Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Adding an Account


  • You have signed in to the AICC as the system administrator, chosen Call Center Management > TenantSpace Management, and enabled the Case 2.0, AppCube, and Customer Center features.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as the system administrator.

    Your enterprise will obtain an administrator account from Huawei after successfully applying for a tenant in the AICC. Use this account to sign in.

    To ensure data security, change the initial password of the account upon the first sign-in.

  2. Add a role.

    1. Choose Configuration Center > Employee Center > Role.
    2. In the navigation pane, select your tenant space and click .
    3. Enter a role name and click Next.
    4. Click Add and select related permissions under Case Management 2.0 and Customer Center. You can also add other permissions as required, for example, the Reset User Password permission under User Management.
      Figure 1 Adding permissions
    5. Click OK. In the dialog box that is displayed, click OK.
    6. Click NEXT.
    7. Click Finish.

  3. Add a case handler account.

    1. Choose Configuration Center > Employee Center > Employee.
    2. In the navigation pane, select the upper-level OU of Default OU and click New.
    3. Set Account, Employee, Email, Phone Number, New password, Confirm Password, and Organization Unit.
    4. Click Confirm to save the new account.

  4. Choose Configuration Center > Case Configuration 2.0 > Case Configuration > User Role.
  5. Click Create on the right, associate the role with the user, and click Save.