Updated on 2023-02-28 GMT+08:00

Viewing Devices


After a device is created, you can view the device password and details, force the device to go offline, and edit device information.


After a device is created, you can view or operate the device by referring to the following table.

Table 1 Functions



Viewing device passwords

A device password can be used as a credential for accessing a device.

Click on the right of the Password column to view the device password.

Editing a device

Modify information of a created device, except the product name and device ID.

More > Force Offline

Forcibly bring online devices offline.


This function is applicable only to the online devices that use the MQTT protocol.

More > Deliver Command


Commands can be delivered only when the protocol type of the product to which the device belongs is MQTT.

LINK can effectively manage devices. The product thing model of a device defines the commands that can be delivered to the device. An application can deliver commands to a single device through LINK to remotely control the device. The command delivery configuration is as follows:

  • Select a thing model service that is created in the product to which the device belongs. If no thing model service is available, click Create on the right to create one.
  • Determine whether to enable Synchronous Communication. If this parameter is enabled, a success response is returned after the entire process is complete or a failure response is returned when the timeout period expires. If this parameter is disabled, LINK returns a response immediately after the command is delivered, regardless of the subsequent process. If the device is offline when the command is delivered, a success response is also returned. After the device goes online, LINK forwards the cached command to the device.
  • Select a command under the thing model service of the product.
  • (Optional) Set the delivered command field. This field is displayed based on the field configured in the command. If the field is not configured in the command, it is not displayed. For example, if the delivered field is temperature, a text box is provided to enter the temperature value, such as 37°C.

An application can also call open northbound APIs of LINK to deliver commands to a single device or a batch of devices.

More > Reset Password

To change a password, click Reset Password in the Operation column of a device.

More > Delete

Delete a device.

The content on the device details page varies depending on the product protocol type selected during device creation. For details, see Table 2.

Table 2 Description of the device details page

Protocol Type

Tab Page



Basic Information

You can view basic information, including the device ID, online status, and connection address.


The system automatically generates default topics, that is, basic topics, by product ID and device ID. Custom topics are also supported. For details, see (Optional) Adding a Custom Topic for a Device.

Device Shadows

A device shadow is used to store the reported device status and values, which can be viewed in lists or JSON.


Basic Information

View the basic device information, including the device ID, online status, connection address, edge connection configuration, and downloaded EdgeShell.


The system automatically generates default topics, that is, basic topics, by product ID and device ID. You can also customize topics as required. The procedure is the same as that when MQTT is used.

Edge Details

View the resource status of the host where the device is located and the online and plug-in status.

Modbus Configuration

Create a Modbus connection point and policy as follows:

  1. Click the device name to go to the device details page. Click the Modbus Configuration tab.
  2. Click Create Connection Point and configure connection point information.
    • Specify the connection point name in Name.
    • Select the connection point type. TCP/IP and RS232 are supported.
    • Enter the timeout interval of a configuration request, in milliseconds.
    • Enter an IP address of the connection point.
    • Enter an IP port of the connection point.
  3. Click OK.
  4. After the connection point is created, click the drop-down list button and click Create Policy.
    • Enter a policy name.
    • Enter a value greater than 200 as the collection interval. The maximum polling interval is 86400000 (one day), in the unit of ms.
    • Enter a value ranging from 0 to 255 to as the slave site ID.
    • Enter a value ranging from 0 to 65535 as the start address.
    • Set the length of the data to be read. The value ranges from 1 to 65535.
    • Enter a function code. Currently, only 01, 02, 03, and 04 are supported.
    • Click Add Point, configure the point mapping, and enter the attribute name of the point to be mapped. For example, if the attribute of collection point 0 is set to temperature, the 0-bit register value (temperature) is reported. This parameter is optional.
  5. Click OK.

After the policy is created, connect to a device, enable the plug-in, and click Deliver Policy to deliver the policy to the device.

Plug-in Deployment

Before using this function, you need to install the EdgeShell client and connect it to LINK.


Basic Information

View the basic device information, including the device ID, online status, connection address, and downloaded EdgeShell.


The system automatically generates default topics, that is, basic topics, by product ID and device ID. You can also customize topics as required. The procedure is the same as that when MQTT is used.

Edge Details

You can view the resource status of the host where the device is located, whether the device is online, and the plug-in status.

OPC UA Configuration

Create an OPC UA connection point and node.

  1. Click the device name to access the device details page. Click the OPC UA Configuration tab.
  2. Click Create Connection Point and configure connection point information.
    • Enter the name of the OPC UA connection point.
    • Enter the TCP connection address, which must start with opc.tcp: and can contain only letters, digits, colons (:), and slashes (/). Example: opc.tcp://
    • Enter a value greater than 200 as the collection interval. The maximum polling interval is 86400000 (one day), in the unit of ms.
    • Determine whether to enable regular collection. If this parameter is set to Yes, the collection start time is a multiple of the collection interval.
    • Set a security policy.
    • Select the security mode. If you select User Authentication, you also need to specify Username and Password.
    • Enter the timeout interval of a configuration request, in milliseconds.
    • Select a topic for the device to publish messages.
  3. Click OK.
  4. After the connection point is created, click the drop-down list button, and click Create Node to enter the node path.
  5. Click OK.

After the node is created, connect to a device, enable the plug-in, and click Deliver Policy to deliver the policy.

Plug-in Deployment

Before using this function, you need to install the EdgeShell client and connect it to LINK.