このページは、お客様の言語ではご利用いただけません。Huawei Cloudは、より多くの言語バージョンを追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。ご協力ありがとうございました。
Other System Functions
Other system functions are classified into PostgreSQL-compatible functions and internal functions. These functions are not recommended. If you need to use them, contact Huawei technical support.
PostgreSQL-compatible Functions and Operators
_pg_char_max_length |
_pg_char_octet_length |
_pg_datetime_precision |
_pg_expandarray |
_pg_index_position |
_pg_interval_type |
_pg_numeric_precision |
_pg_numeric_precision_radix |
_pg_numeric_scale |
_pg_truetypid |
_pg_truetypmod |
q |
abs |
abstime |
abstimeeq |
abstimege |
abstimegt |
abstimein |
abstimele |
abstimelt |
abstimene |
abstimeout |
abstimerecv |
abstimesend |
aclcontains |
acldefault |
aclexplode |
aclinsert |
aclitemeq |
aclitemin |
aclitemout |
aclremove |
acos |
age |
akeys |
any_in |
any_out |
anyarray_in |
anyarray_out |
anyarray_recv |
anyarray_send |
anyelement_in |
anyelement_out |
anyenum_in |
anyenum_out |
anynonarray_in |
anynonarray_out |
anyrange_in |
anyrange_out |
anytextcat |
area |
areajoinsel |
areasel |
array_agg |
array_agg_finalfn |
array_agg_transfn |
array_append |
array_cat |
array_dims |
array_eq |
array_fill |
array_ge |
array_gt |
array_in |
array_larger |
array_le |
array_length |
array_lower |
array_lt |
array_ndims |
array_ne |
array_out |
array_prepend |
array_recv |
array_send |
array_smaller |
array_to_json |
array_to_string |
array_typanalyze |
array_upper |
arraycontained |
arraycontains |
arraycontjoinsel |
arraycontsel |
arrayoverlap |
ascii |
asin |
atan |
atan2 |
avals |
avg |
big5_to_euc_tw |
big5_to_mic |
big5_to_utf8 |
bit |
bit_and |
bit_in |
bit_length |
bit_or |
bit_out |
bit_recv |
bit_send |
bitand |
bitcat |
bitcmp |
biteq |
bitge |
bitgt |
bitle |
bitlt |
bitne |
bitnot |
bitor |
bitshiftleft |
bitshiftright |
bittypmodin |
bittypmodout |
bitxor |
bool |
bool_and |
bool_or |
booland_statefunc |
booleq |
boolge |
boolgt |
boolin |
boolle |
boollt |
boolne |
boolor_statefunc |
boolout |
boolrecv |
boolsend |
box |
box_above |
box_above_eq |
box_add |
box_below |
box_below_eq |
box_center |
box_contain |
box_contain_pt |
box_contained |
box_distance |
box_div |
box_eq |
box_ge |
box_gt |
box_in |
box_intersect |
box_le |
box_left |
box_lt |
box_mul |
box_out |
box_overabove |
box_overbelow |
box_overlap |
box_overleft |
box_overright |
box_recv |
box_right |
box_same |
box_send |
box_sub |
bpchar |
bpchar_larger |
bpchar_pattern_ge |
bpchar_pattern_gt |
bpchar_pattern_le |
bpchar_pattern_lt |
bpchar_smaller |
bpchar_sortsupport |
bpcharcmp |
bpchareq |
bpcharge |
bpchargt |
bpchariclike |
bpcharicnlike |
bpcharicregexeq |
bpcharicregexne |
bpcharin |
bpcharle |
bpcharlike |
bpcharlt |
bpcharne |
bpcharnlike |
bpcharout |
bpcharrecv |
bpcharregexeq |
bpcharregexne |
bpcharsend |
bpchartypmodin |
bpchartypmodout |
broadcast |
btabstimecmp |
btarraycmp |
btbeginscan |
btboolcmp |
btbpchar_pattern_cmp |
btbuild |
btbuildempty |
btbulkdelete |
btcanreturn |
btcharcmp |
btcostestimate |
btendscan |
btfloat48cmp |
btfloat4cmp |
btfloat4sortsupport |
btfloat84cmp |
btfloat8cmp |
btfloat8sortsupport |
btgetbitmap |
btgettuple |
btinsert |
btint24cmp |
btint28cmp |
btint2cmp |
btint2sortsupport |
btint42cmp |
btint48cmp |
btint4cmp |
btint4sortsupport |
btint82cmp |
btint84cmp |
btint8cmp |
btint8sortsupport |
btmarkpos |
btnamecmp |
btnamesortsupport |
btoidcmp |
btoidsortsupport |
btoidvectorcmp |
btoptions |
btrecordcmp |
btreltimecmp |
btrescan |
btrestrpos |
btrim |
bttext_pattern_cmp |
bttextcmp |
bttextsortsupport |
bttidcmp |
bttintervalcmp |
btvacuumcleanup |
bytea_sortsupport |
bytea_string_agg_finalfn |
bytea_string_agg_transfn |
byteacat |
byteacmp |
byteaeq |
byteage |
byteagt |
byteain |
byteale |
bytealike |
bytealt |
byteane |
byteanlike |
byteaout |
bytearecv |
byteasend |
cash_cmp |
cash_div_cash |
cash_div_flt4 |
cash_div_flt8 |
cash_div_int2 |
cash_div_int4 |
cash_div_int8 |
cash_eq |
cash_ge |
cash_gt |
cash_in |
cash_le |
cash_lt |
cash_mi |
cash_mul_flt4 |
cash_mul_flt8 |
cash_mul_int2 |
cash_mul_int4 |
cash_mul_int8 |
cash_ne |
cash_out |
cash_pl |
cash_recv |
cash_send |
cashlarger |
cashsmaller |
cbrt |
ceil |
ceiling |
center |
char |
char_length |
character_length |
chareq |
charge |
chargt |
charin |
charle |
charlt |
charne |
charout |
charrecv |
charsend |
chr |
cideq |
cidin |
cidout |
cidr |
cidr_in |
cidr_out |
cidr_recv |
cidr_send |
cidrecv |
cidsend |
circle |
circle_above |
circle_add_pt |
circle_below |
circle_center |
circle_contain |
circle_contain_pt |
circle_contained |
circle_distance |
circle_div_pt |
circle_eq |
circle_ge |
circle_gt |
circle_in |
circle_le |
circle_left |
circle_lt |
circle_mul_pt |
circle_ne |
circle_out |
circle_overabove |
circle_overbelow |
circle_overlap |
circle_overleft |
circle_overright |
circle_recv |
circle_right |
circle_same |
circle_send |
circle_sub_pt |
clock_timestamp |
close_lb |
close_ls |
close_lseg |
close_pb |
close_pl |
close_ps |
close_sb |
close_sl |
col_description |
concat |
concat_ws |
contjoinsel |
contsel |
convert |
convert_from |
convert_to |
corr |
cos |
cot |
count |
covar_pop |
covar_samp |
cstring_in |
cstring_out |
cstring_recv |
cstring_send |
cume_dist |
current_database |
current_query |
current_schema |
xpath_exists |
current_setting |
current_user |
currtid |
currtid2 |
currval |
cursor_to_xml |
cursor_to_xmlschema |
database_to_xml |
database_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
database_to_xmlschema |
date |
date_cmp |
date_cmp_timestamp |
date_cmp_timestamptz |
date_eq |
date_eq_timestamp |
date_eq_timestamptz |
date_ge |
date_ge_timestamp |
date_ge_timestamptz |
date_gt |
date_gt_timestamp |
date_gt_timestamptz |
date_in |
date_larger |
date_le |
date_le_timestamp |
date_le_timestamptz |
date_lt |
date_lt_timestamp |
date_lt_timestamptz |
date_mi |
date_mi_interval |
date_mii |
date_ne |
date_ne_timestamp |
date_ne_timestamptz |
date_out |
date_pl_interval |
date_pli |
date_recv |
date_send |
date_smaller |
date_sortsupport |
daterange_canonical |
daterange_subdiff |
datetime_pl |
datetimetz_pl |
dcbrt |
decode |
defined |
degrees |
delete |
dense_rank |
dexp |
diagonal |
diameter |
dispell_init |
dispell_lexize |
dist_cpoly |
dist_lb |
dist_pb |
dist_pc |
dist_pl |
dist_ppath |
dist_ps |
dist_sb |
dist_sl |
div |
dlog1 |
dlog10 |
domain_in |
domain_recv |
dpow |
dround |
dsimple_init |
dsimple_lexize |
dsnowball_init |
dsnowball_lexize |
dsqrt |
dsynonym_init |
dsynonym_lexize |
dtrunc |
each |
enum_ne |
enum_out |
enum_range |
enum_recv |
enum_send |
enum_smaller |
eqjoinsel |
eqsel |
euc_cn_to_mic |
euc_cn_to_utf8 |
euc_jis_2004_to_shift_jis_2004 |
euc_jis_2004_to_utf8 |
euc_jp_to_mic |
euc_jp_to_sjis |
euc_jp_to_utf8 |
euc_kr_to_mic |
euc_kr_to_utf8 |
euc_tw_to_big5 |
euc_tw_to_mic |
euc_tw_to_utf8 |
every |
exist |
exists_all |
exists_any |
exp |
factorial |
family |
fdw_handler_in |
fdw_handler_out |
fetchval |
first_value |
float4 |
float4_accum |
float48div |
float48eq |
float48ge |
float48gt |
float48le |
float48lt |
float48mi |
float48mul |
float48ne |
float48pl |
float4abs |
float4div |
float4eq |
float4ge |
float4gt |
float4in |
float4larger |
float4le |
float4lt |
float4mi |
float4mul |
float4ne |
float4out |
float4pl |
float4recv |
float4send |
float4smaller |
float4um |
float4up |
float8 |
float8_accum |
float8_avg |
float8_collect |
float8_corr |
float8_covar_pop |
float8_covar_samp |
float8_regr_accum |
float8_regr_avgx |
float8_regr_avgy |
float8_regr_collect |
float8_regr_intercept |
float8_regr_r2 |
float8_regr_slope |
float8_regr_sxx |
float8_regr_sxy |
float8_regr_syy |
float8_stddev_pop |
float8_stddev_samp |
float8_var_pop |
float8_var_samp |
float84div |
float84eq |
float84ge |
float84gt |
float84le |
float84lt |
float84mi |
float84mul |
float84ne |
float84pl |
float8abs |
float8div |
float8eq |
float8ge |
float8gt |
float8in |
float8larger |
float8le |
float8lt |
float8mi |
float8mul |
float8ne |
float8out |
float8pl |
float8recv |
float8send |
float8smaller |
float8um |
float8up |
floor |
flt4_mul_cash |
flt8_mul_cash |
fmgr_c_validator |
fmgr_internal_validator |
fmgr_sql_validator |
format |
format_type |
gb18030_to_utf8 |
gbk_to_utf8 |
generate_series |
generate_subscripts |
get_bit |
get_byte |
get_current_ts_config |
get_global_gs_asp |
get_large_table_name |
gin_clean_pending_list |
gin_cmp_prefix |
gin_cmp_tslexeme |
gin_extract_tsquery |
gin_extract_tsvector |
gin_tsquery_consistent |
gin_tsquery_triconsistent |
ginarrayconsistent |
ginarrayextract |
ginarraytriconsistent |
ginbeginscan |
ginbuild |
ginbuildempty |
ginbulkdelete |
gincostestimate |
ginendscan |
gingetbitmap |
gininsert |
ginmarkpos |
ginoptions |
ginqueryarrayextract |
ginrescan |
ginrestrpos |
ginvacuumcleanup |
gist_box_compress |
gist_box_consistent |
gist_box_decompress |
gist_box_penalty |
gist_box_picksplit |
gist_box_same |
gist_box_union |
gist_circle_compress |
gist_circle_consistent |
gist_point_compress |
gist_point_consistent |
gist_point_distance |
gist_poly_compress |
gist_poly_consistent |
gistbeginscan |
gistbuild |
gistbuildempty |
gistbulkdelete |
gistcostestimate |
gistendscan |
gistgetbitmap |
gistgettuple |
gistinsert |
gistmarkpos |
gistoptions |
gistrescan |
gistrestrpos |
gistvacuumcleanup |
gtsquery_compress |
gtsquery_consistent |
gtsquery_decompress |
gtsquery_penalty |
gtsquery_picksplit |
gtsquery_same |
gtsquery_union |
gtsvector_compress |
gtsvector_consistent |
gtsvector_decompress |
gtsvector_penalty |
gtsvector_picksplit |
gtsvector_same |
gtsvector_union |
gtsvectorin |
gtsvectorout |
has_tablespace_privilege |
has_type_privilege |
hash_aclitem |
hashbeginscan |
hashbuild |
hashbuildempty |
hashbulkdelete |
hashcostestimate |
hashendscan |
hashgetbitmap |
hashgettuple |
hashinsert |
hashint2vector |
hashint4 |
hashint8 |
hashmacaddr |
hashmarkpos |
hashname |
hashoid |
hashoidvector |
hashoptions |
hashrescan |
hashrestrpos |
hashtext |
hashvacuumcleanup |
hashvarlena |
host |
hostmask |
iclikejoinsel |
iclikesel |
icnlikejoinsel |
icnlikesel |
icregexeqjoinsel |
icregexeqsel |
icregexnejoinsel |
icregexnesel |
inet_client_addr |
inet_client_port |
inet_in |
inet_out |
inet_recv |
inet_send |
inet_server_addr |
inet_server_port |
inetand |
inetmi |
inetmi_int8 |
inetnot |
inetor |
inetpl |
initcap |
int2_accum |
int2_avg_accum |
int2_mul_cash |
int2_sum |
int24div |
int24eq |
int24ge |
int24gt |
int24le |
int24lt |
int24mi |
int24mul |
int24ne |
int24pl |
int28div |
int28eq |
int28ge |
int28gt |
int28le |
int28lt |
int28mi |
int28mul |
int28ne |
int28pl |
int2abs |
int2and |
int2div |
int2eq |
int2ge |
int2gt |
int2in |
int2larger |
int2le |
int2lt |
int2mi |
int2mod |
int2mul |
int2ne |
int2not |
int2or |
int2out |
int2pl |
int2recv |
int2send |
int2shl |
int2shr |
int2smaller |
int2um |
int2up |
int2vectoreq |
int2vectorin |
int2vectorout |
int2vectorrecv |
int2vectorsend |
int2xor |
int4_accum |
int4_avg_accum |
int4_mul_cash |
int4_sum |
int42div |
int42eq |
int42ge |
int42gt |
int42le |
int42lt |
int42mi |
int42mul |
int42ne |
int42pl |
int48div |
int48eq |
int48ge |
int48gt |
int48le |
int48lt |
int48mi |
int48mul |
int48ne |
int48pl |
int4abs |
int4and |
int4div |
int4eq |
int4ge |
int4gt |
int4in |
int4inc |
int4larger |
int4le |
int4lt |
int4mi |
int4mod |
int4mul |
int4ne |
int4not |
int4or |
int4out |
int4pl |
int4range |
int4range_canonical |
int4range_subdiff |
int4recv |
int4send |
int4shl |
int4shr |
int4smaller |
int4um |
int4up |
int4xor |
int8 |
int8_avg |
int8_avg_accum |
int8_avg_collect |
int8_mul_cash |
int8_sum |
int8_sum_to_int8 |
int8+1635:1668_accum |
int82div |
int82eq |
int82ge |
int82gt |
int82le |
int82lt |
int82mi |
int82mul |
int82ne |
int82pl |
int84div |
int84eq |
int84ge |
int84gt |
int84le |
int84lt |
int84mi |
int84mul |
int84ne |
int84pl |
int8abs |
int8and |
int8div |
int8eq |
int8ge |
int8gt |
int8in |
int8inc |
int8inc_any |
int8inc_float8_float8 |
int8larger |
int8le |
int8lt |
int8mi |
int8mod |
int8mul |
int8ne |
int8not |
int8or |
int8out |
int8pl |
int8pl_inet |
int8range |
int8range_canonical |
int8range_subdiff |
int8recv |
int8send |
int8shl |
int8shr |
int8smaller |
int8um |
int8up |
int8xor |
integer_pl_date |
inter_lb |
inter_sb |
inter_sl |
internal_in |
internal_out |
interval |
interval_accum |
interval_avg |
interval_cmp |
interval_collect |
interval_div |
interval_eq |
interval_ge |
interval_gt |
interval_hash |
interval_in |
interval_larger |
interval_le |
interval_lt |
interval_mi |
interval_mul |
interval_ne |
interval_out |
interval_pl |
interval_pl_date |
interval_pl_time |
interval_pl_timestamp |
interval_pl_timestamptz |
interval_pl_timetz |
interval_recv |
interval_send |
interval_smaller |
interval_transform |
interval_um |
intervaltypmodin |
intervaltypmodout |
intinterval |
isexists |
ishorizontal |
iso_to_koi8r |
iso_to_mic |
iso_to_win1251 |
iso_to_win866 |
iso8859_1_to_utf8 |
iso8859_to_utf8 |
isparallel |
isperp |
isvertical |
johab_to_utf8 |
jsonb_in |
jsonb_out |
jsonb_recv |
jsonb_send |
- |
- |
- |
json_in |
json_out |
json_recv |
json_send |
justify_days |
justify_hours |
justify_interval |
koi8r_to_iso |
koi8r_to_mic |
koi8r_to_utf8 |
koi8r_to_win1251 |
koi8r_to_win866 |
koi8u_to_utf8 |
language_handler_in |
language_handler_out |
latin1_to_mic |
latin2_to_mic |
latin2_to_win1250 |
latin3_to_mic |
latin4_to_mic |
like_escape |
likejoinsel |
likesel |
line |
line_distance |
line_eq |
line_horizontal |
line_in |
line_interpt |
line_intersect |
line_out |
line_parallel |
line_perp |
line_recv |
line_send |
line_vertical |
ln |
lo_close |
lo_creat |
lo_create |
lo_export |
lo_import |
lo_lseek |
lo_open |
lo_tell |
lo_truncate |
lo_unlink |
log |
loread |
lower |
lower_inc |
lower_inf |
lowrite |
lpad |
lseg |
lseg_center |
lseg_distance |
lseg_eq |
lseg_ge |
lseg_gt |
lseg_horizontal |
lseg_in |
lseg_interpt |
lseg_intersect |
lseg_le |
lseg_length |
lseg_lt |
lseg_ne |
lseg_out |
lseg_parallel |
lseg_perp |
lseg_recv |
lseg_send |
lseg_vertical |
ltrim |
macaddr_and |
macaddr_cmp |
macaddr_eq |
macaddr_ge |
macaddr_gt |
macaddr_in |
macaddr_le |
macaddr_lt |
macaddr_ne |
macaddr_not |
macaddr_or |
macaddr_out |
macaddr_recv |
macaddr_send |
makeaclitem |
masklen |
max |
md5 The MD5 encryption algorithm has lower security and poses security risks. Therefore, you are advised to use a more secure encryption algorithm. |
mic_to_big5 |
mic_to_euc_cn |
mic_to_euc_jp |
mic_to_euc_kr |
mic_to_euc_tw |
mic_to_iso |
mic_to_koi8r |
mic_to_latin1 |
mic_to_latin2 |
mic_to_latin3 |
mic_to_latin4 |
mic_to_sjis |
mic_to_win1250 |
mic_to_win1251 |
mic_to_win866 |
min |
mktinterval |
money |
mul_d_interval |
name |
nameeq |
namege |
namegt |
nameiclike |
nameicnlike |
nameicregexeq |
nameicregexne |
namein |
namele |
namelike |
namelt |
namene |
namenlike |
nameout |
namerecv |
nameregexeq |
nameregexne |
namesend |
neqjoinsel |
neqsel |
network_cmp |
network_eq |
network_ge |
network_gt |
network_le |
network_lt |
network_ne |
network_sub |
network_subeq |
network_sup |
network_supeq |
nlikejoinsel |
nlikesel |
numeric |
numeric_abs |
numeric_accum |
numeric_add |
numeric_avg |
numeric_avg_accum |
numeric_avg_collect |
numeric_cmp |
numeric_collect |
numeric_div |
numeric_div_trunc |
numeric_eq |
numeric_exp |
numeric_fac |
numeric_ge |
numeric_gt |
numeric_in |
numeric_inc |
numeric_larger |
numeric_le |
numeric_ln |
numeric_log |
numeric_lt |
numeric_mod |
numeric_mul |
numeric_ne |
numeric_out |
numeric_power |
numeric_recv |
numeric_send |
numeric_smaller |
numeric_sortsupport |
numeric_sqrt |
numeric_stddev_pop |
numeric_stddev_samp |
numeric_sub |
numeric_transform |
numeric_uminus |
numeric_uplus |
numeric_var_pop |
numeric_var_samp |
numerictypmodin |
numerictypmodout |
numrange_subdiff |
oid |
oideq |
oidge |
oidgt |
oidin |
oidlarger |
oidle |
oidlt |
oidne |
oidout |
oidrecv |
oidsend |
oidsmaller |
oidvectoreq |
oidvectorge |
oidvectorgt |
oidvectorin |
oidvectorle |
oidvectorlt |
oidvectorne |
oidvectorout |
oidvectorrecv |
oidvectorsend |
oidvectortypes |
on_pb |
on_pl |
on_ppath |
on_ps |
on_sb |
on_sl |
opaque_in |
opaque_out |
ordered_set_transition |
overlaps |
overlay |
path |
path_add |
path_add_pt |
path_center |
path_contain_pt |
path_distance |
path_div_pt |
path_in |
path_inter |
path_length |
path_mul_pt |
path_n_eq |
path_n_ge |
path_n_gt |
path_n_le |
path_n_lt |
path_npoints |
path_out |
path_recv |
path_send |
path_sub_pt |
percentile_cont |
percentile_cont_float8_final |
percentile_cont_interval_final |
pg_char_to_encoding |
pg_cursor |
pg_encoding_max_length |
pg_encoding_to_char |
- |
- |
- |
pg_node_tree_in |
pg_node_tree_out |
pg_node_tree_recv |
pg_node_tree_send |
pg_prepared_statement |
pg_prepared_xact |
pg_notify |
pg_stat_get_wal_receiver |
pg_show_all_settings |
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_stat_reset_time |
pg_stat_get_buf_fsync_backend |
pg_stat_get_checkpoint_sync_time |
pg_stat_get_checkpoint_write_time |
pg_stat_get_db_blk_read_time |
pg_stat_get_db_blk_write_time |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_all |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_bufferpin |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_snapshot |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_startup_deadlock |
pg_switch_xlog |
xpath |
pg_timezone_abbrevs |
pg_timezone_names |
pgxc_node_str |
plpgsql_call_handler |
plpgsql_inline_handler |
plpgsql_validator |
point_above |
point_add |
point_below |
point_distance |
point_div |
point_eq |
point_horiz |
point_in |
point_left |
point_mul |
point_ne |
point_out |
point_recv |
point_right |
point_send |
point_sub |
point_vert |
poly_above |
poly_below |
poly_center |
poly_contain |
poly_contain_pt |
poly_contained |
poly_distance |
poly_in |
poly_left |
poly_npoints |
poly_out |
poly_overabove |
poly_overbelow |
poly_overlap |
poly_overleft |
poly_overright |
poly_recv |
poly_right |
poly_same |
poly_send |
polygon |
position |
positionjoinsel |
positionsel |
postgresql_fdw_validator |
pow |
power |
prsd_end |
prsd_headline |
prsd_lextype |
prsd_nexttoken |
prsd_start |
pt_contained_circle |
pt_contained_poly |
query_to_xml |
query_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
query_to_xmlschema |
quote_ident |
quote_literal |
quote_nullable |
radians |
radius |
random |
range_adjacent |
range_after |
range_before |
range_cmp |
range_contained_by |
range_contains |
range_contains_elem |
range_eq |
range_ge |
range_gist_compress |
range_gist_consistent |
range_gist_decompress |
range_gist_penalty |
range_gist_picksplit |
range_gist_same |
range_gist_union |
range_gt |
range_in |
range_intersect |
range_le |
range_lt |
range_minus |
range_ne |
range_out |
range_overlaps |
range_overleft |
range_overright |
range_recv |
range_send |
range_typanalyze |
range_union |
rank |
record_eq |
record_ge |
record_gt |
record_in |
record_le |
record_lt |
record_ne |
record_out |
record_recv |
record_send |
regclass |
regclassin |
regclassout |
regclassrecv |
regclasssend |
regconfigin |
regconfigout |
regconfigrecv |
regconfigsend |
regdictionaryin |
regdictionaryout |
regdictionaryrecv |
regdictionarysend |
regexeqjoinsel |
regexeqsel |
regexnejoinsel |
regexnesel |
regexp_matches |
regexp_replace |
regexp_split_to_array |
regexp_split_to_table |
regoperatorin |
regoperatorout |
regoperatorrecv |
regoperatorsend |
regoperin |
regoperout |
regoperrecv |
regopersend |
regprocedurein |
regprocedureout |
regprocedurerecv |
regproceduresend |
regprocin |
regprocout |
regprocrecv |
regprocsend |
regr_avgx |
regr_avgy |
regr_count |
regr_intercept |
regr_r2 |
regr_slope |
regr_sxx |
regr_sxy |
regr_syy |
regtypein |
regtypeout |
regtyperecv |
regtypesend |
reltime |
reltimeeq |
reltimege |
reltimegt |
reltimein |
reltimele |
reltimelt |
reltimene |
reltimeout |
reltimerecv |
reltimesend |
repeat |
replace |
reverse |
RI_FKey_cascade_del |
RI_FKey_cascade_upd |
RI_FKey_check_ins |
RI_FKey_check_upd |
RI_FKey_noaction_del |
RI_FKey_noaction_upd |
RI_FKey_restrict_del |
RI_FKey_restrict_upd |
RI_FKey_setdefault_del |
RI_FKey_setdefault_upd |
RI_FKey_setnull_del |
RI_FKey_setnull_upd |
right |
round |
row_number |
row_to_json |
rpad |
rtrim |
scalargtjoinsel |
scalargtsel |
scalarltjoinsel |
scalarltsel |
schema_to_xml |
schema_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
schema_to_xmlschema |
session_user |
set_bit |
set_byte |
set_config |
set_masklen |
shift_jis_2004_to_euc_jis_2004 |
shift_jis_2004_to_utf8 |
sjis_to_euc_jp |
sjis_to_mic |
sjis_to_utf8 |
smgrin |
smgrout |
spg_kd_choose |
spg_kd_config |
spg_kd_inner_consistent |
spg_kd_picksplit |
spg_quad_choose |
spg_quad_config |
spg_quad_inner_consistent |
spg_quad_leaf_consistent |
spg_quad_picksplit |
spg_text_choose |
spg_text_config |
spg_text_inner_consistent |
spg_text_leaf_consistent |
spg_text_picksplit |
spgbeginscan |
spgbuild |
spgbuildempty |
spgbulkdelete |
spgcanreturn |
spgcostestimate |
spgendscan |
spggetbitmap |
spggettuple |
spginsert |
spgmarkpos |
spgoptions |
spgrescan |
spgrestrpos |
spgvacuumcleanup |
stddev |
stddev_pop |
stddev_samp |
string_agg |
string_agg_finalfn |
string_agg_transfn |
strip |
sum |
suppress_redundant_updates_trigger |
table_to_xml |
table_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
table_to_xmlschema |
tan |
text |
text_ge |
text_gt |
text_larger |
text_le |
text_lt |
text_pattern_ge |
text_pattern_gt |
text_pattern_le |
text_pattern_lt |
text_smaller |
textanycat |
textcat |
texteq |
texticlike |
texticnlike |
texticregexeq |
texticregexne |
textin |
textlike |
textne |
textnlike |
textout |
textrecv |
textregexeq |
textregexne |
textsend |
thesaurus_init |
thesaurus_lexize |
tideq |
tidge |
tidgt |
tidin |
tidlarger |
tidle |
tidlt |
tidne |
tidout |
tidrecv |
tidsend |
tidsmaller |
time |
time_cmp |
time_eq |
time_ge |
time_gt |
time_hash |
time_in |
time_larger |
time_le |
time_lt |
time_mi_interval |
time_mi_time |
time_ne |
time_out |
time_pl_interval |
time_recv |
time_send |
time_smaller |
time_transform |
timedate_pl |
timemi |
timepl |
timestamp |
timestamp_cmp |
timestamp_cmp_date |
timestamp_cmp_timestamptz |
timestamp_eq |
timestamp_eq_date |
timestamp_eq_timestamptz |
timestamp_ge |
timestamp_ge_date |
timestamp_ge_timestamptz |
timestamp_gt |
timestamp_gt_date |
timestamp_gt_timestamptz |
timestamp_hash |
timestamp_in |
timestamp_larger |
timestamp_le |
timestamp_le_date |
timestamp_le_timestamptz |
timestamp_lt |
timestamp_lt_date |
timestamp_lt_timestamptz |
timestamp_mi |
timestamp_mi_interval |
timestamp_ne |
timestamp_ne_date |
timestamp_ne_timestamptz |
timestamp_out |
timestamp_pl_interval |
timestamp_recv |
timestamp_send |
timestamp_smaller |
timestamp_sortsupport |
timestamp_transform |
timestamptypmodin |
timestamptypmodout |
timestamptz |
timestamptz_cmp |
timestamptz_cmp_date |
timestamptz_cmp_timestamp |
timestamptz_eq |
timestamptz_eq_date |
timestamptz_eq_timestamp |
timestamptz_ge |
timestamptz_ge_date |
timestamptz_ge_timestamp |
timestamptz_gt |
timestamptz_gt_date |
timestamptz_gt_timestamp |
timestamptz_in |
timestamptz_larger |
timestamptz_le |
timestamptz_le_date |
timestamptz_le_timestamp |
timestamptz_lt |
timestamptz_lt_date |
timestamptz_lt_timestamp |
timestamptz_mi |
timestamptz_mi_interval |
timestamptz_ne |
timestamptz_ne_date |
timestamptz_ne_timestamp |
timestamptz_out |
timestamptz_pl_interval |
timestamptz_recv |
timestamptz_send |
timestamptz_smaller |
timestamptztypmodin |
timestamptztypmodout |
timetypmodin |
timetypmodout |
timetz |
timetz_cmp |
timetz_eq |
timetz_ge |
timetz_gt |
timetz_hash |
timetz_in |
timetz_larger |
timetz_le |
timetz_lt |
timetz_mi_interval |
timetz_ne |
timetz_out |
timetz_pl_interval |
timetz_recv |
timetz_send |
timetz_smaller |
timetzdate_pl |
timetztypmodin |
timetztypmodout |
timezone (2069) |
timezone (1159) |
timezone (2037) |
timezone (2070) |
timezone (1026) |
timezone (2038) |
tintervalct |
tintervaleq |
tintervalge |
tintervalgt |
tintervalin |
tintervalle |
tintervalleneq |
tintervallenge |
tintervallengt |
tintervallenle |
tintervallenlt |
tintervallenne |
tintervallt |
tintervalne |
tintervalout |
tintervalov |
tintervalrecv |
tintervalsame |
tintervalsend |
tintervalstart |
to_ascii (1845) |
to_ascii (1847) |
to_ascii (1846) |
trigger_in |
trigger_out |
ts_match_qv |
ts_match_tq |
ts_match_tt |
ts_match_vq |
ts_rank |
ts_rank_cd |
ts_rewrite |
ts_stat |
ts_token_type |
ts_typanalyze |
tsmatchjoinsel |
tsmatchsel |
tsq_mcontained |
tsq_mcontains |
tsquery_and |
tsquery_cmp |
tsquery_eq |
tsquery_ge |
tsquery_gt |
tsquery_le |
tsquery_lt |
tsquery_ne |
tsquery_not |
tsquery_or |
tsqueryin |
tsqueryout |
tsqueryrecv |
tsquerysend |
tsrange |
tsrange_subdiff |
tstzrange |
tstzrange_subdiff |
tsvector_cmp |
tsvector_concat |
tsvector_eq |
tsvector_ge |
tsvector_gt |
tsvector_le |
tsvector_lt |
tsvector_ne |
tsvector_update_trigger |
tsvector_update_trigger_column |
tsvectorin |
tsvectorout |
tsvectorrecv |
tsvectorsend |
txid_current |
txid_current_snapshot |
txid_snapshot_in |
txid_snapshot_out |
txid_snapshot_recv |
txid_snapshot_send |
txid_snapshot_xip |
txid_snapshot_xmax |
txid_snapshot_xmin |
txid_visible_in_snapshot |
uhc_to_utf8 |
unique_key_recheck |
unknownin |
unknownout |
unknownrecv |
unknownsend |
unnest |
utf8_to_big5 |
utf8_to_euc_cn |
utf8_to_euc_jis_2004 |
utf8_to_euc_jp |
utf8_to_euc_kr |
utf8_to_euc_tw |
utf8_to_gb18030 |
utf8_to_gbk |
utf8_to_iso8859 |
utf8_to_iso8859_1 |
utf8_to_johab |
utf8_to_koi8r |
utf8_to_koi8u |
utf8_to_shift_jis_2004 |
utf8_to_sjis |
utf8_to_uhc |
utf8_to_win |
uuid_cmp |
uuid_eq |
uuid_ge |
uuid_gt |
uuid_hash |
uuid_in |
uuid_le |
uuid_lt |
uuid_ne |
uuid_out |
uuid_recv |
uuid_send |
var_pop |
var_samp |
varbit |
varbit_in |
varbit_out |
varbit_recv |
varbit_send |
varbit_transform |
varbitcmp |
varbiteq |
varbitge |
varbitgt |
varbitle |
varbitlt |
varbitne |
varbittypmodin |
varbittypmodout |
varchar |
varchar_transform |
varcharin |
varcharout |
varcharrecv |
varcharsend |
varchartypmodin |
varchartypmodout |
variance |
void_in |
void_out |
void_recv |
void_send |
win_to_utf8 |
win1250_to_latin2 |
win1250_to_mic |
win1251_to_iso |
win1251_to_koi8r |
win1251_to_mic |
win1251_to_win866 |
win866_to_iso |
win866_to_koi8r |
win866_to_mic |
win866_to_win1251 |
xideq |
xideqint4 |
xidin |
xidout |
xidrecv |
xidsend |
xml |
xml_in |
xml_is_well_formed |
xml_is_well_formed_content |
xml_is_well_formed_document |
xml_out |
xml_recv |
xml_send |
xmlagg |
xmlcomment |
xmlconcat2 |
xmlexists |
xmlvalidate |
- |
- |
- |
Internal Functions
The following table lists the functions used by GaussDB to implement internal system functions. You are advised not to use these functions. If you need to use them, contact Huawei technical support.
- smgreq(a smgr, b smgr)
Description: Compares two smgrs to check whether they are the same.
Parameters: smgr, smgr
Return type: Boolean
- smgrne(a smgr, b smgr)
Description: Checks whether the two smgrs are different.
Parameters: smgr, smgr
Return type: Boolean
- spread_collect
Description: Calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a certain period of time. This function is used for data collection of aggregate functions.
Parameters: s real[], v real[]
Return type: real[]
- spread_final
Description: Calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a certain period of time. This function is used for the final data processing of the aggregate function.
Parameter: s real[]
Return type: real
- spread_internal
Description: Calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a certain period of time. This function is used for the process of aggregate functions.
Parameters: s real[], v real
Return type: real[]
- xidin4
Description: Inputs a 4-byte xid.
Parameter: cstring
Return type: xid32
- set_hashbucket_info
Description: Sets hash bucket information.
Parameter: text
Return type: Boolean
- gap_fill_internal
Description: Returns the first non-NULL value in the parameter list.
Parameter: s anyelement, v anyelement
Return type: anyelement
- int1send
Description: Packs unsigned 1-byte integers into the internal data buffer stream.
Parameter: tinyint
Return type: bytea
- is_contain_namespace
Description: Searches for the table name and namespace split location. If no namespace exists, 0 is returned.
Parameter: relationname name
Return type: integer
- is_oid_in_group_members
Parameter: node_oid oid, group_members oidvector_extend
Return type: Boolean
- isubmit_on_nodes_internal
Parameter: job bigint, node_name name, database name, what text, next_date timestamp without time zone, job_interval text
Return type: integer
- listagg
Description: aggregate function of the list type
Parameters: smallint, text
Return type: text
- log_fdw_validator
Description: validate function
Parameter: text[], oid
Return type: void
- nvarchar2typmodin
Description: Obtains the typmod information of varchar.
Parameter: cstring[]
Return type: integer
- nvarchar2typmodout
Description: Obtains the typmod information of varchar, constructs a character string, and returns the character string.
Parameter: integer
Return type: cstring
- pg_nodes_memmon
Parameter: nan
Return type: innernname text, innerusedmem bigint, innertopctxt bigint, nname text, usedmem text, sharedbuffercache text, topcontext text
- read_disable_conn_file
Description: Reads forbidden connection files.
Parameter: nan
Return type: disconn_mode text, disconn_host text, disconn_port text, local_host text, local_port text, redo_finished text
- regex_like_m
Description: Regular expression match, which is used to determine whether a character string complies with a specified regular expression.
Parameters: text, text
Return type: Boolean
- update_pgjob
Parameter: bigint, "char", bigint, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, smallint, text
Return type: void
- enum_cmp
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to determine whether two enumeration classes are equal and determine their relative sizes.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: integer
- enum_eq
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the = symbol.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_first
Description: Returns the first element in the enumeration class.
Parameter: anyenum
Return type: anyenum
- enum_ge
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the >= symbol.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_gt
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the > sign.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_in
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to determine whether an element is in an enumeration class.
Parameter: cstring, oid
Return type: anyenum
- enum_larger
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the > sign.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: anyenum
- enum_last
Description: Returns the last element in the enumeration class.
Parameter: anyenum
Return type: anyenum
- enum_le
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the <= symbol.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_lt
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the < symbol.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_smaller
Description: Enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the < symbol.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- node_oid_name
Parameter: oid
Return type: cstring
- pg_buffercache_pages
Description: Reads data from the shared buffer.
Parameter: nan
Return type: bufferid integer, relfilenode oid, bucketid smallint, storage_type oid, reltablespace oid, reldatabase oid, relforknumber smallint, relblocknumber bigint, isdirty Boolean, and usage_count smallint
- pg_check_xidlimit
Description: Checks whether nextxid is greater than or equal to xidwarnlimit.
Parameter: nan
Return type: Boolean
- pg_comm_delay
Description: Displays the delay status of the communications library of a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, text, integer, integer, integer, integer
- pg_comm_recv_stream
Description: Displays the receiving stream status of all communication libraries on a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, bigint, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint
- pg_comm_send_stream
Description: Displays the sending stream status of all communication libraries on a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, bigint, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint
- pg_comm_status
Description: Displays the communication status of a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, integer, integer, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer
- pg_log_comm_status
Description: Prints some logs on the DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: Boolean
- pg_parse_clog
Description: Parses clog to obtain the status of xid.
Parameter: nan
Return type: xid xid, status text
- pg_pool_ping
Parameter: Boolean
Return type: SETOF Boolean
- pg_pool_validate
Description: Compares fields in the pgxc_node system catalog to check whether a connection is available.
Parameter: clear Boolean, co_node_name cstring
Return type: pid bigint, node_name text
- pg_resume_bkp_flag
Description: Obtains the delay xlong flag for backup and restoration.
Parameter: slot_name name
Return type: start_backup_flag Boolean, to_delay Boolean, ddl_delay_recycle_ptr text, rewind_time text
- pg_stat_get_pooler_status
Description: Queries the cache connection status in the pooler.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, text, bigint, text, bigint, Boolean, text, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint
Table 1 PG_STAT_GET_POOLER_STATUS columns Name
OUT text
Database name.
OUT text
OUT bigint
In non-thread pool logic, this parameter indicates the ID of the thread connected to the CN. In thread pool logic, this parameter indicates the ID of the session connected to the CN.
OUT text
Database connection option. For details, see the options column in Connection Parameters.
OUT bigint
OID of the node connected.
OUT boolean
Specifies whether the connection is currently used.- t (true): The connection is in use.
- f (false): The connection is not in use.
OUT text
GUC session parameter delivered by the connection.
OUT bigint
Local socket.
OUT bigint
Peer thread ID
OUT bigint
Number of reuse times of a connection.
OUT bigint
Peer DN ID in the local CN.
OUT bigint
Stream ID in the physical connection.
- psortoptions
Description: Returns the psort attribute.
Parameter: text[], Boolean
Return type: bytea
- remove_job_class_depend
Description: Removes the job dependency.
Parameter: oid
Return type: void
- xideq4
Description: Compares two xids to check whether they are the same.
Parameter: xid32, xid32
Return type: Boolean
- xideqint8
Description: Compares two xids to check whether they are the same.
Parameter: xid, bigint
Return type: Boolean
- xidlt
Description: Returns whether xid1 < xid2 is true.
Parameter: xid, xid
Return type: Boolean
- xidlt4
Description: Returns whether xid1 < xid2 is true.
Parameter: xid32, xid32
Return type: Boolean
- get_local_cont_query_stat
Description: Obtains the statistics of a specified continuous computing view on the local node.
Parameter: cq_id oid
Return type: cq oid, w_in_rows int8, w_in_bytes int8, w_out_rows int8, w_out_bytes int8, w_pendings int8, w_errors int8, r_in_rows int8, r_in_bytes int8, r_out_rows int8, r_out_bytes int8, r_errors int8, c_in_rows int8, c_in_bytes int8, c_out_rows int8, c_out_bytes int8, c_pendings int8, c_errors int8
- get_local_cont_query_stats
Description: Obtains all continuous computing view statistics of the local node.
Parameter: nan
Return type: cq oid, w_in_rows int8, w_in_bytes int8, w_out_rows int8, w_out_bytes int8, w_pendings int8, w_errors int8, r_in_rows int8, r_in_bytes int8, r_out_rows int8, r_out_bytes int8, r_errors int8, c_in_rows int8, c_in_bytes int8, c_out_rows int8, c_out_bytes int8, c_pendings int8, c_errors int8
- get_cont_query_stats
Description: Obtains statistics about all continuous computing views on each DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: node name, cq oid, w_in_rows int8, w_in_bytes int8, w_out_rows int8, w_out_bytes int8, w_pendings int8, w_errors int8, r_in_rows int8, r_in_bytes int8, r_out_rows int8, r_out_bytes int8, r_errors int8, c_in_rows int8, c_in_bytes int8, c_out_rows int8, c_out_bytes int8, c_pendings int8, c_errors int8
- reset_local_cont_query_stat
Description: Resets the statistics of a specified continuous computation view on the local node.
Parameter: cq_id oid
Return type: Boolean
- reset_local_cont_query_stats
Description: Resets association statistics on the specified continuous computation view of the local node.
Parameter: cq_id oid
Return type: Boolean
- reset_cont_query_stats
Description: Resets the continuous computation view statistics corresponding to the STREAM object on each DN.
Parameter: stream_id oid
Return type: Boolean
- check_cont_query_schema_changed
Description: Determines the schema change status of a specified continuous computation view.
Parameter: cq_id oid
Return type: Boolean
- gs_get_standby_cluster_barrier_status
Description: Queries the barrier log replay information of the standby CN or DN, including the latest received barrier, LSN of the latest received barrier, barrier played back last time, and target barrier to be played back.
Parameter: nan
Return type: barrier_id text, barrier_lsn text, recovery_id text, target_id text
Note: To call this function, the user must have the SYSADMIN or OPRADMIN permission, and operate_mode must be enabled for the O&M administrator role.
- gs_set_standby_cluster_target_barrier_id
Description: Sets the target barrier to be played back.
Parameter: barrier_id
Return type: target_id text
Note: To call this function, the user must have the SYSADMIN or OPRADMIN permission, and operate_mode must be enabled for the O&M administrator role.
- gs_query_standby_cluster_barrier_id_exist
Description: Queries whether the specified barrier is received by the standby node.
Parameter: barrier_id
Return type: Boolean
Note: To call this function, the user must have the SYSADMIN or OPRADMIN permission, and operate_mode must be enabled for the O&M administrator role.
The following stream functions exist but are not supported. You are advised not to use them.
streaming_int8_avg_gather, streaming_numeric_avg_gather, streaming_float8_avg_gather, streaming_interval_avg_gather, streaming_int8_sum_gather, and streaming_int2_int4_sum_gather
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