Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Common Concepts

Table 1 Concept list



Task-oriented chatbot

Completes tasks with clear objectives such as booking flight tickets, ordering meals, and subscribing to the RBT service.

Q&A chatbot

Provides answers based on users' questions.

The content of the answer is more knowledge-based rather than user-oriented.

The main feature of Q&A-oriented chatbots is one question and one answer. Even though the matching scope can be expanded through similar questions and answers.


An intention can be understood as a question of a customer. The customer achieves a certain goal such as air ticket booking using one or a group of intentions.


A corpus refers to language texts that a user may say or enter. By analyzing the questions that a user may ask when performing a task and adding them as a corpus to an intention template for semantic recognition model training, a chatbot can better understand the user's language.


Slots are parameters to be collected during dialogs. For example, to implement a train ticket booking intention, a user needs to provide information such as the departure location, arrival location, and departure time. Such information is called slots.


An entity refers to a word that can be understood as a parameter value in text content of a user. For example, such words can be "3 kilograms" and "apple" in the sentence "I want to buy 3 kilograms of apples", or "one", "tomorrow", and "Beijing" in the sentence "One train ticket to Beijing tomorrow."


A flow represents an IVN task. You need to connect your intentions and voice replies in the entire flow to provide the self-service voice service for customers.

Flows are classified into main flows and subflows. No obvious business logic division is available for main flows and subflows. A recommended scenario is as follows:

Only one main flow can be configured for a tenant space. If no flow is associated with the access code in Configuring a Robot, the customer is connected to the main flow directly.

Subflows can be used in other scenarios.