Updated on 2024-02-18 GMT+08:00

Logging In to OBS Browser+

OBS Browser+ supports login using a permanent AK, account, and authorization code.

  1. If a proxy is required for access, choose More > Settings > Network on the login page to configure the proxy before login.
  2. OBS Browser+ does not support login using a temporary AK/SK pair and a security token.
  3. To log in to OBS Browser+ in the EU-Dublin region, obtain an access key pair (AK and SK) by referring to Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?

Permanent AK Login

In AK-based login mode, access keys (AK and SK) are used for login authentication. You need to enter the AK and SK for login.

To access OBS using access keys as an IAM user, the programmatic access must be enabled by the account. For details, see Viewing or Modifying IAM User Information.

Figure 1 AK login

Table 1 Login parameters


Mandatory (Yes/No)


Account Name


Account names are used to differentiate login accounts of OBS Browser+, which do not have to be the same as your cloud service account.



Support for the default HUAWEI CLOUD OBS or other object storage services compatible with HUAWEI CLOUD OBS.

  • HUAWEI CLOUD OBS (default): Selecting this option allows operations on buckets in all regions available on HUAWEI CLOUD.
  • Other object storage services: With this option selected, you need to specify the corresponding service address (endpoint of the object storage service), either the global or regional domain name.

Access Key ID & Secret Access Key


AK login leverages the access key authentication mechanism of IAM. You can click Obtain Access Keys on the login page to jump to the IAM console and create access keys. More information about access keys (AK and SK) is provided as follows:

  • An access key ID (AK) defines a user that accesses the OBS system. An AK belongs to only one user, but one user can have multiple AKs. OBS identifies users through access key IDs.
  • A secret access key (SK) is the key used by users to access OBS. It is the authentication information generated based on the AK and the request header. An SK matches an AK, and they group into a pair.

How Do I Obtain Access Keys?

Access Path


You can enter a frequently used path in the text box, so that you will be directed to the path upon login. Example: obs://bucketName/folder01/

Remember my access keys


If you select this option, the access keys (both AK and SK) are saved. You do not need to enter the access keys upon next login. To avoid account information leakage, deselect this option on a temporary computer.

  • OBS Browser+ can keep the login information of up to 100 accounts.
  • If a proxy is required to access your network environment, configure the network proxy before login.

Account Login

You can also use your cloud account and password for login. In this login mode, you only need to enter the registered cloud account name, IAM user name, and password, relieving you from the troubles of recording the complex access keys.

Login with account varies depending on the account type. Before login, check whether you are using a Huawei Cloud account, a Huawei ID, or an account of a service provider.

To find out the differences between account types, visit relationships between accounts. You can also log in to the Huawei Cloud console to check the account type you are using.

1. Login with a Huawei Cloud Account

You can log in to OBS Browser+ using your Huawei Cloud account or an IAM user created by your account. To create an IAM user, see Creating a User and Granting OBS Permissions.

  • Login with an account
    Figure 2 Logging in to OBS Browser+ with a Huawei Cloud account

    Table 2 Parameter description


    Mandatory (Yes/No)


    Account name


    Name of the account registered with Huawei Cloud. Mobile numbers or email addresses are not supported.



    Password of your Huawei Cloud account.

  • Login as an IAM user
    Figure 3 Logging in to OBS Browser+ as an IAM user

    Table 3 Parameter description


    Mandatory (Yes/No)


    Account name


    Name of the account registered with Huawei Cloud. Mobile numbers or email addresses are not supported.

    IAM user name


    Name of the IAM user created by your Huawei Cloud account.



    Password of the IAM user.

2. Login with a Huawei ID

You cannot directly log in to OBS Browser+ with a Huawei ID. You are advised to create an IAM user using your Huawei ID, and then log in to OBS Browser+ as the IAM user. For details, see Creating a User and Granting OBS Permissions.

Figure 4 Logging in to OBS Browser+ as an IAM user

Table 4 Parameter description


Mandatory (Yes/No)


Account name


Name of the Huawei ID registered. Mobile numbers or email addresses are not supported.

IAM user name


Name of the IAM user created by your Huawei ID.



Password of the IAM user.

3. Login with the Account of a Service Provider

  • Login with the account of a service provider
    Figure 5 Logging in to OBS Browser+ with the account of a service provider

    Table 5 Parameter description


    Mandatory (Yes/No)


    IAM address


    IAM service address of the provider.

    OBS address


    Object storage service address provided by the provider. You can enter either the global domain name or regional domain name.

    Account name


    Account name registered with the service provider. Mobile numbers or email addresses are not supported.



    Password of the account.

  • Login as an IAM user
    Figure 6 Logging in to OBS Browser+ as an IAM user of a service provider

    Table 6 Parameter description


    Mandatory (Yes/No)


    IAM address


    IAM service address of the provider.

    OBS address


    Object storage service address provided by the provider. You can enter either the global domain name or regional domain name.

    Account name


    Account name registered with the service provider. Mobile numbers or email addresses are not supported.

    IAM user name


    Name of the IAM user created by the account of the service provider.



    Password of the IAM user.

Authorization Code Login

You can also use the shared URL and access code of an OBS folder to log in to the client and access the shared folder.

Figure 7 Authorization code login
Table 7 Login parameters


Mandatory (Yes/No)


Authorization Code


An authorization code can be a shared folder URL generated on OBS Console, obsutil, or OBS Browser+.

Access Code


The six-digit code specified when generating the URL for sharing.

  • OBS Browser+ does not support the query or deletion of historically authorized login information.
  • OBS Browser+ will automatically delete expired authorization codes.