Updated on 2024-08-30 GMT+08:00

Buying a DataArts DataService Exclusive Cluster Incremental Package

This package corresponds to a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster. When you create a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster incremental package, the system automatically creates a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster based on your selected specifications.

DataArts DataService is a standard data service platform that allows you to generate data APIs quickly from data tables. Using the APIs, you can open your data in a simple, fast, low-cost, and secure way. To use DataArts DataService, you must create a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster first.

A DataArts Studio instance does not contain a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster. To use DataArts DataService, you must create a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster incremental package.


  • You can locate a DataArts Studio instance, click More, and select View Packages to view your incremental packages.

Buying a DataArts DataService Exclusive Cluster

  1. Locate an enabled instance and click Buy.
  2. On the displayed page, set parameters based on Table 1.

    Table 1 Parameters for buying an exclusive DataArts DataService instance




    Select DataArts DataService.

    Billing Mode

    Currently, Yearly/Monthly is supported.


    The workspace for which you want to use the incremental package. For example, if you want to use DataArts DataService Exclusive in workspace A of the DataArts Studio instance, select workspace A. After you buy an exclusive DataArts DataService cluster, you can view it in workspace A.

    If you want to use the cluster in other workspaces, you can share it with those workspaces by referring to Managing Cluster Sharing.


    When you buy a DataArts Studio instance or incremental package for the first time, you can select any available AZ.

    When you buy another DataArts Studio instance or incremental package, determine whether to deploy your resources in the same AZ based on your DR and network latency demands.
    • If your application requires good DR capability, deploy resources in different AZs in the same region.
    • If your application requires a low network latency between instances, deploy resources in the same AZ.

    For details, see Regions and AZs.




    A description of the exclusive DataArts DataService cluster.


    Cluster version of the exclusive DataArts DataService cluster.

    Cluster Details

    The number of APIs supported varies depending on the instance specifications.

    Public Address

    Enable this function. When the cluster is created, a new EIP is automatically bound to the cluster. You can use this EIP to call the APIs of the exclusive cluster. The EIP assigned through this function is free.

    If you want to call APIs locally or across networks, you are advised to enable this function. If you do not enable this function during cluster creation, you cannot bind an EIP to the cluster later.


    Bandwidth range on the Internet.


    VPC, subnet, and security group to which the DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster in the DataArts Studio instance belongs.

    Cloud resources (such as ECSs) within the same VPC, subnet, and security group can call APIs using the private IP address of the DataArts DataService Exclusive instance. Deploy the DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster in the same VPC, subnet, and security group as your other services to facilitate network configuration and secure network access.

    For details about the operations on VPCs, subnets, and security groups, see Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

    • After a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster is created, the VPC, subnet, and security group of the cluster cannot be changed. Exercise caution when setting them during the cluster creation.
    • If Enabling the public IP address is selected, the security group must allow access from ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) in the inbound direction.
    • You can select a VPC subnet shared by the VPC owner when you buy a DataArts DataService Exclusive cluster. Through VPC subnet sharing, you can easily configure and manage multiple accounts' resources at low costs. For details about how to share a VPC subnet, see VPC Sharing.


    Security Group

    Managing Cluster Resources Using an Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project associated with the exclusive DataArts DataService cluster. An enterprise project facilitates management of cloud resources. For details, see Enterprise Management User Guide.



    Required Duration


  3. Click buy Now, confirm the settings, and click Next.