Help Center/ Data Ingestion Service/ Getting Started/ Step 4: Obtaining Data from DIS
Updated on 2023-07-14 GMT+08:00

Step 4: Obtaining Data from DIS


You can retrieve data from DIS when needed.

Sample Code

The example code file is the file in the \dis-sdk-demo\src\main\java\com\bigdata\dis\sdk\demo directory decompressed from the package. The compression package is downloaded from the DIS SDK.

Running the Consumer Application

If information similar to the following appears, data has been successfully retrieved from DIS:

14:55:42.954 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.DISConfig - get from classLoader
14:55:44.103 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.util.config.ConfigurationUtils - get from classLoader
14:55:44.105 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.util.config.ConfigurationUtils - propertyMapFromFile size : 2
14:55:45.235 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ConsumerDemo - Get stream streamName[partitionId=0] cursor success : eyJnZXRJdGVyYXRvclBhcmFtIjp7InN0cmVhbS1uYW1lIjoiZGlzLTEzbW9uZXkiLCJwYXJ0aXRpb24taWQiOiIwIiwiY3Vyc29yLXR5cGUiOiJBVF9TRVFVRU5DRV9OVU1CRVIiLCJzdGFydGluZy1zZXF1ZW5jZS1udW1iZXIiOiIxMDY4OTcyIn0sImdlbmVyYXRlVGltZXN0YW1wIjoxNTEzNjY2NjMxMTYxfQ
14:55:45.305 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ConsumerDemo - Get Record [hello world.], partitionKey [964885], sequenceNumber [0].
14:55:45.305 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ConsumerDemo - Get Record [hello world.], partitionKey [910960], sequenceNumber [1].
14:55:46.359 [main] INFOcom.bigdata.dis.sdk.demo.ConsumerDemo - Get Record [hello world.], partitionKey [528377], sequenceNumber [2].