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Actualización más reciente 2022-11-08 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This issue is the seventeenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Added descriptions that EIPs cannot be used across regions in the following section:

Added Exportación de datos de supervisión.


This issue is the sixteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Optimized description about premium BGP.


This issue is the fifteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the thirteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Supported configuring billing mode and bandwidth size when removing an EIP from a shared bandwidth.


This issue is the twelfth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

  • Deleted FAQ "What Are EIPs?"
  • Added FAQ "What Are the Differences Between Static BGP and Dynamic BGP?" Added billing information.


This issue is the eleventh official release, which incorporates the following change:

  • Added FAQ "Why Can't I Find My Purchased EIP on the Management Console?"
  • Deleted FAQ "Will the EIP Bound to an ECS Be Changed After the ECS Is Stopped and Then Started?"


This issue is the tenth official release, which incorporates the following change:

  • Added information about BGP routing types in section "What Is Elastic IP?"
  • Modified FAQ "Why Does Internet Access Fail Even If My ECS Is Bound with an EIP?"
  • Added FAQ "How Do I Increase a Bandwidth to Be More Than 300 Mbit/s?"


This issue is the ninth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Added description about inbound bandwidth in section "Notes and Constraints".


This issue is the eighth official release, which incorporates the following change:

  • Added FAQ "Why Cannot an EIP Be Pinged?"
  • Added FAQ "How Do I Unblock an EIP?"


This issue is the seventh official release, which incorporates the following change:

  • Changed the structure of "FAQs".
  • Added FAQ "Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?"


This issue is the sixth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Added FAQ "Can an EIP Be Bound to a Resource in Another Region?"


This issue is the fifth official release, which incorporates the following change:

  • Added section "Billing".
  • Added category "Billing and Payments" in FAQs.
  • Added FAQ "How Do I Change an EIP for an Instance?"


This issue is the fourth official release, which incorporates the following change:

  • Added section "Exporting EIP Information".
  • Added FAQ "How Do I Query the Region of My EIPs?"
  • Added FAQ "Can I Transfer an EIP to Another Account?"


This issue is the third official release, which incorporates the following change:

  • Added FAQ "How Is an EIP Charged?"
  • Optimized FAQ "How Many ECSs Can One EIP Be Assigned to?"


This issue is the second official issue, which incorporates the following change:

Optimized sections under Service Overview.


This issue is the first official release.