Updated on 2025-02-22 GMT+08:00

Checking the Migration Result

This section uses the PROCEDURE object type as an example to describe how to confirm the migration results.


  1. When the migration verification progress reaches 100%, view the migration results of PROCEDURE.

  2. Go to the Object Correction page, select PROCEDURE, and locate an object in the object list. PROC_REQ197 is used as an example.

  3. Click View Details in the Operation column to view the details and the SQL statements.

  4. Use DAS to connect to ugo in the Auto-ugo-gaussdbv5-tar-1 instance.

    For details about how to connect to a DB instance, see Adding Login Information.

  5. Verify schema ugo_ete is displayed.
  6. On the Objects tab, view stored procedure fe0725_v5r2_670.

Follow-up Operations