Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Flow Analysis

By analyzing the access paths of IVR flows, you can learn about the common access paths of users and ensure that these access paths remain unchanged when adjusting flows.

You can analyze the traffic of each node to learn about the traffic information of each node or business, find out inefficient menu nodes and business flows, and identify the weaknesses of the IVR design.

You can view the non-direct call information to learn about the operations performed by users on a node and optimize the node accordingly.

You can also learn about the proportion of the traffic of a subnode to the outgoing traffic of its upper-layer node.


  • You have the IVR Analysis > Flow Analysis menu permission.
  • The IVR analysis and intelligent IVR features have been enabled for the tenant space.
  • The chatbot flow to be analyzed has call records in the query time range.


  1. Sign in to the AICC and choose IVR Analysis > Flow Analysis.
  2. Set the access code, version name, and time range in the filter criteria boxes and press Enter. The query result is displayed, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 1 Flow Analysis

    A scheduled task collects statistics on business data of the past three hours every hour.

  3. Enter a node name in the Node Name text box to search for the node. The node is highlighted.
  4. Enable to display the reverse traffic.
  5. Double-click a node in the flowchart to go to the corresponding node analysis page.
  6. Click the aerial view in the lower left corner to quickly locate specific flow information.

    Figure 2 Aerial view

  7. Double-click the main flow to access the main flow analysis details page.

    Figure 3 Analysis of the main flow

  8. Double-click a subflow to access the sub-flow analysis details page.

    Figure 4 Subflow

  9. Double-click a composite diagram element to access the analysis details page of the composite diagram element.

    Figure 5 Composite diagram element

  10. (Follow-up procedure) Double-click a node to go to the analysis details page. The details page contains the Node Overview, Trend Analysis, and Outflow Detailed Distribution tab pages.

    Figure 6 Tab pages

  11. Click the Node Overview tab to view the inflow distribution chart, outflow distribution chart, node traffic chart, and KPI statistics.

    Figure 7 Inflow distribution
    • Direct Rate: percentage of direct calls to total visits to the business node
    • Non Direct Rate: percentage of non-direct calls to total visits to the business node
    • For details, see KPI Description.
    Figure 8 Outflow distribution
    • Non Direct: number of IVR calls that pass through other nodes at the same level with the target node or lower-level nodes before reaching the target node
    • Flowing into lower-level menus: number of calls that go to lower-level nodes after reaching the business node
    • Hang Up: number of calls that are hung up after they reach the business node
    • For details, see KPI Description.
    Figure 9 Node Traffic Chart (Number of Indicators)
    Figure 10 Indicator quantity statistics

  12. (Follow-up procedure) Click the Trend Analysis tab to view the value trend distribution chart, efficiency trend distribution chart, and complexity trend distribution chart.

    Figure 11 Value Trend Distribution
    • Direct: number of calls that reach the node through the shortest path
    • Non Direct: number of IVR calls that pass through other nodes at the same level with the target node or lower-level nodes before reaching the target node
    • Visits: total number of calls that reach the business node
    • Hang Up: number of calls that are hung up after they reach the business node
    • Number of Successes: number of calls with successful business handling, consultation, or query
    • Number of Failures: number of calls with failed business handling, consultation, or query
    • For details, see KPI Description.
    Figure 12 Efficiency Trend Distribution
    • Direct Rate: percentage of direct calls to total visits to the business node
    • Non Direct Rate: percentage of non-direct calls to total visits to the business node
    • Hang Up Rate: percentage of calls that are hung up to total visits to the business node
    • Success rate: percentage of calls with successful business handling, consultation, or query to total visits
    • Failure Rate: percentage of calls with failed business handling, consultation, or query to total visits
    • For details, see KPI Description.
    Figure 13 Complexity Trend Distribution
    • Rehear: Rehear, Rehear Once, and Rehear Twice
    • Rehear: number of nodes on which voices are replayed
    • Rehear Once: number of nodes on which voices are replayed once
    • Rehear Twice: number of nodes on which voices are replayed twice
    • Rehear Rate: percentage of nodes on which voices are replayed to total visits
    • Average Service Duration: average duration of business handling, query, or consultation on a business node
    • Average Path Length: Path length refers to the number of business nodes which calls pass through before reaching the target business node. Average Path Length indicates the proportion of the total path length to total node visits.
    • For details, see KPI Description.

  13. (Follow-up procedure) Click the Outflow Detailed Distribution tab to view the detailed outflow distribution based on an amount chart and a percentage chart.

    Figure 14 Outflow detailed distribution amount
    Figure 15 Outflow detailed distribution percentage

    The preceding figures show the outflow distribution of a node, for example, from node A to node B by pressing key 1 or key 2.