Help Center/ Edge Security/ API Reference/ Appendix/ Troubleshooting/ EdgeSec.00040014 Expansion Resource Quota Has Been Used
Updated on 2024-05-27 GMT+08:00

EdgeSec.00040014 Expansion Resource Quota Has Been Used

Root Cause

This error was generated when expansion resource quotas were in use while the user attempt to unsubscribe from expansion packages they have.

Troubleshooting and Solution

Event Scenario



A user attempts to unsubscribe from an edge WAF domain name expansion package.

The number of domain names or rules used by the user has exceeded the quota provided by the edition.

Check the used edge WAF domain names or rules, delete the ones not in use, and keep their quantity within the specifications supported by the service edition in use.

A user attempts to unsubscribe from an edge WAF rule expansion package.