Controlling a Meeting
The preceding figure shows the meeting control screen for the host. The Invite button is not available on the meeting control screen for guests.
Operation |
Host |
Guest |
Muting or unmuting themselves |
Supported |
Supported |
Muting or unmuting all participants |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Allowing unmuting |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Muting or unmuting the speaker |
Supported |
Supported |
Enabling or disabling the camera |
Supported |
Supported |
Enabling or disabling beautification |
Supported |
Supported |
Setting audio and video |
Supported |
Supported |
Inviting a participant |
Supported |
Supported |
Sharing the meeting |
Supported |
Supported |
Viewing the participant list |
Supported |
Supported |
Muting a participant |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Disconnecting or removing a participant |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Calling other numbers of themselves |
Supported |
Supported |
Calling other numbers of a participant |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Suppressing feedback |
Supported |
Supported |
Renaming themselves |
Supported |
Supported |
Broadcasting a participant |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Focusing on a participant |
Supported |
Supported |
Raising hands |
Unsupported |
Supported |
Relinquishing the host role |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Requesting to be host |
Unsupported |
Supported |
Transferring the host role |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Becoming a co-host |
Unsupported |
Supported |
Starting or pausing recording |
Supported |
Supported |
Setting continuous presence (presenter, gallery, and PiP) |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Locking the meeting |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Locking sharing |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Enabling or disabling feedback detection |
Supported |
Supported |
Detecting network connections |
Supported |
Supported |
Providing feedback |
Supported |
Supported |
Ending the meeting |
Supported |
Unsupported |
Leaving the meeting |
Supported |
Supported |
Inviting a Participant
- Host
- Method 1: Choose Invite > Add participants to invite a guest.
- Method 2: Choose Invite > Copy details to send an invitation.
- Method 3: Share the meeting QR code when using the Windows client.
Choose Invite > QR code to share the QR code.
Before a meeting:
Log in to the Windows client, click the icon in the lower right corner of a scheduled meeting, and choose Copy details > QR code to share the QR code.
The invited guest can join the meeting as prompted.
The preceding figure shows the screen displayed when the guest scans the QR code using the Huawei Cloud Meeting app. The QR code scanning screens on other apps are slightly different.
- Method 4: Click the meeting topic in the upper left corner and share the meeting information or QR code with others.
- Method 1: Choose Invite > Add participants to invite a guest.
Renaming Participants
The host can change the names of other participants.
Configuring Rename Permissions
The host can configure whether participants can change their names.
Recording a Meeting
- After an enterprise purchases the recording storage space, users under this enterprise can use cloud recording. For details about how to purchase the recording storage space, see Buying a Meeting Resource Package.
- Only the meeting host can use cloud recording. Guests can initiate recording requests.
- The host can enable Automatic recording under Advanced settings during meeting creation.
- The host can click Recording and click Start next to Cloud recording in the meeting control bar to start recording.
After recording is initiated, the host can click
to pause recording and click
to stop recording.
- When starting recording, the host receives a message prompting them to start or cancel recording.
- When the host starts cloud recording, participants who are already in the meeting or who join the meeting later will receive a recording notification.
- When a co-host starts cloud recording, the host will receive a recording notification.
- Audio, video, and shared content can be recorded.
- After the meeting ends, you will receive an email containing a link. You can watch or download the MP4 recording by clicking the link or on the My Recordings page of the Huawei Cloud Meeting Management Platform.
After the download is complete, you can double-click the play.bat file in the player folder to play the video or obtain the video source files in the player\offlineweb\assets\video directory.
- If you download the HD video, the shared content and HD video source files are stored in two folders.
- If you download the SD video, the shared content and HD video source files are stored in one folder.
The type of the recording file depends on the recording settings configured by the enterprise administrator. For details about the recording content, see Cloud Recording Types.
Recording a Meeting Locally
- Before creating a meeting, you can configure the path for saving recordings. Click the settings icon in the lower left corner of the desktop client home screen and choose Recording on the left. On the Local recording screen, click the edit icon next to the default path under Local save location, select a local path for saving recordings, and click OK.
If the path for storing recording files is changed during local recording, the new path takes effect when local recording is enabled next time. The ongoing local recording is not affected.
- The host can click Recording in the meeting control bar and click Start next to Local recording to start recording.
After recording is initiated, the host can click
to pause recording and click
to stop recording.
The recording content before and after the recording is paused is combined into a recording file after the recording is stopped or the meeting ends.
- If local recording is enabled, a dialog box is displayed when the microphone is muted or malfunctions. You can unmute the microphone or continue to record the voice of other participants.
Currently, only the Windows client supports this function.
- The host can choose Recording > Recording permission to set the recording permissions for participants.
- Host only: Only the host can perform local recording.
- All participants: All participants can perform local recording.
- Specific participants only: Select this option and grant the recording permission to specific participants in the Participants list.
Participants who have the recording permission can click Recording in the meeting control bar and click Start next to Local recording to start recording. They can pause and stop recording.
- When the host or a guest starts recording, they will receive a confirmation message. They can start or cancel recording.
- When the host or a guest starts recording, participants who are already in the meeting or who join the meeting later will receive a recording notification.
- When a guest starts recording, the host will receive a recording notification.
- Audio, video, and shared content can be recorded.
- Audio can be separately recorded during local recording. After the recording is complete, an audio recording is generated.
In the meeting control bar, choose Recording > More. On the displayed window, select Also record audio files.
- Currently, only the Windows client supports this function.
- The audio recording is in .m4a format and can be viewed in the local recording file.
- Setting the recording content
In the meeting control bar, choose Recording > More. In the displayed window, set the content to record.
- Adapt to local video layout: Records continuous presence locally. The recording content changes with the local video layout (PiP view, presenter view/dual-screen/full-screen, or gallery view).
- Record only a single screen: Records only one screen locally. If someone is sharing a screen, the shared screen is recorded. If no one is sharing a screen, the video of the presenter or participant focused on is recorded.
Before a meeting, click
in the lower left corner of the home screen on the desktop client, choose Recording on the left, and set recording content in the Recording content area.
- When the meeting ends, the recording is stored in the preset path.
- Local recording supports 1080p.
- During local recording, the shared screen is recorded even when it is hidden.
Shortcut Keys for Turning Pages (Windows)
When there are a large number of participants, they will be displayed on several pages in gallery view. You can use shortcut keys for turning pages to quickly view all participants.
To view the shortcut keys, click the settings icon in the lower left corner of the desktop client home screen and choose Shortcut keys on the left. The shortcut keys are displayed next to Previous (gallery) and Next (gallery).
Viewing Historical Meetings
On the Meeting history screen of the client, you can schedule a meeting again. You can view more historical meetings on the Huawei Cloud Meeting Management Platform.
Configuring a Virtual Background
You can use a virtual background suitable for a meeting.
Click the arrow next to Video, choose Virtual background, and select a preset virtual background or customize one.
- Only images in JPG format can be used as virtual backgrounds. The maximum resolution is 4096 x 4096, and the minimum resolution is 160 x 160.
- To support virtual backgrounds, the hardware of a Windows device must meet the following requirements:
- Sixth-generation Intel CoreTM processors and later models
- The processor model can be identified by the number in the model. For example, the processor model Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU indicates the 8th generation Intel CoreTM processor.
- Intel Xeon Scalable processors (formerly Skylake), 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (formerly Cascade Lake), and 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors (formerly Cooper Lake or Ice Lake)
- Pentium processors N4200/5, N3350/5, and N3450/5 with Intel core graphics cards
- Intel Atom processors that use Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1 (SSE4.1)
- To check the CPU of your computer, click Start in the lower left corner of the desktop and choose Settings > System > About. On the displayed page, view the information next to Processor in the Device specifications area.
For details about Intel processor models and configurations, visit the Intel official website.
- To view the GPU of your computer, right-click This PC and choose Properties > Device Manager. Under Display adapters, right-click the graphics card, choose Properties from the shortcut menu, and click the Details tab.
For details about Intel graphics models and configurations, visit the Intel official website.
Enabling Video Mirroring
When video mirroring is enabled during a meeting, you can horizontally flip your video.
Click the arrow next to Video, choose Virtual background, and enable Video mirroring. Alternatively, click the arrow next to Video, choose Device settings, and enable Video mirroring.
Enabling Feedback Suppression
After feedback suppression is enabled, the system will automatically eliminate the harsh feedback sound to provide a better audio environment.
Enabling HD Video
You can enable HD video to improve the video resolution to 720p on the macOS client.
Enable HD video first under Meeting settings > Video.
Locking a Meeting
The host can lock a meeting. After the meeting is locked, only the host can invite users to join the meeting. Users who are not invited cannot join the meeting.
Locking Sharing
If the host locks sharing, only the host can initiate sharing.
Inviting Participants to Share a Screen
During a meeting, the host can invite others to share a screen or quickly cancel the sharing.
Hiding Non-Video Participants
When there are a large number of participants in a meeting, you can hide the participants whose video is not enabled.
- Method 1
In the meeting control bar, click the arrow icon next to Video and choose Device settings. In the Meeting settings window, choose Video on the left, and select Hide non-video participants in the Video settings area.
- Method 2
Click the settings icon in the lower left corner of the client home screen. In the Meeting settings window, choose Video on the left, and select Hide non-video participants in the Video settings area.
Configuring the Gallery View
You can configure the maximum number of feeds displayed on a single screen in gallery view for better display.
Click in the lower left corner of the client home screen. In the Meeting settings window, choose Video on the left, and set Max screens in gallery view on a monitor to 4, 9, 16, or 25 in the Video settings area.
Setting Continuous Presence
You can switch the video layout as required, improving the meeting experience.
- Currently, only the Windows client supports the floating view and side-by-side view.
- If there are two or more participants, the Layout button is displayed in the upper right corner of the meeting screen.
- Switching the video layout does not affect other participants.
- When the host broadcasts continuous presence, guests view the continuous presence set by the host, and cannot switch the layout, as shown in Figure 1.
For details about how to broadcast continuous presence, see Broadcasting Continuous Presence.
- By default, voice activation is enabled. The feed of the participant speaking loudest is highlighted or is displayed in the main screen.
- Feeds in the upper part in the presenter view are sorted by the time when participants join the meeting.
In a meeting, click Layout in the upper right corner to select a layout.
- Gallery view: Multiple participants are displayed on a single screen, as shown in Figure 2.
- PiP view: The large screen displays the feed of the participant speaking loudest or the shared content. The small screen displays your own feed, as shown in Figure 3.
- Presenter view: The large screen displays the feed of the participant speaking loudest or the shared content. The small screen in the upper part of the window displays feeds of other participants, as shown in Figure 4.
- Floating view: The large screen displays the feed of the participant speaking loudest or the shared content. The floating window on the right displays feeds of other participants, as shown in Figure 5.
- Side-by-side view
- The left pane displays the video of the loudest participant or the shared screen, and the right pane displays the video of other participants, as shown in Figure 6.
- Click and drag the button in the middle of the left and right panes to adjust the pane size.
Enabling Intelligent Video Sorting (Windows)
During a meeting, you can enable intelligent video sorting to preferentially display presenters and participants with videos.
Click the arrow next to Video and choose Device settings > Video. In the Video sorting area, select Intelligent. Then feeds of speakers and participants with videos will be preferentially displayed.
Broadcasting and Focusing on a Participant
These operations are performed on the Participants screen.
Raising a Hand
- A guest can raise a hand in a meeting to request the floor.
If a guest raises a hand, the host and other guests can view the hand-raising status of the guest.
The guest can lower the hand.
- The host can lower hands raised by guests.
Relinquishing or Applying for the Host Role
These operations are performed on the Participants screen.
- The host relinquishes the host role.
- A participant obtains the host password from the meeting administrator or original host and applies to be the host.
Transferring the Host Role
These operations are performed on the Participants screen.
- The host right-clicks a participant who will be the new host.
- The host chooses Assign as host.
If one host is insufficient for a large meeting, the host can assign co-hosts to control the meeting together.
- Co-hosts can set the audio, video, chat, recording, and sharing permissions of guests, rename them, and remove them from the meeting.
- Only the host can set a participant as a co-host.
Disconnecting or Removing a Participant
The host can disconnect or remove participants who do not need to join the meeting, fail to join the meeting, or have left the meeting from the participant list.
Detecting Feedback
Your microphone will be automatically muted when feedback is detected.
If your voice is too loud, the meeting will be affected. In this case, the client automatically mutes your microphone and displays a message indicating that feedback is detected and your microphone is automatically muted.
You can click Unmute in the displayed dialog box to cancel automatic unmuting in the meeting.
You can also enable or disable Suppress feedback under the microphone settings on the client.
Configuring a Name Before a Meeting
Before joining a meeting, you can configure your name to be displayed in the meeting after entering the meeting ID.
Focusing on the Other Participant in a P2P Meeting
When there are only two participants in a meeting, you can focus on the other participant on a desktop client.
Microphone Error Message
If the microphone cannot be found or malfunctions, you will receive a microphone exception message when joining a meeting or being unmuted by the host. You can check or test the microphone to quickly recover the audio and video.
- When you receive the message during the meeting, click Check.
Dual-Screen Display
You can use the dual-screen display on the Windows client.
Then you can view the video of the presenter and participants' videos on two monitors, improving remote communication experience.
- In the meeting control bar, choose More > Settings.
- In the Meeting settings window, choose Screen on the left, and select Enable dual-screen in the Dual-display area. The primary monitor displays the videos of the participants, and the other monitor displays the video of the presenter.
- Click Switch to exchange the video content. The meeting control bar does not exchange with the video content.
Music and Professional Audio
If you require high audio quality, you can enable Music and professional audio. This function is available on the Windows client.
Enabling it will disable built-in noise reduction and adding the original sound control button during meetings.
It is not recommended in noisy environments or for general meetings.
- During a meeting, click
next to the microphone icon in the meeting control bar and choose Device settings.
- Scroll down to the Others area and select Music and professional audio.
- Select Hi-Fi music and Feedback cancellation as required.
- Hi-Fi music: Optimizes audio for the optimal sound effect. This function increases CPU usage and consumes more network bandwidth. A wired network instead of a Wi-Fi is recommended.
- Feedback cancellation: Eliminates feedback to improve audio quality. It is recommended when you are not playing music or not wearing a headset.
- After Music and professional audio is enabled, the Original sound button is added to the upper left corner of the meeting screen.
Click the button to disable or enable the original sound.
next to Original sound to select a microphone to always play the original sound when you are in the meeting.
When initiating sharing, you can choose More > Disable original sound or Enable original sound in the sharing control bar.
Before a meeting, click in the lower left corner of the Windows client home screen. In the Meeting settings window, choose Audio on the left, scroll down to the Others area, and select Music and professional audio, Hi-Fi music, and Feedback cancellation as required.
Always Showing Toolbar
The Windows client supports the function of always displaying or automatically hiding the meeting control bar.
You can enable Always show toolbar. Then the meeting control bar is not automatically hidden.
- Choose More > Settings in the meeting control bar.
- In the Meeting settings windows, choose Screen on the left and select Always show toolbar.
Before a meeting, click in the lower left corner of the Windows client home screen. In the Meeting settings windows, choose Screen on the left and select Always show toolbar.
Pressing the Space Key to Unmute
You can press and hold the space key to temporarily unmute, or double-tap the space key to quickly mute or unmute.
- In the meeting control bar, click
next to the microphone icon and choose Device settings.
- Select Press and hold space key to temporarily unmute and Press space key twice to mute or unmute.
- Press and hold space key to temporarily unmute: Press and hold the space key to unmute the microphone and speak during a meeting. Release the space key to mute again.
- Press space key twice to mute or unmute: Switch the microphone status by double-tapping the space key.
- This function is supported on the Windows client.
- This function is available when the host allows participants to unmute by themselves.
- Before a meeting, click
in the lower left corner of the client home screen. In the Meeting settings windows, choose Audio on the left and select Press and hold space key to temporarily unmute and Press space key twice to mute or unmute.
Claiming the Host Role
The enterprise administrator can set who can claim the host role on the Huawei Cloud Meeting Management Platform.
The meeting creator or host can claim the host role during the meeting.
- After joining a meeting, click Participants.
- In the lower part of the Participants screen, click Claim host and then OK.
If the meeting creator is a co-host, choose More > Claim host.
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