Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

KPI Analysis

You can analyze and export information about IVR KPIs including Calls Volume, IVR Repeat Calls, IVR One-time Resolution Rate, and Effective Service Rate. You can also view Node Overview, Trend Analysis, and Outbound Detailed Distribution for each KPI through KPI drilling.


  • You have the IVR Analysis > KPI Analysis menu permission.
  • The IVR analysis and intelligent IVR features have been enabled for the tenant space.
  • The chatbot flow to be analyzed has call records in the query time range.


  1. Sign in to the AICC and choose IVR Analysis > KPI Analysis.
  2. Set the access code, version name, and time range and press Enter.

    Figure 1 KPI Analysis

    MoM indicates the value of the KPI in the previous month. For example, if the current query time range is June 1 to June 5, MoM is the value of the KPI of the time range from May 1 to May 5.

  3. Click a bar on the Calls Volume tab page to view the number of node visits.

    Figure 2 Bar chart

  4. Click a bar in the bar chart of node visits to view node details. For details, see Flow Analysis.

    Figure 3 Bar chart of node visits

  5. In the Extended Metrics area, click to select required KPIs.

    Figure 4 Column Configuration

  6. Click to download information about extended KPIs.

    For details about the KPIs involved in this section, see KPI Description.