Help Center/ Data Ingestion Service/ Getting Started/ Step 3: Sending Data to DIS
Updated on 2023-07-14 GMT+08:00

Step 3: Sending Data to DIS


Local data is continuously uploaded to DIS.

Data can be stored in MRS, DIS, OBS, and DLI. For details about how to configure a storage location, see Creating a Dump Task.

The maximum number of days for DIS to preserve data cannot exceed Data Retention (days).

Sample Code

The example code file is the file in the \dis-sdk-demo\src\main\java\com\bigdata\dis\sdk\demo directory decompressed from the package. The compression package is downloaded from the DIS SDK.

Running the Producer Program

Right-click the producer application and choose Run As > 1 Java Application from the shortcut menu.
Figure 1 Running a producer application

While data is being sent to DIS, the DIS console displays DIS stream information. If information similar to the following is displayed, the data has been successfully sent to DIS:
14:40:20.090 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.DISConfig - get from classLoader
14:40:20.093 [main] INFODEMOT - ========== BEGIN PUT ============
14:40:21.186 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.util.config.ConfigurationUtils - get from classLoader
14:40:21.187 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.util.config.ConfigurationUtils - propertyMapFromFile size : 2
14:40:22.092 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ProducerDemo - Put 3 records[3 successful / 0 failed].
14:40:22.092 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ProducerDemo - [hello world.] put success, partitionId [shardId-0000000000], partitionKey [964885], sequenceNumber [0]
14:40:22.092 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ProducerDemo - [hello world.] put success, partitionId [shardId-0000000000], partitionKey [910960], sequenceNumber [1]
14:40:22.092 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ProducerDemo - [hello world.] put success, partitionId [shardId-0000000000], partitionKey [528377], sequenceNumber [2]
14:40:22.092 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ProducerDemo - ========== PUT OVER ============