Updated on 2023-06-01 GMT+08:00

Integration Configuration

O&M engineers and administrators can create integration configurations. The integration configurations enable you to easily and quickly integrate with existing open-source and third-party monitoring systems to centrally collect and manage alarms of all monitoring systems in a service group.

Creating an Integration Configuration

  1. Access the workspace, choose Business Config > Integration Configurations. On the displayed page, click Create.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, configure the following parameters and click Next.
    • Configuration Name: Enter a configuration name.
    • Monitoring Source: Select a monitoring source (alarm source) from the drop-down list. The current options are Cloud Eye, Zabbix, eSight, AOM, Prometheus, Grafana, and SkyWalking.
    • Project: Select the project that the monitoring source belongs to from the drop-down list.
    • Service: Select the service that the monitoring source belongs to from the drop-down list. Currently, alarms are monitored by service.
    • Monitoring Description: Describe the monitoring.
    Figure 1 Creating an integration configuration
  3. Complete the integration configuration based on the procedure guide of the monitoring source.
    Figure 2 Access Integration
  4. Click Confirm Integration.

Enabling Monitoring

You can enable or disable integrated monitoring sources.

  • Enable: Alarms generated by monitoring sources will be synchronized to Alarm Center of the O&M Event Center. If such alarms need to be converted to events, you can configure transfer rules by referring to Transfer Rules.
  • Disable: Alarms generated by monitoring sources will not be displayed in the O&M Event Center.
Figure 3 Monitoring source status