Help Center/ Edge Security/ API Reference/ Appendix/ Troubleshooting/ EdgeSec.00040013 Insufficient Top-Level Domain Name Quota
Updated on 2024-05-27 GMT+08:00

EdgeSec.00040013 Insufficient Top-Level Domain Name Quota

Root Cause

This error was reported when the top-level domain name quota in edge WAF was insufficient.

Troubleshooting Methods

  1. Learn the top-level domain name quota specified in each EdgeSec edition. For details, see Specification Limitations.
  2. Viewing Top-Level Domain Name Quotas

Viewing Top-Level Domain Name Quotas

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Security & Compliance > Edge Security.
  3. Click Edge WAF in the upper right corner of the page to view the current domain name quota.

    Figure 1 Domain name quota

    First-level domain name quota = Domain name quota/10. For example, if the domain name quota is 90, as shown in Figure 1, the top-level domain name quota is 9.




The enterprise edition edge WAF is in use.

Buy a domain name expansion package.


Each domain name expansion package contains a top-level domain name.

The basic or professional edition edge WAF is in use.

Upgrade the edition or buy a domain name expansion package.


Each domain name expansion package contains a top-level domain name.