Updated on 2024-09-30 GMT+08:00

Using CDM to Migrate Data to DLI

On its GUI, CDM enables you to create data migration tasks from multiple data sources to a data lake.

This section describes how to use CDM to migrate data from data sources to DLI.

Figure 1 Process of migrating data to DLI using CDM

Step 1: Create a CDM Cluster

A CDM cluster is used to execute data migration jobs that migrate data from data sources to DLI.

  1. Log in to the CDM management console.
  2. Click Buy CDM Cluster in the upper right corner. On the displayed page, set CDM cluster parameters.
    • You are advised to set the region, VPC, subnet, security group, and enterprise project to be the same as those of the data source and DLI.
    • Once a cluster is created, its specifications cannot be modified. If you need to use higher specifications, you will need to create a new cluster.

    For how to set CDM cluster parameters, see Creating a Cluster.

  3. Click Buy Now.
  4. Confirm the settings and click Submit. The system starts to create a CDM cluster. You can check the creation progress on the Cluster Management page.

Step 2: Create a Data Connection Between the Data Source and CDM

This step uses the MySQL data source as an example to describe how to create a data connection between the data source and CDM.

  1. In the navigation pane on the left of the CDM console, choose Cluster Management. Locate the cdm-aff1 cluster created in Step 1: Create a CDM Cluster.
  2. Click Job Management in the Operation column.
  3. Click the Link Management tab then Create Link.

    Figure 2 Selecting a connector

  1. Select RDS for MySQL and click Next to set the link parameters.

    Click Show Advanced Attributes to view more optional parameters. For details, see Link to an RDS for MySQL/MySQL Database. Retain the default values for the optional parameters and set the mandatory parameters based on Table 1.

    Table 1 MySQL link parameters



    Example Value


    Enter a unique link name.


    Database Server

    IP address or domain name of the MySQL database



    Port number of the MySQL database


    Database Name

    Name of the MySQL database



    User who has the read, write, and delete permissions on the MySQL database



    Password of the user


    Use Local API

    Whether to use the local API of the database for acceleration. (The system attempts to enable the local_infile system variable of the MySQL database.)


    Use Agent

    This parameter does not need to be set as the agent function will be unavailable soon.


    local_infile Character Set

    When using local_infile to import data to MySQL, you can set the encoding format.


    Driver Version

    Before connecting CDM to a relational database, you need to upload the JDK 8 .jar driver of the relational database. Download the MySQL driver 5.1.48 from https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/c-j/, obtain mysql-connector-java-5.1.48.jar, and upload it.


  2. Click Test to check whether the parameters are correctly configured. If the test is successful, click Save to create the link and return to the Links page.

Step 3: Create a Data Connection Between CDM and DLI

  1. In the navigation pane on the left of the CDM console, choose Cluster Management. Locate the cdm-aff1 cluster created in Step 1: Create a CDM Cluster.
  2. Click Job Management in the Operation column.
  3. Click the Link Management tab then Create Link.

    Figure 3 Selecting a connector

  1. Select Data Lake Insight for Data Warehouse and click Next. On the displayed page, set DLI link parameters.

    Click Show Advanced Attributes to view optional parameters. For details, see Link to DLI. Retain the default values for the optional parameters and set the mandatory parameters based on Table 2.

    Table 2 DLI link parameters



    Example Value


    Link name, which should be defined based on the data source type, so it is easier to remember what the link is for


    Access Key

    AK/SK required for authentication during access to the DLI database.

    You need to create an access key for the current account and obtain an AK/SK pair.

    1. Log in to the management console, move the cursor to the username in the upper right corner, and select My Credentials from the drop-down list.
    2. On the My Credentials page, choose Access Keys, and click Create Access Key. See Figure 4.
      Figure 4 Clicking Create Access Key
    3. Click OK and save the access key file as prompted. The access key file will be saved to your browser's configured download location. Open the credentials.csv file to view Access Key Id and Secret Access Key.
      • Only two access keys can be added for each user.
      • To ensure access key security, the access key is automatically downloaded only when it is generated for the first time and cannot be obtained from the management console later. Keep them properly.


    Secret Key


    Project ID

    Project ID of the region where DLI is

    A project is a group of tenant resources, and an account ID corresponds to the current account. The IAM ID corresponds to the current user. You can view the project IDs, account IDs, and user IDs in different regions on the corresponding pages.
    1. Register with and log in to the management console.
    2. Hover the cursor on the username in the upper right corner and select My Credentials from the drop-down list.
    3. On the API Credentials page, obtain the account name, account ID, IAM username, and IAM user ID, and obtain the project and its ID from the project list.


  2. Click Test to check whether the parameters are correctly configured. If the test is successful, click Save to create the link and return to the Links page.

Step 4: Create a Data Migration Job on CDM

After establishing the data connection between the data source and CDM, as well as between CDM and DLI, you need to create a data migration job to migrate the data from the data source to DLI.

  1. On the Cluster Management page, locate the cdm-aff1 cluster created in Step 1: Create a CDM Cluster.
  2. Click Job Management in the Operation column.
  3. Click the Table/File Migration tab, click Create Job, and configure basic job information.

    • Job Name: Enter a unique job name, for example, mysql2dli.
    • Source job parameters
      • Source Link Name: Select the MySQL link mysqllink.
      • Use SQL: Select No.
      • Schema/Tablespace: Select the MySQL database from which the table is to be exported.
      • Table Name: Select the table from which data is to be exported.
      • Retain the default values for other optional parameters. For details, see From MySQL.
    • Destination job parameters
      • Destination Link Name: Select the DLI link dlilink.
      • Schema/Tablespace: Select the schema to which data is to be imported.
      • Auto Table Creation: Select Auto creation. If the table specified by Table Name does not exist, CDM automatically creates the table in DLI.
      • Table Name: Select the table to which data is to be imported.
      • Advanced Attributes > Extend Field Length: Select Yes. The encoding techniques used for storing Chinese characters in MySQL and DLI differ, and the required lengths also vary. In UTF-8 encoding, a Chinese character can take up to three bytes. If this parameter is set to Yes, DLI will automatically create tables with character fields that are three times the length of the original table to avoid errors caused by insufficient character field length in DLI tables.
      • Retain the default values for other optional parameters. For details, see To DWS.

  4. Click Next. The Map Field tab page is displayed. CDM automatically maps the fields in the source and destination data tables. You need to check if the field mapping is correct.

    • If the mapping is incorrect, click the row where the field is located and hold down the left mouse button to drag the field to adjust the mapping.
    • When importing data into DLI, you must manually choose the distribution columns. You are advised to select the distribution columns based on the following principles:
      1. Use the primary key as the distribution column.
      2. If multiple data segments are combined as primary keys, specify all primary keys as the distribution column.
      3. In the scenario where no primary key is available, if no distribution column is selected, DWS uses the first column as the distribution column by default. As a result, data skew risks exist.
    • To convert the content of the source fields, perform the operations in this step. For details, see Converting Fields. In this example, field conversion is not required.

  5. Click Next and set task parameters. Typically, retain the default values for all parameters.

    In this step, you can configure the following optional features:
    • Retry Upon Failure: If the job fails to be executed, you can determine whether to automatically retry. Retain the default value Never.
    • Group: Select the group to which the job belongs. The default group is DEFAULT. On the Job Management page, jobs can be displayed, started, or exported by group.
    • Schedule Execution: Determine whether to automatically execute the job at a scheduled time. Retain the default value No.
    • Concurrent Extractors: Enter the number of concurrent extractors. An appropriate value improves migration efficiency. For details, see Performance Tuning. Retain the default value 1.
    • Write Dirty Data: Specify this parameter if data that fails to be processed or filtered out during job execution needs to be written to OBS for future viewing. Before writing dirty data, create an OBS link on the CDM console. Retain the default value No, meaning dirty data is not recorded.

  6. Click Save and Run. CDM starts to execute the job immediately.

Step 5: View Data Migration Results

This step describes how to view a job's execution results and its historical information within the past 90 days, including the number of written rows, read rows, written bytes, written files, and log information.

  • Viewing the status of the migration job on CDM
    1. On the Cluster Management page, locate the cdm-aff1 cluster created in Step 1: Create a CDM Cluster.
    2. Click Job Management in the Operation column.
    3. Locate the mysql2dli job created in Step 4: Create a Data Migration Job on CDM and check its execution status. If the job status is Succeeded, the migration is successful.
  • Viewing data migration results on DLI
    1. After the CDM migration job is complete, log in to the DLI management console.
    2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose SQL Editor.
      Set Engine to Spark, Queues to the created SQL queue, and Databases to the created database. Run the following DLI table query statement to check whether the MySQL data has been successfully migrated to the DLI table:
      select * from tablename;