group_info(pool text)
Description: Queries information about Cgroups associated with a resource pool. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
The following information is displayed:
Class name and workload name
Class Cgroup name
Workload Cgroup name
Cgroup type (Top, CLASS, BAKWD, DEFWD, or TSWD)
Cgroup ID
Percentage of CPU resources to those on the parent node
Percentage of CPU cores to those on the parent node
Allocation ratio in Timeshare
Number of CPU cores
- gs_all_control_group_info()
Description: Collects information about all Cgroups in the database. For details about the columns returned by the function, see 16.3.48 GS_ALL_CONTROL_GROUP_INFO.
Return type: record
- gs_get_control_group_info()
Description: Collects information about all Cgroups. For details about the columns returned by the function, see 16.3.53 GS_GET_CONTROL_GROUP_INFO. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
- get_instr_workload_info(integer)
Description: Obtains the transaction volume and time information on the current CN.
Return type: record
User ID
Number of frontend transactions that were committed
Number of frontend transactions that were rolled back
Minimum response time of frontend transactions (unit: μs)
Maximum response time of frontend transactions (unit: μs)
Average response time of frontend transactions (unit: μs)
Total response time of frontend transactions (unit: μs)
Number of background transactions that were committed
Number of background transactions that were rolled back
Minimum response time of background transactions (unit: μs)
Maximum response time of background transactions (unit: μs)
Average response time of background transactions (unit: μs)
Total response time of background transactions (unit: μs)
- pv_instance_time()
Description: Obtains the time consumed in each key phase on the current node.
Return type: record
Stat_name Attribute
Total end-to-end wall time consumed by all threads (unit: μs)
Total CPU time consumed by all threads (unit: μs)
Total time consumed on the executor (unit: μs)
Total time consumed for parsing SQL statements (unit: μs)
Total time consumed for generating an execution plan (unit: μs)
Total time consumed for rewriting queries (unit: μs)
Total time consumed for executing PL/SQL statements (unit: μs)
Total time consumed for compiling SQL statements (unit: μs)
Total time consumed for sending data over the network (unit: μs)
Total time consumed for reading and writing data (unit: μs)
- DBE_PERF.get_global_instance_time()
Description: Provides the time consumed in each key phase in the entire cluster. The time consumed can be queried only on the CN.
Return type: record
- get_instr_unique_sql()
Description: Obtains information about execution statements (normalized SQL statements) on the current node. Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can query this function.
Return type: record
- get_instr_wait_event(integer)
Description: Obtains the statistics on wait events on the current node.
Return type: record
- get_instr_user_login()
Description: Obtains the number of user login and logout times on the current node. Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can query this function.
Return type: record
- get_instr_rt_percentile(integer)
Description: Obtains the response time distribution for 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the CCN. The unified cluster information is stored on the CCN. The query result from other nodes is 0.
Return type: record
- get_node_stat_reset_time()
Description: Obtains statistics on reset (restart, primary-standby switchover, and database deletion) time of the current node.
Return type: record
- gs_session_memory_detail_tp()
Description: Collects statistics on thread memory usage by the MemoryContext node. When enable_thread_pool is set to on, this view contains memory usage of all threads and sessions.
Return type: record
- create_wlm_operator_info(int flag)
Description: Clears top SQL operator-level statistics recorded in the current memory. If the input parameter is greater than 0, the information is archived to gs_wlm_operator_info and gs_wlm_ec_operator_info. Otherwise, the information is not archived. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: int
create_wlm_session_info(int flag)
Description: Clears top SQL query statement-level statistics recorded in the current memory. If the input parameter is greater than 0, the information is archived to gs_wlm_session_query_info_all. Otherwise, the information is not archived. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: int
pg_stat_get_wlm_session_info(int flag)
Description: Obtains top SQL query statement-level statistics recorded in the current memory. If the input parameter is not 0, the information is cleared from the memory. Only users with the system admin or monitor admin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
- gs_paxos_stat_replication()
Description: Queries the standby node information on the primary node. Currently, the distributed mode is not supported.
- get_paxos_replication_info()
Description: Queries the primary-standby replication information. Currently, the distributed mode is not supported.
Description: Obtains the resource usage statistics of all users. The input parameter is of the int type and can be any int value or NULL.
Return type: record
- gs_wlm_get_all_user_resource_info()
Description: Obtains the resource usage statistics of all users. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Obtains information about all users. The input parameter is of the int type and can be any int value or NULL. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Obtains all job information in dynamic load management. This function is valid only when dynamic load management is enabled. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.)
Return type: record
Description: Archives all user resource usage statistics to the gs_wlm_user_resource_history system catalog. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Corrects the storage space usage of all users. Only the administrator can execute this function.
Return type: record
gs_wlm_readjust_user_space_through_username(text name)
Description: Corrects the storage space usage of a specified user. Common users can use this function to correct only their own storage space usage. Only the administrator can correct the storage space usage of all users. If the value of name is 0000, the usage of all users needs to be modified.
Return type: record
gs_wlm_readjust_user_space_with_reset_flag(text name, boolean isfirst)
Description: Corrects the storage space usage of a specified user. If the input parameter isfirst is set to true, statistics are collected from 0. Otherwise, statistics are collected from the previous result. Common users can use this function to correct only their own storage space usage. Only the administrator can correct the storage space usage of all users. If the value of name is 0000, the usage of all users needs to be modified.
Return type: record
Description: Obtains the session resource pool information about all backend threads. The input parameter is of the bigint type and can be set to any bigint value or NULL.
Return type: record
- gs_total_nodegroup_memory_detail
Description: Returns statistics on memory usage of the logical cluster in the current database, in the unit of MB. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.)
Return type: setof record
Table 1 Return value description Name
Name of the logical cluster
Memory type. The value must be one of the following:- ng_total_memory: total memory of the logical cluster
- ng_used_memory: memory usage of the logical cluster
- ng_estimate_memory: estimated memory usage of the logical cluster
- ng_foreignrp_memsize: total memory of the external resource pool of the logical cluster
- ng_foreignrp_usedsize: memory usage of the external resource pool of the logical cluster
- ng_foreignrp_peaksize: peak memory usage of the external resource pool of the logical cluster
- ng_foreignrp_mempct: percentage of the external resource pool of the logical cluster to the total memory of the logical cluster
- ng_foreignrp_estmsize: estimated memory usage of the external resource pool of the logical cluster
Size of allocated memory
- gs_io_wait_status()
Description: Returns the real-time statistics on I/O control on the current node.
Return type: setof record
Node name
Name of the data disk mounted to the node
Number of read operations completed per second
Number of write operations completed per second
Ratio of the disk write I/Os to the total I/Os
Percentage of the I/O time to the total CPU time per second
Level of the CPU time occupied by the last three I/Os. The value ranges from 0 to 6.
Interval for updating disk I/O information. The value is fixed to 1 second. The value is cleared each time before data is read.
Size of the I/O request thread wait queue. If the value is 0, no I/O is under control.
- gs_get_shared_memctx_detail(text)
Description: Returns the memory allocation details of the specified memory context, including the file, line number, and size of each memory allocation (the size of the same line in the same file is accumulated). Only the memory context queried through the pg_shared_memory_detail view can be queried. The input parameter is the memory context name (that is, the contextname column in the result returned by the pg_shared_memory_detail view). Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can query this function.
Return type: setof record
Name of the file where the memory is allocated to
Line number of the code in the file where the memory is allocated to
Size of the allocated memory. The value is accumulated if the memory is allocated for multiple times to the same line in the same file.
This view is not supported in the Lite release version.
- gs_get_session_memctx_detail(text)
Description: Returns the memory allocation details of the specified memory context, including the file, line number, and size of each memory allocation (the size of the same line in the same file is accumulated). This function is valid only in thread pool mode. Only the memory context queried through the pv_session_memory_context view can be queried. The input parameter is the memory context name (that is, the contextname column in the result returned by the pv_session_memory_context view). Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can query this function.
Return type: setof record
Name of the file where the memory is allocated to
Line number of the code in the file where the memory is allocated to
Size of the allocated memory, in bytes. The value is accumulated if the memory is allocated for multiple times to the same line of the same file.
This view takes effect only in thread pool mode and is not supported in the Lite release version.
- gs_get_thread_memctx_detail(tid,text)
Description: Returns the memory allocation details of the specified memory context, including the file, line number, and size of each memory allocation (the size of the same line in the same file is accumulated). Only the memory context queried through the pv_thread_memory_context view can be queried. The first input parameter is the thread ID (the tid column of the data returned by pv_thread_memory_context), and the second parameter is the memory context name (the contextname column of the data returned by pv_thread_memory_context). Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can query this function.
Return type: setof record
Name of the file where the memory is allocated to
Line number of the code in the file where the memory is allocated to
Size of the allocated memory, in bytes. The value is accumulated if the memory is allocated for multiple times to the same line of the same file.
This view is not supported in the Lite release version.
- gs_get_history_memory_detail(cstring)
Description: Queries historical memory snapshot information. The input parameter type is cstring. The value can be NULL or the name of the memory snapshot log file.
- If the value of the input parameter is NULL, the list of all memory snapshot log files on the current node is displayed.
- If the value of the input parameter is the name of the memory snapshot log file in the list queried in 1, the detailed information about the memory snapshot recorded in the log file is displayed.
- If you enter any other input parameter, the system displays a message indicating that the input parameter is incorrect or the file fails to be opened.
Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can query this function.
Return type: text
Memory information. If the input parameter of the function is set to NULL, the memory snapshot file list is displayed. If the input parameter is set to the name of the memory snapshot file, the content of the file is displayed.
- gs_stat_get_hotkeys_info()
If the GUC parameter enable_hotkeys_collection is set to off, the gs_stat_get_hotkeys_info and global_stat_get_hotkeys_info functions as well as the global_stat_hotkeys_info view cannot be queried. The use of the gs_stat_clean_hotkeys and global_stat_clean_hotkeys interfaces is not affected.
Description: Obtains the hotspot key statistics on the current node.
Return type: record
1 2 3 4 5 6
openGauss=# select * from gs_stat_get_hotkeys_info() order by count, hash_value; database_name | schema_name | table_name | key_value | hash_value | count ---------------+-------------+-------------------+-----------+------------+------- regression | public | hotkey_single_col | {22} | 1858004829 | 2 regression | public | hotkey_single_col | {11} | 2011968649 | 2 (2 rows)
Table 1 Return value description
Name of the database where the hotspot key is located
Name of the schema where the hotspot key is located
Name of the table where the hotspot key is located
Value of the hotspot key
Hash value of the hotspot key in the database. If the table is a list or range distribution table, the value of this field is 0.
Frequency of accessing the hotspot key
- gs_stat_clean_hotkeys()
- Hotspot key detection is designed for high-concurrency and heavy-traffic scenarios. In the scenario where the access is performed for several times, the clearing query result may be inaccurate.
- The clearing interface is designed to clear only the statistics in the LRU queue but not the historical data in the FIFO. Therefore, if the historical key value in the FIFO is accessed again after the clearing, the historical key value is still processed as a hotspot key. This rule also applies to global_stat_clean_hotkeys.
Description: Clears statistics on hotspot keys on the current node.
Return type: Boolean
1 2 3 4 5
openGauss=# select * from gs_stat_clean_hotkeys(); gs_stat_clean_hotkeys ----------------------- t (1 row)
- global_stat_get_hotkeys_info()
Run the select * from global_stat_hotkeys_info minus select * from global_stat_get_hotkeys_info() command during service execution. The value may not be 0 due to time difference.
Description: Obtains statistics on hotspot keys in the entire cluster.
Return type: record
1 2 3 4 5 6
openGauss=# select * from global_stat_get_hotkeys_info() order by count, hash_value; database_name | schema_name | table_name | key_value | hash_value | count ---------------+-------------+-------------------+-----------+------------+------- regression | public | hotkey_single_col | {22} | 1858004829 | 2 regression | public | hotkey_single_col | {11} | 2011968649 | 2 (2 rows)
- global_stat_clean_hotkeys()
Description: Clears statistics on hotspot keys in the entire cluster.
Return type: Boolean
1 2 3 4 5
openGauss=# select * from global_stat_clean_hotkeys(); global_stat_clean_hotkeys ----------------------- t (1 row)
- global_comm_get_recv_stream()
Description: Obtains the status of the stream received by all communication libraries on all DNs. For details about the columns returned by the function, see PG_COMM_RECV_STREAM.
Return type: record
- global_comm_get_send_stream()
Description: Obtains the status of the stream sent by all communication libraries on all DNs. For details about the columns returned by the function, see PG_COMM_SEND_STREAM.
Return type: record
- global_comm_get_status()
Description: Obtains the communication library status on all DNs. For details about the columns returned by the function, see PG_COMM_STATUS.
Return type: record
- global_comm_client_info()
Description: Obtains information about active client connections of global nodes. For details about the columns returned by the function, see COMM_CLIENT_INFO.
Return type: record
- global_comm_get_client_info()
Description: Obtains information about client connections of global nodes. For details about the columns returned by the function, see COMM_CLIENT_INFO.
Return type: record
- pgxc_get_wlm_ec_operator_history()
Description: Displays the operator information when the execution of ExtensionConnector (EC) jobs cached on all CNs is complete. The information is cleared every 3 minutes. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
- pgxc_get_wlm_ec_operator_info()
Description: Displays the operator information when the execution of EC jobs on all CNs is complete. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
- pgxc_get_wlm_ec_operator_statistics()
Description: Displays the operator information when EC jobs on all CNs are being executed. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Displays the operator information when the execution of jobs cached on all CNs is complete. The information is cleared every 3 minutes. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Displays the operator information when the execution of jobs on all CNs is complete. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Displays the operator information when jobs on all CNs are being executed. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Displays the load management information when the execution of jobs cached on all CNs is complete. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.) The information is cleared every 3 minutes. Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Displays the load management information when the execution of jobs cached on all CNs is complete. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.) Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
pgxc_get_wlm_session_info_bytime(tag text, begin timestamp, end timestamp, limit int)
Description: Displays load management information of jobs whose start or end time is within a time range on all CNs. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.) Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Parameter description:
tag: The value can only be 'start_time' or 'finish_time', indicating that the query is restricted by the start time or end time of the job.
begin: start time of a time range
end: end time of a time range
limit: number of returned records
Return type: record
Description: Displays load management information when jobs on all CNs are being executed. (The current feature is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.) Only users with the sysadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
Description: Displays information about all CNs in the current cluster queried by the current user. Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can execute this function, and common users can view only their own information.
Return type: record
Name of a CN in the current cluster
OID of the database that the user session connects to in the background
Name of the database that the user session connects to in the background
Backend thread ID
Session ID
OID of the user logged in to the background
Name of the user logged in to the background
Name of the application connected to the background
IP address of the client connected to the background. If this column is null, it indicates either that the client is connected via a Unix socket on the server machine or that this is an internal process, such as autovacuum.
Host name of the connected client, as reported by a reverse DNS lookup of client_addr. This column is not null only for IP connections and only when log_hostname is enabled.
TCP port number that the client uses for communication with the background (–1 if a Unix socket is used)
timestamp with time zone
Time when this process was started, that is, when the client connected to the server
timestamp with time zone
Time when the current transaction was started (null if no transactions are active) If the current query is the first of its transaction, the value of this column is the same as that of the query_start column.
timestamp with time zone
Time when the currently active query was started, or time when the last query was started if the value of state is not active
timestamp with time zone
Time when state was last modified
Whether the background is currently waiting for a lock. If it is, the value is true.
Queuing state of a statement. Possible values are:- waiting in queue: The statement is in the queue.
- Empty: The statement is being executed.
Overall state of the background. Possible values are:- active: The background is executing a query.
- idle: The background is waiting for a new client command.
- idle in transaction: The background is in a transaction, but there is no statement being executed in the transaction.
- idle in transaction (aborted): The background is in a transaction, but there are statements failed in the transaction.
- fastpath function call: The background is executing a fast-path function.
- disabled: This state is reported if track_activities is disabled in the background.
Only system administrators can view the session status of their accounts. The state information of other accounts is empty. For example, after user judy is connected to the database, the state information of user joe and the initial user omm in pgxc_stat_activity is empty.
SELECT datname, usename, usesysid, state,pid FROM pgxc_stat_activity;
datname | usename | usesysid | state | pid ----------+---------+----------+--------+----------------- postgres | omm | 10 | | 139968752121616 postgres | omm | 10 | | 139968903116560 db_tpcds | judy | 16398 | active | 139968391403280 postgres | omm | 10 | | 139968643069712 postgres | omm | 10 | | 139968680818448 postgres | joe | 16390 | | 139968563377936 (6 rows)
Resource pool used by the user
ID of a query
Latest query in the background If the value of state is active, this column shows the ongoing query. In all other states, it shows the last query that was executed.
Global session ID
Unique SQL statement ID
Driver-specific trace ID, which is associated with an application request
Description: Displays query information about the current user on all CNs in the current cluster. For details, see the pgxc_stat_activity view. Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can execute this function, and common users can view only their own information.
Return type: record
- pgxc_stat_all_tables()
Description: Displays statistics on a row in each table (including TOAST tables) on each node. Only users with the sysadmin or monitor admin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
- pgxc_get_thread_wait_status()
Description: Queries the call hierarchy between threads generated by all SQL statements on each node in a cluster and the block waiting status of each thread.
Return type: record
Description: Displays the status information when jobs on all CNs are being executed. Only system administrators can execute this function.
Return type: record
- pv_session_memory
Description: Collects statistics on memory usage at the session level, including all the memory allocated to Postgres and stream threads on DNs for jobs currently executed by users.
Return type: record
Table 2 Return value description Name
Thread start time and ID
Memory allocated to the currently executed jobs before they enter the executor, in MB
Memory allocated to the currently executed jobs, in MB
Peak memory allocated to the currently executed jobs, in MB
- dbe_perf.gs_stat_activity_timeout(int)
Description: Obtains information about query jobs whose execution time exceeds the timeout threshold on the current node. The correct result can be returned only when the GUC parameter track_activities is set to on. The timeout threshold ranges from 0 to 2147483.
Return type: setof record
Name of the database connected to the user session
Backend thread ID
Session ID
OID of the user logged in to the background
Name of the application connected to the background
Query that is being executed in the background
Time when the current transaction is started
Time when the current query starts
Query statement ID
- dbe_perf.global_stat_activity_timeout(int)
Description: Obtains information about query jobs whose execution time exceeds the timeout threshold in the current system (all CNs). The correct result can be returned only when the GUC parameter track_activities is set to on. The timeout threshold ranges from 0 to 2147483.
Return type: setof record
Name of the CN connected to the user session
Name of the database connected to the user session
Backend thread ID
Session ID
OID of the user logged in to the background
Name of the application connected to the background
Query that is being executed in the background
Time when the current transaction is started
Time when the current query starts
Query statement ID
- dbe_perf.get_average_value()
Description: Obtains statistics on reset (restart, primary-standby switchover, and database deletion) time of the current node.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_active_session()
Description: Displays a summary of samples in the ACTIVE SESSION PROFILE memory on all nodes.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_os_runtime()
Description: Displays the running status of the current OS. This function can be queried only on CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_os_threads()
Description: Provides thread status information on all normal nodes in the entire cluster. The information can be queried only on CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_os_threads()
Description: Provides thread status information on all normal nodes in the entire cluster. The information can be queried only on CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_workload_sql_count()
Description: Provides the count information of SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, DDL, DML, and DCL in different loads in the entire cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_workload_sql_elapse_time()
Description: Provides SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and response time information (TOTAL, AVG, MIN, and MAX) in different loads in the entire cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_workload_transaction()
Description: Obtains the transaction volume and time information on all nodes in the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_session_stat()
Description: Obtains the session status information on all nodes in the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
The status information contains the following items: commit, rollback, sql, table_scan, blocks_fetched, physical_read_operation, shared_blocks_dirtied, local_blocks_dirtied, shared_blocks_read, local_blocks_read, blocks_read_time, blocks_write_time, sort_imemory, sort_idisk, cu_mem_hit, cu_hdd_sync_read, and cu_hdd_asyread
- DBE_PERF.get_global_session_time()
Description: Provides the time consumed in each key phase on each node in the entire cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_session_memory()
Description: Aggregates statistics on memory usage at the session level on each node in the unit of MB, including all the memory allocated to Postgres and stream threads on DNs for jobs currently executed by users. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_session_memory_detail()
Description: Aggregates statistics on thread memory usage on each node by the MemoryContext node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_session_stat_activity()
Description: Aggregates information about running threads on each node in the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_thread_wait_status()
Description: Aggregates the blocking waiting status of the backend thread and auxiliary thread on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_wlm_controlgroup_ng_config()
Description: Collects information about all Cgroups in the database. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_wlm_workload_runtime()
Description: Aggregates the status information about jobs executed by the current user on each CN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_operator_ec_history()
Description: Aggregates the historical status information about the current user's EC operators on each CN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin or sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_operator_ec_history_table()
Description: Aggregates the historical status information (persistent) of the current user's EC operators on each CN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin or sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_operator_ec_runtime()
Description: Aggregates the real-time status information about the current user's EC operators on each CN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin or sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_operator_history_table()
Description: Aggregates the operator records (persistent) after jobs are executed by the current user on all CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_operator_history()
Description: Aggregates the operator records after jobs are executed by the current user on all CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin or sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_operator_runtime()
Description: Aggregates real-time operator records of jobs executed by the current user on all CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin or sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statement_complex_history()
Description: Aggregates the historical records of complex queries executed by the current user on all CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statement_complex_history_table()
Description: Aggregates the historical records of complex queries (persistent) executed by the current user on all CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statement_complex_runtime()
Description: Aggregates real-time information about complex queries executed by the current user on all CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin or sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_memory_node_detail()
Description: Aggregates the memory usage of a database on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_shared_memory_detail()
Description: Aggregates the usage information about the shared memory contexts on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_comm_delay()
Description: Aggregates the communication library delay status on all DNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_comm_recv_stream()
Description: Aggregates the status of the stream received by the communication library on all DNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_comm_send_stream()
Description: Aggregates the status of the stream sent by the communication library on all DNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_comm_status()
Description: Aggregates the status of the communication library on all DNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_all_indexes
Description: Aggregates index information and I/O statistics in the current database on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_local_toastname_and_toastindexname()
Description: Provides the mapping between the name and index of the local TOAST table and its associated tables.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_statio_all_indexes
Description: Collects I/O statistics on specific indexes, covering all index lines in the current database on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_all_sequences
Description: Provides I/O status information about all sequences in the namespace. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_all_tables
Description: Aggregates I/O statistics on each table in the database on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_statio_all_tables
Description: Collects statistics on I/Os of each table in the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_local_toast_relation()
Description: Provides the mapping between the name of the local TOAST table and its associated tables.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_sys_indexes()
Description: Aggregates I/O status information about all system catalog indexes in namespaces on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_statio_sys_indexes()
Description: Collects statistics on I/O status information about all system catalog indexes in namespaces on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_sys_sequences()
Description: Provides I/O status information about all system catalog sequences in namespaces. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_sys_tables()
Description: Provides I/O status information about all system catalogs in the namespaces on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_statio_sys_tables()
Description: Aggregates I/O status information about all system catalogs in the namespaces of the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_user_indexes()
Description: Provides I/O status information about all user relationship table indexes in the namespaces on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_statio_user_indexes()
Description: Aggregates I/O status information about all user relationship table indexes in the namespaces of the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_user_sequences()
Description: Provides I/O status information about all user sequences in the namespaces on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statio_user_tables()
Description: Provides I/O status information about all user relationship tables in the namespaces on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_statio_user_tables()
Description: Aggregates I/O status information about all user relationship tables in the namespaces of the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_stat_db_cu()
Description: Collects statistics on the CU hit ratio of all databases on each cluster node in a view. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_dn_stat_all_tables()
Description: Aggregates statistics on all tables in the database on each DN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_cn_stat_all_tables()
Description: Aggregates statistics on all tables in the database on each CN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_dn_stat_all_tables()
Description: Collects statistics on all tables in the database on each DN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_cn_stat_all_tables()
Description: Collects statistics on all tables in the database on each CN. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_all_indexes()
Description: Aggregates statistics on all indexes in the database on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_all_indexes()
Description: Collects statistics on all indexes in the database on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_sys_tables()
Description: Aggregates statistics on the system catalogs of all the namespaces in the pg_catalog or information_schema schema on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_sys_tables()
Description: Collects statistics on the system catalogs of all the namespaces in the pg_catalog or information_schema schema on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_sys_indexes()
Description: Aggregates index status information about all system catalogs in the pg_catalog or information_schema schema on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_sys_indexes()
Description: Collects index status information about all system catalogs in the pg_catalog or information_schema schema on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_user_tables()
Description: Aggregates status information about user-defined ordinary tables in all namespaces. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_user_tables()
Description: Collects status information about user-defined ordinary tables in all namespaces. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_user_indexes()
Description: Aggregates status information about the indexes of user-defined ordinary tables in all databases. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_user_indexes()
Description: Collects status information about the indexes of user-defined ordinary tables in all databases. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_database()
Description: Aggregates statistics on databases on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_database_conflicts()
Description: Collects statistics on databases on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_xact_all_tables()
Description: Aggregates transaction status information about all ordinary tables and TOAST tables in namespaces. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_xact_all_tables()
Description: Collects transaction status information about all ordinary tables and TOAST tables in the namespace. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_xact_sys_tables()
Description: Aggregates transaction status information about system catalogs in namespaces on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_xact_sys_tables()
Description: Collects transaction status information about system catalogs in namespaces on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_xact_user_tables()
Description: Aggregates transaction status information about user tables in namespaces on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_stat_xact_user_tables()
Description: Collects transaction status information about user tables in namespaces on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_user_functions()
Description: Aggregates transaction status information about user-defined functions in namespaces on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_xact_user_functions()
Description: Collects transaction status information about user-defined functions in namespaces on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_stat_bad_block()
Description: Aggregates information about the failure to read files such as tables and indexes on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_file_redo_iostat()
Description: Collects information about the failure to read files such as tables and indexes on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_file_iostat()
Description: Aggregates I/O statistics on data files on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_locks()
Description: Aggregates lock information on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_replication_slots()
Description: Aggregates logical replication information on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_bgwriter_stat()
Description: Aggregates statistics on the backend write process activities on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_replication_stat()
Description: Aggregates status information about log synchronization on all nodes, such as the location where the sender sends logs and the location where the receiver receives logs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_pooler_status()
Description: Aggregates cache connection status in the pooler on all CNs. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_transactions_running_xacts()
Description: Aggregates information about running transactions on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_transactions_running_xacts()
Description: Collects information about running transactions on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_transactions_prepared_xacts()
Description: Aggregates information about transactions that are currently prepared for two-phase commit on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_transactions_prepared_xacts()
Description: Collects information about transactions that are currently prepared for two-phase commit on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_statement()
Description: Aggregates the status of historical statements executed on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin or sysadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_statement_count()
Description: Aggregates SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and response time information (TOTAL, AVG, MIN, and MAX) on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_config_settings()
Description: Aggregates GUC parameter settings on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_wait_events()
Description: Aggregates status information about the wait events on each node. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_statement_responsetime_percentile()
Description: Obtains the response time distribution for 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_summary_user_login()
Description: Collects statistics on the number of user login and logout times on each node in the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_record_reset_time()
Description: Aggregates statistics on reset (restart, primary-standby switchover, and database deletion) time in the cluster. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.track_memory_context(context_list text)
Description: Sets the memory context whose memory application details need to be collected. The input parameter contains the memory context names, which are separated by commas (,), for example, ThreadTopMemoryContext, SessionCacheMemoryContext. Note that the memory context names are context-sensitive. In addition, the length of a single memory context is 63, and the exceeded part is truncated. The maximum number of memory contexts for collection at a time is 16. If the number of memory contexts exceeds 16, the setting fails. Each time this function is called, the previous collection result is cleared. When the input parameter is set to "", the collection function is disabled. Only the initial user or a user with the monadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: Boolean
- DBE_PERF.track_memory_context_detail()
Description: Obtains the memory application details of the memory context specified by the DBE_PERF.track_memory_context function. For details, see the DBE_PERF.track_memory_context_detail view. Only the initial user or a user with the monadmin permission can execute this function.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.global_io_wait_info()
Description: Queries real-time I/O control statistics on all CNs and DNs.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_get_mem_mbytes_reserved(tid)
Description: Collects statistics on variables related to resource management, which is used only for fault locating.
Parameter: thread ID
Return type: text
- gs_wlm_user_resource_info(name text)
Description: Queries a user's resource quota and resource usage. Common users can query only their own information. Administrators can query information about all users.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_get_file_stat()
Description: Collects statistics on data file I/Os to indicate I/O performance and detect performance problems such as abnormal I/O operations.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_get_redo_stat()
Description: Displays statistics on the replay of session thread logs.
Return type: record
- pg_stat_get_status(int8)
Description: Tests the block waiting status about the backend thread and auxiliary thread of the current instance.
Return type: record
- get_local_rel_iostat()
Description: Queries the accumulated I/O status of data files on the current node.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.get_global_rel_iostat()
Description: Aggregates I/O statistics on data files on all nodes. After a cluster is created, by default, you must have the monadmin permission to query this function.
Return type: record
- pg_catalog.plancache_status()
Description: Displays status information about the global plan cache on the current node. The information returned by the function is the same as that in GLOBAL_PLANCACHE_STATUS.
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.global_plancache_status()
Description: Displays status information about the global plan cache on all nodes. For details about the information returned by the function, see GLOBAL_PLANCACHE_STATUS.
Return type: record
- pg_catalog.prepare_statement_status() (Discarded)
Description: Displays status information about the PREPARE statement on the current node. The information returned by the function is the same as that in GLOBAL_PREPARE_STATEMENT_STATUS (Discarded).
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.global_prepare_statement_status() (Discarded)
Description: Displays status information about the PREPARE statement on all nodes. For details about the information returned by the function, see GLOBAL_PREPARE_STATEMENT_STATUS (Discarded).
Return type: record
- DBE_PERF.global_threadpool_status()
Description: Displays status information about worker threads and sessions in thread pools on all nodes. For details about the information returned by the function, see GLOBAL_THREADPOOL_STATUS.
Return type: record
- comm_check_connection_status
Description: Returns the connection status between the CN and all active nodes (CNs and primary DNs). This function can be queried only on CNs and can be used by common users.
Parameter: nan
Return type: node_name text, remote_name text, remote_host text, remote_port integer, is_connected boolean, and no_error_occur boolean
- DBE_PERF.global_comm_check_connection_status
Description: Returns the connection status between all CNs and all active nodes (CNs and primary DNs). This function can be queried only on CNs. Permission control is inherited from the DBE_PERF schema.
Parameter: nan
Return type: node_name text, remote_name text, remote_host text, remote_port integer, is_connected boolean, and no_error_occur boolean
- create_wlm_instance_statistics_info
Description: Saves the historical monitoring data of the current instance persistently.
Parameter: nan
Return type: integer
- remote_candidate_stat()
Description: Displays the number of pages in the candidate buffer chain of the instance and buffer eviction information, including the normal buffer pool and segment buffer pool.
Return type: record
Table 3 remote_candidate_stat parameter description Name
Node name
Number of pages in the candidate buffer chain of the current normal buffer pool
Number of times that pages are obtained from the candidate buffer chain during buffer eviction in the current normal buffer pool
Number of times that pages are obtained from the original eviction solution during buffer eviction in the current normal buffer pool
Number of pages in the candidate buffer chain of the current segment buffer pool
Number of times that pages are obtained from the candidate buffer chain during buffer eviction in the current segment buffer pool
Number of times that pages are obtained from the original eviction solution during buffer eviction in the current segment buffer pool
- remote_ckpt_stat()
Description: Displays the checkpoint information and log flushing information about all instances in the cluster (unavailable on DNs, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 4 remote_ckpt_stat parameter description Parameter
Instance name
Checkpoint in the current instance
Number of Clog flushing pages from the startup time to the current time
Number of CSN log flushing pages from the startup time to the current time
Number of MultiXact flushing pages from the startup time to the current time
Number of predicate flushing pages from the startup time to the current time
Number of two-phase flushing pages from the startup time to the current time
- remote_double_write_stat()
Description: Displays doublewrite file status of all instances in the cluster (unavailable on DNs, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 5 remote_double_write_stat parameter description Parameter
Instance name
Sequence number of the doublewrite file
Start page for restoring the doublewrite file
Number of times that the doublewrite file is reused
Number of reset times after the doublewrite file is full
Total number of I/Os of the doublewrite file
Number of I/Os for writing the doublewrite file with low efficiency (the number of I/O flushing pages at a time is less than 16.)
Number of I/Os for writing the doublewrite file with high efficiency (the number of I/O flushing pages at a time is more than 421.)
Total number of pages that are flushed to the doublewrite file area
Number of pages that are flushed with low efficiency
Number of pages that are flushed with high efficiency
ID of the doublewrite file
- remote_single_flush_dw_stat()
Description: Displays the single-page doublewrite file eviction status of all instances in the cluster (unavailable on DNs, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 6 remote_single_flush_dw_stat parameter description Parameter
Instance name
Sequence number of the doublewrite file
Start position of the doublewrite file
Total number of data write pages in the doublewrite file
Number of times that the doublewrite file is reused
Number of reset times after the doublewrite file is full
- remote_pagewriter_stat()
Description: Displays the page flushing information and checkpoint information about all instances in the cluster (unavailable on DNs, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 7 remote_pagewriter_stat parameter description Parameter
Instance name
Total number of dirty pages flushed from the startup time to the current time
Number of dirty pages flushed in the previous batch
Estimated number of dirty pages that are not flushed
recovery_lsn of the first dirty page in the dirty page queue in the current instance
recovery_lsn of the dirty page queue in the current instance
Write position of Xlogs in the current instance
Checkpoint in the current instance
- remote_recovery_status()
Description: Displays log flow control information about the primary and standby nodes (unavailable on DNs, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 8 remote_recovery_status parameter description Parameter
Node name (including the primary and standby nodes)
Name of the standby node
IP address of the primary node
Port number of the primary node
IP address of the standby node
Port number of the standby node
Current log flow control time of the standby node (unit: s)
Expected flow control time of the standby node specified by the corresponding GUC parameter (unit: s)
Sleep time required by the primary node to achieve the expected flow control time (unit: μs)
- remote_rto_status()
Description: Displays log flow control information about the primary and standby nodes (unavailable on DNs, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 9 remote_rto_status parameter description Parameter
Node name (including the primary and standby nodes)
Flow control information, including the current log flow control time (unit: second) of the standby node, the expected flow control time (unit: second) specified by the GUC parameter, and the sleep time required by the primary node to achieve the expected flow control time (unit: μs)
- remote_redo_stat()
Description: Displays the log replay status of all instances in the cluster (unavailable on DNs, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 10 remote_redo_stat parameter description Parameter
Instance name
Start point for replaying the current instance logs
Start time (UTC) when the current instance logs are replayed
End time (UTC) when the current instance logs are replayed
Current time (UTC) of the current instance
Position of the minimum consistency point of the current instance logs
Position for reading the current instance logs
Position for replaying the current instance logs
Replay position after the current instance is started
Number of I/Os when the current instance reads and replays logs
Total I/O latency when the current instance reads and replays logs
Number of data page I/O reads during replay in the current instance
Total I/O latency of data page reads during replay in the current instance
Number of data page I/O writes during replay in the current instance
Total I/O latency of data page writes during replay in the current instance
Number of synchronization times of log distribution threads during replay in the current instance
Total synchronization latency of log distribution threads during replay in the current instance
Number of synchronization times of replay threads during replay in the current instance
Total synchronization latency of replay threads during replay in the current instance
Log replay rate of the current instance
Maximum number of replay logs received by the local host after the current instance is started
Position where the host flushes logs to a disk
Replay thread information of the current instance. If concurrent replay is disabled, this parameter is left empty.
Description: Queries transaction information on the current GTM. This function is supported only in GTM mode.
Return type: record
The following table describes return parameters.Table 11 PGXC_GTM_SNAPSHOT_STATUS return parameters Name
Minimum XID of the running transactions
XID of the transaction next to the executed transaction with the maximum XID
Sequence number of the transaction to be committed
Minimum XID of the executed transactions
Number of the running transactions
XID of the running transaction
- pg_stat_get_partition_tuples_hot_updated
Description: Returns statistics on the number of hot updated tuples in a partition with a specified partition ID.
Parameter: oid
Return type: bigint
- pv_os_run_info
Description: Displays the running status of the current OS. For details about the fields, see PV_OS_RUN_INFO.
Parameter: nan
Return type: setof record
- pv_session_stat
Description: Collects session status information by session thread or AutoVacuum thread. For details about the fields, see PV_SESSION_STAT.
Parameter: nan
Return type: setof record
- pv_session_time
Description: Collects statistics on the running time of session threads and the time consumed in each execution phase. For details about the fields, see PV_SESSION_TIME.
Parameter: nan
Return type: setof record
- pg_stat_get_db_temp_bytes
Description: Collects statistics on the total amount of data written to temporary files through database query. All temporary files are counted, regardless of why the temporary files were created and regardless of the log_temp_files setting.
Parameter: oid
Return type: bigint
- pg_stat_get_db_temp_files
Description: Queries the number of temporary files created in the database. All temporary files are counted, regardless of why the temporary files were created (for example, sorting or hashing) and regardless of the log_temp_files setting.
Parameter: oid
Return type: bigint
- local_redo_time_count()
Description: Returns statistics on time consumed in each process of each replay thread on the current node (valid data exists only on the standby node).
The return values are as follows:Table 12 local_redo_time_count return parameters Field
Thread name
Total duration of step 1. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
- batch redo: obtains a log from a queue.
- redo manager: obtains a log from a queue.
- redo worker: obtains a log from a queue.
- trxn manager: reads a log from a queue.
- trxn worker: reads a log from a queue.
- read worker: reads an Xlog page (overall) from a file.
- read page worker: obtains a log from a queue.
- startup: obtains a log from a queue.
Parallel replay:
- page redo: obtains a log from a queue.
- startup: reads a log.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 1
Total duration of step 2. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
- batch redo: processes logs (overall).
- redo manager: processes logs (overall).
- redo worker: processes logs (overall).
- trxn manager: processes logs (overall).
- trxn worker: processes logs (overall).
- redo worker: specifies the time required for reading the Xlog page.
- read page worker: generates and sends LSN forwarders.
- startup: checks whether to replay to the specified position.
Parallel replay:
page redo: processes logs (overall).
startup: checks whether to replay to the specified position.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 2
Total duration of step 3. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
- batch redo: updates the standby state.
- redo manager: processes data logs.
- redo worker: replays page logs (overall).
- trxn manager: updates the flush LSN.
- trxn worker: replays logs.
- redo worker: pushes the Xlog segment.
- read page worker: obtains a new item.
- startup: collects statistics on the wait time of the delayed replay feature.
Parallel replay:
- page redo: updates the standby state.
- startup: collects statistics on the wait time of the delayed replay feature.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 3
Total duration of step 4. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
- batch redo: parses Xlogs.
- redo manager: processes DDL.
- redo worker: reads data pages.
- trxn manager: synchronizes the wait time.
- trxn worker: updates the LSN of the current thread.
- read page worker: stores logs in the distribution thread.
- startup: distributes logs (overall).
Parallel replay:
- page redo: replays undo logs.
- startup: distributes logs (overall).
Number of accumulated execution times of step 4
Total duration of step 5. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
- batch redo: distributes logs to the redo manager.
- redo manager: distributes logs to redo workers.
- redo worker: replays data page logs.
- trxn manager: distributes data to the trxn worker.
- trxn worker: forcibly synchronizes the wait time.
- read page worker: updates the LSN of the current thread.
- startup: decodes logs.
Parallel replay:
- page redo: replays sharetrxn logs.
- startup: replays logs.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 5.
Total duration of step 6. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
- redo worker: replays non-data page logs.
- trxn manager: updates global LSNs.
- read page worker: performs CRC on logs.
Parallel replay:
- page redo: replays synctrxn logs.
- startup: forcibly synchronizes the wait time.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 6
Total duration of step 7. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
- redo manager: creates tablespaces.
- redo worker: updates FSM.
Parallel replay:
page redo: replays a single log.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 7
Total duration of step 8. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
redo worker: forcibly synchronizes the wait time.
Parallel replay:
page redo: All workers replay redo logs.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 8
Total duration of step 9. The process of each thread is as follows:
Ultimate RTO:
Parallel replay:
page redo: Multiple workers replay redo logs.
Number of accumulated execution times of step 9
- local_xlog_redo_statics()
Description: Returns the statistics on each type of logs that have been replayed on the current node (valid data exists only on the standby node).
The return values are as follows:Table 13 local_xlog_redo_statics parameter description Field
Log type
Resource manager ID
xlog operation
Number of logs
Valid values are available for page replay logs and xact logs. The page replay logs indicate the number of pages read from the disk. The xact logs indicate the number of deleted files.
- remote_bgwriter_stat()
Description: Displays information about pages flushed by the bgwriter threads of all instances in the cluster, number of pages in the candidate buffer chain, and buffer eviction information (not available on the DN, except for the current node).
Return type: record
Table 14 remote_bgwriter_stat parameter description Parameter
Instance name
Total number of dirty pages flushed by the bgwriter thread from the startup time to the current time
Number of dirty pages flushed by the bgwriter thread in the previous batch
Number of pages in the current candidate buffer chain
Number of times that pages are obtained from the candidate buffer chain during buffer eviction
Number of times that pages are obtained from the original eviction solution during buffer eviction
The pg_backend_pid function shows the ID of the current background service thread.
1 2 3 4 5
openGauss=# SELECT pg_backend_pid(); pg_backend_pid ----------------- 139706243217168 (1 row)
The pg_stat_get_backend_pid function shows the ID of a given backend thread.
1 2 3 4 5
openGauss=# SELECT pg_stat_get_backend_pid(1); pg_stat_get_backend_pid ------------------------- 139706243217168 (1 row)
- gs_stack()
Description: Displays the call stack of a thread. To query this function, you must have the sysadmin or monadmin permission.
Parameter: tid, which indicates the thread ID. tid is an optional parameter. If it is specified, the function returns the call stack of the thread corresponding to tid. If it is not specified, the function returns the call stacks of all threads.
Return value: If tid is specified, the return value is text. If tid is not specified, the return value is setof record.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
openGauss=# SELECT gs_stack(139663481165568); gs_stack -------------------------------------------------------------------- __poll + 0x2d + WaitLatchOrSocket(Latch volatile*, int, int, long) + 0x29f + WaitLatch(Latch volatile*, int, long) + 0x2e + JobScheduleMain() + 0x90f + int GaussDbThreadMain<(knl_thread_role)9>(knl_thread_arg*) + 0x456+ InternalThreadFunc(void*) + 0x2d + ThreadStarterFunc(void*) + 0xa4 + start_thread + 0xc5 + clone + 0x6d + (1 row)
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